I ended up visiting the flower garden that day, but I couldn't afford to hear it was a briefing on plants, and I was going back to the capital with that leg.

For once, it will be treated as an interruption, so there will be another excursion, but the date is still to be determined.

Back at Cortina's house, Finia had boiled the bath and waited for me, and she was ready to eat.

I'm thankful to be able to sweat and eat immediately. There were no words of gratitude for her attention.

Rinse your body, covered in dust, grass juice and bloody seeping water, with warm water and eat with a hazy head.

Cortina got involved as usual in the bath, but when I realized my body wasn't in the book shape, it let me go light.

Finish your meal rowing the boat with Kokukoku and fall into bed at first sight.

Fatigue and mountain snake crusade after walking quite a distance on an excursion. It was a hard day to be honest, hitting more cliffs, falling into rivers and fainting.

Health is also close to its limit, and thoughts are not as clear as they were fogged in the head.

What I recall in that is still the brilliance of the flower gardens I saw during the day.

It was a great sight. I have to go see this again. And he fell into it all over his body.

"Oh, you're not. Ooh!?

I accidentally regained my sanity, and I jumped away.

Yeah, what was I thinking? Cacca in the flower garden. Ugh? I'm not kidding!

All I want is to look like a hero. There's no such thing as a flower garden or a moff.

So what have you been up to lately?

Enjoy the feeling with Cuckoo on your head, go hunting with Michelle and the others in a hiking temper, and wiggle around like a girl in a flower garden.

Obviously, that's not the direction I'm looking for.

"Where did the hard, stoic world go painted on iron and blood?

Yes, I was feeling my arm dull before I went on a hike.

It's not like I don't have enough training. This environment is blunting my senses.

Protected by Cortina, burned by Finia to look after her and spending time with her adorable friends.

That's never a bad thing.

"That's why it's impossible to leave them and go to martial arts training..."

Michelle, Retina, Cloud, Cortina, Finia... besides Maxwell.

Being important to me is no different. There's no way we can do that, like throwing this out.

But as it is, my thread of tension will loosen up.

I have been trying to keep the tension by repeating the hunt and building up a real battle, but lately I have felt warm about that real battle.

"You need some tougher fights... No, I'm getting pretty tough fights, aren't I?

Today's battle against mountain snakes, of course, has become physically weak, so even when dealing with assassins, etc., they are struggling.

I've been in this city for three years, and I've been in quite a crisis at least three times.

Yet my thread of tension is loosening. What the hell is this...?

"If you say it in terms of the quality of the training grounds, there's as much stuff as there was before working with the Lyells in their previous lives. And yet your arms are dull?

Sit back on the bed, arms together and neck off.

If it had been before rebirth, before working with the Lyells, there would have been as many fights as there are now.

My name was an assassin but it was blowing into the world because I had cut through it with my nostrils.

At present, we are diving through a training ground that is very unchanged if we say so in terms of battle difficulty.

And yet my nervousness is loosening.

"……………………… I don't know"

He sits around, scratches his head with gasp and tries to clarify his thoughts.

If it's not quality in action, is it still my inner problem?

At least you can't reach what you're aiming for, like cheering in a flower garden.

"Hmm, what's going on?

There is no better way to put measures in place than to know the cause.

Instead, maybe it's a situation that I can't handle alone. If you think about it, I'm transsexual, and I don't know if there's anyone else in the world who has that experience.

I can't believe you've been consulted on spiritual change there...

"Maxwell's the only one."

Wisdom to do all sorts of magic and so much longevity and experience that even the life of an elf can be exhausted.

I have no means but to expect knowledge and wisdom from that experience.

That old man has the wind of making fun of me right now, but he takes the consultation seriously for once... Sometimes. Maybe.

So far, he's the only one who understands, and we'll have to rely on him here.

If that's the case, we should go talk to him tomorrow.

Fortunately, it was an excursion today, so it's a substitute tomorrow. Let's push it first thing in the morning and listen carefully.

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