We went back to the students while Cortina preached, and we were set to align ourselves without much to blame for the unexpected.

Apparently, Cortina avoided letting other teachers speak out by intentionally showing her the occasions she preached.

No teacher is more livered than to preach further the opponent whom the six heroes Cortina scolded and freed.

The students were gathered in a square near the transfer point, where ordinary people were also mixed.

When it comes to the threat of mountain snakes, there is a small number of places that are completely safe. So the Knights of Raum will rush first, those who have sought refuge in this place.

Dozens of nearby villagers and students from the School of Magic and the School of Support, roughly three hundred.

A square of considerable size, but when so many people meet together, it feels so oppressive that it feels narrow.

That's how Priscilla came to me as we waited in line for the three of us.

Apparently Cortina asked me to come and see how it went.

"So, what happened?

"What do you mean?

"It's a mountain snake! You took Dr. Cortina's operation and headed for a crusade, didn't you? No matter how hard Nicole is, it should be just who she is."


Surely I would have been a difficult opponent on my own.

But only this time, there is super firepower that says Michelle.

Besides, we've even secured a support staff to tell Retina to be cool. There is no reason for Cortina's measures to go in here and fail.

"I knocked you down, didn't I?

"Right. No matter how much Nicole, it's just this time... Yikes!?

"Knocked him down"

Hi. I think I missed you, so I'll pronounce it again.

Priscilla, glancing and dismayed, had an eye for the incredible.

"Um, you're kidding, right? I can't believe three 10-year-olds crusaded mountain snakes..."

"It wasn't the three of us, there was Ka-chan"

"No, even if they counted Carbuncle as a force of war?

I'll explain the tactics I took to Priscilla. I've already reported on the results.

She listens to our operation and blues her face.

"First of all, you can't escape the mountain snake... please refrain from being impotent. If anything happens to Nicole, I'll be scolded by Elliot."

"I'm a little smart. I can't beat you in the woods."

In fact, in the woods with many tips to jump the yarn, the environment is similar to that capital's storage yard.

Fast manoeuvre here is something I'm used to.

If you enter the valley from that state, an immediate containment operation is activated. There were enough calculations to escape.

"And a ten-year-old has fireballed enough to crumble a cliff."

"Retina is a marquise, educated in brilliance. And the cliffs were weathered, making them collapsible. That must have been quite a shock in the past, huh?

"I've heard the euphemism of a giant zombie coming out a few hundred years ago, but to that extent, right?

"Maybe it was true."

How can you say Retina, you can't unleash enough magic to crumble a cliff in one blow.

That could have been a shock before weathering. Perhaps the story of a hero who pioneered this realm was a true story. In that respect, I was lucky to be on my side this time.

"Even if I can suppress it, I can't believe I can stab a mountain snake..."

"Michelle has a great bow of artifact class, and she has the skill to use it. You've heard of him, haven't you?

"That was, well… to the extent that talented hunters were born in the village of heroes"

"That's her. As strong as you can be... well, why don't you check the carcass?

There should still be the remains of a mountain snake crushed in the head under that cliff.

Mountain snake carcasses can be processed into large quantities of meat, so you won't have trouble eating for a while.

Besides, they also leave tough skin and sturdy bones, so disposing of this should be a pretty good forehead. It would have been a delicious extraordinary income for Kevin territory.

Anyway, this time, there has been no major damage.

"Under the cliff, right? As soon as I get permission from Master Cortina, I'll go check it out."

Cortina is also surprisingly free about her behavior.

That is proof of the Raglan family's strong intentions.

Besides, if she is, she has more physical abilities than I do. No, I reinforced it, to be exact.

Priscilla immediately spoke to Cortina and Elliot and left the evacuation destination.

The plan after this was to move further away from the village so as not to disturb the troops dispatched, but I heard the information brought to me by Priscilla and it seemed to be called a temporary standby.

Cortina and Elliott come so that they don't put in with Priscilla.

"Mr. Nicole, I heard you, is it true that you exorcised mountain snakes?

"Yeah, Michelle did"

I answered Elliot with a stuffed expression without any feelings.

Elliot holds his head when he hears that.

"Really... what kids"

"What's going on?

"Oh Reiki princess, I would ask you not to touch the ugliness of the court..."

That's what Elliot told me, that wasn't a good story for me either.

Michelle's rumors had reached the court of the Trinity.

Regardless, there was a move to welcome her into the army, as well as a voice telling the SS to protect Elliot himself.

It was Lyell's authority that sealed them all off.

Because he was close to me, he offered my escort to the court and won Michelle's freedom.

This means that Michelle is mine, and when you get your hands on it from the side, it will even disobey Lyell's intentions.

She can't risk that, so until now, her freedom has been secured, apparently.

But here, I've done enough to stop Mountain Snake.

Only a 10-year-old.

It is a victory that cannot be overlooked, regardless of the various factors, advantages and measures of Cortina.

In the future, there may be more aristocrats moving to acquire Michelle.

Yes, Elliot explained.

"That... doesn't feel good."

"I'm not going to let your best friend go either..."

"Right. Sure this feat is too big...... bad, Nicole. Could you give up this time?

"Give in?"

Cortina, after a little thought, has cut it out that way.

There is a rare, serious look on that face.

"Yeah, if you stay like this, Michelle could get caught up in a power dispute. So, this time, Priscilla decided to implement my measures, and keep them to her credit."


That way, Michelle's accomplishments will no longer be known to people, and she will be able to spend as much time as ever.

Conversely, Cortina and Priscilla will be noted for their accomplishments in the Crusade of Disaster Beasts, where they are now hidden with their former heroes. I don't care what the excuse is.

I didn't want it to be too fancy for me, so I decided to agree to this.

I'll have to tell Michelle and Retina to keep their mouths shut later, too.

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