Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 616, Seagate’s thoughts, meeting old friends

At the gate of Peking University.

Zhang Xuan waited in the car for half an hour and was about to fall asleep when Zhao Lei came back.

Seeing that she was still holding the mobile phone box in her hand, the old man frowned: Seagate confiscated it? Or is it not in school?

Zhao Lei said: It's confiscated at school.

Zhang Xuan asked: Why not accept it?

Zhao Lei said: She didn't give any reason, she just refused to accept it.

Zhang Xuan fell silent as his eyes fell on the box.

This incident did not surprise him. After all, Seagate had already expressed her attitude to him last time when she told him that she liked to eat fried eggs alone. She was not willing to accept sharing her man with other women.


Girls dormitory.

When Jiaojiao entered the door, she quietly asked Seagate: Segate, I just saw the person who was looking for you last time downstairs in the girls' dormitory.

Seagate's eyes widened: Who?

Jiaojiao elbowed her, Don't be pretentious, you know who I'm talking about, a woman in her 30s.

Seagate made a small dimple: That's my cousin-in-law. She works in Beijing and came to see me.

Jiaojiao observed Seagate's facial expression and didn't have much doubt.

Then Jiaojiao stood up and closed the dormitory door, sat back down and said again: Seagate, have you heard about it?

Seagate asked: What did you hear?

Jiaojiao said: I heard from a fellow law school student that the great writer came to Peking University yesterday and invited your high school classmate Mi Jian's roommate to dinner. I heard he ate at the Anchang Club...

An Chang Club!

I asked Senior Sister Zhao Yuan that this is a place that even rich people may not be able to enter. I was so envious.

Seagate turned a page in the book in his hand and continued reading.

Jiaojiao continued: There is more exciting news, do you want to hear it?

Seagate said cheerfully: You say it, you say it.

Jiaojiao said, I heard that Mi Jian, our beautiful lady from Peking University, didn't return to the dormitory last night.

Seagate said nothing.

Jiaojiao was extremely anxious, Don't you want to ask where you went?

Seagate turned down another page: Do you think I'm a fool? You can tell with just your toes.


Jiaojiao looked into Xijie's eyes: Mijian spent the night outside with his boyfriend last night.

Then Jiaojiao said sadly: Such a beautiful person actually spends the night outside with others. I guess many boys will be heartbroken.

Seagate smiled sweetly: We are all women, and they will have to pass this test sooner or later. Those glass pieces will break if their hearts break.

Jiaojiao put her head in: Why are you still laughing? Why aren't you jealous?

Hearing this, Seagate closed the book and pretended to sigh: Teach me, how should I be jealous? Should I go to law school and have a fight with my high school classmates now?

Then let’s ask another open question: Why are you stealing my crush?

If I do this, will people look at me like I'm crazy?

She didn't know what was going on, but Jiaojiao felt sour when she heard that. She reached out and hugged Seagate, I'll treat you to dinner at noon.


Of course it is.

Seagate begged: Then you can hit me every day from now on, and just treat me to dinner afterwards.

Jiaojiao: .

The two chatted for a while, and Jiaojiao went out with a hot water bottle to open the water.

Seeing the door close, the smile that had been on his face just now faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Seagate leaned against the edge of the bed in a daze.

Started to feel dazed.

In fact, Jiaojiao found out the news when she went to the cafeteria for breakfast this morning.

Wei Renjie, a high school alumnus, told her.

At that time, Wei Renjie happily sat opposite her with a basin of noodles.

Said: Seagate, do you know if Mi Jian did, I spent the night outside with Zhang Xuan last night.

Seagate asked: How did you know?

Wei Renjie said: The news has gone crazy in our law school.

That's a good thing, Seagate said.

Wei Renjie said: Of course it's a good thing. Lovers finally get married, and we are still so familiar with Mi Jian. I'm really happy for her.

Seagate said in his heart at that time: Who is with you? Are we familiar with you when you say this?

On the surface, he said happily: Yes.

After sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, Seagate found his notebook, opened it, and wrote: I seem to be really jealous, what should I do?

Sitting in the car, relatively speechless for a long time, Zhang Xuan put away his cell phone in a depressed manner.

He knew that there was no way he could give the phone away this time.

I took out my Nokia and found Seagate's dormitory number. I dialed it twice and got through both times, but no one answered.

Zhang Xuan asked Zhao Lei: Is Seagate full of classes in the morning?

Zhao Lei is a conscientious person and has already memorized the curriculum of the women around her boss.

Including Mijian's, Shuangling's, Lilith's, and Seagate's.

After recalling it, Zhao Lei shook her head: There are no classes on 1 and 2 in the morning, but there are classes on 3 and 4, and there are full classes in the afternoon.

Then she added: There are electives in the evening.

Zhang Xuan understood that either he was not picked up at the dormitory, or he happened to be out and couldn't be picked up.

Let's go, let's go to the mall first. He finally gave the order.


Because something happened to the financial person in charge here, Wang Li is still sitting here at this time.

The first time she saw Zhang Xuan, Wang Li started to complain: You, the big boss, go out to eat and drink hot food every day, but I am here facing the pain of the earth and the sky, haha, I don't even have time to find my husband.

Zhang Xuan grinned, sat down and said, Come on, come on, I'll give you your leave when we're done here. Then you can go find your husband.

Wang Li raised her head: Just give me a leave? When I get married, you have to give me a big red envelope.

Zhang Xuan said generously: No problem.

Then he asked down to business: How is it here?

Wang Li glanced outside through the blinds and whispered: It's not bad, Peng Zhiyong's ability is pretty good.

In just one sentence, Zhang Xuan was relieved.

Question: When will you return to Yangcheng?

Wang Li said: It will take some time. I have to train the financial successor here well, and I can't go back until I have enough trust.

Zhang Xuan nodded in agreement.

Next, Zhang Xuan held a temporary high-level meeting.

After listening to the work reports of various departments, he set an opening date for the mall: September 30.

This date coincides with the golden National Day holiday. The reason why we moved it one day earlier was because we were afraid that there would be too many people and we would be too busy to handle it.

Anyway, there is a big promotion event for the first 7 days of opening, so opening one day earlier will give you more flexibility.

At the meeting, Zhang Xuan gave Peng Zhiyong a task: take advantage of the fact that the state no longer guarantees job allocation, recruit more fresh graduates from colleges and universities, and promote the company more.

Lunch was eaten in the construction site canteen.

The food is okay, with both meat and vegetables. I also ate a handful of meat, which was a fat but not greasy bite. It was much better than my previous days in the countryside.

At noon, Zhang Xuan showed up at the airport on time.

Zhao Lei took out a pick-up sign from the trunk, stood at the exit gate, and held it high.

Sister, brother-in-law.

Seeing the sign held high, Liu Xin quickly rushed out of the crowd and ran straight to Zhang Xuan. After only a pause, the word brother-in-law came out smoothly.

Well, you're here. Zhang Xuan helped carry the things enthusiastically, and then turned his attention to Liu Yi and the other three who were following behind.

Auntie, uncle, aunt. Zhang Xuan greeted.

My uncle and aunt looked enthusiastic.

Liu Yi also smiled and nodded, saying, Thank you for your hard work.

Zhang Xuan happily responded: It should be.

Two cars, Liu Yi and Liu Xin got into Zhang Xuan's car.

Uncle and aunt got into Zhao Lei's car.

On the way, Zhang Xuan asked Liu Yi: Auntie, are you hungry? Should you eat first or go home first?

Liu Yi asked him: When will Mi Jian get out of class?

Zhang Xuan glanced at his watch: Come on, if we get home, she should be here too.

Liu Yi said: Then go back first and have dinner together later.


This was what he expected, and the car took a shortcut towards Nanluogu Lane.

Liu Yi looked at him without any trace, and then asked: How long will you stay in the capital this time?

Zhang Xuan said: The matter is almost finished, there are still about two days left.

In fact, his affairs have been finished long ago, but Liu Yi is his mother-in-law, so she must accompany him well.

Liu Yi looked at the street scene outside for a while through the window, and then asked: How is your mother's health?

It was the first time that Zhang Xuan heard that Liu Yi mentioned his family, and Zhang Xuan felt happy for no reason.

He replied: Thank you for your concern, auntie. My mother's health has been relatively strong these past few years.

As we chatted slowly, the car soon arrived at Nanluogu Lane.

Just as he guessed, when the group rushed home, Mi Jian was already there, taking care of the house.

Mom, why are you here? After greeting his uncle and aunt, Mi Jian found an opportunity to ask Liu Yi.

Liu Yi quietly walked around her daughter and found that her face was rosy and full of energy. She couldn't help but sigh to herself: The bond between Jian Bao and Zhang Xuan is getting deeper and deeper.

Liu Yi had been here last time and stayed for two nights, and was already used to the furniture and decoration here.

When Liu Xin's family of three saw leather on the walls and expensive mahogany furniture everywhere, they were a little dumbfounded. Isn't this too luxurious?

Of course luxury!

This was decorated by Wen Yu according to her family's standards.

And Wen Yu's home has the same specifications as An Chang Club.

Seeing two of the latest Mercedes-Benz, seeing the courtyard with flowers in full bloom, and looking at the luxurious style of the home, my uncle and aunt finally experienced what it means to live a wealthy life.

At this moment, Mi Jian was glowing and happy in their eyes. Even relatives had envy hidden in their eyes.

The uncle chattered to Liu Yi: You are so lucky to see treasures.

Liu Yi doesn't know how to answer this?

Because she knows Zhang Xuan’s background.

In fact, she was in a trance sometimes. When she saw the two standing together talking harmoniously, she felt that Zhang Xuan and Jian Bao were a couple.

But after the trance, Liu Yi felt more melancholy. Now everyone at home and outside regarded Zhang Xuan as her daughter's boyfriend, and they all vaguely regarded Jian Bao as the biggest supporter of the entire family's future.

If there is news about Zhang Xuan and Du Shuangling in the future, how will it end?

Thinking of that scene, Liu Yi didn't know what to do?

Every time his thoughts came to this point, Liu Yi, who was stymied by reality, felt a little regretful: she should have firmly opposed the unclear relationship between the two.

In the dead of night, Liu Yi is always thinking: Why does Zhang Xuan grow up so fast?

The couple didn't even have time to take a nap, but Zhang Xuan had already overtaken the car in a corner and amazed the world, making it impossible for the couple to change the direction of Jian Bao's life.

Of course, now she can forcefully help her daughter adjust her life plan, but looking at Jian Bao, who was chatting and laughing with Zhang Xuan and feeling very relaxed, Liu Yi felt an indescribable complexity and contradiction in her heart.

For dinner, we had BJ’s most famous signature dish, roast duck, which we had in Quanjude.

The Quanjude of today is not the Quanjude of later Internet celebrities. Although the price is high, the taste is not bad.

Zhang Xuan doesn't know much about eating roast duck, but it doesn't matter, Tao Ge understands.

The ladies made a fuss and not only ordered roast duck, but also ordered a whole duck banquet. There were more than 20 different dishes, and they were able to eat duck to the extreme.

After dinner, Tao Ge said to Zhang Xuan, Sister, I'm leaving tomorrow. Do you want to meet Editor-in-Chief Hong?

Speaking of the original Bole, Zhang Xuan did not hesitate: It should be.

Then he asked Mi Jian: Would you like to take a look with me?

Mi Jian smiled and shook his head: You go ahead, I'll stay with uncle and the others at home.


With that said, Zhang Xuan handed her the key to the courtyard: I'll leave this key with you first.

Mi Jian hesitated for a few seconds and finally answered.

On the way to People's Literature, Tao Ge, who was driving, suddenly asked: How will you solve it in the future?

Zhang Xuan asked: How to solve it?

Tao Ge said: The problem between Shuangling and Mijian.

Zhang Xuan looked forward, Take your time, it will be solved eventually.

As the car turned a corner, Tao Ge talked about Oriole: This woman's family is similar to my sister's, don't mess with her, otherwise she won't be as generous as my sister.

Sister can let you hug her, let you kiss her, let you do mischief, and she will not hold you accountable for anything afterwards.

But once you encounter an oriole, it's not that easy to get rid of it.

Zhang Xuan: .

He asked: Is it true that the oriole won't come?

Tao Ge said: Who knew, this woman has been hungry for many years, and she actually falls in love with you. This is really beyond my sister's surprise.

Zhang Xuan asked: What does she do?

Tao Ge said: Propaganda work done in D school.

Recalling the word sister, Zhang Xuan was afraid: No wonder he is so sharp-tongued.

Tao Ge looked at him with a smile but not a smile: If she gets into your bed one day, I will tear her mouth to pieces.

Zhang Xuan rolled his eyes and said, Don't worry, I can't handle the mess now, how can I dare to mess with it?

Tao Ge glanced at him: It's good to know. If one day you really want to eat wild food or seek excitement, come and see me.

Zhang Xuan's mouth twitched: Forget it, I can't afford it.

Tao Ge chuckled, Yes, he is quite self-aware.

I haven’t seen him for more than half a year, and Editor-in-Chief Hong is still the same, as strong as an ox and full of energy.

Editor-in-Chief Hong.

Yo, you're here.

The three old friends were all very happy to meet each other.

Let's go to my house today to get some side dishes and have a good chat. Chief Editor Hong greeted.

No problem, I'll listen to you.

After cleaning up, Chief Editor Hong took Zhang Xuan and Tao Ge downstairs.

However, at the entrance of the corridor, the three of them met acquaintances, Zouping and Lao Chen.

Chief Editor Hong was the first to speak out: Old Zou, do you have time? Let's go have a drink together?

His eyes wandered around Zhang Xuan and Tao Ge, and Zouping declined politely: No, Chief Editor Hong, Lao Chen and I still have something to do.

Okay, then you get busy first. Both parties were polite, and neither took the other's words seriously.

Going down to the first floor, Zhang Xuan asked: Is Lao Chen's Bailuyuan expected to win the championship this time?

Editor-in-chief Hong said: After White Deer Plain underwent an overhaul, there have been many fewer problems. It is indeed a rare and excellent work.

But there are still people up there who don't like it, and it kind of depends on fate.

Tao Ge asked: What's the attitude within the society?

Editor-in-chief Hong said: Strive to ensure it.

Zhang Xuan was relieved after hearing Li Bao. Although he and Lao Chen were direct competitors in the past, the people behind both parties were at loggerheads.

But two years have passed, and he sincerely hopes that Bailuyuan will return to its rightful place in history.

This is not his holy mother, but a kind of open-mindedness after becoming famous and going to the world. After all, personal factors aside, White Deer Plain is really outstanding.

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