Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 615, Alluring Smile (Please subscribe!)

Sister-in-law, Sister Tao.

Mi Jian lowered the window glass and stuck his head out to say hello to Wen Yu and Tao Ge.

Hey, you're back.

With a smile on her face, Wen Yu took Tao Ge and chatted cordially with Mi Jian.

Zhang Xuan glanced at Tao Singer's luggage and almost understood what was going on?

A few minutes later, Zhang Xuan said to Wen Yu and Tao Ge, Let's go into the house first and talk later.


Tao Ge and Wen Yu nodded in unison.

I haven’t been back to Nanluoguxiang for a long time, almost half a year, right?

When I pushed the door open and walked in, I found that the inside was very tidy, the air was very fresh, and the flowers and plants were neatly taken care of.

You know what's going on without even thinking about it?

Besides Wen Yu, who else in the capital is so attentive and warm-hearted.

Mi Jian's eyes immediately fell on the flowers and plants in the yard, and he said, It's so beautiful.

Zhang Xuan asked: Do you like it here?

Hearing this, Mi Jian looked away and looked into his eyes with a smile.

She is not stupid, what does this sentence mean just now?

After looking at each other quietly for two minutes, Mi Jian showed off her strong aura. It wasn't until the evil-minded old man looked away that she smiled and said, You have to work harder!

After saying that, she carried her backpack with a change of clothes and went into the house, ready to take a shower.

Watching her disappear at the gate, Zhang Xuan did not follow her.

He understands Mi Jian's temperament and respects her from the bottom of his heart.

And since she agreed to go home with him today, their relationship has made great progress.

However, both of them knew that Zhang Xuan had played a trick today.

On that occasion, in full view of everyone, the old man asked her to follow him home.

In fact, Mi Jian has no room for refusal.

Now Peking University and everyone around her regard Zhang Xuan as her boyfriend. In that case, she has no choice at all. There is only one way in front of her, and she agrees to him.

Of course, she can also choose to refuse.

But that would not only hurt him and embarrass him, but it was also not what Mi Jian wanted.

Although due to Du Shuangling, the relationship between the two cannot go further now, the two have a spiritual connection and will give priority to each other's feelings in any words or deeds.

Mi Jian was taking a shower in the house, and Zhang Xuan sat on the stone steps at the door and looked up at the stars in the sky for a while, and then walked into the house.

Find a pair of big pants and put them on, then take a bath with well water from the yard.

In the summer, buckets of well water are poured on the body, and a cool and refreshing feeling suddenly comes.

Squeeze some shampoo to wash your hair, apply soap to take a shower, everything was done in less than 10 minutes, and I also stepped on my clothes with my feet.

It's really a bit embarrassing to say that I am so rich and well-established, but I still like to use my feet to wash clothes. Oh, I think of Shuangling.

As long as the couple is here, the clothes have never been washed by myself.

Just as he was stepping on his clothes helplessly, a chuckle suddenly came from behind.

Zhang Xuan instantly turned around and looked at Mi Jian at the gate. Just one glance made his little heart beat uncontrollably.

Mi Jian washed her hair and held the unwiped hair casually. She wore a plain pleated long skirt with dark flowers that reached her ankles and a pair of sandals on her feet. The orchid-like figure stood at the door, looking like a fairy. The flowers and plants in the yard were instantly compared to the others.

Seeing him staring at her blankly, Mi smiled, walked over and said to him, Do you usually wash clothes like this?

Zhang Xuan's eyes followed her, and it wasn't until she lifted up her skirt and squatted down to help wash the clothes that he said, It's getting better and better.

Mi Jian looked up for two or three seconds and asked with a smile: Who else have you said this to?

Zhang Xuan squatted down and said, It's just you.

Summer clothes are easy to wash. In addition, they have already stepped into the water several times. Mi started to dry them after seeing the water three times.

Where the clothes were hung there was a huge vine with bunches hanging from it.

Mi Jian reached out to pick one and tasted it. It tasted a little sour.

Seeing that he was still looking at her, she picked another one and stuffed it into his mouth.


Damn it, God opens your eyes!

Feeding himself for the first time in his life, the old man took a bite of the grape excitedly, and instantly the juice overflowed and covered his entire taste buds.

Just the next second, Zhang Xuan's happy face collapsed without being able to hold it up for a moment, Why are you so sore?

Mi Jian stared at his twisted face and couldn't help laughing.

Mi Jian said: The yard is too quiet.

Zhang Xuan understood what she meant: A dog with a missing head.

Then he looked embarrassed again: If you don't come to live here, and I'm often away from the capital, the dog will probably starve to death.

There was a swing next to the grape trellis. Wen Yu liked this layout, so he built one for the yard here.

Mi Jian was sitting on the swing and said to him, Do you remember Liu Xin?

Zhang Xuan nodded and sat on the swing next to her: My uncle's daughter.

Mi Jian said: She will arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Zhang Xuandao: Let her live here and help raise the dog by the way.

Mi Jian said yes, then added: Thank you, but she won't stay here for long. When her boyfriend gets a stable job, he will move there.

Zhang Xuan asked: Where is her boyfriend assigned?

Mi Jian said: In the Planning Committee.

Just like the situation in his previous life, he didn't have any big surprises.

Zhang Xuan knew that in order to get this job, Liu Xin's boyfriend had many connections with his family.

Mi Jian said: This year some places have begun to implement the policy of canceling the distribution of graduate packages. It is expected that it will be implemented on a large scale across the country next year. Liu Xin's boyfriend was also lucky and caught up with the last trip.

Zhang Xuan agreed and asked: When Liu Xin came to the capital, has she thought about doing anything?

Mi Jian said: I talked to my grandma and uncle on the phone. The best way is for Liu Xin to continue to make progress, but this is difficult.

If this road doesn't work, then the next best thing is to find a job in the capital.

At this point, Mi Jian thought for a while and said, If Liu Xin can't adapt to this city, she will have no choice but to go back to work at the Chenshi Water Plant.

Zhang Xuan reached out and held her hand and said, If that doesn't work, go to work in my company.

The shopping mall in Beijing will open in a few months, and there will definitely be many positions needed by then.

Okay, this is also a way. I will talk to her in the future when she really can't survive.

Mi Jian lowered his head and glanced at his hand, smiling nicely: Do you want to take advantage of me every time you see me?

Zhang Xuan blinked: Are we taking advantage of each other?

The wind picked up at night, and the wind blew her hair around.

He squinted his eyes like a child, letting the ends of his hair brush his face, corners of his mouth, and ends of his eyebrows.

Mi Jian originally wanted to reach out to straighten his hair, but after seeing the intoxicated look on his face, he paused and put down his raised hand.

Feeling her movement, Zhang Xuan tightened the palms of their hands and asked, How are you at school recently?

Mi Jian said: It's all good.

Zhang Xuanming knew the truth and asked: I will be a senior soon. Are you sure you can stay in school?

Mi Jian said: Yeah.

Zhang Xuan asked: Have you stayed here for three years, have you gotten used to the taste and climate here?

Mi Jian said: The taste of the food is okay. But the climate is a bit unaccustomed to it, a bit dry, and there are sandstorms from time to time.

That night, the two people who were chatting deeply held hands and stayed on the swing until early in the morning before going back to the house to sleep.

Before leaving, Zhang Xuan shouted: Are you afraid of sleeping in a room alone? Do you want me to come in and lay the floor?

After hearing this, Mi Jian, who had walked a few steps, looked back with a smile, pursed his lips and slowly shook his head.

Then he pushed and closed the door in one go, leaving no chance for the men outside to fantasize.

The next day, the weather in Beijing was good.

There was no rain, no sun, it was a cloudy day.

When Zhang Xuan got up, Mi Jian was taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard.

Seeing how she is concentrating on the flowers and plants, she really likes them.

This reminded him of a scene from his previous life. Mi Jian said that his biggest wish was to have a house with a courtyard wall, plant flowers, walk the dog, read a book, and watch the sunrise and sunset with the people he liked.

Although the two of them were not short of money at that time, they were far from enough to buy a courtyard house in the capital, and it became a pity to live to old age.

With memories in mind, Zhang Xuan looked at the person in front of him in a daze.

Morning. Mi Jian greeted him when he came out.

Morning. Zhang Xuan walked behind her and suddenly hugged her from behind.

Faced with the sudden movement, the calm Mi Jian did not struggle. After turning his head and looking back, he accurately stuffed a grape into his mouth with his right hand.

Yes, this girl has been prepared.

Zhang Xuan was not greedy. He hugged her gently and let her go. He ate the grapes with his eyes shut and said:

Let's go to Brother Li's house for breakfast. He called me just now.


Mi Jian put down the watering can, washed his hands and went out.

The two courtyards are not far apart, with a few houses in between, so they can be reached within a short walk.

When Zhang Xuan brought Mi Jian in, he found that the sofa was full of people.

In addition to Tao Ge, there are also Xinxin and Oriole whom I met yesterday.

Zhang Xuan didn't recognize the other woman, but she looked familiar, as if she had met her somewhere before.

Seeing Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian, the four girls who were chatting on the sofa just now became quiet and looked up at the two of them.

Tao Ge moved, moved away, pulled Mi Jian over and said, Come, sit with me.

Okay. Mi Jian smiled calmly and sat down calmly.

Seeing the two love rivals interacting, Tao Qin glanced over.

Xinxin and Oriole also looked over.

After Zhang Xuan sat down opposite, Tao Ge pointed at Tao Qin and introduced: Tao Qin, my sister, dear.

The original introduction was my sister, but adding dear made Zhang Xuan notice something fishy.

Intuition told the old man that the two sisters must have had unpleasant experiences recently.

Tao Ge then pointed at Xinxin and said, This is Xinxin, sister's good friend. As for the other one, you don't need to know him.

Hearing this, Xinxin couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian looked at each other and said nothing.

Oriole didn't care and instead focused on Mi Jian.

When Tao Qin saw this sister who was different from the past, she remained silent and also cast her eyes on Mi Jian vaguely.

Tao Ge asked Zhang Xuan: Sister plans to go to London tomorrow. When will you return to Yangcheng?

Zhang Xuan said: Aren't you going back to Yangcheng?

Tao Ge crossed his legs and said, I won't reply. Xie Qi called me last night and said that Arsenal's top management wanted to meet with me.

Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up: Is this a show?

Tao Ge smiled and nodded: Sister, I think so too. I guess the result will be in the next few days.

Zhang Xuan said happily: Then I'll wait for your good news.

At this time Wen Yu came out of the kitchen, greeted the newcomers Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian and said: The preserved egg porridge will be ready soon, just wait for another 5 minutes.

Then Wen Yu asked Mi Jian: Brother and sister, how many classes do you have this morning?

Mi Jian replied: There are no classes on 1 or 2 in the morning.

With a cry of brother and sister, Xinxin, Huangli and Tao Qin in the room all looked at Wen Yu, surprised.

What a surprise!

Everyone here knew more or less about Wen Yu's gentle appearance, but they didn't expect to call him brother and sister as soon as they met.

Is this a slap in the face?

Or do you really recognize Mi Jian?

Tao Qin and Xinxin couldn't help but compare Oriole and Mi Jian again. In terms of beauty alone, they still felt that they were indistinguishable.

But as Li Wendong said, Mi Jian's heart-like temperament may be more likely to be favored by men.

As for Oriole, the inner arrogance is engraved in the genes, and there is an invisible momentum.

With the addition of lubricant Wen Yu, everyone no longer chats in separate lines, and they talk to each other together.

Wen Yu said: The Wind is being edited and is expected to be released on National Day. I will leave you two tickets then, so you can go see it with your siblings.

This is also the first film based on your novel, and it counts as your hard work.

Thank you. Zhang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was most afraid of Wen Yu's slip of the tongue and asked him to take Mi Jian to the premiere ceremony, which would cause complete chaos.

There were so many cameras, and Mi Jian was exposed, so couldn't Lao Du's family use a kitchen knife to chop him up the next day?

Well, I guess Liao Yun would also take a knife and mix it up.

Breakfast was very rich.

There are porridge, noodles, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, and pancakes. It’s like a small restaurant.

What was surprising was the combination of more than 20 kinds of Liubiju pickles, among which the sesame seeds were very suitable for his taste.

After breakfast, Zhang Xuan drove Mi Jian to classes at Peking University.

Before getting off the bus, he told him: I will pick up Liu Xin from the airport in the afternoon. Then Chen Yin will drive you here and we will meet in the courtyard.

Well, please drive carefully on the road.


Watching Mi Jian enter the Peking University campus, Zhang Xuan's eyes lingered on the BJ University plaque for half a minute.

Finally, he waved to Zhao Lei, who was driving behind.

When the boss called, Zhao Lei immediately opened the door, got out of the car, and walked over quickly.

Zhang Xuan took out a brand new mobile phone box from his bag: Give it to Seagate, and pay attention to the impact.

Zhao Lei nodded, took the box containing the mobile phone and immediately entered Peking University.

the other side.

After Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian left, Tao Ge raised his hands and said to Oriole like a big sister: During breakfast, Zhang Xuan helped Mi Jian pick up pickles 9 times; but he didn't even look at you. How do you still feel? Is it fate?

Tao Qin and Xinxin looked at each other without saying anything.

Li Wendong and Wen Yu drank tea and watched a movie, choosing to stay safe.

Oriole didn't refute, just called out kindly: Sister.

It sounds ordinary, but just this sister made the atmosphere in the room suddenly tense.

Oriole is usually called Sister Tao, but the Sister at this time is very different from the Sister Tao in the past.

What are women most afraid of?

What I fear most is getting older and looking older!

Especially since Tao Ge is over 30 and not yet married, the word sister is even more heartwarming.

There is no fool here, and Oriole understands everything he wants to express.

It means: Sister, I am younger than you, I am prettier than you, you can like me, why can’t I like you? Zhang Xuan didn't take advantage of me, but he didn't take advantage of you either?

Seeing Tao Ge narrowing his eyes, Xinxin, sensing the danger, quickly stood up, pulled Oriole and went out.

After leaving Nanluogu Lane, Tao Qin drove a jeep for a while, and then suddenly asked: If this matter spreads in the circle, my parents will also know about it. Do you think about how to explain it?

Tao Ge flipped up his hair: What should I explain? Who do I need to explain to?

Tao Qin was speechless, How do you deal with Oriole's matter?

Tao Ge looked forward and said expressionlessly: Let her go, she will run into a wall and come back within three months.

Tao Qin couldn't help but glance sideways: This is Oriole, do you have so much confidence in him?

Tao Ge said: Unless Oriole takes medicine, there is no chance.

Tao Qin's mouth moved, and after a long time he said: This is a good idea. Sister, if you can't hold it in any longer, you can try it.

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

(8800 words have been updated.)

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