Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 372

When I went up my eyes, when did he say this?

"Nothing, forget it." Washen looked shook his head.

At the beginning, it was already old, and this is a young age, but it has forgotten some things.

It can be said that the heart of the string is a heart, the body and heart are in the heart of the year.

"If you haven't guess, your arms have been inherited from that wolf," "The heart slowly turned," they did useful, but next, I will let you see ... What is true The name stream. "

A heart slowly raised the blade: "This trick is not my own private, but no one can learn, and then I will pass by ..."

I will not die, the knife is straight into the line, the faster the knife, the more the arc is getting straight.

The desertichuan is trying to get the block, but the pupil is gradually mapped out of the zoomder knife tip, and the blade that is not dead is gathered into a line, centered on this line, splitting.

The ultimate knife, one is three.

Chapter 353: Secret Biography

Or that is not a knife, but I am cut out three knives at the same time ...

This is the realm of the sword law, and no one can go right.

At that moment, the deserter watched his eyes, he couldn't understand it, this knife can't stop.

The three knives came from different angles, and they could not sway three knives at the same time. If it is blocked, there must be a knife to cut it on his body, causing irreversible damage ...

I didn't hesitate, he used the foggy, the paper people were exhausted at this time.

"Useless." He muttered.

In the distance, the desertilation is a lot of breath, in fact, he is not fully escaped.

The three knives seized all the space he whispered, no matter which side escape, it will definitely a knife.

Because the fog is not instantaneous movement, but the fast movement, it is necessary to crack the fog opium. One is to find the trajectory of the foggy operation, cut along the line, and a way is like a heart In this way, the space that seals the user's handle, the fogus can't play the utility.

Black unsathered cut into the calf of the desertichuan, and cut the leg bones at a point.

This is good, the desert is expected that his ability to act is also weakened ... What should I do?

How to do?

What is the method, can you fight down?

In the face of slowly approaching, he flashed all the moves of the name of the name again ...

No! These people can crack! The arms are all used ...

How to do?

His brain thoughtfully thought.

In the end, he stopped thinking because he did not understand.

Is this the ending?

Lonely dying ... Although it is very reluctant, he is indeed ... no accounting.

I am not a sword, too powerful.

Suddenly, the sound of the bell is ringing, that is the ringtone of the phone.

This time, who will call him?

Washali is looking out the mobile phone, calling the call to call - autumn snow.

Press the answer button, but the sound of autumn snow is coming.

"Brother! Are you listening? Listen, hurry to leave Mount Fuji! Don't ask why, hurry to leave Japan to the UK with autumn and autumn months, I have a few real estate, there is also the relationship I know in the Magic Association. People who will protect your security. The property of the home will transfer all the people to transfer, enough for you to live well, don't worry, I will come quickly ... I will come to you. "

The phone is interrupted, the autumn snow does not even give him a chance to talk.

The desertichuan looked down and looked down to the mountain, and the quiet forest had already broken.

If you want to drive the magic, you can't help it. The nation of the sky is also voided with the signs of collapse ...

"It's really a self-late sister ..."

Washen is looking at it, holding the knife in his hand.

He is still alive, as long as he is alive, he has not yet lost.

He thought of a trick, it was able to deal with his eyes.

Perhaps only this trick ... can be defeated, reverse the battle!

"Sorry, there is still a family waiting for me, Dad is still in Tokyo, I will not accompany you this old man."

"Do you want to die, it is ..."

I am very accelerating the speed of advance, strolling into a run, and finally become a sprint, like a lion pounce prey.

The desertichuan is looking for the body with wedge pills, stood up again. The clothes on his body have long been broken, sweat, rain and blood together through his muscles clear back ...

He retrews the wedge pill back into the scabbard, and his left hand holds the front end of the scabbard, and the right hand is placed on the handle.

He stood in the ram of hazy, looked down at the quaint shank, returned to absolute rest.

"This is what you teach me, the fastest, and say it softly.

The desertichuan is slow, and the wedge pill will make a crisp, and his eyes have no attack, only him and his knife.

The distance between the two is pulled forward, and the most fascinating name is the most just fierce name.

And the walnight is looking at! Turkey! ! Pull! Stem!

This is not a general agency, but cut from the bottom straight squid.

Because the incredible high speed, the blade of the wedge pill seems to have disappeared, leaving only a silver-white flash.

The desertichuan is once again closed.

A one heart abdomen is cut, like a zipper is pulled off, and the internal organs are poured down.

Although it is very surprising that it will make such a gap, it is irrelevant to the heart, because this is not the wound that is not dead, he will die, but will also rebirth, and the desert is expected to fall. His knife is under.

But the next moment, a silver white light is light, from the upper left to the right, almost open from the outside body from the outside.

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