Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 371

Even if you block, you will also consume a lot of torso, it is very disadvantageous for the next battle.

Washali is looking forward to the eagle, and it is once again withdrawn from five meters. It can be slightly jumped in the same time ... That is the body of the flying floating boat, he actually pulled it with the body of the buoy to pull it into it. Distance!

Washali is not hesitating, the left hand is accomplished, and it has been stretched out. When the hell blowing the fire drum, the distance between his body will reproduce his body, avoiding a word.

It is not dissipated with the fire of the blower, and the walnight is looking at the flame. The blade has a heart, but the blade is not touched, but the above flame is burned down below the eyes, and it can clearly see the cheekbones and Some muscle fibers above.

It's a pity ... If you go up, you can burn a heart.

The desertichuan and a heart fighting method completely did not look at the warrior the warrior of the war country.

They did not have a rule of a knife, and they were very diamond, like a snake, but like a tiger.

The flash of both sides has reached a point. While the blade quickly collides with the residual shadow, the arms of the two sides are also dramatically vibrating. Even if the average person can slash, his arm is also It will be broken due to the rapid vibration generated by the blade collision.

Can be willing to be average person, their body is more tough than ordinary people, even if the arm has fell, they can still continue to sword.

Washali seems to be immersed in this feeling, and I am surprised to find that this child is getting faster and faster. Sometimes he has not heard the sound of the weapon's broken wind, the body has been cut.

This is also the reason for the desertification to change the reason, short-fried knife, which can make up for the shortcomings of him with a heart.

"It's a smart kid ..." I am full of fullness, temporarily breaking the knives of both sides.

The desertichuan will breathe, the arm has a little trembling, a long knife, has made his arm.

But he doesn't seem to find out that the heart of the killing controls him, he can't see his face, otherwise it will be surprised to the evil expression.

Chapter 352: Death (2)

"Shura, you are really Shura." I also laughed.

The desertichuan is once again robbed, completely caught in an epicenter, and the speed of the knife is even more faster than before.

It's obviously suppressed, more and more wounds, the cutting knife wounds like the gully of cross, if the desert is hoped is "worship tears" in the hands of the desert, now I have been hacked now. .

It's just that there is no such thing in the world, and once it is not dead, then the speed of the knife can't keep up. If you use watery pills, you can't make effective blows for a heart ...

In this case, the feasible method is only one, that is, the ability to lose combat, and then kill it without death.

It can be a hundred battles, in the face of the opponent faster than his own knife, he rotates the waving, it is blocked in front of all the space, then sweep the long gun, pull away the distance from the desertion.

Looking like a cheeta, I have a sudden thorns, but there is only one black feather.

"...?" Shouted.

The shape of the desertichuan appears after a heart, with the flame of the sky.

At a critical moment, he used the godfish foggy, escaped over the attack at the same time, moved to a heart after very fast.

The wedge pill waved toward the head of a heart, and a knife cut off the spine while he was also tatched out of the body, and he fell straight.

Because I don't want to wave, I will use the fastest way to hit the desertichuan. He is cut off the spine while absolutely can't allow each other to still pay a sense.

A heart slowly climbed from the ground, and the left hand turned his neck. In less than ten seconds, he was dead.

"It's awful, if you are not dead, then I am dangerous." I looked at the deserter of the ground.

The rain drove from the face, in the mean, the desert is like heard the cry of a young little girl.

"Brother ... Sorry, I will cure you."

This sound ... how is it so familiar?

Open your eyes, you are cutting unsatisfied.

After the death, the heart of the killing before the desert is seeming to reduce much.

In an instant, the paper disappeared, he used a foggy, leaving a burning feathers in the ground.

He fell from the height, a knife and a heartbeat.

But as if it is behind, the eyes are long, and the left hand stretched into the underarm, and the five shots were opened.

Washali hopes to close the knife block, but only blocks the quad bullets, and finally embedded his left abdomen.

Under the helplessness, the desertichuan can only use the fog jam to retreat to the safe distance.

He felt a wonderful, and he was very understandable for the foggy. But this is not surprising, because the endurance is the real fog, and the battle of the State will definitely know. But this will also explain that the mechanism of foggy dodge is very unhappy. This is extremely unhappy for the deserter.

I am more grateful, like a strong young man, the body seems to have endless power. The knife he waited was extremely lonely. In the dark, he traveled his long years. He came back to cut the time in poetry, extreme calm, and the Wei Wei is enough.

Washen Wang uses the name of the name, the rule of the cross tries to cut the heart, but he will stop the cross, even with vertical, almost got the wedges in the hand in the hands of the desert.

However, at this time, the historic pill also deeply stabbed the back shoulders, when they were even, the deserted movement will throw the table in the table.

I wanted to give the final blow to the desertichuan, but after the two knives on the shoulders were the rust pill, he finally kicked him in the abdomen, kicking him, and immediately pulled out the rust pill, this The knife is toxic, the name of the name used to deal with the Soldai Metro ... I didn't expect this little son to even have this kind of thing.

The sudden wrist came up a huge tension, and I saw it, and a hook rope did not know when wrapped around his wrist.

Washali is going back with the hook rope, like a falcon slightly water, cut with a very fast speed, despite a heart, but the left ear is cut down.

This accidentally called a heartmanship, he touched the wound of the left ear, the hand is full of black blood.

His physical strength is not much ... it can be completely avoided, but it is a human body, which will be restricted.

No matter how strong the car is bad, as long as the gasoline is exhausted, it will still be running again.

I'm thinking that the physical strength and torso of the desertichuan is still there.

The next thing is the moment of winning.

"It's a great battle, you remind me of a ninja."

He is re-adjusting the gesture, and the desertichuan will take the opportunity to drink the hurting gourd, which is a tranquility before the rain is coming.

"Ninja? This world has nothing to have," Washali, "now the ninja, only in the comics and games."

"What is your comics and games, what?"

"People in people's entertainment."

"Yes ..." He said, "The world is really wonderful."

"So I must stop you ... I invaded the name in the year, now what you do, just like the Queen ..."

"I didn't expect it for so long, and some people know that a small country is." One heart, "Yes, we are the same as the Queen, is aggression, but weak will be beaten, weak is a kind of original sin ... strong The person will raise the weak, this is the natural selection. "

"Is it?" Washali said, "At that time, you didn't say this, why is weak and small, this is the problem to think."

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