Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 240


Chapter 211: Uponing the Country

Today's classroom, and still have not come.

According to the report of Kanda Sheng Yu, the desertichuan knew that it is at least a month of the hospital.

But it doesn't matter, today's plan, he is planning one person to get it, even Qingye is not used.

After waiting until afternoon, he trails the museum in Tokyo - Tokyo National Museum.

Tokyo National Museum is the largest museum in Japan, located in the north end of Ueno Park, Taitung, Tokyo, is created in four years of mima.

This is an architecture that is a total of 43 exhibition halls, a total of 43 exhibition halls, a total of 43 exhibition halls, a total of 43 exhibition halls, a total of 43 exhibition halls, a total of 43 exhibition halls? Historical cultural relics and art treasures, including 70 of them are set as national treasures, value cannot be estimated, and also reflects the cultural art and people's life profiles in Japanese society.

Washalon is coming to the reception at the Hall of Fa Long Temple.

The front desk staff owes: "Sorry, the Fa Long Temple is limited to Ward."

"I know, I am here to not visit." Washali said.

"Then ask what you have?" The staff of the front desk somewhat puzzled.

Generally, people who come here have no special events, they will not come to the reception staff. After all, the museum is just that they only need to go to browse all kinds of antiques, and there is also a special tour guide for foreigners.

"That, do you want to be here?" Washali said.

"That ... do you have anything to find a museum?" The staff of the front desk asked curiously.

The guizhi of the National Museum can be the deputy minister of the Provincial Department of Culture, which looks like a high school student. It is also wearing a school uniform ... How do you want to contact the Deputy Minister of the Provincial Department of Culture.

"I want to see him." Washali looked up.

"Sorry, please go back, the governor is not here." The staff felt a little funny. The deputy minister of the Provincial Department of Culture is what you can see if you have a high school student? You are not your illegitimate child ...

"In fact, I am here, I am going to the cultural relics."

The desertichuan is observed that the staff tone and the eyes of the eyes are not necessarily angry.

He just took the baseball bag on his shoulder, put the things inside on the desktop ...

"This is ..." The staff was shocked.

The painted black wooden table quietly lying on a red big knife, the whole knife is simple, there is a feeling that I can't say, as if it is an ancient knife that is in a hundred war, even though the long time comes When you are by your side, you can make you feel the brave and danger of it.

"This is an ancient knife in the peacetime." Washali said, "Now let me see the governing man?"

"When, of course!" The staff of the front desk was sincere and fearful.

People who come to donate cultural relics, no matter who they are, they have to treat them as VIPs.


Tokyo National Library, the reception room.

Two people sitting on both sidewalks, a suits, a middle-aged man with glasses, a blessed middle-aged man.

Another is a high school student in the integrity of youth.

Yamada Wenzhi looked at the young man in front of this Sven, and looked at the red ancient knife on the table.

"It is called Wahaijun, is it really willing to donate this ancient knife to our museum?" He pushed the glasses and said solemnly.

"Yes, I have this will." Washali looked nodded.

He nodded by Xia Tian Tezhi, he appreciated such a young man.

The museum can get more cultural relics, and do not cost any cost, this is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

- After all, white is happy.

At that time, his mood did not be so excited now.

After all, there have been donated cultural relics, but the things that have been hurt have occurred.

So in the real surface of the cultural relics, he tried to keep your mood calm.

After all, the greater the biggest disappointment, the more you have, or you will be happy, and you will run the past, see, fake!

This is uncomfortable, it is uncomfortable, and it is not worthy of your mother.

So when you see "Tears", the mood of Yamada Wenzhi is excited.

Of course, he knows that the ancient knife in front of him is cultural relics. He has seen many antiques so many years, and it is still a bit eye.

This knife is undoubtedly an antique, because the things that have been tied to the "lounge" on the scabbard, it has been yellow, which is unpredictable, only have a long time. Dirty color and effect, and, he fell into it from seeing this knife, he fell into it, and inspired him, this knife is not a general thing.

"Experts who appreciate the cultural relics are already outside." Yamada Wenzhi said, "Then I will call them."

"Please." Washali said.

Professional things have to be professional people.

The door of the reception room was pushed away, and several haired bachelor's general characters came in.

"I will introduce it, these are professional historians and archaeologists, and they are also specialists who identify cultural relics."

Looking nodded, he is not interested in these people's identity.

He is now just thinking about it, but he has to wait for the so-called expert identification.

These archaeologists and identification experts put their gloves and started to identify this red big knife.

Just look at a few eyes, their faces on their faces are gradually cheerful.

According to preliminary judgment, whether it is from the knife or other details, this knife is indeed a safe era, even a longer-long product.

It is simply a miracle that can be saved.

Same from the ancient knife of the peaceful era, there are three in the current Tokyo Metro Museum.

First, the boy cuts, the second is big bag, three is the three-day month.

These three are famous knives, all of which have their own legend.

Speaking that this red too knife also has its own name.

Sure enough, they looked up the handle and saw the knife of the knife.

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