Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 239

She looked at it carefully, and her hand is really right.

But whether the "Dragon" represents another meaning?

Qiu Xue bites the lower lips and thinks a lot.

The magician's note is very important, the magician will never doodle on it, or record some meaningless things.

Since this sentence is written here, then there must be its meaning.

However, Qiu Xue can't think of it. She tried to translate this sentence in the three general magic languages ​​of Guratin, Arabic and Spanish, but how they also translate it, neither a magical sound festival. There is also no magic utility, it is really a non-single nonsense.

"Or say ... The father really saw the dragon?" Qiu Xue said soft, but some couldn't believe this speculation.

The answer about there is no such fantasy creature in the world, the answer is affirmative.

But the fantasy species will not appear in the real world, that is too small.

95% of the magician will not see the fantasy species in a lifetime, only the remaining fifth fortune is fortunate to see the fantasy species.

However, in the five percent of the person who saw the illusory species, it was not able to live ...

However, on the other side of this sentence.

More importantly, the hostel is likely to be invaded.

In other words, this place has not ever been so safe.

Autumn snow is dark and dark: "Before looking for reasons from the nepon."

The final beginning of the monarch home is not used to prevent magicians, but to prevent those demon, as long as the demon ran into the knot, it will be destroyed by the magic of the comic in the comic circle. People intrusioning into the house is obviously a good magic of magic or magicians, although the comic circles do not kill for humans, but they can also play a warning.

But Qiu Xue has not been able to receive any information received in the invasion, which means that the other party will hide his own.

And from the dust on the box, the content of the other party has taken a long time.

Tap a breath, Qiu Xue decided to strengthen the reunification of the house, after all, there is still a maid sister in this family.

At the same time, she also started thinking, is it to buy some real estate in the bustling zone of Tokyo, so that my brother will move in the autumn of autumn. This will make them too far from your side, and you can give them away from danger to a certain extent.

Today's demon is still in secret, living in people can effectively avoid attacks, as long as they should not pay attention to the night, there is still a small place.

So thinking, she dispelled the intention of the rest tonight, ready to be in the workshop, preparing a new rinter to the house.


The next day, the desert is looking at eating breakfon by the autumn month.

But today, the owner of this home is not there.

"Qiu Xue?" Washali asked.

On the autumn night, then said: "Miss, her body is somewhat uncomfortable, please leave at home today."

"Is your body uncomfortable?" Washali said, "That is to see a doctor."

Although this is said to be said, he is ready to take a medicine gourd.

There is not much medicinal water in the gourd, although the hydraulic water will continue to flock in the gourd, but far from consumption.

But for autumn snow, he is willing to feed all the remaining drugs to her.

However, this medicine seems to have effects on the body's harm. If it is sick ... still have to see the doctor is better.

Although there is a ninja medical knowledge, it is only limited to injuries and does not include treatment.

"Don't ask for a doctor," autumn night shake the food finger, "Washali Jun should not worry, today is the physiological period of Miss, I will give Miss to the lady to cook brown sugar and ginger soup."

"Yes?" The desertichuan is a bit embarrassed. He did not expect this because this reason.

"I didn't pay my girlfriend," I didn't have a girlfriend? "The autumn night slammed his eyes, it seems to be a laugh.

"No, I don't have to pay attention to my girlfriend. Generally, I will not think that the aspect is ... that, I am full, I will go to school first, help me take a look at the autumn snow!"

"Of course, ensure that the lady will raise white fat!"

The sleeves of the kimono in autumn night, showing white arms, than the gesture of the biceps. It's just that the biceps of the biceps of her girl are not very developed, and they will take a little in the mouth, and they have been poked with their fingers in autumn months.

Shocking the head without helplessness, and the desert is looking to the school.

He just wanted to enter the school, he was stopped by the adults of the discipline.

Washali looked at the dress and looked at his dress: "There is no problem in the finishing of my clothes?"

"Not this." Shen Tian Yuxi Xiaoba pointed to the things on the shoulders, "What is it?"

"As you can see, baseball bags."

"Yes?" God's sound feather face revealed the look of doubts, "Why is this baseball bag? It looks like a lot of long things."

"That, I joined the baseball agency." Looking for the desert, "more than one thing."

"Let me see." Shenda sound feathers on the waist, some of them.

"Ha?" Washali looked at it, "No, do you have to open a package?"

"Of course, dangerous items such as controlled tools are prohibited in schools! Let me see!"

"Don't take it ... What is the baseball stick? And there is a cotton network, and it is very troublesome to take it out and then put it in it ... I will go to class for a while. The members of the baseball house are still waiting for me. "Washen is still in a hurry, look at it," Time is a virtue! "

"Oiss, let me know how Kang Kang!" Shen Tian sound feather is not ignorant, "This is my duty, what do you do if there is an accident?"

"Kanda Sister, I really don't trust your same table ..." The desert is looking at a pair of patience.

"This trick is for me, although you have a handsome face, but my true love is always ..." I said that she was lowered by the sound, "I will always be a classmate."

Washali is looking at it, the heart said, it's not seeing so many days, it's directly called the name of others.

Ah! woman!

But this is given him a inspiration.

He will go to Kanda Sound Feather Ear: "I don't want to know more about the shallow matter? For example ... What do he likes, you think, as the saying goes, you can't grab a man Do you live in his stomach? "

Shen Tian sound feathers, suddenly touched.

"Let me go in, I also rushed to the baseball system to fill in the application for the commune. If I have to check, I will check you in the classroom for a while?" Washali is looking forward to induction, as long as the "and Mi" this bait Run out, don't be afraid that the discipline will not hook!

"That ... that's good, since you are so urgent ... You will go to the baseball community." Shen Tian sound feathers have a little twisted, "but I remember let me check."

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