It is not so much a melee, it is not a unilateral performance of the two.

More than a dozen people were surrounded by tall hairs, but they were not enough to fight, and they were completely crushed by the two.


Xu Sanduo hit a Maozi's nose with a punch, blood splashed, and the man fell to the ground and howled miserably.

He retracted his wrist and shook his mouth, curling his lips and said: "I, Nima, didn't they eat? There is no pressure to fight!"

On the other side, Wang Yanbing did the same. Every time he shot, someone would fall under his fist and wailing.

Cuifen has taken advantage of the chaos and ran away with An Ran.

Wang Yanbing shook his fist and let out a sigh of relief.

"No! Sister-in-law is in danger!"

Suddenly, Xu Sanduo's expression changed, and he hurriedly chased in the direction where the second girl was running away.

Behind the two women, five Maozi were just following, getting closer.

Seeing An Ran and the two women in danger, Wang Yanbing cursed secretly, raising her foot to catch up.

As a result, a great resistance came from the ankle, which firmly supported him.

When he turned his head, he found that the bald head was holding his feet just now, preventing him from catching up.


Wang Yanbing, who was furious, couldn't care about anything, lifted a foot and chopped it on one of the bald arms.


The bald head screamed, and the whole arm twisted into a strange arc.

Kicked him away with another kick, and rushed out quickly.

The two tried their best to catch up to a sprint speed of hundreds of meters, but there was still some distance between the two women.

Seeing that An Ran was about to fall into Maozi's claws, Cuifen stepped forward and shielded him behind him.

"Fuck Nima!"

Seeing He Chenguang who was in a melee here, an acceleration finally came up from behind, flew up and kicked on the shoulder of the first person.


Hearing only a crisp sound of bone cracks, the man's shoulders collapsed and flew out like garbage.

"Cuifen, take my sister-in-law first!"

Although he trusted Wang Yanbing and Xu Sanduo, he quietly followed up just in case just in case.

Sure enough, it was discovered that the situation was wrong here, and he immediately rescued him.

Especially when he saw An Ran almost being murdered, he was even more angry, and abolished that person with one hand.

There are four people left, and they are not He Chenguang's opponents together, and they fall to the ground easily.

Some of them had their teeth knocked out, their speech leaked, and they shouted vaguely: "Yoko, about ko..."

"Slot! Ask your uncle!"

He Chenguang kicked him dizzy.

After Hu Guohai bought the cigarettes, he smoked a small cigarette and hummed a little tune, swaying slowly in small steps.

"Fuck? What's the situation!"

When he saw the wailing scene in front of him, Hu Guohai was so startled that the smoke fell.

"Isn't labor and management asking you not to cause trouble?"

He Chenguang shrugged innocently in front of him, and said, "Hu Ju, it doesn't matter to us! They were the first to try to betray Anran's sister-in-law and Cuifen. We are completely protecting ourselves. Don't you Wronged someone."

"Hu Ju, Hu Ju!"

"Morning is right!"

Wang Yanbing and Xu Sanduo ran from behind panting, and they were relieved to see that the two women were safe.

Next to him, An Ran recovered from the fright and slowly nodded: "Hu Ju, it is true that these people are rude to us first, and they have to forcibly take me and Cuifen away. They are a last resort. Just shot it."

At this time, regardless of who was right and who was wrong, Hu Guohai instinctively felt that the matter was a bit turbulent.

There were more and more crowds of onlookers, and Hu Guohai sighed secretly as he looked at the people not far away.

I wanted to converge a little when going out, but in the end, it still caused this incident.

Squatting next to those people, seeing the tomahawk tattoos on their necks, frowning, making things more troublesome.

"It's a Tomahawk, we are in trouble..."


Everyone was silent after looking at each other.

Li Erniu came to Cuifen in three steps and took two steps. He grabbed the latter and looked around. He was relieved to see that she was okay: "Daughter-in-law, are you okay?"

Having said that, he hugged Cuifen abruptly, and a man almost didn't cry on the spot: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm worried about me!"

Cuifen smiled and cursed and pushed him away: "Fuck, let go, what is it like everyone is watching!"

He laughed, but his face was full of happiness.

Beside, An Ran glanced at them and bowed her head blankly.

"Well, let's wait here first to see if anyone comes to the end."

Hu Guohai looked around with a cold face, his eyes flickering slightly, not knowing what he was calculating.

Everyone went back to the original place step by step, standing still and waiting.

There must be such a big disturbance here, some people must report upward.

In other countries, you can't hide from it.

That being the case, it's better to explain things clearly later.

However, in the last few days, the Tomahawk organization seems to be a little bit mad?

Could it be...

Is anyone gesticulating behind?

These thoughts flashed through his mind, Hu Guohai shook his head and smiled.

After all, foreign countries are no safer than domestic ones, and a little chaos is normal.

It is unimaginable that a gangster can stir the situation in secret and cover the sky with one hand!

The news often reports how the Commander’s Mansion has iron-blooded wrists, which is not always the case.

Soon, Mao Zi's Metropolitan Police Department sent someone over.

"Why are you here, you are not honest yet?"

The crowd separated, and a higher-ranking officer walked out, who should look like an inspector or something.

All the members of the Tomahawk who fell to the ground and howled were taken away in the car.

"Actually, it's not us..."

He Chenguang just wanted to explain, he was interrupted by the officer waved his hand: "What? You beat someone and are still making trouble here without being disciplined! You may also be carrying dangerous weapons on your body. Let us honestly come along! "


After being beaten by this guy, everyone looked confused.

One by one, they were just about to theory, but they were stopped by Hu Guohai.

Such a good way of turning black and white refers to the deer as the horse is really eye-opening.

Looking at it this way, the commander's mansion is even more rotten.

"This sir, I advise you to wait for a while!" Hu Guohai squinted and said.

"Huh, what can I wait?"

Among the crowd, only Hu Guohai could understand what the other party said.

Others don't know why, but from the sharp words of the other party, they can also tell what is not good.

"Hehe, what are you waiting for? Go back with me and explain it yourself!"

Officer Mao Zi sneered and ordered his men to put people in the car.

Everyone was serious and formed a circle to protect An Ran and Cuifen.

Hu Guohai always had a smile on his face, and he looked calmly and calmly, without stopping.

To be honest, the two sides really want to fight each other, these people are really not enough.

In front of the laser dagger, all equipment is as same as paper.

Those seemingly hard shields are as ridiculous as trying to use a piece of paper to withstand a heavy machine gun attack.

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