Seeing everyone shouting and embracing, An Ran was a little bit dumbfounded for fear of something wrong with her.

"Don't do this, I really think it's your leader!"

He Chenguang's eyes were staring at dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he hadn't slept well last night, and his heart was equally uncomfortable.

But at this moment, in order to prevent An Ran from worrying too much, she still cheered up and said with a grin: "Sister-in-law, it's okay. Now you have our team leader in your stomach. You can't get anything wrong. Otherwise, we How do you want the captain to explain!"

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

Seeing that morale was a little low, Hu Guo yelled in a loud voice: "His grandma's all cheer up Lao Tzu, and the leader of me personally takes command. Why do you still look like babes and chicks? Is it true?"

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After a pause, I felt that the words seemed to be too heavy, and then added: "If this happens again, let me go all the way back!"


Everyone hurriedly straightened their backs.

In the waiting hall, a group of people was ready to board the plane.

The surrounding passengers frequently looked at it.

This group of extraordinary popularity queues neatly, and their eyes contain killing. Wouldn't it be the underworld that came out of it?

Some people wanted to call a patrol team, but fortunately they were stopped in time.

With an attitude of not causing trouble, everyone sat in their chairs peacefully, waiting quietly for boarding.

Hu Guohai sighed helplessly, presumably, their people are still fighting over there now.

"Smelly boy, it's all his mother's sake for you, I hope nothing really happens..."

Forty minutes later, the boarding announcement sounded in the waiting hall.

Everyone in Brigade A lined up and boarded the plane one by one.

It paid for the first class cabin, and the environment inside was very good.

It is the first time that everyone feels the luxury and comfortable environment of the first-class cabin. Everyone has a separate sofa chair, which is very soft to lean on.

An Ran closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

On the sofa next to him, watching An Ran who was asleep, Cuifen was a little worried.

Since An Ran became pregnant, she has been sleeping longer than before.

In particular, it’s normal to have been under extreme pressure and become lethargic in the past two days, right?

Perhaps, only in a dream, she will let go of all the pressure and baggage.


Even in An Ran's sleep, tears still fell from the corner of his eyes, as if there was nothing but sadness.

This sadness has penetrated into the bones.

After taking off, the plane entered a gentle flight.

Everyone was silent, each with his own thoughts.

I thought Lu Yu was still lying in the pit where the plane crashed.

Gradually, time passed, and because many people did not sleep all night, everyone gradually fell asleep.

Yesterday the incident happened suddenly, and everyone was worried about Lu Yu's comfort. At this moment in such a comfortable environment, sleepiness naturally rose.

Entering the dreamland, the faint voice gradually overwhelmed the first-class atmosphere.

I don't know how long it took, when everyone woke up, the sun outside had already set.

A touch of sunset red hung on the west under the sea of ​​clouds.

Such a wonderful view made everyone who just woke up a little addicted.

At this time, the air hostess’s announcement came from the radio, warning that the plane was about to arrive at the destination, so everyone was ready.

Cuifen patted An Ran and changed his words: "An Ran, wake up, don't sleep, the plane is about to land."

An Ran seemed to be a little heavy in sleep, and after she called several times, the latter woke up quietly.

Unknowingly, his face was covered with a layer of tears, An Ran raised his hand to wipe it off, and sighed secretly.

The plane began to land, and after a period of taxiing, it stopped steadily.

Cuifen helped An Ran and stepped off the plane slowly.

When the footsteps really touched the ground, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking out of the airport in line, looking at the exotic European-style buildings everywhere, everyone looked curiously.

Hu Guohai, who was walking in front of the team, took out the phone and dialed a number.

Soon, Zhang Jinzhong's voice came on the phone: "Hello? Lao Hu, are you there yet?"

"Well, just arrived, where should we go now?"

As he said, Hu Guohai looked around.

It was because of the plane crash last time that many more guards were deployed near the airport, either overtly or secretly.

"Wait, someone will meet you soon."

"it is good."

After ending the call, Hu Guohai ordered everyone to wait in place.

An Ran was inconvenient to stand for a long time because of her belly.

Once the big guy summed up, he took a stance on the spot and let her sit.

Hu Guohai smashed his mouth a few times, and he finished smoking the last cigarette on his body, so he told everyone: "I'll buy a pack of cigarettes, you guys stay honest and don't cause trouble for me!"


No way, I am addicted to smoking.

The last cigarette was also killed by him on the road, and he was very greedy at the moment.

After finishing speaking, he turned to the roadside shop.

Everyone stayed in place quietly, seemingly well-behaved, but in fact everyone clenched their fists and squeezed their hearts.

I want to go to the scene right away and find Lu Yu by digging three feet.

To live to see people, to die to see corpses!

Don't let the captain stay in a foreign country for unknown reasons.

An Ran sat for a while, her legs were a little numb, so she asked Cuifen to support herself and walk around, pregnant women can't rest forever.

Wang Yanbing and Xu Sanduo looked at each other, and followed closely.

After all, this is not a domestic place, and if something happens and accidents happen, it will be difficult to deal with.

Hu Guohai hasn't come back until a long while in the past.

Everyone was a little doubtful, was he detained there because he didn't bring money?

Suddenly there was a scream not far away.

I saw a few horse-sized hairs rushed there.

"Huh? Isn't that the place where my sister-in-law went? Nothing will happen, right?"

Tian Guo looked in the direction of the voice and said in surprise.

He Chenguang shrugged and said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, Wang Yanbing and Xu Sanduo will follow! If this matter can't be solved, aren't they losing Team A?"

Not far away, something did happen.

An Ran and Cuifen were firmly guarded by Wang Yanbing.

In the circle in front of them, there are a dozen menacing furs that surround them.

The head was naked, with a tomahawk tattooed on top of his bright head, his face full of brutality.

"Hand over those two girls and spare you not to die!"

The bald man said with an urn sound.

Looking at the two dwarfs who looked like skinny monkeys, he had already anticipated that the next step would be that the other party must be obedient and polite.

Listening to the group of Maozi babbling in bird language, Xu Sanduo rolled his eyes boredly: "Ahem... Pharaoh, can this group of Maozi's behavior be considered a threat to our life?"

"Well, it should be counted!" Wang Yanbing nodded.

"Really, then we can be considered legitimate defense?"

Xu Sanduo smiled, his hands and feet became eager to try.

Wang Yanbing took the opportunity to approach the rear and whispered to Cuifen: "You act on the occasion, fight later, and run back with your sister-in-law."

The bald head was still muttering loudly, and the two looked at each other.

"I drafted what bird language the uncle would say, but I don't understand it!"

Wang Yanbing was too lazy to speak, stepped forward and kicked her bald head.

Next, a melee began...

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