Even if she wants to taste the food now, the Queen of the West will never show her face to others easily. She will taste it in a sedan chair.

Through a layer of gauze on the sedan chair, only a rough outline of the Queen Mother's shadow could be seen.

Not many people in the world have seen the true appearance of the Queen of the West. Among the dragon chefs, there are only Zhu Yuan and a few chefs, and then there are the emperor and ministers, as well as a few maids who serve the Queen of the West day and night.

This Western lady adds a sense of mystery.

Xi Tianhou held a small plate, scooped up the springy pudding with a spoon and put it into her mouth. After eating it, she had a look of surprise on her face.

But through the veil of the sedan, no one saw the change in her expression.

"."It really has a taste that I have never tasted before. This dish called pudding is elastic, smooth, sour and sweet, and it makes you feel happy when you eat it. It is perfect as a dessert after a meal. "

When the Queen Mother of the West said this, she was obviously quite satisfied with the dish, which made Huang Yehong secretly happy and immediately flattered her.

"The Queen Mother of the West likes this dish, and it is an honor for the common people."

After the Queen Mother tasted it, she asked the palace maid to take the remaining plates out of the sedan chair.

It can be seen that the Queen Mother has only eaten a third of the whole pudding, which is enough to show that this dish is very successful.

At least Huang Yehong thinks so.


Chapter 261 Golden Curry Roast Suckling Pig

Huang Yehong was the first among the four contestants to finish his cooking. He only cooked one dish, and it was indeed a delicacy that the Queen Mother had never tasted before - pudding.

The origin of pudding dates back to very early European history.

The original "pudding" was not called this name, but was called "pie".

Legend has it that pie evolved from the "harkis" filled with mutton eaten by the ancient Saxons.

This kind of "hakis" is a sausage-like food. It is a mixture of meat and grains, placed in the stomach bag of a sheep, and then cooked.This kind of food was an important way for people to preserve food at that time.

Later, due to the increase in the production of wheat and other cereals, pie crusts made of butter and flour were used to replace sheep's stomach bags.At the same time, a pie called "coffin" also appeared in the Middle Ages.

This kind of pie is to put meat into a box-shaped pie crust, and then cook it slowly over fire. After it is cooked, jelly containing thick broth is poured into it. Because its shape is quite like a coffin, it is named after it. Called "Coffin Party"

This is also the "ancestor" of pudding. It has been continuously improved until today.

Huang Yehong took the essence and removed the dregs and demonstrated the advantages and deliciousness of the pudding. Even the Queen Mother of the West, who has tasted 253 various delicious dishes in the world, was full of praise.

"As expected of the chief chef of Shanghai Longmen Inn, his ability is unparalleled. He made such a foreign thing that the Queen Mother praised!" Xie Lu said with a toothpick in his mouth, looking at the beacon tower where Huang Yehong was.

Next to Xie Lu is Tang Sanjie. He is a native of Shanghai and the heir to Shanghai's "Longzhen Restaurant". He has long heard of Huang Yehong's reputation.

It can be said that "Longmen Inn" led by Huang Yehong is the main competitor of "Longzhen Restaurant" in the entire Shanghai.

It is known as the "Two Dragons" and "Double Tigers" in Shanghai.

The "two dragons" refer to the two restaurants with the word "dragon" in them.

Huang Yehong himself was quite satisfied with this dish. After the Queen Mother tasted it, he stepped aside and his eyes fell on another beacon tower.

"Hmph, let's see what you can do to defeat me this time. You will never be able to defeat me with your unskilled and greasy-looking 'Three Treasures'!"

Huang Yehong's eyes fell on Tong Yu and he snorted coldly in his heart.

Tong Yu had extinguished the fire and was preparing to take out the roasted whole cow from the remaining charcoal.

The reason why Huang Yehong was so confident that he could defeat Tong Yu was not only that pudding was a dish that the Queen Mother had never tasted before, but also because of the "restraint relationship" of the cuisine and the "advantage of attacking first."

In any case, Tong Yu's cooking is a "grilled" cooking method. No matter how it is grilled or the heat is good, the barbecue will always give people a greasy feeling.

After eating a few more mouthfuls, I no longer have the appetite to continue tasting.

And pudding is a dessert, and dessert is the best food to relieve tiredness.

Especially after tasting pudding first and then eating food such as barbecue, the greasiness will be more obvious, and you may lose your appetite after one bite.

Huang Yehong also grasped this point and had to finish the cooking before Tong Yu no matter what...

Tong Yu didn't know Huang Yehong's little thoughts and didn't pay attention to them.

"Haha, pudding, there is such a coincidence. You just want to defeat me with a little pudding. Are you looking down on me, or are you looking down on the appetite of the Queen Mother?"

Tong Yu murmured to herself, cooking the seven-star??曥cou??hoe translation???????Mi roast??Χ???????Mao???雧??a???? from the kitchen counter.

The iron chain tied to the whole cow has been removed by Tong Yu in advance, and now it is only necessary to separate the wires.

After separation, the hands are inserted deep into the belly of the cow and the whole sheep is taken out.

After taking it out, you can see that the surface of the sheep should be charred. Although it is not as charred as the whole cow on the outside, it is definitely inedible in this state.

Tong Yu didn't care and separated the sutures on the sheep's belly.

Put down your broken saber, put on your gloves and reach into the sheep's belly.

When they saw this, everyone knew that the roasted suckling pig in the innermost part was the essence of the whole dish.

"The roasted suckling pig inside shouldn't be burnt, right?"

The chefs under the beacon tower watched Tong Yu calmly take out the roasted suckling pig from the sheep's belly, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

"It would be a joke if it was burnt. After all the hard work, the meat was burnt, and so many ingredients were wasted. Chef Long will definitely not let him go!"

"That's true, but do you think this young new leader of the dark cooking world would make such a mistake?"

Under the curious and worried gazes of a group of chefs, Tong Yu put his hands into the belly of the sheep and took out the roasted golden and attractive suckling pig.

When the roasted suckling pig was sewn into the lamb belly, it didn't have this golden, exciting color that made people unable to open their eyes.

And now after taking it out, the light everyone sees...

It's glowing!

The capable people indeed saw the roasted suckling pig glowing, but those without cooking skills and "cooking heart" would not be able to see this golden light.

Zhu Yuan, Liu Yi, and Liu Pleiades, who were cooking their own dishes, were also attracted by the golden light.

"Oh, is this luminous cuisine?" Zhu Yuan's expression flashed with surprise.

The same is true for Liu Yi, even he may not be able to make such luminous dishes.

Not only him, there are only a handful of Dragon chefs who can make luminous dishes.

The prerequisite for making luminous cuisine is excellent cooking skills, but more of it depends on chance!

Ryoko Sakaki and Erina Nakiri, who were standing behind Dou Yu, also saw the glowing roasted suckling pig, and their expressions flashed with excitement.

"It's glowing cuisine!"

"Tong Yujun, succeeded again!"

The two girls were excited, and Tong Yu was also relatively satisfied. This homemade production was finally a luminous production.

Tong Yu took the roasted suckling pig out of the sheep's belly. At this time, the light became more dazzling and intense.

A group of chefs were so excited under this light that they couldn't open their eyes.

However, the light only lasted for 3 seconds before disappearing, and a group of chefs thought it was because they were dazzled.

"Did the roasted suckling pig glow just now?"

People with little strength like Meili and Shiro only saw a faint light, and the golden light disappeared after a moment. They all thought they were dazzled.


Chapter 262 The Secret

Glowing Cuisine!

This is enough to prove that Tong Yu succeeded again this time, and it was still in such an important competition.

Of course, it is undeniable that Tong Yu also tried many times before making this dish and was fully prepared for today's success.

Even Zhu Yuan, Liu Yi and other chefs were amazed when they saw it. This luminous dish is a dish that can only be found~.

Even Chef Long couldn't guarantee that he would be able to cook something luminous in his heyday.


The two women, Ryoko Sakaki and Erina Nakiri, who were close to the dish, didn't just see the light - that's all.

The aroma rising from the golden roasted suckling pig penetrated her nostrils. This aroma made Erina, who has a special "sensitivity" to delicious food, almost lose her footing.

If Ryoko Sakaki hadn't helped her up, she would have fallen to the ground.

Tong Yu picked up the kitchen knife and came to the golden roasted suckling pig. She started cutting the suckling pig into pieces with her gloves on.

Cut the whole roasted suckling pig into pieces and place it on a plate. When you put it back together, you can still see that it looks like a whole pig. It can be seen that there is no waste in the cutting process, which also indirectly shows that Tong Yu's knife skills are excellent.

After the whole roasted suckling pig was cut into pieces of suitable size and placed on a large plate, Tong Yu arranged the dish with tomatoes, green leaves, etc. as the final decoration.

After doing this, he raised his right hand and said loudly: "Chef Long, my cooking is done."

Zhu Yuan and others have been staring at Tong Yu, how could they not know that he has completed it.

After asking the Queen Mother of the West for instructions, she said to Tong Yu: "Bring it over."


Tong Yu did not let Ryoko Sakaki and Erina cover the dinner plate with a lid, and then carried the huge dinner plate in both hands to the beacon tower where the Queen Mother Nishi was.

A few minutes later, Tong Yu's food was delivered to the Queen Mother's sedan chair.

At this moment, Tong Yu was only two meters away from the Queen Mother's sedan chair.

For ordinary people, the sedan is covered with a thick layer of gauze, making it impossible to see clearly what is going on inside the sedan.

But Tong Yu has super vision and can easily penetrate this layer of obstacles and clearly see the appearance of the Queen of the West sitting in the sedan.

After seeing clearly, Tong Yu was temporarily absent-minded.

Because the Queen Mother was different from what he imagined...not an old woman with a wrinkled face like Wen Xu, but a beautiful woman.

Beauty can be summed up in four words--beautiful.

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