In countless collisions, the white horse suffered the same impact and had already reached its limit. Its four hooves gave way and fell to the ground.

Ashley rolled a few times on the ground to relieve his strength, and when he raised his head, the blade had already stopped in front of his eyes.

"It was a wonderful battle. I take back what I said before. You are not only the strongest female knight I have seen in the past hundred years, but also a brave man who is equal to are just defeated by the mount. superior."

Ashley was a little dazed, a little dazed.

She held the other's hand and was pulled up.

"No, even if the horse could hold me...what's the matter with your hand, is that a prosthetic?"

Hogel laughed twice, and then slightly lifted the corner of the mask, which was an angle that only Ashley could see.


In the box, it was different from Ella's expectation.

Lily was not sad because Winter County lost the final, but shouted in surprise.

"What is Hester Hogle doing? Nodens, he actually took off his mask?!"

Chapter 22 The Magic of Snow Country

After the fight, Ashley Chevalier returned to the box under the terrace, and Lily and Ella did a quick check of her body.

"Sorry, I lost..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are not injured, there is nothing to be discouraged about losing to that legendary chief knight."

After the rough inspection, Lily breathed a sigh of relief, and then excitedly asked questions that she had cared about for a long time.

"What does that Chief Knight, Hester Hogle's face look like?"

Ella finds it hard to comprehend her excitement.

"No, you don't understand! I knew the name from bedtime stories as a kid, and even in the stories the knight never unmasked... Like, let me see, you A certain snack that I have always wanted to eat since I was a child, but I have never had it."

Ella thought for a while, and probably understood Lily's thoughts. Although it was not something urgent, once it appeared in front of her eyes, it would make people very concerned.

"So, Ashley, what's under the mask?"

Ashley was stunned, as if immersed in the shock on the field again.


"What does that mean, ordinary-looking?"

Lily asked,

Ella also became interested, and she tried to think of some nasty consequences.

"Could it be a mask under a mask?"

"It literally means that the mask is empty, and there is no one in the armor!"

Ashley waved his arms wildly, trying to explain.

The so-called chief knight, Hester Hogle, is not a human or a long-lived species at all, but the name of the full body armor and mask.

It acts in some unknown way and has guarded the royal family for 700 years.

This answer was more shocking than other speculations, Lily's eyes almost glowed.

Ella turned her gaze to the square. According to her spirit vision, the knight seemed to be a combination of multiple spiritualities, like the condensation of dozens of souls, supporting the armor.

It was deliberately fighting in a human way and posture just now, otherwise it would become stronger, right?

Ayla thought of that possibility but didn't say it because it would probably hurt Ashley's pride.

The music was played again, as if it had changed from solemn and agitated to graceful and mysterious, and only this area above the square was covered with snowflakes.

The Snow King paused the scepter. The scepter was inlaid with bright red gems. According to legend, it came from the demon who occupied the snow field 700 years ago.

After that, the square in the center of the lake, which was destroyed by knights and war horses, became as smooth as a mirror again.

Ayla could feel that there seemed to be wonderful magic fluctuations in the snow-covered area, which felt like some kind of magic circle, and the attacks inside would not break through the snow-covered area.

This is for the next magician duel, the range of magic is larger, and it is easier to accidentally injure the audience.

But the speed at which the Snow King constructed the spell was so fast that people didn't even know what he had done.

The order of appearances has been decided, with Ayla being placed in third.

The competition system is the same as that of the Cavaliers. It is also an eight-person knockout match, divided into four groups and three rounds, with a total of seven games.

Ella began to observe the magicians who appeared off the stage. She was in the third duel and had enough time to observe. Ella planned to get familiar with the way magicians fight in this world first, and then win a safe victory.

That's right, she must win, and she must get the chance to make a wish to the Snow King!

The salute was fired, and the two magicians appeared in the snowy square. After saluting each other, they began to attack and defend.

At this time, Ella noticed a peculiar detail, two old magicians who looked very old, one of them had pointed and long ears, and the face of the other was subtly different from that of humans.

The former generates sharp ice cones out of thin air, while the latter whips up strong winds around it, pushes the ice cones away, and shoots out wind blades from time to time.

But the strange thing is that neither of them chanted the spell.

Casting spells silently is not a great skill. As long as a magician builds a graphic in his brain and masters this step proficiently, even if he omits the incantation, he can release magic to a certain extent.

But the two warring mages didn't feel like that to Ella. They seemed...not using magic at all, but squandering the energy in their bodies in an almost instinctive way.

What is this all about?

This kind of behavior is not a magician at all, but more like some dangerous creatures with natural magical powers, such as the ability of flying hydra to manipulate air currents or the fire rolled up by fire spirits.

Noticing Ella's frown, Ashley asked aloud,

"How about it, can we win?"

"It's not a problem to defeat them... But why don't the races of these magicians seem to be human?"

This time, Ashley and Lily were puzzled at the same time,

"Isn't this a matter of course? How can humans use magic? Ella, you are the same, right?"


Ella was dumbfounded.

"Only elves or other long-lived species have the ability to control elements, right? Of course, their mixed blood with humans also has the opportunity to do this. Ella, although your appearance is no different from that of humans, but the color of your pupils is also elves or something else Mixed race, right?"

Lily thought that Ella had lost part of her memory, she was a little stunned, and then explained.

From a certain point of view, what Lily said is correct, but from the premise, it completely deviates from Ella's understanding.

[Only elves or other long-lived species have the ability to control elements]

This is completely different from what Ella knows. Although the magician who inherits the blood of Kraft will be more powerful than the wizards outside, but in the final analysis, it is just the reason why one plus one is greater than two.

In Ella's cognition, even ordinary people like Jack can learn and master certain magic with hard work.

Ella immediately understood the origin of the strange feeling. The so-called magic of the Snow Country magician was fundamentally different from what she used. It was not taboo knowledge acquired through acquired learning and understanding, but a very primitive instinct. .

Whether they are strong or not only comes from racial talent.

The battle on the square was over, and the old half-elf who manipulated the wind was the first to run out of mana and chose to admit defeat. In this environment, the ability to use ice is indeed more dominant.

I only watched half of the second game, but Ella felt that there was no need to watch it anymore, and she had no reason to lose to the half-baked guys who acted on instinct.

Although it might be a bit arrogant to think so, the fact is that losing to them is an insult to my years of learning magic.

Therefore, Ayla also understood another problem that bothered her. The magician on the field carried various props including staffs, but they were not props made using alchemy techniques or other special methods at all.

That is nothing more than cutting the magic material into a convenient shape, and using the magic aura it carries to insignificantly increase itself.

So the second battle also came to an end.

"Ella Williams Bell!"

The messenger has already informed herself that Bell is the surname she must use to compete as a retainer.

"Win, Ella, Winter County has never won a mage duel!"

"Do your best, Miss Ella."

Ella nodded and walked towards the square.

Chapter 23 Easy

Through a hallway flanked by bright torches, Ayla walked onto the plaza along a dark blue carpet that reminded her of the arenas depicted in history books.

Ayla put on a black velvet robe, and on the back of the robe was embroidered with four-edged snowflakes symbolizing the Earl of Winter.

"Mittle found a magician in his territory? I thought he would give up this duel."

The gentle woman stood beside the Snow King, covering her mouth in surprise.

The Snow King sipped his wine and smiled, shaking his glass.

"Those knights did a good job just now. This year's celebration is particularly interesting."

Ella stood quietly in a corner of the square, staring at the ground expressionlessly, and slowly raised her head to look at her opponent after the sound of footsteps gradually approaching.

It was a tall and sunny young man, but judging from the pointed ears and facial features, it could be seen that he was a hybrid of elves, so the exact age could not be judged.

His mage robe was printed with three-edged snowflakes, which represented the honorary earl of the royal city.

"I am the great magician representing His Excellency the Honorable Earl——Irwin. Girl, you seem to be of thin blood, and you don't carry any props. To avoid injury, you should abstain!"

Ella shook her head with a smile. The wind and snow swelled around her, and an inconspicuous circular vacuum appeared in an instant.


The Snow King put down the golden wine glass, he showed a playful smile, and then suddenly stretched out his thick fingers and pointed to a corner of the square.

"That girl seems to be very powerful. Erwin is going to be unlucky. Earl Charlie is not lucky this year. He will probably be eliminated in the first round of both duels."

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