Before the words fell, the ax and spear knight no longer backed down, and suddenly launched a counterattack!

The knight with the hammer lost his center of gravity and fell from his horse as he parried the oncoming thrusts.

Ella shook her head, and took out a Luke from her pocket. Counting the previous expenses, she now only has two left.

Ashley took the platinum coin, flicked it into the air with his thumb, and caught it firmly.

"It's me next."

"Well, good luck."

"Must win, Ashley!"

Lily patted the knight on the shoulder.

"Yes, ma'am."

Ashley Chevalier performed a standard knight's salute and then left the box.

Ella returned to the auditorium. Although she doesn't know swordsmanship or riding skills, she can tell that Ashley's basic physical ability is far better than that of the previous two knights. If her opponent is of a similar level as before, There was no suspense in that battle at all.

Ashley appeared in the circular square. Instead of wearing the light mail armor, she put on a set of soft linen cotton armor that is more convenient for movement. Pure white cloak.

The opponent was a sturdy male, equipped with hard leather armor and a chain hammer, and wearing a sword-wing coat of arms. That was the nobleman who came to the royal city on a horse-headed giant bird. He also did not have a mount. This duel The form of battle is infantry.

Ella noticed that the atmosphere in the square was boiling, and someone could vaguely hear shouting "Lord Chevalier" or "The Knight of the Ash Forest".

"Is Ashley's popularity so high?"

Ella asked in surprise,

"Of course, she is a well-known female knight in the Land of Snow. She once won the martial arts championship as a representative of Cold Winter County. This is why we dared to cross the snow forest with only a few dozen guards."

A cannon salute signaled the duel, but the two sides did not charge directly at each other as in the first match.

Ashley shrank her steps, and her figure was like a straight javelin. She swung the long and narrow one-handed rapier in front of her body, so that people could not see the direction of attack.

The enemy dragged a heavy chain hammer, piercing white marks on the ice.

"Who is the other party?"

"The badge is the Eugen family guarding the Frost Mountains. It is also a field earl. His knights need to fight against monsters in the mountains all year round. It is not comparable to the previous ostentation."

The stalemate was broken, and the knight with the hammer attacked first. He had the advantage in the length and quality of the weapon.

The fragile blade of the rapier cannot block the chain hammer, and it will be easily broken as long as it collides head-on or gets entangled in the chain.

Ashley could only choose to dodge left or right or retreat, without directly colliding with the opponent's weapon.

"Although his movements are also very flexible, the accuracy of his weapons is average. He should be used to dealing with large targets."

Lily was analyzing the other party's movements. Although she could only understand the general idea, Ella also looked at it very seriously.She was thinking that if she and Ashley switched, how would she choose to fight, probably use the levitation spell to rise to a safe height, and then burn the ground?

At this time, Ashley had been forced to the end of the square, and if he continued to retreat, he would be out, while the opponent chose a long sweep. This kind of attack could not be dodged left and right, and there was no retreat behind him.

"Regret your choice of weapon, Monsieur Chevalier!"

Accompanied by the roar, the chain hammer rolled up the snow and dust on the ground, and the surrounding environment became somewhat blurred, and Ashley's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him!

No, not disappearing but on top!

Ashley jumped up high, stretched his legs, and passed the sweep of the chain hammer in midair.

She fell due to gravity, and stepped on the chain of the chain hammer with one foot, and the opponent was pulled forward by this, and her body leaned forward.

At this time, the rapier had stopped in front of his throat.


Ashley withdrew his sword, moved his foot away, and shook hands with the opponent.

"I lost."

The knight with the chain hammer was also very straightforward.

"You are also very strong, but the way of fighting among knights is different from hunting monsters. When wielding a weapon, you must reserve some power."

Ashley offered her opinion.

"Been taught a lesson."

Amid the warm cheers, the two knights returned to their boxes to rest.

This was a duel with eight people in total, divided into four groups and three rounds. Ashley, who won the first round, had plenty of time to rest.

Chapter 21 Knights of War

The opponent Ashley faced in the second round had her equipment adjusted for her flexible fighting style.

Knowing the skill gap between him and his opponent, the knight from Carlotine put on a thicker full-body armor that was more airtight, and simply chose a large shield and a short spear as weapons.

In this way, even if he stood there motionless, the tiny stabbing sword couldn't pierce his defense at all.

This made Ella and Lily very speechless. The knights who can enter the second round of battle should be strong, but this kind of wimpy fighting style like carrying a turtle shell is really lacking in viewing value.

As expected, there was booing from the audience outside the stadium.

Only the Snow King, sitting on the terrace of the palace, applauded, swishing the golden cup and tasting the bright red wine.

"It's a smart tactic. Although it's somewhat irrelevant to the occasion, it's not ashamed to do it for the sake of winning."

After a few attempts, Ashley simply gave up using the rapier to break through the defense, and after letting go of the short spear's straight thrust, Ashley pounced on it.Twisted the opponent's arm with joint skills.

"There is one last game left."

Ashley received the clear water from Ira. The latter mixed some magical potions of rejuvenation in the water, which would allow her to adjust to her best state in a short time, which was also allowed by the rules.After that, she hurried back to the preparation hall, waiting for the next final.

The salute was fired,

A new battle began off the field, and this battle will determine Ashley's opponent in the final battle.

There was a wave of applause from the auditorium, and the three people's attention was quickly shifted to the square.

What was going on off the court was a foot battle. The knight in black iron armor wore a mask with intricate patterns, and on the flying azure blue cloak was the royal family's coat of arms with hexagonal snowflakes.

He brandished a two-handed long sword, and the weapons crossed each other several times. Amidst the screams of the audience, his opponent staggered and fell, and the battle ax he held flew high into the air, fell quickly, and pierced the left side of his head. feet in the ice.

Ella couldn't see the knight's movement at all, and the battle was over.

"Who is that?"

"The chief knight, Hester Hogle, is a knight directly under the royal family."

Lily's expression has become serious,

"Hester Hogle should also be an immortal species. When His Majesty the Snow King established the country, there was a knight named Hester around him, but he always wore a mask, so the characters under the mask have alternated countless times. This statement..."

"Does Ashley have a chance?"

"I don't know... The chief knight hasn't appeared in the celebration for a long time."

After a short rest, the two knights reappeared in the center of the square. Ashley rode on the white horse brought from Wintershire, and put on the lined silver mail armor, shoulder armor, gauntlets and legs. Armor, and the weapon was also changed from a bayonet to a lance.

The white horse is also covered with armor, the metal covers the face and flanks of the horse, and the coiled horn decoration makes the white horse look like another creature.

Hester Hogle's attire and weapons remained unchanged, and he was riding a black horse decorated with night scale armor. It used dragon horn decorations on its head, and the horse seemed to have turned into a black dragon.

Ashley lowered his gun point, relaxed his body, and instinctively told her that the next battle would be different, and the aura of the opponent was completely different from the two before.

The war horses have all stepped on special shoes that are non-slip on the ice, and every step they take will leave white marks on the ice.

"The chief knight..."

The opponent had just gone through the battle, and his physical strength should be beneficial to him who had rested for a longer period of time.But this is not necessarily the case. I have the vitality potion prepared by Ella Williams on my side. The conditions of the royal knight should not be inferior to my own. Maybe the court magician will give him better.

Ashley shook his head, this kind of thinking is too rude, he would not even get help from magic, and now he is in the most ideal state.

Three salutes roared at the same time, and dark blue fireworks bloomed in the sky.

The battle begins with an inspiring charge. The distance of 50 meters is enough for the horses on both sides to accelerate to the fastest speed. When the lances and swords collide, sparks shoot out!

The full-speed charge of the war horses came to an abrupt end due to the force of the weapons colliding, white foam oozed from their mouths, and they wrestled with each other.

Ashley felt the strong shock from the collision of the weapons, and his arms went numb for a while, but he still held the most dangerous sword.

"You are very good... I haven't seen such a strong female knight for nearly a hundred years."

The voice behind the knight's mask sounded weak and hard.

"You're good too."

Both sides stopped talking nonsense at the same time. The dark luster of the metal flickered and disappeared. The long sword and lance slashed together again, and then swung away from each other!

Both sides were blindly attacking, and then attacking again, the long sound of blade handover resounded through the square!This has gone beyond the scope of the nobles' swordsmanship competition, but it has brought a real taste of the battlefield.

Ashley swung a heavy slash from top to bottom, pierced the armor on the opponent's right shoulder with a straight spear, and her helmet was also blown away by the epee's forward thrust.

"The opponent is strong."

Ashley Chevalier was convinced of this, the impenetrable attack of the great sword was like a raging wave, making it difficult for her to breathe, as long as she was not careful, the weapon might pass through her chest.

A lance might break at the next collision, and a tiny saber would be useless in such a fight.

It is impossible for both sides to expect the other side to keep their hands, and they must go all out every moment, and maybe both sides will suffer in the end of the battle.

But, she can win!

Ashley gave up all her thoughts, leaned down, risked passing Hogel's flat cut, and silently handed out the lance. This way of exerting force was not enough to penetrate the opponent's armor. But in a duel, it is indeed enough to be judged as a victory.

The big sword is very heavy, and it is impossible to return to the defense in time under such circumstances!


Ashley thought about this, but was shocked to find that Hogel was firmly grasping the point of the spear with her free left hand. As long as she tightened her lance, the point of the spear would break Hogel's fingers.

No, no, that doesn't feel like a real finger!

There was a jolt on the horse's back, causing Ashley to lose her center of gravity and fall to the ground from one side.

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