As she expected, the wizard hidden on the island launched an attack immediately after she sent back the summoned item.

"Caught you!"

A blurry water shadow appeared behind Ella, and a piece of parchment burned completely in her hand. It was a variant of the old seal of the deep sea, which needed to be activated by magic power, but it could produce a more powerful effect.

The attack that broke through the wind seemed to hit the water. Ripple-like ripples appeared in all directions of the space. The attacker felt as if he was falling into the water. The pressure hit him from above, below, front and back, and from any corner of the space where he was.

Ella blew the copper whistle again while turning around. This time the sound was indeed short and rapid, and the other two Baiyaki rushed from the depths of the forest to the sky!

From the beginning, Ella only released the contract with one of them, leaving the other two monsters lurking.

The situation was reversed in an instant. Ella, Shadow, and Bayaki at both ends, this lineup was enough to make the attackers tremble.

She was no longer the impulsive little girl five years ago, she was the executor, the student of the executive officer Howard Youssef!

Chapter 25 Confrontation

Although the old seal was used to offset the damage, the impact still penetrated the protection and reached Ella. She flew backwards like a dead leaf, and then landed smoothly on the ground.

Ella threw a bronze mirror into the air, and the fallen leaves piled on the riverside flew and spun, gathering around the bronze mirror very quickly.

In this process, she has completed a magic with the shadow,

"El Havodz."

This is a high-level runic character shaped like a purple shirt, and its meaning is creation!

The swirling fallen leaves rolled up the river water, and they finally condensed into a human figure as tall as Ella.

A strange thing happened. In the eyes of the attacker, the rough figure made of fallen leaves quickly became refined, and finally transformed into a girl with black skirt and silver hair, just like Ella beside her.

No, the attacker's pupils were shrunken, but there was still a difference between the two. The human figure made of fallen leaves had no flesh and bones, just a thin shell. Rotten leaves or branches could still be seen from some small cracks or flaws.

But this sense of humor does not reduce people's fear, but makes it more weird and terrifying.

The dummy raised his hand, turned his head to observe blankly for a few seconds,

"It's rough, but..."

A mocking smile suddenly appeared on its pale face,

"That's not bad."

The dummy is the temporary body possessed by the shadow. The false body created by the purple shirt curse allows the shadow to come to this world in material form again after a year.

So far, Ella had the opportunity to observe the attacker. He was wrapped in a large, dirty and greasy robe, and the shadow of the hood covered most of his facial features. The attacker could only be judged from his figure. adult male.

"I will not spare you!"

Shadow said in that frivolous tone,

"It's really scary. At least be burned into coke and apologize to her. This girl is not someone to mess with."

Ayla took a step forward, and Shadow took a step forward with the same movement just for fun, and they began to chant the spell at the same time,

The dark white flame condensed in the hands of the shadow, and Ayla found that when the shadow acted independently, she almost lost the ability to use that dark white flame.This is something to be wary of, Ayla remembers the connection between the Shadow and the mysterious being called "Yavum", but that's not something that should be considered right now.

Then, a crimson color as sticky as magma appeared in Ayla's hands, and she immediately chose to use another magic power in her body.

The crimson and white flames burst in front of the attacker. The latter broke through the shackles made by the old seal in embarrassment during the impact, and rushed out of the wall of flames to the river behind him without hesitation.

The cloth was brittle from the extreme cold and heat, exposing the attacker's green, gelatinous skin.Ayla's magic left a large area of ​​scorched black there, and stinky black sticky blood flowed under the cracked skin.

"It really is a ghoul!"

A Byakhee as big as a horse swooped down with a foul-smelling wind, and a fuzzy black light shield appeared in front of the attacker, colliding with the monster's sharp claws and making teeth-stinging sounds.

At the same time, the assailant generated water out of thin air, and used it to extinguish the burning flames on his body, and white smoke with a pungent smell rose up.

He landed on all fours and fled with the speed of a beast, while Ayla took out a glass tube and poured the golden liquid inside.

She started to run, jumped on the back of the other Byakhi, and started chasing.

The shadow didn't know how to suspend itself in the air, like a kite blown by a strong wind, flying forward as if standing in the air.

The ball of light summoned by the sun spell is suspended behind Ella. Unlike before, after inheriting the sticky and hot attributes, he becomes like a lava ball suspended in mid-air. The color is dim, but the gaps that occasionally crack are Dazzlingly red.The large and small cracks are like squinting eyes. When one of them becomes half-open, a large amount of flames fall from the sky, like a rain of fire at the end of the world!

The assailant was hit by the flame stream again and fell to the ground. This time almost one-third of his body surface was ignited, and he fell powerlessly on the ground struggling and rolling.

Ella withdrew her magic, and the former collapsed on the ground, falling into unconscious convulsions.

Before that, the shadow patted the cane, and an illusory black chain formed in the space, firmly binding the attacker's body.

Can't kill him just yet so we can find the remaining ghouls in town, Ayla thought, ordering Byakhee to land.

Just when Byakhe was about to land next to the man, the girl suddenly felt a strong fear, and her intuition crazily shouted danger in her mind!

The attacker who had fallen to the ground suddenly opened his mouth, and a red-black mist protruded.

Without thinking too much, Ayla turned over and jumped off, rolling along the ground to relieve her force.When she raised her head again, she found that the horse-sized Byakhi was struggling and fell to the ground. In the place where the mist was entwined, the monster's body shrank and turned black rapidly, like a withered plant.

The flesh and skin quickly became close to the skin, and the Byakhee quickly turned into dry bones, as if it had been dead for decades.

The death of the summoned object caused a lot of harm to Ella. A severe headache came, which made her face turn pale. The dangerous creature summoned with a lot of magic power died in an instant!

Shadow's pupils shrank rapidly, and this was the first time she showed such an expression.

"This is... the Flesh Withering Curse"

At the moment when everyone was shocked by the effect of this magic, there was an earth-shattering roar from under the water, and a giant snake-like zombie with a length of more than fifty feet and a rotting body broke out of the water, killing another Byakhee. Slam into the water!

The assailant bound by the invisible black chains changed at this moment. His limbs swelled and became larger. It was no longer a human body. Like a giant python, the tentacles as thick as a bucket tore through the filthy and torn robe. The ground broke and the chains turned into smoke.

His actions have become irrelevant to human beings, like a ghost, sticking to the ground, and quickly disappearing into the rainforest.

Underwater Bayaki broke free from the big snake's grip, tore it into several pieces with sharp claws and sharp teeth, and rushed out of the water with an angry roar.

Ella stood up, her complexion became very ugly,

"Careless, I should kill him directly."

Shadow came to her side, very serious,

"The other party should also be seriously injured near death. That kind of magic is not something that can be used casually."

"You mean the Flesh Withering Curse? I've never heard of this kind of magic."

The shadow did not respond, the temporary body quickly disintegrated into dead leaves all over the ground, and the bronze mirror also fell to the ground.

Her voice rang in Ella's head,

"The harvest is not too small, I need to rest now."

Ayla took out a tube of blood and smeared it on the mirror, repatriated the last byakhee, and collected the bits of meat and cloth left behind by the attackers.

Chapter 26 The Immortal Spirit

Before Ella returned to town, she re-did the divination on the scraps of meat she had collected.After the wizard hiding behind the ghoul was injured, the disturbance she received was significantly lessened.

The clues pointed to two vague directions, one of which was Tangerang Town, which confirmed their guess that ghouls were probably hiding in the drainage pipes under Tangerang Town, and the one who could change his body The wizard is mostly disguised as a townsman.

Another clue surprised Ayla a bit, and it pointed to the stone statue that Ayla got.A blurry picture appeared in Ella's spiritual consciousness, it was the ruins of the temple wrapped in mist, and the broken statue was a certain part of the ruins of the temple.But the deeper scene is wrapped in dense fog, and Ira's intuition tells Ella that it is a dangerous place.

She originally decided to explore the depths of the rainforest. Bayaki told her that this statue came from the ruins in the north of the forest.

But reason made Ella give up this idea. After the battle, she consumed a lot of magic power, and the shadow could no longer provide help for the time being.

A better choice is to go back to the town, wait until Ling wakes up, and then explore in a complete state.

After this encounter, Ayla has roughly understood the opponent's strength. Even if he possesses some unknown and dangerous magic, it is impossible for that person to face the three executors including himself at the same time.

Ella is back in town, and it's close to noon, and Jack's bar isn't open today.Both Hyde and Jack seemed a little nervous. Since Ella left, they have been on guard against possible attacks at any time.

After seeing the returning Ella, the two obviously relaxed a lot, and Jack brought out the prepared food.

With his experience in London, he had already given the cook and bartender a leave of absence in advance to avoid any danger to them.

Ling's condition is basically stable, and he may wake up at any time.

"Williams, how is your side, have you got any useful clues?"

asked Hyde, eating the conspicuous lack of meat on his plate,

"It went well. As expected, that wizard also attacked me."

After roughly describing the battle and the results of the divination, Ayla took out the broken stone statue, but Hyde and Jack had no clue about the statue that Ayla took out.

After eating some bread, Ella noticed that there was only water and green pea soup on the table. Although she didn't care much about it, it was indeed too bland to be pub style.

"Did anything happen while I was away?"

Hyde and Jack changed their faces together, and the former turned around and started to retch.

"I don't think I'll be able to eat kebabs for about a week, that goddamn Aboriginal religion..."

The corners of Jack's mouth twitched obviously a few times, but his condition was much better than that of Hyde.

"The Palamonians burned to death three people they called devils in the square. At dawn today, another animal died in the town. Some people said they saw the three unlucky guys nearby. .”

It was only then that Ella noticed that the air seemed to be filled with a stench of burnt protein. They were very faint, but once discovered, people could not ignore them.

She noticed that Jack used some kind of strange expression, and asked uncertainly,

"Are they ghouls?"

"Do not."

The voice came from the stairs, Ling had come to life, she could observe the square from the balcony, and came to the conclusion,

"I think those are normal human beings."

Jack fished out a bottle of whiskey out of nowhere and took a swig.

"Of course they are humans! I know them, Dias, Roma, Salazar... They used to drink here, but they were just three gypsy sailors. You know, gypsy people have been engaged in divination or After coming to Tangerang Island, they have restrained a lot from work such as animal taming... Maybe they just happened to be there, or they didn't exist at all, and they were just framed."

Ella felt a sense of confusion. In fact, no one had been killed by a ghoul on this island yet.But today, three innocent people died at the hands of the same kind, tied to wooden stakes and burned alive.

This situation has had a considerable impact on Ayla's actions. They need to use the magic of hiding their bodies every time they travel, which will cause unnecessary consumption and make them unable to face hiding in the best state. The wizard in town.

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