"It turns out that those monsters are really called ghouls... Besides, my place is not where a little girl should come."

Ella snapped her fingers, causing the candlestick to float, land on the table and re-ignite, and then sat on the wooden chair near the bookshelf.

This left Ms. Rosa Willett stunned.

"If you ask me, you should not rush into a room that may be dangerous. This behavior is even more irrational."

As she spoke, she retracted the revolver to her waist,

"Well, now tell me about the ghouls, Ms. Verette."

"Just call me Rosa... what was that just now, magic?"

Ella frowned, the actions just now didn't seem to have the deterrent effect she wanted, she deliberately made her voice more indifferent,

"I am a magician who came to this island to hunt monsters. You can understand it that way. Now answer my question."


Rosa nodded,

"Around six o'clock in the afternoon, two monsters broke into my house, you know...my door is always open to everyone on the island."

Ella understood the meaning of Rosa's words and felt a little embarrassed, but she still controlled her expression without changing.

"They attacked you?"

Rosa shook her head,

"No, they just threatened me not to make a sound. I was so scared that I hid under the table and didn't dare to make a sound. After dark, they left here."

Ella frowned upon hearing this, and asked questions again,

"They threaten you not to make a sound, you mean, those two monsters can talk?"

Rosa gave an affirmative answer, she opened her mouth as if planning to continue, but hesitated.

"What else do you know?"

"No... I mean, after they left, I looked through books about monsters and found descriptions of monsters like those left by my grandfather, who always believed in the origin of some terrible creatures. exist……"

She stopped hesitantly again.


Ayla asked, and let the flames burn in her pupils.

The temperature on Tangerang Island even at night was over twenty degrees, but Rosa shivered for no reason. She looked into Ella's eyes, but now she looked away in fear.

"I don't think they are like the ghouls recorded in the book, they are more like..."

"More like what?"

Ella urged, she was already getting a little impatient.

"...More like humans. If possible, I hope you won't hurt them. Those monsters have not hurt the residents of the island."

Rosa breathed a sigh of relief as if giving up, and then said this answer that left Ella speechless.

After a moment of silence, Ella left the seat and walked to the window sill.

"Forget everything you saw today, let alone tell others that you have seen me, you know, I don't intend to have any conflicts with the Paramon sect... Also, if possible, leave this island as soon as possible, here soon It will no longer be safe."

Ella did not try to modify Rosa's memory. She is not good at this magic, and it can easily have a bad effect on the human body.Although it was only a short conversation, she felt that the woman did not deserve any harm.

"Why? Those ghouls don't seem to attack humans."

Rosa was a little puzzled,

"Even if those monsters really don't attack humans, the wizards who stand behind them and turn humans into monsters are not necessarily."

Saying that, Ella hid herself again, and floated away from the window.

Rosa then looked out the window, but could only see the deserted streets and the moonlight. What happened just now was like a dream, and she felt that she was a little too tired today.

After Ella left Ms. Rosa's house, she searched the remaining properties but found nothing.She arrived at the meeting place agreed upon by the three of them a few streets away, and lifted the "Embrace of Night". Hyde was already standing here.

"Williams, I think I've found the place where the ghouls are hiding, but the environment there is a bit complicated. Give me a few more days and I'll get something! How's your place?"

Hyde seemed very confident. He found traces of a large number of ghouls in the depths of the drain through the magic cast on the goat, but it was connected to the bottom drain of the entire island. It was very complicated, and it took about one night. Not enough to explore completely.

"It can be regarded as a lot of gains."

Ella looked around but didn't find Ling's figure. It was already the time they agreed upon.After careful observation, she found some residual magic in the air. Following these traces, Ayla determined Ling's location.

Ling should be squatting in the corner of the alley, not dispelling the magic on his body.

"What's wrong, Ling, are you going to make a joke with us?"

Ella smiled and lifted the magic on the opponent, but her smile froze on her face.

Ling leaned weakly against the corner of the wall, his face was gray and his breath was already very weak.

Chapter 24 Spiny Bait

"Hey, Ling, cheer up!"


Ling responded weakly,

"Sorry, I seem to have screwed up..."

Ayla noticed that there was a huge tear-like wound on Ling's back, and blood flowed on the ground along the wound.

For a moment she became completely panicked and her mind went blank.

"Stop her bleeding if you don't want her to die."

The reminder from the shadow made her wake up abruptly. Ella's hands trembled a little. She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, used several powerful healing spells, and fed Ling a few tubes of medicine.

Ling's breathing became more stable, but he fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

"Williams, it's not safe here, we have to go back quickly!"

Ayla nodded. Although this might expose the contact point to the enemy, they had no other choice at this time, not to mention that Ling might have gotten rid of the opponent before he fell unconscious.

She hugged Ling sideways, which was quite difficult for Ella. Maybe it was better to leave this matter to Hyde, but she didn't think about it at all.

Running through a few streets at a gallop, Ella has never run so fast in her life.She almost kicked open the gate of the "Dutch Fortress", which scared Jack, who was drinking, to jump up from behind the bar.

With Jack's help, Ella sent Ling to the bedroom on the second floor, and after a more complete treatment of the wound, Ella was relieved.

She recalled the initial appearance of the wound, which looked like it was left by a ghoul, but Ayla didn't think that ordinary ghouls could hurt Ling, who was good at combat, and it was almost impossible for them to detect the magic cloaking. shaped wizard.

Before tonight, Ella would have thought that was completely impossible, but her exposure to Ms. Rosa had taken a toll on her, so Ella added "almost" before impossible.

Under the effect of magic, Ling's condition improved, and he soon regained consciousness.

"There is residual toxin in the wound. You'd better not move around for two days. Tell me what happened?"

"... I was ambushed in the ruins of the factory, my counterattack hit, and I escaped from the factory after that..."

Ling grabbed her hair and trembled all over, but it was not because of fear, but because of some kind of extreme anger,

"The other party is a wizard... No, I don't know what he is. I killed that person, one after another, smashing his skull with my own hands, and burning his body to ashes! Why?! I Obviously killed him!"

Ella had never seen that kind of expression on Ling's face. The hatred and confusion made the girl's face sometimes distorted like a ghost, and sometimes like a lost child.

Ling said some words of unknown meaning, her pupil color was flickering between black and dark yellow, and it seemed that she was showing signs of losing control again. If this continued, the best result for her would be to become half a lunatic.

Ella didn't dare to delay, so she forced Ling to drink two sedatives and watched her fall into a deep sleep.

After that, Ayla thought for a moment,

"Hyde, you stay here tomorrow morning to protect Ling, and I will go to the rainforest alone."

"Are you crazy? There is a wizard on this island who may attack us at any time. I guess the reason why he attacked Mephisto is because he dare not face the three of us at the same time. Are you planning to die when you go to the rainforest alone?"

Hyde frowned. He felt that the safest way was to wait for Ling to recover. The three of them acted together and used his magic to slowly explore the underground drainage pipes.

"I'm not going to die. First of all, I need to receive the clues found by the Byakhees and disperse them. In addition, I am not alone."

It was close to two in the morning, but Ella was barely feeling sleepy.

In fact, she also felt that she was a little impulsive. It is not a good way to use herself as a bait to lure the enemy to appear. If there is any problem with her, it will directly lead to the failure of the mission.

But thinking of Ling's appearance, Ella felt that she couldn't calm down at all, and the anger spread in her chest like wildfire.

Ayla forced herself to let go of her thoughts. She must rest and prepare her strength for tomorrow.

I don't know how long it took, the girl's thoughts began to blur, and the whisper of the shadow came from her ear again. This time, the tone of the shadow was rare, without the taste of mocking,

"That's right, everyone who tries to take something from our world should pay for their actions."


In the early morning of the next day, Ella pushed open the gate of the Dutch Fort and walked along the road to the rainforest.Following the marks made yesterday, Ella soon came to the river deep in the rainforest.

She took out the copper whistle and blew softly,

A byakhee hovered over the river and landed in front of Ayla, dropping a strange stone statue from its giant claws.

Ella picked up the statue and found that it was a monster with a human-like shape. It had no eyes or lower limbs and was twisted in shape. The bottom of the statue was an irregular broken rock. It looked like a decoration broken off by Bayaki from a certain building. .

Ella had never seen the creature on the statue in the records of Kraft School's books. After observing it, she looked suspiciously at the hideous monster in front of her.

Baiaki rolled his pale eyeballs a few times like a rotting corpse, and opened his mouth to make a harsh sound like iron scraping.

Ella was surprised to find that she could understand the meaning of this sound.

"Statues come from ruins farther north in the rainforest."

She nodded, took out the meteorite again, and chanted an obscure incantation. The monster slightly bent its forelimbs, as if saluting Ella, and then flew into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

At the moment when the spell just ended,

The shadow sent a reminder in Ella's mind,

"Be careful behind your back."

The sharp claws brought a sharp wind and cut off a few long silver hairs on the back of Ella's head, but the girl didn't panic, instead there was a vague smile on her face.

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