"Hum, are you trying to say that my judgment was wrong?"

Westcott tilted his head, and the magician turned pale and shook his head violently.

"No, no! Absolutely not that kind of meaning! It's just... If Executive Minister Messers knew about that, would he still want to fight another one..."

The magician used a weaker voice than before, and Westcott let out a sigh and shrugged.

"Ah——Yes, but, because of this, it's good."

Westcott smiled and said: "After all... I want Ailian to bring a lot of things, but I can't think about avoiding being covered in blood, right?"



At the same time, Yawei, who had been playing with the elves for a day, followed Kotori to a low-level command room temporarily built in Tiangong City.

It didn't take long for the low driving sound and continuous vibration to vibrate his body and eardrum.

Because Yawei, the elves, and the crew of 'Ratastock' are currently riding a huge delivery helicopter.

"Hey, Kotori, where are we going?"

Well, the elves, such as Tohka and Yaguya, [WEB] people who ride such a large helicopter for the first time are very happy, but there are also many people who are curious about it.

Hearing this, Kotori shook the Chupa Orb, then shook her head and spoke.

"Sorry, I can't go into details, but I don't doubt you, but what I'm going to now is the place where the technology called 'Ratatosk' is tied.

"Huh? If we go there, is there anything we can do about the place where Liu Kui is?"

"Well, of course!" Kotori nodded, and then looked outside, "I think it should be here soon—"

The moment the voice fell, immediately after, the broadcast notification in the machine rang.

"Commander, we have arrived at our destination, please get ready."

"Ah, it seems that there is a timer in my body."

After Kotori finished speaking in a joking tone, she gave instructions to the crew.

A few minutes later, as the helicopter hit the ground, the vibration and driving sound of the machine body disappeared.

"here it is……"

Yawei scanned the surroundings with his eyes for a while, then frowned subconsciously.

The spacious arrangement around the helicopter was completely different from the heliport he had imagined.

There is a huge space surrounded by huge walls, and if you look up, you can't even see the sky.

The operators in overalls, who were equipped with various equipment such as the aircraft, were busy with their respective tasks.

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like this place can provide any help for everyone to deal with Liu Gu.

But soon, Yawei knew exactly why Kotori brought them to this place.

Because, led by Kotori, they finally stopped in front of a huge battleship.

'Fraxinus'... No, to be precise, it should be an upgraded version of 'Fraxinus ex'!

Chapter 280 Maria

Waste>$Lu-thorn&+hedgehog-{cat+pine}~radish-bag*}small/say}*t/+X=T$~lifting$taking~group$>: <7>/5

If you look closely, the shape has also changed slightly.

The sharp hull made of white and azure, and the gunport in the middle.

Then, the rear of the hull, which is as broad as the branches of a giant tree, and several 'leaves' made of shiny metal.

This battleship itself has a very strange design.

But of course, after all, this ship is not going to the rough sea - but the sky that looks down on everything.

"So that's how it is, so we can go to the location of Liu Gu."

Yawei nodded, and understood what was going on.

To put it simply, it is probably that the air battleship has been upgraded to a space battleship.

"That's right, it flew over with a whiff." Kotori said with a gesture of throwing a paper airplane.

"Because the adjustments have not been completed, there is still a while before take-off, but boarding is already possible, and the upgrade of 'Fraxinus' is far more than that."

While speaking, Kotori bent Yawei's fingers to signal him to come over, and then walked towards the bottom of 'Fraxinus' mysteriously.

Seeing this, a trace of curiosity appeared on Yawei's face, and he walked behind Kotori with the elves and the crew.

After confirming that everyone was assembled directly below the battleship, Kotori raised her head and shouted.

"Fine, please."

As soon as the words fell, Yawei and the others emitted a faint light around their bodies, and the whole person was surrounded by an incredible floating feeling.

In the next instant, the scenery around everyone changed from the warehouse to the interior of the ship.


This is the teleportation device of 'Fraxinus' which uses a manifestation device.

Compared with before, the current 'Fraxinus' seems to be able to transfer directly to the bridge.

You must know that the teleportation device was installed in the lower part of the hull in the past. To enter the bridge, you have to walk from the lower part.

Now, because there are several terminals installed in the ship, you can choose which area to go to at will.

The terminals can also teleport to each other, so it only takes a moment to go directly from the living area to the bridge.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Kotori showed a smirk, raised her head and shouted.

"Hello, come out and say hello, 'Fraxinus'."

Kotori's tone seemed to be talking to the battleship she was on, which made everyone a little confused.

However, in the next second—the monitor suddenly lit up, and then a girlish voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Well, welcome back, Kotori...and everyone."


Because it happened so suddenly, the elves around couldn't help but take a step back in fright.

"What, what's going on!?"

"Scary... a jump!"

"Good morning, long time no see... This kind of saying is a bit strange.

I have been taking care of you all the time, my code name is 'Maria', please give me your guidance in the future. "

The voice in the loudspeaker said, she is the AI ​​of 'Fraxinus', and after this modification, conversational communication can already be realized.

"Ah, please advise, Maria."

The elves behind Yawei rushed in and crowded in front of the display screen.

Of course there can't be Maria's face on it, but the words 'MARIA' are still displayed on the display screen, as if there is a real personality.

"Oh! This is amazing! How did you do it?"

"Hehe, there is such a thing, it's amazing!"

"Will this voice read the options? True or false?"

The elves were discussing around the little Maria, watching them, Kotori clapped her hands helplessly.

"Okay, okay, don't disturb Maria too much, she still has work to do."

After finishing speaking, after everyone quieted down, he asked Maria.

"So, how long will it take before the battleship takes off?"

"In terms of overall adjustment, I hope to give nine 10 minutes."

"I'm running out of time, I'll get it done within an hour."

"Still as ruthless as always, I really feel sorry for your future husband."

"Although the performance of the airframe has been improved, the taste for joking is still very bad. I can adjust it after this battle is over."

Kotori half-closed her eyes and said, but Maria ignored it and started talking to the crew instead.

"Although the data settings of the console and display are the same as before, just in case, please confirm each one, this operation will be carried out simultaneously with this side."

After finishing speaking, the crew members nodded, and Maria continued to explain.

"Also, please keep the amount of personal belongings on the bridge to a minimum.

Although I don't want to interfere too much because it is in the category of personal space, but in my opinion, straw dolls and beautiful girl figures are unnecessary items in the bridge. "

Hearing Maria's words, 'Straw Doll' Shiizaki and 'Beyond Dimension' Nakatsugawa showed expressions of astonishment.

"Why, why is this..."

"Didn't you say nothing before?"

"It's just because there was no way to communicate in the past. If you think these are necessary, please submit the reasons within [-] words."

"This, this is to be able to curse the enemy when they appear...!"

"I can't be 100% productive if I'm not with my wives!"

"turn down."

Maria replied in a cold tone, and Shiizaki and Nakatsugawa howled.

Seeing the embarrassment of these two people, including Kotori and a group of elves, the other crew members showed gloating smiles, and made sarcastic remarks that had nothing to do with themselves.

"No way, those things are indeed unnecessary for the mission."

"Ah, we've thought that way for a long time."

"Well, this kind of place still needs to distinguish between public and private."

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