The reason is simple, the values ​​indicated above do not change at all, like parallel lines.

"To put it simply... When Yawei was talking to Liu Gu, the connection to the monitor has not been broken, but the emotional value, favorability, etc. have not changed.

So, the conclusion is - the phrase 'close your heart' does not seem to be a joke, nor is it an idiomatic sentence.

No matter what words she uses from the outside, she can't affect her. "


Kotori opened her eyes wide in surprise.

" exactly, how—"

This is simply a situation that couldn't be worse. After all, you can't expect a stone-like existence without the slightest emotion to understand each other with humans.

In this way, Kotori also fell into the state of emo, with a pale expression that the artist forgot to paint.

However, at this moment, there was a slight sound outside the door, which was so eye-catching in this silent atmosphere.

"...? What's that sound——" Kotori made a doubtful voice, and walked towards the door.

The next moment the door was opened, and the elves who were supposed to be waiting in the other room rushed in.



"It's oppressive, it's heavy, Yaguya, isn't it good to lose weight?"

"Why do you think it's my weight alone!"

It seems that everyone heard it, and slowly propped up the bodies that were pressed one by one.

"You, you... what are you doing, all in this kind of place!" Kotori asked with a face full of surprise.

"Mmm... sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Tohka lowered her shoulders apologetically, but Miku took her shoulders.

"Miss Tohka is not wrong, and it is wrong for Darling to tell us not to worry in this situation!"

After listening to Perfect Nine's words, the elves nodded in agreement, while Yawei sighed heavily.

"You guys..."

To be honest, he never thought that even this could reach him.

However, Origami moved her lips and said with a blank expression.

"Although it's halfway, but we heard - there must be something we can do."

"that kind of……"

Kotori covered her mouth, probably...she wanted to keep the elves away from danger as much as possible.

As if aware of Kotori's thoughts, the elves chatted one after another.

"If this continues, the earth will be bad, right? So it's not time for reluctance, is it? I also want to continue reading my favorite manga."

"Miss Liu, she also knows the beauty of this world, and she will definitely not want to destroy it... Please! Please let us help...!"


Overwhelmed by the momentum, Kotori turned around to look at Reine.


Then, noticing Reine's gaze, she nodded and said quietly, "I can't help it."

Then, Kotori let out a sigh of relief.

"Ha, I see, you guys should stay here too."

Hearing Kotori's words, the faces of the elves brightened up.

However, at this moment, Kotori emphasized in a warning tone.

"However, this time, she is not someone who can be suppressed with the power of elves. She has sealed herself up."

"Question, is there a way to open Liu Gu's closed heart again?"

Yuxian turned to Lingyin, and everyone followed her.

"Although it cannot be asserted, there should be only one method."

"Is there a way!?"

Tohka's eyes widened when she heard this, and the other elves leaned forward as if to cater.

"I'm sorry for letting you have expectations..." Lingyin finished the second half of the sentence with a helpless expression.

"A heart sealed by an angel must also be untied by an angel.

【Key】angel 'Sealing Master' must be used again on Liuxiu. "

Chapter 280 Five Upgraded Air Battleship

Indeed, as Lingyin said, angels are 'miracles with shapes'.

If you want to unravel the consequences caused by it, you must use the power of the angel again.

But as a matter of course, [Sealing Master] is in the hands of Liu Gu himself.

And because of her closed heart, the thoughts and longings here cannot be conveyed.

To use an analogy, it is like trying to open a locked treasure chest, but the key is in the chest.

However, after hearing this, Yajuya puffed out his chest proudly.

"Hey, there aren't many words of angels here, even if I am the overlord, I have to open it."

However, as if to fight her, Xi Xian showed a bitter face.

Isn't it in the universe, how to get to that kind of place. "

"Ugh, like that..."


That's right, first of all, there is no method for the first step of [WEB], let alone other methods.

"The universe... ah..."

Kotori shook the pearl beads slightly, and pursed her lips in a playful smile.

"It's not that there is no way at all, but, during this period of time, you probably need to live on the ground for a few days."


Hearing Kotori's confident words, everyone tilted their heads...



"—total annihilation?"

In the communication room of the Japanese branch of DEM industry, Ellen, who received the report of the ship flying in satellite orbit a few hours ago, let out a surprised voice.

In the dark space, there are only a few display screens flickering, lightly illuminating the surroundings.

Ailian walked to the corner, staring at the dark monitor that was slightly beeping.

"Yes, yes, there are three airships, and there are ninety 'Phantom Beasts' in total, and none of the elves' hairs were hurt at all."

Ai Lian passed the communicator and heard the slightly trembling voice of her subordinates.

Then, as if in response, Westcott's voice sounded from behind.

"It was amazing!"

Westcott sat on a special wheelchair, using the free-flowing domain to support his body's movements.

"Although I never thought that I could defeat it with only the advance team, but to have such power,'s really amazing!

In this case, if he could get the other party's spirit crystal, the odds of winning would be much higher, right? "

Hearing this, Ai Lian glanced over there, then fell into thinking.

Dektas NUMBER, who was indeed on the first formation of [WEB] in the satellite orbit, did not participate in the main combat force.

Their task is not to defeat the elf, but to investigate the power of the elf sleeping in the universe, and then force her to escape to the ground like that.

However——this operation ended in failure.

Thinking of this, Ai Lian breathed out through her nose unhappily. If she had known this, she should have let herself go in the first place.

"Is the elf still at the current location?"

"Yes, yes, the elves are still on the current orbit...I'm afraid, I think they are preparing to attack the earth."


Ailian pondered again silently, raised her head, and looked towards Westcott.


Afterwards, sensing the intention to Westcott, he nodded emphatically.

"Ahhh, it's troublesome to continue drilling holes in DEM's facilities like this.

I will leave it to you and Artemisia to deal with, I am looking forward to the result. "

"Yes, definitely."

Ellen answered briefly, and walked out of the communication room after saluting.

"That, Westcott MD..."

After Elen left the communication room, a magus there cautiously approached Westcott.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Is this really good? Let Executive Minister Messers go to space..."

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