"Thank you, Tohka, and everyone, thank you for willing to fight for me."

"What did you say--?!"


"What were you talking about just now?!"

"Doubt, haven't you recovered yet?"

"Yeah, the straightforward Origami-san is also cute~"

"Oh, oh, it's really rare."

Headed by Tohka, all the elves who had fought Origami showed expressions of astonishment.

Are you kidding, is this what that origami would say?

You know, she's the one who often says 'I'm going to kill all the elves'!

But...Yawei didn't find it strange, because this origami already knew the truth about the death of his parents.

The hatred for the elves has long since disappeared, not only that, but she is probably full of apologies in her heart.

After all, because of her misunderstanding at the beginning, she did many things that caused trouble to the elves and even hurt each other.

But it seemed that Tohka became overwhelmed by this unexpected situation, she swam her eyes back and forth and glanced her face away.

"You, don't make a mistake! I, I just! That's right, I only did this for Yahweh!"

There is no way, Tohka is the worst at dealing with such frank people.

Among the elves, Meijiu has always been her nemesis.


"That's it...then I won't thank you, what a selfish elf, really ugly."

"What did you say……?!"

Origami drooped her eyelids and said provocative words, Tohka couldn't help frowning.

"You guy, it's completely different from what you just said!"

Tohka's voice became louder, and Origami turned her face away, pretending to be puzzled and said, "What's different?"

"No, you should have thanked me before, but what you said now is clearly mocking, right?"

"Have it?"

"Of course there is!"

"Oh, yes, then take it as a sarcasm, selfish."

"You bastard...!!!"

Mingming didn't know how to deal with the frank Origami, but when the latter changed his mind, Tohka became relentless instead.

Seeing this scene, all the elves couldn't help laughing, and joined in the ridicule one by one, and the atmosphere became very harmonious for a while.

Perhaps this is also the end of the world line. Tohka and Origami are destined to become friends and competitors of Huanxi.

Seeing this, Yawei first showed a slight smile, but soon, his smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a helpless wry smile when he saw this scene.

So tired, miracles are not so easy to do.

[WEB] Chapter 250 Material A

About two months have passed since I sealed Tobiichi Origami, and the weather has also changed from autumn to winter.

The recent weather is not good, and the haze in the morning seems to bring the most bone-chilling chill in this season to the earth.

The bare treetops shivered in the wind, and the sky above was as white as the cloud-covered sky.

The perception of clean air in cooler temperatures may be due to the fact that the cold conjures up images of transparent ice, or because cold temperatures are thought to reduce the activity of harmful substances such as bacteria.

Of course, there is a great possibility that it is simply that my senses have become dull.

Speaking of which, a few days ago, Shixiang and other elves, led by Ling Yin, went shopping for winter supplies.

So everyone put on luxurious winter clothes together, even Yawei's priest's robe was covered with thick fluff, now it looks a bit like Grandpa Tong's dress when he brushed the ice dragon.

"Hmm... What a peaceful day to day..."

Yawei sat in the neon-style quilt and yawned lazily.

Recently, because there are no elves appearing in the world, he has been lazy all over.

But when Yawei put in so much effort to save Origami, how could he not give himself a vacation?

To tell the truth, Yawei was already close to the limit, regardless of Yawei’s apparent indifference.

After all, he first completed the confrontation with the world and time, and then turned around and performed the miracle of turning back time in most of the city.

For him now, it is simply impossible to achieve this level, so the reason why he can accomplish these miracles is naturally inseparable from the support of Godhead and the power of faith.

To be honest, if it weren't for the profound power of faith collected in the last world, he would have almost exposed the fact that he was at the end of his strength at that time.

Even so, the lake-like power of faith is now barely as big as a small spring.

If Ai Lian hadn't [WEB] left immediately, maybe she would have had a chance to cause him a lot of trouble!

But having said that, Yawei doesn't feel a loss at all, because the income in this world is already ridiculously high.

In addition, every "seal" of an elf is equivalent to finding a future angel, so what is it worth paying a little power of faith?

What's more, Yawei, the power of faith, was planning to keep it to strengthen himself. Although he didn't exchange for new abilities now, it doesn't feel bad to get the spiritual power of the elves.

Especially after the godhead was further restored, it was a great surprise for him to cooperate with those spiritual powers.

Regarding this point, it is estimated that it will be left to the unlucky DEM company to verify it.

Thinking of this, the corners of Yawei's mouth could not help but rise slightly, revealing a gloating smile.

But having said that, as soon as DEM company was mentioned, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Those guys have been silent for so long... Maybe they are going to make trouble again?

But before Yawei could continue to think, a strange touch suddenly came from below.


Yawei lowered his head in doubt, only to find that two little feet stretched out by someone were pressing on his thigh at this time.


When he raised his head again, Kurumi and Origami who were sitting near Yawei showed a smile in their eyes.

Well, case solved.

Do you believe that the real identity of the perpetrator is needless to be revealed?


Regarding this, Yawei sighed deeply, and subconsciously stroked his colorful waist.

I also want to know that with Origami's enthusiasm for him, it is naturally impossible for Kuangsan to be more beautiful than before.

That is to say—there is one more goblin who steals the spirit of the spirit!



As soon as the screen turned, on the other side, in a certain room of the Japanese branch of the DEM agency, the business executive director Izak Westcott sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that the inverted body of Tobiichi Origami would also fall into the hands of the 'Ratastock'. Since the appearance of the 'Bishop', we seem to be completely at a disadvantage..."

This 35-year-old man has inconspicuous short gray hair and a pair of inconspicuous dark golden pupils that are as sharp as blades.

He was wearing a suit as dark as night, and his eyes fell on the documents spread out on the table.

"terribly sorry."

The one who answered him was a girl with pale blond hair who was standing by nearby.

Her name is—Ellen Mathers.

As the executive force behind DEM [WEB] Second Executive Director, he is also the world's strongest magician.

Hearing the girl's confession, Westcott shrugged exaggeratedly, then shook his head and said, "You don't have to apologize, I didn't expect the sudden appearance of the reverse body."

Speaking of this, he paused before continuing to speak.

"It's a pity to let such a precious sample escape the naturally occurring hair-turning-reversal elves. I've never seen [WEB] second person except for 'Princess' for such a perfect reverse body."

After speaking, he turned the chair and looked out the window. To be honest, the reversal of the 'princess' had surprised her quite a bit, but he didn't expect an even bigger surprise to come.

However, no matter it was Tobiichi Origami who suddenly became an elf, forcing the 'princess' to enter a reverse state to fight against her.

It was still Tobiichi Origami who achieved a reversal within half a day after becoming an elf. This series of events really caught him off guard.

It is not surprising that failure to make a sophisticated plan in advance will lead to complete failure.

"Of course, elves aren't born in a reversed state, so Tobiichi Origami...is really interesting for what reason she fell into the abyss of despair.

If possible, I even want to go directly to 'Ratastock' to find the 'Bishop' to enlighten me! "

While talking, Westcott stood up.

"By the way, Ailian, I sent a call from Nelly Island before."

Nililu Island - Hearing this name, Ailian raised her eyebrows.

The name refers to a small island in the Pacific Ocean owned by DEM and its underground remodeled experimental facility.

There is a reason why Allen reacts to this name. After all, the deepest part of the facility contains the top secret of DEM-the special disaster-designated lifeform she captured was imprisoned here.

"It seems that the processing of "Material A" has been completed, and the success rate predicted by the technical department is 75%. Don't you think this is a pretty good number?"

"Really, then that means..."

Following Ellen's response, the corners of Westcott's mouth rose.

"That's right, the time is ripe, shall we also make a perfect reverse body?"

Chapter 250 There is no second choice at all [WEB]

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