Of course, if Inverted Origami wanted to break free with all his strength, the sound barrier created by Miku who could only exert his weakened strength could be easily destroyed.

However, from the current origami body, I can't feel the slightest vitality and consciousness.

Only the pitch-black 'flying wings' were attacking them, and Origami didn't make any sound.

It's like the body's immune function, which automatically eliminates foreign enemies regardless of one's own wishes.


Tohka broke through to her, raised her voice, and called Origami's name.

But the latter still didn't respond, his eyes in despair just stared blankly at the void.

In fact, at this moment, Masa Origami was in utter chaos.

She herself clearly remembered that five years ago, she put her father and mother—

However, the miracle in childhood seemed not to be an illusion. My parents were rescued by Yahweh and spent a peaceful, warm and irreplaceable time with her.

Is that all right?Can the things I have done not be counted like this?

The surrounding area was burned by fire, the streets flickering with flames, the huge pits carved on the road, the severed human limbs scattered everywhere, the scorched blood, and the young origami who looked up at the sky.

The memories like hell made Origami feel a strong sense of dizziness and vomiting.

No, I... the fact that I killed my father and mother will not disappear...even if those things become things that 'did not happen'..."

Origami herself should also be very clear that the mistakes she committed have been miraculously redeemed by Yawei.

However, even though she has clearly recognized this point, she is still not allowed and cannot continue to live in this world, and such thoughts are constantly impacting Origami's heart.

Just because her parents were saved doesn't mean her faults can be written off.

In fact, what caused Origami to fall into a reversal was the unparalleled sense of guilt brought about by killing her parents with her own hands.

Not only that, the scenery in front of Origami began to distort, and she even had the illusion that her own existence was dyed pure black, and it became very difficult to maintain consciousness.

Inverted vision, endless darkness, ruined streets.

Seeing this miserable scene, she couldn't help but let out a scream.

Several more streets must have been destroyed, and many more people died.

Knocked down by the impact of mixed emotions such as sadness, anger, and disgust, Origami's heart gradually fell into silence, and her inverted personality increasingly gained the upper hand.

Run away, run away.

Just go to sleep.

Go to sleep... At least you don't have to bear the torment and pain in your heart.

"I've—I can't, I...have..."

Facing the torrent of negative emotions pouring in, Origami finally couldn't resist, her eyelids closed slowly as if filled with lead, and even the few thoughts left seemed to disappear.

If this continues, the personality named Origami will disappear, and it will be replaced by an existence that has the appearance of origami, but is actually a crystallized reversed personality.

It is different from the elves that qualified humans accept the transformation of spirit crystals and turn into elves.

The personality of this kind of spirit crystal itself is manifested, and the adaptability is naturally full from the beginning.

This is also the fundamental reason why once an elf falls into a reversal, its strength will skyrocket to another level.

Now, Origami's consciousness has fallen into a deeper level of silence, which means that the strength of the reverse personality has been improved again in the outside world.


Tohka let out a mournful cry, and was hit by the black light on her thigh, her figure staggered, almost collapsing to the ground.

"Why, how could this be?"

Kotori quickly stood in front of Tohka, gritted her teeth and asked while resisting the increasingly unstoppable 'Feather'.

"The power of the 'Savior Demon King' has become stronger than before. If this continues, it will really be unbearable."

At this moment, due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power, the faces of all the elves were a little pale, and their foreheads were covered with sweat.

Among them, Kuangsan was the most tiring one, constantly using 'Ke Ke Di' to reply to everyone, and her spiritual power was about to be drained.

To be honest, even she didn't expect that one day she would feel annoyed not because she didn't have enough time, but because she didn't have enough spiritual power.

Even Yaguya and Yuzuru on the other side of the battlefield are no exception. It is too reluctant for them to fight against Ellen alone.

Without the support of 'Fraxinus', they would have been unable to stop Ailian long ago.

However, this is the case, the hull damage rate of 'Fraxinus' has exceeded 40.00%.

Although it was difficult to use the free field to keep the hull...but it is still approaching the limit.

After all, when it was defeated in the confrontation with 'Gedia' before, the air warship was already damaged, and it had to be dispatched again before it could be repaired.

Presumably, it won't be long before this air battleship will not be able to escape the end of disintegration and falling.

"How to do how to do?!"

Kotori looked helplessly at Origami not far away. To save her, someone had to wake her up from the outside, someone had to grab her outstretched hand.

However, facing Origami who had already sealed her heart, their voices could not be conveyed at all.

That's right, Kotori and the others are nothing more than insignificant people to Origami.

The voice Origami needed was not theirs at all.

Up to now, the only way to find out is to find those who occupy a large position in Origami's heart and are willing to help her.

However, facing the reverse origami that brought endless despair to the world, would anyone really be willing to reach out...

Chapter 250 Three Angels


Just when everyone felt hopeless, a sudden voice made everyone raise their heads involuntarily.

Accompanied by the dazzling holy light, a figure appeared in front of all the elves.

After hearing the sudden sound, Origami couldn't help but look up, and she managed to respond to the sound.


That's right, it is the voice of Yahweh who returned five years ago that resounds in this world of nothing.

And the moment the holy light shone on Origami's body, there seemed to be a "cracking" sound in her heart, and a slight light seeped into the blackness that sealed everything.

"I came back after saving your parents. They... are probably on vacation somewhere in a foreign country now. By the way, you probably haven't talked to them today, right?"

With a gentle voice, Yawei explained the current situation of Origami's parents.

Cracks appeared in the space surrounding the origami, and the cracks became bigger and bigger.

"Don't forget, if you are desperate, just call out, no matter how many times, I will bring a miracle to you!"

The moment the voice fell, immeasurable holy light burst out from Yawei's body. Wherever the light shone, the gravel-like streets slowly floated, reconstituting the bustling streets.

The broken earth is healing, and the ruined flowers and trees are blooming again.

Even the human beings who were injured or died in the dark light rain before recovered their heartbeats, jumping up and down one by one.


The black space cracked again, and the light shone in front of Origami.

Origami felt that her body did not act on her own will.

She stretched out her hand and touched the ray of light, and the next second——

The space without any objects collapsed instantly after a loud noise.


Origami, who was originally like a corpse, suddenly had a faint light in her eyes.

She slowly rolled her eyes as if observing the surrounding situation, and said with trembling lips.

"I, I... I..."

After Yawei heard her weak voice, he held her in his arms and comforted her gently.

"Thank you...thank you, Yahweh...thank you for calling me..."

Origami said softly: "Without you... I would have committed an irreparable crime..."

As she spoke, tears began to flow from her eyes, moistening Yahweh's shoulders.

"...I, I have to bear those sins, I..."

Origami trembled slightly, and finally couldn't help hugging Yawei's body tightly, crying loudly.


Since five years ago, for a girl in her teens, Origami has been restraining herself in the extremely long five years.

After that, how long did it take? In short, she didn't really show herself until this moment.

Just like that, amidst Origami's wailing, the jet-black spiritual dress she was wearing burst into dazzling light and was dyed pure white.

That was the original posture of the elf Origami, and at the same time, the 'flying wings' around her also turned into light particles and disappeared.

The origami wrapped in a spiritual dress like a wedding dress, at this moment under the shroud of the holy light of Yahweh, looks like a real angel.

Then, behind her, the elves who had just fought with 'Flying Wing' appeared one after another.

After seeing Yawei's appearance, Irene seemed to feel that there was nothing to be done, and she ran away resolutely.

There is no way, facing seven at the same time... plus Yawei Origami, or even nine elves, is undoubtedly tantamount to courting death.


Seeing that Origami was lying in Yawei's arms, Tohka couldn't help frowning, snorted and crossed her hands.

Needless to say, vinegar bun Tohka is not happy again, after all they were enemies when Origami was working in "Ast" not long ago.

As a result, the other party is actually lying in the arms of the person she likes and acting like a baby... It is only natural that she would feel awkward.

However, at this moment, Origami slowly turned her head, looked at the elves, and said something that didn't look like she would say at all.

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