The British battleships without the protection of the aircraft carrier could only hide here in the Singapore fortress during this period. Relying on the protection of shore-based aircraft, they did not dare to go to the Philippines to support MacArthur, and played the "sit-in war" again.

When Fizimbine was caught in the flames of war, the Malay Peninsula and Kalimantan were also undercurrents.

As early as three years ago, at the beginning of the War of Liberation, under the reminder of Huang Ke, the Chinese side began to deploy here, and all the secrets planted in the past began to play a role at this time.

During the Battle of the Philippines, China and the Soviet Union reached an agreement with the visiting Japanese secret envoy: the Japanese army opened the sea passages and allowed China and the Soviet Union to send ships to pick up overseas Chinese from the Philippines.On the third day after the Japanese army captured Manila, several cargo ships from the Sino-Soviet joint fleet docked at the port of Manila during this period.

Chapter 361 From the Philippines to Pontianak

Over the sky above Manila Port, the smoke of war has not yet cleared.

A cruiser (Dinghai) flying the five-star red flag, two Soviet destroyers flying the sickle and hammer flag, plus four merchant ships each flying the Chinese and Soviet flags, as well as supply ships, have now arrived in Manila Port.

The warships are all parked in the open sea, while the merchant ships that pick up people only occupy two berths, and new passenger ships will catch up after they are full of people.

Inside the port, there was a sea of ​​people, and a large number of Chinese expatriates with black eyes and black hair were queuing up to board the ship one by one.

In the inner circle of the port are the Chinese and Soviet marines who are responsible for maintaining order, wearing blue and white sea soul shirts, while the outer circle is the Japanese marines.

Since June 1938, when they were completely kicked out of mainland China, the relationship between China, the Soviet Union and Japan has become strangely friendly.After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the lack of confidence of the Japanese desperately needed the support of China and the Soviet Union.When the Battle of the Philippines was still going on, the Japanese army had already opened the port for China and the Soviet Union to send ships to pick up the overseas Chinese.

Unlike those in the Malay Peninsula, Chinese nationals in the Philippines must be taken away. Even if the two parties in this time and space reach a tacit agreement on certain matters, it is extremely dangerous for a large number of Chinese nationals to fall into the hands of the Japanese.In the past three years, the CCP has sent a large number of underground party personnel to infiltrate Southeast Asia and established a special Southeast Asian branch, and the Philippines is one of them.

As soon as the Pacific War broke out, the underground party that had been lurking before began to do ideological work for local overseas Chinese.Less than four days after the Japanese army captured Manila, the evacuation ships departed from Hainan Island and rushed to Manila.By 1942, the total number of overseas Chinese in the Philippines was about 12 (according to the historical 1939 census data), of which Manila accounted for 39% of the total, and the surrounding areas accounted for 45.4%. Now it is this area that needs to be withdrawn overseas Chinese.

According to the instructions of the central government, in the next year, as long as possible, these overseas Chinese will be evacuated as much as possible.

Although history has been changed, the brutality of the Japanese devils will not change.Another point is that just because history has been changed, no one can guarantee whether the US military will retaliate against the local Chinese when they fight back in the future.

"There are too few people!"

In the port, Mr. Tan Kah Kee, the well-known representative of Nanyang Hua, looked worriedly at the overseas Chinese who were queuing up to board the ship, and turned to Hua Kezhi, the representative of the CCP beside him.

According to the estimate given by Huang Ke, the total number of overseas Chinese in Manila and its surrounding areas is estimated to be between 10 and 1, but now in the port of Manila, there are only more than [-] people waiting to evacuate.

The reason is that some people are reluctant to leave the pots and pans left behind after years of hard work here, but another reason is related to the reactionary propaganda of the remnants of the Kuomintang who fled here in the past few years-they continue to spread rumors to overseas Chinese, saying that the motherland sent people to pick them up He wanted to lure everyone back and shoot them, just like the disgusting things they did 56 years later in another time and space.

"Mr. Huang is right. These beasts are nothing at all. They are afraid of power and don't know their morality. They should have been killed long ago!"

Walker now regrets that he was too late and too soft-hearted in Singapore last year.While he sent a telegram to the Central Department, explaining the situation.On the one hand, he continued to negotiate with the Japanese occupying forces, but on the other hand, he began to use his personal relationships.

The one in charge of attacking the Philippines was the 14th Army under the command of Masaharu Honma (Philippine Dispatch Army). Walker had never dealt with him, but just landed in these two days, and the second batch of troops to attack the Philippines was transported from Japan to Manila. The reinforcements, the Fourth Division, Walker is too familiar with them.

In the last month of the Battle of Shanghai in 1938, after confirming that the Japanese army would "peacefully withdraw" from Shanghai, the anti-union troops that surrounded Shanghai and the "broken rear" Fourth Division had been conducting underground business.

People from the Fourth Division reported a large amount of ammunition in the name of "consumption" and then sold it privately to the Red Army in exchange for priceless antibiotics. "Frequent visitors" of division headquarters and island agencies.

After the end of the Sino-Japanese War, almost all the "single-digit number" divisions of the Japanese army that participated in the war in China were destroyed and almost completely destroyed and rebuilt. Only the Fourth Division was able to maintain nearly half of them and retreat.This attack on the Philippines, although the No.14 Army drove Ake Arthur out of Manila, it suffered a lot of losses. The Fourth Division came to support him, although its former division commander, Matsui Ming, retired after the last war. (In fact, he made a fortune and ran away.) But the middle and lower-level officers and Walker are old acquaintances—just yesterday, he invited these "old friends" to drink together in Manila.

When Hua Ke came to the Philippines, he had two tasks. One was to collude with the local Japanese army, help evacuate overseas Chinese, and minimize the losses of the local overseas Chinese in the war. Relationship, because many follow-up methods need this relationship to carry out.

Many members of the newly established Southeast Asian Communist Party branch were dispatched from the underground party in Shanghai.After liberation, Wang Yaqiao joined the CPPCC, and Shushan no longer engaged in assassinations.But the gang of brothers under him, some of them were young and energetic and wanted to do some business again, were all incorporated by Walker at that time and brought to Southeast Asia.

Huang Ke-Pan Hannian-Walker's underground party in Shanghai, in the years before liberation, did all kinds of daring things. Before he came to Southeast Asia, he had already asked his "old boss" Huang Ke for advice. After reporting to his superiors "the sabotage of the evacuation work by remnants of Kuomintang agents", he took action without waiting for a reply.

That night Hua Kezhi once again invited the "Japanese friends" of the Fourth Division to a party and sang wine. After drinking for three rounds, Hua Kezhi explained his purpose of coming and asked these "Japanese friends" who were about to go to the front line to do a little favor.

Although these old friends are only brigade and regiment level officers now, they are enough to do a lot of things.

At the banquet, Hua Kezhi threw out a bunch of lists that he had collected long ago, and said murderously:

"These people, in the past few years, have been colluding with the white-skinned ghosts in the local area, undermining the common prosperity of Greater East Asia, undermining the friendship between China and Japan, and even informed the white-skinned MacArthur before the war..."

"Hey mud? Baga!"

The next day, the "Japanese friends" of the Fourth Division came to the door one by one according to the address he provided, and arrested dozens of Kuomintang remnants who had escaped from the country or bad elements who had frantically spread rumors in the past. "for the crime of shooting at a target.During this period, the Japanese army had just occupied Manila, and the city was very chaotic, and the discipline of the devil soldiers in the city was extremely poor. These beasts who had been in Japan for three years finally vented their desires on other indigenous people.On the Chinese side, because of concerns about the relationship with China, Tokyo issued a strict order to temporarily save the "China-Japan friendship".

People from Hua Kezhi took the opportunity to use these things to do ideological work for overseas Chinese. After seeing the brutality of the Japanese army, many overseas Chinese were also shaken ideologically, and many people were evacuated later.

Walker stayed in Manila for a whole month before leaving.Thanks to his efforts, New China has evacuated more than 4 overseas Chinese from the Port of Manila several times, accounting for more than one-third of the total number, and the rest can only wait for the future to slowly evacuate.

During this process, according to the instructions of his superiors, Hua Kezhi used his good relationship network with the 200th Division stationed in Manila at that time, and secretly helped the Americans evacuate more than [-] stranded expatriates and wounded.

When the last evacuation boat left Manila, the boat was not full of overseas Chinese because there were not enough people, but the boat was filled with rubber, tin ingots, etc. sent by the Japanese and plundered from local warehouses. supplies.

The Japanese army went south to Nanyang just to grab a ticket.After the looted materials were transported back to China, only the consortium and the masters of the military department made a fortune, and the middle and lower-level officers and cannon fodder were not all hard-working.

The rubber ore in the warehouse is full, and it is just to make a fortune for the lords, but to steal a little and sell it to the CCP and the Soviets is to make a fortune for yourself!

It's not because the red deer are crazy about being "poor and crazy".Hua Kezhi was sent to the Philippines. The second task he received was to continue to open up the relationship with the middle and high-level officers of the Japanese army. The early days of the Japanese army's occupation of the Philippines were the most chaotic period, so it was convenient to handle affairs.People from the Fourth Division have long been familiar with this kind of thing, and Hua Kezhi made a little seduction, and the other party responded skillfully.


For the overseas Chinese in the Philippines, the new China’s attitude is mainly to retreat, but for the overseas Chinese in the Malay Peninsula and Kalimantan Island, the Chinese side’s attitude, from the very beginning, is to see the right time and plan to "rise" here .

When He Wei was sent to Malaysia three years ago, one of the tasks he received was to recruit party members and select personnel from among the local overseas Chinese young people, and send them back to China for military training.

After the People's Liberation Army occupied Cambodia in 1940, the influence of New China among the Chinese in Southeast Asia instantly increased to a higher level.

Over the past few hundred years, overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia have suffered from the duality of colonizers and local aborigines.During the Anti-Japanese War, countless overseas Chinese enthusiastically donated money and goods, and returned to the country to fight the war.After the victory of the war, the "heart spirit" of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia rose a lot in an instant.The results of the Indochina War made this sentiment even more like fuel to the fire.

From 1940, He Wei discovered that it was much easier to recruit "hot-blooded" young people in the local area than before.According to the instructions of the superiors, the underground party lurking in the local area is constantly looking for passionate young people, bringing them back to China, and conducting military training in the training camp on Hainan Island. In three years, more than 2000 people have been recruited successively.

In December 1941, when it was confirmed that the Japanese army was about to launch the Pacific War, these young people who had received secret training for more than a year quietly returned to their overseas hometowns during this period.With their relatives and friends as the twisted relationship, they began to connect secretly.

When the Battle of the Philippines was in full swing, the Japanese government and the Chinese side negotiated the "South Seas spoils" negotiations, and they also reached an early agreement.

The Terengganu area in the north of the Malay Peninsula was placed under the control of the Chinese side for the resettlement of overseas Chinese, while the Johor area in the south near Singapore was also set aside as an "overseas Chinese resettlement site".As for Kalimantan Island, the area that originally belonged to the Lanfang Republic was placed under the control of the local Chinese, and the Japanese army was not allowed to enter.

It's not that the Japanese military doesn't have a big appetite and wants to swallow it all in one bite.But after the lessons of the Sino-Japanese War, there are still many rational people at the top.They know that scoring some benefits to the Chinese side can prevent the CCP from bouncing back.

Neiji Okamura once said in front of Yongren at that time: "Only in this way can we use overseas Chinese to bind China and Japan together!"

When Manila fell, the Anglo-Dutch forces in Malaysia and Kalimantan were already shocked three times a day.

As early as early January 1942, the governor of Singapore, Shenton, panicked and ordered the local British colonial army to detain Japanese nationals in concentration camps.

At the end of January, after realizing that the overseas Chinese here were also ready to move, they even targeted the Chinese.

It was just that Shenton had just started, and the New China immediately issued a diplomatic warning to the British. At the same time, the People's Liberation Army in Burma and Aksai Chin mobilized frequently in response, making a gesture of attacking at any time.

At that time, China issued a stern warning to the British envoys stationed in Wuhan: "Your hostile actions against overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia will lead to unpredictable consequences!"

Although Churchill didn't want to be a human being, and even wanted to take some more risks, Roosevelt was more anxious than Churchill at this time.

Now Roosevelt, what he is most afraid of seeing is the five countries of China, the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy and Japan joining forces to fight the United States. Although he knows that China and Japan are now fighting tacitly, but before the Chinese side officially turns their backs, he really does not want to be at this time. , and give the Japanese a formidable ally of 3000 million people on the Pacific side.

Leighton Stuart managed to get a "Chinese neutral" attitude from Li Runshi. Roosevelt didn't want to provoke China, or even the more terrifying Sino-Soviet alliance, for Southeast Asia, which was bound to be lost in the early stage and belonged to the British and Dutch.

Roosevelt clearly remembered the lessons of World War I: when one family declared war, the rest of the countries that had military alliances or agreements were dragged into the water one by one.Roosevelt was very worried about the recurrence of history. You must know that China and the Soviet Union now have a military mutual aid alliance. .

When China announced the evacuation of overseas Chinese in the Philippines, the Soviets, who did not have many expatriates there, also directly drove their warships to Manila to show their presence. It can explain the problem-in terms of foreign and international relations, China and the Soviet Union are integrated.

Under the double pressure of Washington and Wuhan, Governor Shenton was finally forced to withdraw the order to detain the local overseas Chinese.

In February, although the "Sino-British" conflict in Singapore was forcibly suppressed, and Churchill was forced to hold his nose and endure Li Runshi's humiliation again, but in the Pontianak area of ​​Kalimantan Island, the conflict between China and the Netherlands, But it broke out in the most violent way during this period.

Pontianak City, located in the west of Kalimantan Island, was the capital of Lanfang Republic in the 1938th century.There are criss-crossed canals in the city, and most of the houses are built on the water.The proportion of the Chinese population is extremely high, accounting for more than [-]%. In [-], with the founding of New China, after a large number of black five-category reactionaries fled to Southeast Asia, the proportion of local Chinese increased by another two percentage points within a year.

Pontianak and its surrounding areas were originally Chinese territory a hundred years ago - the famous Lanfang Kingdom (1776~1886) was born here.

However, this is a loose political alliance composed of Chinese with weak centralization capabilities.In the later period of its regime, as the infiltration and armed aggression of the Dutch intensified here, coupled with internal divisions, internal strife, and traitors led the way frequently, it was eventually forcibly annexed by the Dutch, the country was destroyed, and finally disappeared in history.

(In 1888, the Lanfang Republic Army was defeated. Because of the betrayal of the traitors Huang Fuyuan and Wu Guier, the Republic Army was surrounded. After four months of fighting, they all died due to running out of ammunition and food. The last resistance of the Lanfang Republic disappeared. )

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1939, the policy of the Southeast Asian underground party’s activities here was: temporarily only carry out grassroots infiltration work in the Malay Peninsula area, focus on latent and covert development, expand contacts, find out the details, and do not stimulate the local area too much the colonists.

In the Pontianak area of ​​Kalimantan Island, China's activities are much more radical.A large number of underground parties fled to Pontianak under the banner of escaping the persecution of the CCP, and then bought land and houses in the local area to settle down. In fact, they laid the foundation in advance, established a base, and then lurk secretly to develop their troops.

During this period, the Dutch were already extremely weak, especially after their home country was occupied by the Nazis, their overseas forces were even more unbearable-but during this period, the total strength of the Dutch colonial troops in Indonesia exceeded 2, and they even had a large number of troops. armored car.

However, the Pontianak area is too barren, with little oil and water.It is the weakest area for the Dutch - at this time, their colonial troops here only had more than 2000 colonial troops, and their quality was extremely poor.

Without the help of local traitors and gangsters, the Netherlands would not be able to rule at the grassroots level in Pontianak. They are the eyes and ears of the Dutch controlling here.

When Dai Li fled to Southeast Asia with his disciples and grandchildren under Huang Ke's arrangement and persuasion, it was Huang Ke who planted a secret here in advance.

In 1939, Dai Li brought about [-] people from the Fuxing Society to Pontianak to occupy the site and clashed with the local gangsters.He was able to uproot and kill all those ground snakes so easily within a month. In fact, this was inseparable from the weapon support and ammunition provided by Huang Ke through Walker.

The old gangs in the Pontianak area have been at peace for a long time. The weapons in the house are only a few broken pistols, and the quality of the personnel is even worse.However, Dai Li and his group were trained by raising Gu in the country, assassination, poisoning, kidnapping, and bombing are omnipotent.On the surface, it took a month, but the actual action took only a few days: the previous time took some time to find out the local conditions, and the real action was a thunderous blow, and the group of "greenhouses" was raised and abandoned. The "colleagues who have lost their lives" were killed cleanly and easily replaced.

On the bright side, Dai Li and his group, who have become the new leaders in the Pontianak area, are gambling and playing drugs in the Pontianak area. They are doing all kinds of evil. "It doesn't look like the Communist Party."

It’s not that the Dutch didn’t think that the arrivals were unkind, but Dai Li’s team did a very clean job: he didn’t occupy the territory first and then clashed. Only after a month did it come back.When they came back, all kinds of homage were offered in time, and the joints were opened, and the "understanding" of the Dutch quickly took root. Its real effect was to "temporarily blind" the Dutch colonists at the grassroots level.

On the other hand, the underground party headed by He Wei, imitated the methods used to carry out underground party activities in old China in the past, and quietly developed at the local grassroots level.Without the help of those old black and evil forces, the blind Dutch would not be able to detect the CCP's actions in the dark.

The relationship between Dai Li and the CCP is just a replay of the scene a few years ago.Dai Li and his group used cover to deceive the Dutch, while the underground party secretly prepared work at the grassroots level, trained personnel, stockpiled weapons, and waited for the right time to rise up.

Chapter 362 I Was Originally a Demon

In 1941, after He Zhonghan defected to Dai Li, Dai Li personally drove him away from Pontianak to a small town [-] kilometers away.

It was a Chinese settlement. After the car stopped, the Chinese there waved and greeted Dai Li, and some even recognized He Zhonghan directly.Among these young and strong men, many of them obviously had traces of their military background in their actions and demeanors. Upon questioning, they were all served in the army. A student from Whampoa.

"Most of them are the remnants of Li Delin. After fleeing to Indochina, many people didn't want to fight anymore, but they didn't dare to surrender to the CCP. I bought land here and went there to recruit people. I easily recruited hundreds of people. No. Veterans who have fought wars and seen blood. After the CCP took Indochina, Li Delin and Bai Jiansheng left them and went to the United States. These people had nowhere to go. Some of them fled to the mountains on the northwestern border of Thailand to become bandits, and some fled to Thailand They were caught by the Thais in the country, and they were supposed to be handed over to the CCP, but I sent someone to bail them out and bring them here."

Dai Li felt complacent when he mentioned this matter, but He Zhonghan said bluntly: "Actually, the truth is that the CCP secretly told you to be a good person and take them away, right?"

"That's right! Junshan, I really can't lie to you!"

Dai Li didn't hide anything, and honestly admitted: "So far, I have about 200 soldiers in my hands! There are more than 150 people who have been officers here!"

He Zhonghan said: "You have eaten up the last bit of Li Delin's family fortune. To be able to support so many people, the money you got from Huang Yuanxing back then is really quite a lot."

"It didn't cost much to raise these people. I rented some land and mountains from the Dutch here and distributed them to them. It cost less than 20 U.S. dollars... ..”

Dai Li smiled disapprovingly, $20 is really a small amount of money to him.Then he pointed with the binoculars and told He Zhonghan where he was, and that they were all named "Dai" for the time being.

"Huang Yuanxing told me that as long as the lease is for three years, this year is the third year, and there is no need to rent again by this time next year."

He Zhonghan immediately understood the implication: next year, that is, around March 1942, a war will break out here in Nanyang, and there will be major changes.

After a brief introduction here, Dai Li drove He Zhonghan around in his small car around the small town. It was an area of ​​about six square kilometers, with mountains, fields and rivers.The people Dai Li brought over from Indochina were mainly military officers, including soldiers, totaling more than 400 people, and there were hundreds of family members in addition.After this group of people took root here, they naturally became Dai Li's hardcore supporters.

"Huang Xingyuan entrusted someone to bring me a message that the situation here will change drastically next year, and that's when I will show my strength."

He Zhonghan looked at Dai Li's fanatical and excited eyes, but understood that after hearing Huang Yuanxing's lobbying that day, he had already believed the other party's nonsense.

It is actually very difficult for people who have been the heroes of one party and have the power to control the fate of others to give up everything and be willing to be ordinary, especially for a spy chief like Dai Li.

In fact, He Zhonghan himself is the same!He who once had a good time was also unwilling to become a teacher in school like Liu Zhi's stupid pig.

He Zhonghan said sternly: "This is the old land of the Lanfang Republic. The CCP wants to revive Lanfang here, so it shouldn't be handed over to us. Where is the so-called land of several cities and half a province that they allocated to you?"

"Jun Shan, your heart is moving!"

Dai Li laughed.

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