The character of the characters, Lin Luo and Xiao Huang Ke are completely different.

In fact, Xiao Huangke still retains a lot of idealistic characteristics. Influenced by the people around him, no matter which path he chooses, he still cannot escape the temptation and attraction of idealists.

However, after Lin Luo awakened in his previous life, because the foothold of his previous life was so high that he had no ideals at all—he was the existence closest to the "sky", and even fought against the "sky". Through the wrist, see through the essence of the world.

Even though the reincarnated him does not admit that Wang Hao was himself in the past, in fact, he still can't help but act according to Wang Hao's thinking in many cases.

So in this world, his methods of doing things are extremely realistic. Whatever he does, he calculates and calculates step by step.

It seems to be affectionate, but in fact it is ruthless.Only "lost" things will leave unforgettable marks in his soul.

The first dungeon of "The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer" is actually a dungeon where my Wen Qing was seriously ill.The ambition and requirements are great when creating.It looks cool, but it's actually very dark.It seems dark, but the final ending, um, seems very bright again.Anyway, it's a very weird copy.

The advice to readers who have read this copy and then want to enter this line of writing is: this is a very literary writing technique, just read it, and it is best not to learn it.

Not to mention the current era of short, flat and fast web articles, whether readers are willing to accept such a complicated plot expression method, in terms of creative methods, this kind of repeated and ups and downs of character creation is too difficult to write , would drive the author crazy.

The creation time of this plot happened to be the period when I was working on film and television scripts, being reviewed and criticized by various platforms, and repeatedly asked to change the script.The experience of doing film and television scripts during those days also deeply affected my way of thinking when writing books-in fact, this plot is more suitable for film and television.

There is no mental illness, literary youth disease, don't touch this kind of subject matter, readers will be tired after watching it, and the author will be tired after writing.Basically thankless.

Although I personally like this copy the most among the three books, I think this one should be the worst in the market in terms of reader acceptance.Although this copy is very pornographic and violent, the reading experience should not be as enjoyable as Wang Jianqiang's Breaking the Sky.

Fortunately, I also guessed that the plot of this dungeon would be like this in advance, so from the beginning, the plot setting of the story compressed the main line very small, so when I finally finished writing this dungeon, I only used more than 90 words.

Now when I am in Xiyang, I am editing for the second time, increasing the interaction of the plot before and after, the characters foreshadowing, and filling in some parts that were missing in the original draft. It will be close to 100 million words.


The next and last third book, "The Shipman's Crossing Story", which has been completed, is the same as the above book.

When writing "The Shipman's Time Traveling", I went to the other extreme: it is short, flat, fast and light, and the writing is not too tiring. As for the growth and change of the protagonist, I don't think about it at all.

What is the character of the protagonist when he appears on the stage, and what is the character at the end.It is completely written in the way of online fast food.

However, unlike other military articles and anti-thief articles, the protagonist Lin Han who appeared on the stage, I have characterized his character template from the beginning as: ordinary people, we are those online chatterers who grab keyboards .Very early on, the ceiling that set the upper limit of the individual was given: it is still an ordinary person.

He is not a hunk from heaven, not Chen Keweize and Li Runshi, he is just a small bourgeois ordinary person, and he is easy to be satisfied with the status quo, ordinary person with little ambition.

When Lin Han appeared on the stage, his age was set to be a young man (quasi-middle-aged) around 28 or nine years old, and his identity was a sailor.The hot-mouthed guy on the military fan forum.

Personal starting point: medium.

Capabilities: Sailor.The hot-mouthed guy on the military fan forum.Although he has turned into a shipboy, but in terms of intelligence and ability, he is still an ordinary person.

Growth rate: basically none.

Lin Han also knew the upper limit of his ability, so he never expected that he could dominate the world and dominate the world, because he knew that he did not have this ability.

The biggest ambition is to be a white paper fan next to the leader of the leader, who can hug the thigh, and it is of course the best to be the iron hat king of the powerful.He is very satisfied with sleeping with a beautiful girl every day.

Compared with Xiao Huang Ke who still has the ambition to become X86, Lin Han finds it troublesome even to be the head of the Lanfang Republic.

His structure is actually very small, so he has the hacker of the ship boy, and the most political things he does are various assassinations-I think his structure is only enough for him to make assassinations, which seem to be the most efficient. But it's very LOW.

He doesn't have the ability to play bigger games, organize people, establish political party organizations, and propose doctrines.What he can do is to use his abilities to engage in cults, play tricks, and even distort the world view of the entire world.

Compared with "From 1935 to 2020", the protagonist took the initiative to walk on the road of heavy burdens. Compared with "The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer", the protagonist is a god who has fallen into the world of mortals. The role of Lin Han, although Chapter 2 becomes a warship. Male, possesses countless powers that surpass that of ordinary people in that world, but in his bones, he is an ordinary person from beginning to end.What I wrote was a cheerful story about an ordinary person who relied on his ability to stir up shit during World War II.

"The Shipman's Crossing Story" is actually the most relaxing and joyful to read among the three books.The protagonist pretends to be a ghost, throwing pots and tables to destroy history.Headshot Chang Kaishen at the beginning, turned around and ran to the Soviet area to spoil the history, killed Roosevelt when he ran for president for the first time, and spoiled the history to Mustache and Beard at the same time (in the online article, I was the first to do this kind of thing in World War II One of the authors), before the Anti-Japanese War, he killed the Emperor’s family, made all kinds of troubles, stirred up shit, and finally contributed to the alliance between the Nazis and the Communists, and then killed Hitler and used his own daughter as a ship, smashing history to pieces.

In the whole book, the writing attitude is actually not too serious. The protagonist lets go of all kinds of waves, and the author also lets go of all kinds of waves.

This kind of sloppy, relaxed way of writing is my imitation of the style of young people in online articles.If the author is interested, it can also be used.But here is one thing to remind everyone.

In the whole book, among all the ship girls who appeared on the stage, only the ship girls born because of the protagonist are working seriously, but the protagonist is always messing around.In the real plot, I gave the protagonist's daughter, Li Huamei, the daughter of the Chinese ship, the role of walking with heavy burdens and doing things seriously.

The role of Li Huamei in this book is not so much, but it actually plays a big role.

Because the male protagonist in the book is too much, the so-called too much is too much, and it is easy to exceed the threshold of the reader's tolerance.At this time, the role of Li Huamei is needed, who has been doing things seriously, doing things for China, to complement other aspects of the plot that readers want to see.

When writing novels, you can’t just use one routine and one flavor all the time. No matter how delicious it is, if you keep using one style of writing over and over again, readers won’t be able to stand it.Li Huamei's role is actually to give readers a rest, seasoning, and a different perspective to see the existence of the world.

Without the existence of this character, the reader's tolerance threshold for this book will drop a lot.

The matter mentioned above is often neglected by authors who write in this style.

The reader feedback of this book is very good.After all, books that look relaxed and cheerful are always the main theme of reading.

My final conclusion: writing novels, whether it’s Wen Qingbing or Shuang Wen, actually has a market.It's just a different way of writing, and the requirements for the author's level are different.

Wen Qing satisfies the spiritual needs of readers for self-abuse. (but high writing requirements)

Shuangwen satisfies the physical desire of readers to masturbate. (writing requirements are relatively low)

If you can satisfy one kind, you will have food in this market.

If you can satisfy the two at the same time, you must be a master and you can be financially free.

It doesn't matter which path you choose, but the one that suits you best is the best.

Trial reading of Bu Tian Ji, click well to see

As for the fourth book "Mending the Sky", this is a book that is planned to be written in a lifetime. You only need to read a few chapters to understand who the protagonist is, but this book is too difficult to write. The plan is "From 1935 to 2020" I will write this book after I finish writing it. Here you can see the first 10,000+ words, and some of the content is in my author column. Click on the author's name to enter

Chapter 360 Boiling Southeast Asia

After meeting with the top leaders of the CCP, after two days of fruitless talks, Leighton Stuart finally couldn't help asking this topic.Unlike a large group of professional politicians in Washington who have shed the blood of politicians since childhood, Leighton Stuart, the US ambassador to China, became a monk halfway through.He may be a China hand, but his political skills, tactics, and skin are much worse than the professional politicians in Washington.

In his interview with Li Runshi, although according to Washington's request, he promised various benefits, including the great righteousness of "recovering Taiwan's homeland", but the high-level CCP headed by Li Runshi on the opposite side kept saying: China has been in war for many years and needs to rest and recuperate.Moreover, the People's Liberation Army lacks a navy and is currently unable to cross the sea to fight, and now it can only do nothing to help.If the U.S. military counterattacks, it will definitely cooperate fully at that time.

In an easier-to-understand way, it is: Now I am going to play soy sauce and watch a good show. We will go all out to attack Japan when you come back and beat the Japanese almost to the ground.

From the very beginning, Leighton Stuart knew that it would be difficult to achieve an ideal result for this trip.

It is completely delusional to expect China to jump out and take the initiative to take the blame for the United States.

"Where is Huang Yuanxing now?"

At that time, Leighton Stuart kept thinking of Huang Ke, thinking of this young man who was identified as a "red chauvinist" by the US intelligence agency. He tried to find him and use him to lobby the upper class.

It's a pity that even though Huang Ke lived in the same city as him during this period, he spent all his time in the factory, deliberately avoiding Leighton Stuart, so that he couldn't find anyone at all.

At the same time, Wilkie, who was far away in Moscow, also got nothing from Stalin.

Although Wilkie kept describing the prospect of Hitler integrating Europe, taking North Africa, invading West Asia and occupying the Middle East in front of Stalin, and the prospect of dire consequences, I hope that the Soviet Union can take advantage of the "best-sent opportunity" that Germany's main force is all in the Mediterranean , to carry out some "active" military operations on the Eastern Front to reduce the pressure on the British in the Middle East.

However, Stalin spread his hands and made a very helpless expression: The current domestic armament situation in the Soviet Union is not optimistic. In the past few years, due to the extremely unfair treatment by the United States, the process of armament has been greatly hindered. If the Soviet Union wants to take action , The United States has to give the Soviet Union a lot of practical technical and material support-in the easiest-to-understand words: If the Soviet Union wants to declare war on Germany, send money, send money, and the money must first arrive in the account before talking about anything else!

In fact, Li Runshi also said similar things to Stuart.At that time, he pointed to the chimneys emitting black smoke in the distance of Ma'anshan City and told Leighton Stuart: Japan is already an industrial country, but China is still an agricultural country now, and there are only a few domestic factories in Ma'anshan. To beat Japan away, China has owed a lot of foreign debts, and now it is really more than enough but not enough.Unless the United States of America can provide enough equipped weapons.....

Compared with Stalin who said to Wilkie almost blatantly, "Send money, play money", Li Runshi's statement is much more tactful, but Stuart understood it after he had been in China for a long time.His reply to Washington afterwards was similar to Wilkie's: Neither the CCP nor the Soviet Union should "verbally promise", and both demand substantial benefits from the United States in order to change their foreign military policies.

After analysis, the think tanks around Roosevelt also concluded that the current foreign policy of China and the Soviet Union is obviously a grouping for warmth, and it is up for grabs.

Huddling together for warmth is: In response to the threat of Germany in the west, China and the Soviet Union are integrated. In the past two years, the Soviet Union has conducted large-scale military exercises every year, burning countless money.During this process, the Chinese army will appear on the scene every time the exercise is carried out. With the equipment provided by the Soviet Union, they will act as imaginary enemies or reinforcements on the land of the Soviet Union, and practice with the Soviet Red Army. During each exercise, the Soviets will He "generously" invited the German military attache to observe together.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the People’s Liberation Army in the south of the Great Wall, except for the air force and a few technical arms, basically relied on its own strength to defeat the Japanese army. The four-month Battle of the Flesh and Flesh Mill in the Nanjing Defense War made the world see the tenacity of the Chinese Communist Army. .The American and German military attaches who were fortunate enough to watch the battle in Nanjing at that time spoke highly of the PLA troops.

The reason why Stalin did this, both the Americans and the Germans, can understand the meaning behind it.

"Stalin didn't want to go to war with Germany, but he was worried that Germany would be too arrogant to take the initiative to go to war, so he pulled the CCP to keep flexing his muscles. He was telling Hitler that I and my Chinese allies are one. He has a population of 3000 million , You can figure it out.” (Note: Three years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, New China has completed its first census, and the country’s population is now 3000 million.)

This is also when Mustache looked at the "sea of ​​tanks" displayed by the Soviet Union after his victory in the French campaign, and thought about the terrifying "sea of ​​people" on his Chinese ally.Thinking of Maozi's sea of ​​tanks and the CCP's "six dollars a month" crowd, the bag of unpalatable barley that he ate, and the advice of Saint Elena, the mustache who believed in metaphysics, The idea of ​​"going east" in my mind never came up again.

Roosevelt's idea of ​​empty hands and white wolves was impossible to succeed from the very beginning. Of course, he also knew very well that he just "tested" at the beginning, and then planned like negotiating business, calculating the opponent's asking price, and waiting for the continuation of the world situation. Variety.

While the upper echelons of China, the United States and the Soviet Union were wrestling secretly, Japan was not idle.

As soon as the "huhuhuhu" telegram from Pearl Harbor was sent, Tokyo, Japan, after confirming the "unprecedented results of the battle", rushed to send special envoys to China and the Soviet Union.

Before the war, Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo vowed to Yongren: "Li Runshi and Stalin will definitely support the empire in this matter! The opposition in the Chichibu Palace is actually the fact that China and the Soviet Union threw us many years ago. political innuendo..."

When he said these opinions, Yong Ren who was sitting on top gave him a hard look.In fact, Yong Ren was very unhappy about starting a war with Britain and the United States.He was coerced by the gang of red deer and consortia below to agree to go to war.

After Japan's complete defeat in China in 1938, the whole country fell into a slump, and there was mourning from top to bottom.

Japan's domestic industry and commerce, while losing the source of cheap raw materials, also lost the vast Chinese market.Even well-known consortiums such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Nakajima, and Sukyou have had a hard time in the past few years, and the landlord's family has no food left.

The war in Europe has saved the life of the consortium, but the profit is still too small—far less than the previous war.The reason is that the raw materials from the United States are embargoed, and China also cannot get much raw materials.However, during this period, the British Empire was too disappointing, and it was nothing more than defeating Germany in Europe. On the Asian side, it was actually rubbed on the ground by the newly founded CCP with its friend France. The People's Liberation Army hardly cost much Without force, it easily captured Indochina, northern Burma, and Aksai Chin.

"The whole process reminds us of 50 years ago, when the big powers demanded and took anything from China! Only this time, the positions of the victim and the victim are reversed."

The signing of the "Sino-British Border Agreement" made everyone in Japan jealous. Since then, in the hearts of the Japanese, the British Empire is no longer an empire on which the sun never sets, but another enhanced version of the Qing Empire. dynasty......

Then, when the North African campaign broke out, Rommel beat the British army continuously in Africa, forcing Churchill to withdraw a large number of troops used to defend against the CCP from Southeast Asia to Africa—he dared not easily mobilize the Indian garrison, On the Southeast Asian side, they think they can rest assured that they have a naval advantage, so they mainly draw troops from here.

The Japanese see all of this.

In history, when the Pearl Harbor Incident broke out, the British army was on the Malay Peninsula, and the colonial army’s local army had a total of 13 people. It seems that the number is scary, but in fact, the 13 people in history were [-] by Yamashita Bongwen. The light infantry on bicycles penetrated all the way from north to south, and finally even the Singapore fortress was easily lost, and their performance was comparable to that of the Northeast Army or the Qing Army.

This time and space is even worse. The Japanese army received information in July 1941 that more than 1 of the most elite Australian and New Zealand allied forces on the Malay Peninsula were also transferred to Africa. As for the colonial troops in other places, their quality worse.

If you don't go south now, when will you wait...

After that, not to mention Yamamoto 56, even Yongren couldn't bear the "persuasion" voices from below every day, and was finally forced to drive the ducks into the sedan chair and agreed to go to war against Britain and the United States.

In the process, in order to give Japan another push, Stalin not only sent a bunch of outdated tanks to Japan on credit, but also supported Japan with thousands of tons of explosives, [-] tons of heavy oil, and signed a contract with Japan. Arms that can be paid in advance in exchange for a trade agreement for mines in Southeast Asia-in fact, it is an agreement for the sale of stolen goods. The general content is that you can find the Soviet Union to sell the things that Japan snatched from Southeast Asia that you don't need yourself.We have a lot of arms here, you can change what you like, free shipping, and the price is favorable.

As for China, China’s opinion is that it will not compete with Japan for Southeast Asia. Apart from asking the Japanese to ensure the safety of the local overseas Chinese, China’s other request is to restore the homeland of the Nanfang Republic.In fact, as early as a year ago, Hua Kezhi had a "private discussion" with people from the island agency.On Kalimantan Island, where the Nanfang Republic is located, the local land is extremely barren, and there is not much to grab, and the Japanese can accept it.In addition, the Japanese are required to cede an area on the Malay Peninsula to the Chinese side for "settlement" of overseas Chinese.

Then there is no more, the asking price of the Chinese is lower than the Japanese imagined!And the Soviet Union is just "doing arms business".

"The international strategic situation of the imperial kingdom has never been so good." Under such a "great atmosphere in which both the civilian and the military feel good about themselves", the cabinet of the famous guards and old thieves in history resigned collectively, and the royal family collectively withdrew from the army. Then Sergeant Tojo formed a cabinet and launched the Pearl Harbor Incident three months later.

In this Pacific War, Japan is slightly different from history in that when they went south, their strategic position in the early stage was not good.

Historically, before the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese army had snatched Indochina from the French.After the war between the United States and Japan, the Japanese troops stationed in Indochina attacked Thailand at the same time, forcing Thailand to jump back and open the channel.Then the Japanese army marched south from the direction of Thailand along the Malay Peninsula to Singapore.

Although they won a great victory, one stupid thing the Japanese army did during this period was that after occupying Manila in more than 20 days, they felt that the overall situation was settled, and took half of their main force to the direction of Burma. As a result, their strength was greatly reduced. MacArthur was given a chance to breathe, withstood the next attack of the Japanese army, until the follow-up reinforcements caught up, and he couldn't support the surrender until May.

The reason for the premature division of the Japanese army was that they advanced too fast in the direction of the Malay Peninsula. On January 1, they occupied the important city of Kuala Lumpur without resistance, and on February 11 they captured Singapore.

But in this time and space, it is obviously impossible for the Japanese army to launch the Singapore campaign during this period. They can only honestly besiege the Philippines with all their strength.More importantly, Japan in this time and space does not need to invest nearly a million occupying troops in China, and can concentrate the power of the whole country to go south to Southeast Asia from the very beginning.It is not the number of land forces that determine how much offensive force the Japanese army invests at one time, but the shipping capacity.

For a time, "Zero flies" were flying all over the sky in the Philippines.During this period, MacArthur had only more than 200 aircraft in the Philippines, and the fighters were rubbish Buffalo and P[-].The former has historically been the meat of Type Zero's mouth, and the latter seems to have played prestige on the Soviet-German battlefield, but was also beaten to shit by Zero in the Pacific battlefield.Moreover, when the war started, the U.S. troops in the Philippines and the Pearl Harbor garrison were average, and they were attacked at the same time. On the first day of the war, hundreds of planes were directly blown up on the airport.

The remaining aircraft were later shot down by Type Zeros in large numbers, and MacArthur lost air supremacy within a few days of the war.

The Japanese army, which "did not make the mistake of dividing troops", went all out and easily occupied Manila, the capital of the Philippines, on January 1942, [-].Then a large number of Japanese troops landed, constantly chasing and biting MacArthur's remnants.At the end of January, MacArthur was driven to the Bataan Peninsula.

On February 10,000th, MacArthur was like in history. Before leaving, he said "I will definitely come back" like a big gray wolf, and then left [-]+ subordinates and ran away in a submarine.Fifteen days later, the Bataan defenders surrendered and the Battle of the Philippines came to an end.

While the Battle of the Philippines was still going on, the mobile warships of the United Fleet that attacked Pearl Harbor also returned to Japan during this period. After a short rest for three days, after replenishing fuel, ammunition and lost aircraft pilots, they immediately led the main force to the south. .

In this time and space, because the Bismarck did not sink, in order to deal with the two German battleships, the British Empire was forced to keep a large number of high-speed warships in the mainland for surveillance. Even the Renown was later transferred back to the Mediterranean and sent to the Far East and the Mediterranean. They are all old battleships built before the treaty era.

During this period, the British Empire parked the two battleships HMS Revenge and HMS Resolution at the fortress of Singapore for a long period of time to show its force and prevent the Chinese and Soviet troops who captured the Indochina Peninsula from going south—as for the aircraft carrier?Influenced by the Mediterranean and North African campaigns not long ago, the only aircraft carrier Hercules was transferred to the Mediterranean as early as last year to break diplomatic relations, and it is still in the Indian Ocean at this time!

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