The British wanted to procrastinate, but the Chinese side was waiting—waiting for the Japanese to be unable to resist before continuing to do so.During the past year, the Chinese side apparently only tried their best to digest the two "neutral zones" in northern Myanmar and help them establish a "pro-China regime".

The Karen and Bamar forces in the south, and the CCP have been in secret contact with them, and the Japanese are also secretly colluding with them.

At this point in the war, the whole world saw the embarrassment of the weakening of the British Empire.Even Thailand, at this time, is thinking of cutting a few pieces of meat from the British colonies of Burma and Malaysia...

On November [-]th, Huang Ke's plane landed at the airport in the Aksai Chin People's Liberation Army-controlled area. The person who greeted him was Huang Ke's old friend, his bodyguard Liu Changfa.

At this time, Liu Changfa had become the political commissar of the division, and the People's Liberation Army stationed in Aksai Chin was the unit under his command.

Huang Ke came here to deliver equipment and supplies. Lao Liu, who knew his abilities, led Huang Ke into a special vacated combat readiness warehouse, and watched Huang Ke release piles of supplies.

That night, Liu Changfa warmly entertained Huang Ke, the "old leader", in the division headquarters.Huang Ke is not a military official, and he doesn't get involved in military affairs.Strategic issues at the national level are handled by the upper echelons.Huang Ke came here just to meet and chat with old friends along the way...

The division commander of Liu Changfa's army stationed in Aksai Chin was also an old acquaintance of Huang Ke's, named Li Daya.He was also one of the guards back then.Those who were qualified to be sent to Huang Ke's side back then were all combat heroes who had experienced many battles.Then with the expansion of the Red Army, the position also rose rapidly.Now, five years later, the two of them have independently commanded a division.

When the three of them sat at the wine table and chatted about the mountains, they first started talking about Feiduohu Dingqiao, and then talked about the zero-yuan purchase incident in Changsha that Liu Changfa was most proud of in his life.

At this time, Huang Ke pointed out his real intention.

"Old Liu, in the past two years, have you entered a military academy and studied for advanced studies?"

"Well, that's right! Shortly after I entered Xinjiang in 38, I was specially transferred to Baoding Military Academy, where I followed Soviet comrades for further studies for a year and a half. It was a painful year. You know, I went through two I am not afraid of the Long March, but what I am most afraid of is reading and writing."

Liu Changfa laughed haha. In fact, "walking the Long March twice" was one of the most proud things in his life.

Huang Ke said: "The Soviet comrades should have talked to you about special operations theory?"

"I said that, in fact, this thing is somewhat similar to our pistol team, martial arts team, and reconnaissance team."

"I came here this time. I brought a large number of excellent and good weapons. You can count them later. Then, from the fighters here, you select a group of the most elite veterans, and perform special training according to the special training standards taught by the Soviets. .”

Liu Changfa immediately smelled the smell behind him, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

"Things like Changsha?"

The Shanghai HSBC incident is highly confidential, but Liu Changfa has already guessed that he did it because of his experience working with Huang Ke.However, due to discipline, he pretended not to know.

"Similar situations, but much more than the one in Changsha. But I don't know if it will be implemented in the end. As for when to take action, it may be one or two years later, depending on the changes in the external situation."

"Understood, understood! This kind of thing depends on the right time and place. Anyway, there will be wars here at any time. It will be useful to train the soldiers well. Like three years ago, when the people of Master Guo and Commander Luo Leading the commando team to take over the headquarters of the 74th Army in one pot, at that time, all the troops were elite troops, but in today's terms, they were all special forces."

Political commissar Liu Changfa and teacher Li Daya were smart people, so they didn't ask much about related matters.Nodding their heads, they continued to drink. Both of them felt very sorry for missing the zero-yuan shopping in Shanghai back then. Now that they heard Huang Ke's leaked tone, there was a similar good thing, and they were immediately overjoyed. .

The next day, they took Huang Ke to inspect the army's reconnaissance company and began to select the elite fighters he wanted.

Today there are nearly [-] words,

Check it out tomorrow morning.

Everyone has a monthly vote.

Chapter 353 Cairo Can't Hold It Anymore

Compared with July and August, it is so hot that you can fry eggs on the surface of the tank. In Egypt at the end of November, the average temperature is between 11°C and 5°C, which is cool and pleasant. Driving a tank to fight at such a temperature is no longer like a sauna. of torture.

This is the best season for attackers.

The battlefield is full of smoke from burning tanks that were destroyed.The smell of gunpowder smoke mixed with the scorched smell of burning corpses drifted over from time to time, making people sick.

The battle is over.

The empty alamein desert battlefield did not calm down immediately.The excited cries of carrion vultures, the explosion of ammunition, and the groans of wounded soldiers who fell to the ground drifted into the ears from time to time.

The German soldiers who controlled the battlefield are cleaning the battlefield and counting and capturing.

A T50 tank with an oversized swastika painted on the turret roof was leaning against a square turreted British tank, which was abandoned without a single mortal wound.

The shape of this tank is a bit strange. There is a 40mm two-pound gun on the square turret, and a 76.2mm short-barreled howitzer is installed on the front of the car body.The weapon configuration is very similar to the French B1 tank.This firepower configuration obviously embodies the idea of ​​providing fire support for infantry assaults. In fact, its design concept has been outdated since the first day it was created. ——If San Dezi's ancestral skills are a waste of tonnage, the innate skills of the British Empire are to use a bunch of first-rate subsystems to piece together second-rate or even third-rate equipment.

This is the first time he participated in actual combat, but the performance was a mess.

Four German tank soldiers wearing ship-shaped caps and six infantrymen wearing M35 helmets squeezed on top of the tank, posing in various poses, and then were photographed by the battlefield reporters on the side.

Before long, the photo appeared on the front pages of newspapers across Europe.

Titled: We Captured 'Churchill'.

Of course, it was not Churchill himself who was captured, but the Churchill infantry tank that was just equipped with the British army in June this year.The news content celebrated the German army's victory in the Battle of Alamein.

Although the T50 tank is good, it needs to be bought with a small amount of money. Churchill, the prodigal son of the British family who does not want to spend any more money, can only tap the potential internally before the "rented" M[-] "coffins of seven tankers" arrives in large numbers. The first batch of infantry tanks that were just built in June were hurriedly bypassed the Cape of Good Hope in Africa and sent to the North African battlefield.

It was the first time for the Churchill tank to land in North Africa and participate in the battle for the first time. With its [-]mm frontal armor, it could easily turn Santoku's [-]mm tank gun into a knocker. Who knew that this tank The transmission of the tank was as unreliable as its British Prime Minister of the same name. It broke down on its own within two laps on the battlefield, and was then abandoned by the tankers.

On the Alamein battlefield, among the first batch of [-] Churchill tanks that participated in the battle, all of them were lost-none was destroyed by the opponent's frontal attack, five were abandoned due to mechanical failure, and three were destroyed by the enemy. The opponent broke the track and was abandoned. One was destroyed by air strikes, and the remaining three were too fast to escape, and were easily caught up by the opponent, and then they were destroyed one by one with a burst of chrysanthemums from behind.

Rommel's African Army, which controlled the battlefield, had another Churchill tank company in its hands within a week after the war-the German logistics department scolded desperately for this, but fortunately, there were not many places where he could be used.

British infantry tanks are unreliable, even the Germans don't like to use them.

Rommel, who was about to attack Alexandria, had already lit up the "Tank Medal of All Nations": the four armored divisions of his African Army included tanks from Germany, Italy, Britain, Russia, and the United States. .

In March [-], under the escort of the Italian Navy, Rommel's troops entered the famous Tobruk port in Libya with a light armored division and a light infantry division.

At that time, Britain and Italy had declared war on each other.In order to save the face lost in the disastrous defeat on the Greek battlefield, the Royal Air Force desperately dispatched planes to repeatedly bomb Libyan oil fields.Finally, in March of that year, all oil well facilities were successfully destroyed.

When the news came, Hitler smashed the vases in the room and ordered the German General Staff to formulate an African campaign plan: it was decided to drive the British out of the Mediterranean and North Africa at all costs,

In the Greek battlefield, when the British Army was driven into the sea, it lost a lot of heavy equipment, especially tanks, just like the French battlefield.

Fortunately, these defeated dogs who were withdrawn to Egypt received the support of the third batch of [-] T[-] tanks sent by the Soviet Union in April of that year as soon as they arrived in Egypt. At this point in time, reinforcements from China also arrived in Egypt. After receiving more equipment and cannon fodder, the British launched the Libyan campaign at the end of May of that year, with the goal of capturing the port of Tobruk.

During this period, Germany's energy was concentrated on capturing Crete. Rommel's African Army had only one light armored division and two infantry divisions, plus 15 unreliable spaghetti.

The combined tanks of Germany and Italy are only 100, while the number of opponents is twice as many as him. Among them, there are [-] most advanced T[-] tanks, more than [-] Mathilde tanks, and [-] Crusader tanks. tank.

As for Rommel, two-thirds of the tanks are either the Czech 1340t or the Italian CV100 or M[-] medium tanks. The small garbage cannons on these things can bombard the T[-] and Matilde from the front, and it is difficult to break the defense within [-] meters. No compromise knocker.

The only decent point, the No. 48 tank equipped with 36 mm / 50 guns, there are only 3 vehicles.But in the face of the T[-] of the same level, although the armor thickness of both sides is the same, the latter has the advantages of inclined armor, speed advantage, artillery advantage, and comprehensively crushes the short-barreled No. [-] tank in terms of performance.

It stands to reason that in the next battle, no matter how you look at it, the British "Nile" Army under the command of General Wavell will have the upper hand, and then drive Rommel out of Libya and to Tunisia in one fell swoop.

However, the performance of the British Empire's army on the North African battlefield insisted on implementing the imperial tradition: first-class equipment and third-rate command art.

Although the spaghetti is unbearable, it is also desperate for Libyan oil, and Napoleon said that a group of deer commanded by a lion can defeat a group of lions commanded by a deer.Rommel is the head teacher, and one of his armored divisions and two infantry divisions are also lions.The British army on the opposite side seems to have 10,000+ people. In fact, the real "British", plus the Australians, are comparable in number to the Germans, and the rest of the cannon fodder comes from India.

Although weapons have advantages, the quality of soldiers is far inferior.

In terms of elite soldiers: Rommel's African Legion fought the French campaign, and they are all veterans of Yum.

The British: The French battle was defeated, the Greek campaign was defeated, all veterans of defeat.

Teammates: Spaghetti VS Indian Flying Cakes, Crouching Dragon Fighting Phoenix...  

Although the British have a weapon advantage, in terms of the air force, the German-Italian coalition forces have the upper hand at this time-in order to destroy Libyan oil wells in the early stage, the Royal Air Force paid too much for "away air battles".

Although the performance of the T50 tank is excellent, its advantage over the German 50mm anti-tank gun is far from that of the T[-]. Very weak, [-]mm anti-tank gun can kill with one hit.What's more, there are anti-tank weapons such as anti-aircraft guns.

Because Libby has extracted oil, in order to ensure the safety of the oil here, Germany and Italy deployed a large number of 90mm and 53mm anti-aircraft guns (Cannone da [-]/[-] anti-aircraft guns) around the oil fields, so that the number of anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns in Libya A full three times more than in history!

The oil well was blown up by the Royal Air Force, but these antiaircraft guns were basically there, and they were pulled to Tobruk by the German and Italian families.The 50mm anti-tank guns will find it difficult to hit the T[-] and Matilde head-on, but the large-caliber anti-aircraft guns of Germany and Italy are a firework!

General Wavell feels that his T[-] armored division is very powerful!The Mathilde infantry tank is even a thick-skinned iron turtle.

T[-] tank A up!The Mathilde infantry tank also went up!

German\Italian anti-aircraft artillery positions began to fire.

Wavell hits GG...

In the Battle of Tobruk Port in June, the process of the battle between the armored forces of the two sides was almost a reproduction of how Rommel dealt with the British in history.

First hide, ambush the anti-tank guns, defend hard, exhaust the British offensive force, and then counterattack with all their strength. The armored troops punched their sides with left hooks, interspersed with cuts, and cut off their supplies. Finally, the British army was in chaos... This is Desert Fox's armor command art, how he played it in history, how to play it in this plane, and because the cost is more, the results are even greater.

After July, the British army was defeated in Tobruk. In the end, less than half of the people fled back to Egypt, and at the same time lost all their heavy equipment.

After receiving a large number of equipment supplements sent by the captain of the Werville transport team, Rommel began to advance eastward to counterattack, and soon forced Alamein.

During this period, without the encumbrance of the Soviet-German war, the Mediterranean campaign was fierce.The German Air Force, which concentrated most of the country's air force in the Mediterranean, successfully suppressed the Royal Air Force here.

The new FW190 fighter took part in the battle in the Mediterranean Sea in August, and the Luftwaffe firmly suppressed the Spitfire V and Hurricane fighter jets over the island of Malta (Note: FW190’s famous battle is to beat the Spitfire 5 generation 1 to 4 The exchange ratio. It was not until the emergence of the Spitfire 190 that the two sides were equal. During World War II, the only performance advantage of the Luftwaffe over the British Air Force was the year after the FW[-] entered service)

The African Army, which won the command of the Mediterranean Sea because of its victory in air battles, continued to receive more and more advanced tanks after August.During this period, the British discovered something painfully: when Germany and Italy blocked the Mediterranean with all their strength, the entire Mediterranean shipping had completely stopped.The British mainland, which is far away in Western Europe, needs to supplement the British army in Egypt. It is no longer possible to take the Gibraltar route through the Mediterranean Sea and take a shortcut. Instead, it has to bypass the Cape of Good Hope in Africa and travel thousands of kilometers, which is far more than the supply of thousands of miles. The distance is so long that it makes people want to vomit.

On the contrary, it is much easier for the German-Italian coalition forces in North Africa to obtain supplies than before. It is only a few hundred kilometers of sea shipping. The offensive and defensive momentum of the North African battlefield has been reversed because the supply gap between the two sides has been reversed.

During the three months from August to November, the number of tanks and artillery acquired by Rommel increased.After learning the lessons from the past, Rommel added a large number of Panzer III tanks with 50/48 times guns, and a few of them have been replaced with 60 times guns, which is enough to fight the T75.In addition, the German army on the front line also added a lot of "Weasel" equipped with long-barreled [-] guns and the No. [-] assault gun. The appearance of the latter two finally gave the German armored forces a decent tank destroyer.

The disastrous defeat of the British army in the Battle of Tobruk also gave Rommel a total of sixty T50 tanks.The first time the German Army encountered this vehicle was on the Greek battlefield. The German armored soldiers liked this excellent Soviet tank very much.Every T50 captured was restored and used as much as possible.Without the Lend-Lease Act, the British would have been able to urgently import tanks to the Soviet Union.Whether it is by land (referring to Iran) or the Black Sea-Mediterranean waterway, Stalin, who only recognizes money but not people, is actually very happy to sell arms to make small money. In order to make money, he even sent a fleet to deliver goods to the door.Unexpectedly, the British Empire was greedy for the "unlimited credit card zero-dollar loan" offer given by Roosevelt, and would rather have the "seven brothers' coffin" than spend British pounds to buy the high-quality and cheap T50.So much so that before the Battle of Alamein, the number of T50s in Rommel's hands was actually more than that of the British Eighth Army.

During this period, Werwell, the incompetent transportation captain, was dismissed by London and replaced by General Rich. He assembled the Eighth Army in the Alamein area, with a total of 13 troops. 5 divisions, 3 brigades, about 13 people, 1320 tanks, and 580 aircraft. Compared with the same period in history, the number of his troops has not decreased, with slightly more tanks, but a slight decrease in the number of aircraft.

The opponent Rommel's troops, 8 Italian divisions, 4 German infantry divisions, 4 German armored divisions, about 20 people, 1200 tanks, 700 aircraft, the overall strength is almost twice the history!

At the end of November, Rommel launched the Battle of Alamein.

(Note: Comparison of the North African campaign in the same period of history: German and Italian troops (7 Italian divisions, 3 German divisions, about 13 people, 610 tanks, 600 aircraft) once again attacked the British 8th Army (5 divisions, 3 brigade, about 13 people, 1270 tanks, 604 aircraft)

During World War II, the British army with the same number and equipment had never won against the German army.In this time and space where history has been severely changed, the number of elite German troops (referring to infantry) and aircraft on the North African battlefield is a little more than that of the British...Although the spaghetti is unbearable, it is still possible to bully Indian flying cakes of.

On December [-], the Battle of Alamein ended.

Rich, who succeeded Weaver, lived up to his expectations, and once again completed the mission of the captain of the transport team. He lost 3% of his armored troops, and most of the Indian soldiers led more than 270 people back to Cairo, 5 kilometers away. At this time The total number of defeated soldiers and the defenders in Cairo is only 3. The only thing that makes the British feel at ease is that when the Alamein battlefield was defeated, the Americans passed the Concession Act and urgently provided the first batch of British support. The M[-] Grant tanks just arrived two days ago and are being unloaded. The number is as high as [-].

In addition, with the help of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, the British army urgently dispatched another [-] "elites" (actually taller than short) from Asia to Africa. This batch of reinforcements happened to be at this time. Arrive in Cairo.

Compared with Germany, it is an internal battle, as long as troops are deployed across the Mediterranean.On the British side, it has increased its troops overseas.When Germany was not encumbered by the Soviet-German war and concentrated all its efforts to fight the North African campaign, the British lost a big strategic step in the North African war.After Rommel won the Tobruk defensive battle, he continued to attack without taking a break. The purpose was also to prevent the British army from gathering more troops. .

Also in December, the Battle of Matar ended.After half a year of bitter fighting, the German-Italian coalition forces finally captured Malta, an important Mediterranean island, at the cost of losing more than 600 aircraft, sinking dozens of ships, and killing and injuring more than 6 people.After this battle, the presence of the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean is limited to the fortress of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, which may be blocked by shipwrecks at any time.

In the following time, the German-Italian coalition forces that have freed up their hands can already concentrate more resources on the African battlefield.

The British army, which received reinforcements just after the defeat, seemed to have a little resistance in Cairo, but this was just an illusion!The newly added reinforcements are just adding fuel to death-the German army, which won the Battle of Alamein, has now repaired the front-line airport to the tip of the British's nose.Cunningham, the commander of the H Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria, Cairo, is already considering whether to quickly pass all the warships in his hands through the Suez Canal and withdraw from the Mediterranean Sea-he must make a decision as soon as possible, because once Germany After the air force is deployed in Alamein, the Suez Canal waterway will be violently bombed.At that time, as long as a ship is blown up in the canal, the channel will be blocked.Then the H fleet that was blocked in the Mediterranean Sea was tantamount to being trapped in a cage and waiting to die.

At this time, the influence of the British Empire in Africa was pushed to the brink of collapse.

On December 1941, [-], before the British army in El Alamein was completely defeated.The British traitor Churchill once again flew to the White House, almost kneeling in front of Roosevelt's wheelchair, holding his thigh and crying: "Give me a brother, give me a hand...  

At this time, in Downing Street, there are already people who are secretly preparing to impeach Churchill...

In the White House, Roosevelt looked at the imploring Churchill who was almost kneeling in front of him, and his face was also very ugly.

Hitler did not attack the Soviet Union, but went south to attack North Africa. The Soviet Union and Germany were "friendly". It was too bad!

In the past, because of Huang Ke and Stalin's joint propaganda, Roosevelt's "400 billion aid to Germany to launch a world war and help the United States make a lot of war money" has long been known to everyone. Roosevelt also relied on this to easily win the third presidential election.

If the current situation continues like this and Hitler unifies Western Europe, his "coup" of Roosevelt will become a joke of "raising tigers into trouble" and making wedding clothes for people-in fact, the newspapers controlled by the Republicans are already laughing at this matter. up.Although the United States has made a lot of money in this war, it is not enough, far from enough, and Roosevelt still wants more!

"However, the current Germany is still full of strength. If the United States ends up joining the war at this time..."

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