In 1937, when developing large-caliber artillery, the beard ordered that all new six-inch heavy artillery should be changed to 155 mm.

Then the famous SU152 during the live shooting show has now become the SU155.

After the performance of the IS series, the T34 series and its transformation vehicles SU122 and SU100 series appeared.The famous Dr. Koshkin is still in good health and is still alive. The development of this vehicle went very smoothly. During this period, the number of T[-]-[-] tanks in the Soviet Union just reached [-].

Stalin whispered to Huang Ke:

"Actually, at this time, if we launch a thunderstorm, the chance is not small!"

Huang Ke said: "If we win too easily, the two bastards, Britain and the United States, will definitely stumble in the first place, and even make peace with Germany secretly, and even do things to aid Germany, and the current German army is in a difficult situation At its peak....."

Stalin nodded: "I know that the Soviet troops still need to be trained. The gap in human factors is too great. Give me another year, and I only need another year..."

Today's Kubinka gathers the essence of all the armored weapons of the Soviet Red Army. Vehicles with different weight chassis and deformed vehicles gather together, and there are dozens of types.

The 25-ton class is the IS chassis series, the 30-34 ton class is the T20 chassis series, and the [-]-ton class is the T[-] monster with the title of "light tank".

The tank is now playing an abnormal role in the North African battlefield, and Santoku's No. 48 tank, which uses the same tonnage of short-barreled 50mm/[-]-fold guns, doubts its life.If it weren't for "the British Empire has no money" and the start of the Lend-Lease Act, the British really wanted to buy another batch of T[-]s from the Soviet Union.

The British Empire shouted "no money" two months earlier than in history-as early as October 1940, at the end of the British Air War, Churchill, who was asking for help in the United States at the time, began to cry poor.

China and the Soviet Union both bear some responsibility for the reason why the British Empire ran out of foreign exchange reserves and hard currency earlier than in history.With the founding of New China, Britain completely lost its interests in the Far East, and the sharp drop in stocks led to the depreciation of the British pound, which allowed the well-prepared American consortium to cut a wave in the financial field. In addition, the "HSBC robbery of the century" caused and caused "No small loss".

The loss caused by the Soviet Union was due to the intelligence cooperation between the Soviet Union and Germany, which greatly increased the success of Denitz's sea wolves at sea.Afterwards, the Soviets ate up the plaintiff and the defendant, and took the initiative to "deliver the goods to the door" with the boat and equipment at the first time, which made the British emperor frantically join the ranks of the "buy, buy, buy, cut hands" during the British Air War: They bought 30 tanks, more than [-] old destroyers, [-] old broken ships that should have been sent to the shipbreaking yard but were refurbished and sold back to the UK, and a lot of broken guns exported from the UK.

The result of the Soviet Union selling at the best time and at the best price at a good price was that Churchill sang in Washington in advance: "Holding buns in your hands..."

Even with the help of the old destroyers sent by the Soviet Union in time, the British traitor Churchill finally packaged a bunch of overseas bases to the United States for 99 years on lease as in history, in exchange for badly needed broken ships and supplies, and then continued to cry poorly and sell miserably .

After Roosevelt saw the Soviets crazily grabbing business in the early stage, he started "vicious competition" without any morals, and passed the "Lend-Lease Act" two months earlier than in history.

This hit Stalin's seven inches all of a sudden, and the "charged" service was not as good as the "free service" after all.Relying on the advantage of "unlimited card swiping", the Americans successfully drove the Soviet Union out of the British arms supply market.

As for the future African battlefield, Montgomery is facing the M3 of "the grave of seven tankers". Will the most striking group of British tank soldiers in the world stamp their feet and scold their mothers? Anyway, the person who died is definitely not Churchill... ...

For the Soviet Union, the "war dividend" from the British Kaizi came to an end in February 1941 with the implementation of the Concession Act.

"BMP infantry fighting vehicle, don't the British want it? Compared with the BMP, the Bren machine gun vehicle is rubbish."

Huang Ke pointed to the BMP series and asked Stalin. This car also has a lot of deformed vehicles: including the anti-aircraft vehicle equipped with anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns in the rear compartment, and the SU[-] tank destroyer like a wasp tail. vehicles, self-propelled mortar vehicles equipped with [-] mm guns, etc.

"They want it very much, but they want to buy it on credit! It's not impossible to buy it on credit, just use the island port as a mortgage, but Churchill doesn't agree!"

The bearded man said bitterly.

"Damn Fatty Qiu!"

"Well, damn Fatty Qiu!"

One old and one young, the two foxes felt very sorry for not being able to get more hair from the British Empire.While watching the live armed demonstration, Huang Ke thought of the "Golden Temple" in Myanmar. In history, during World War II, Japan looted a lot of gold from temples in Myanmar. fell into the hands of the Japanese.

It's just that on the CCP's side, this kind of behavior of robbing third world countries is very politically incorrect. How to get this gold is a headache for Huang Ke now.

"I want more and more people who can only do things according to my ideas!"

Huang Ke sighed. He also remembered the incident of the famous Golden Temple treasure discovered in India in July [-]. Now Da Huang Ke is looking for the Golden Temple at the place where it was discovered. He already had a clue when he met last time. Wait for the next dream When you meet, you will know the result.

"The gold in this Golden Temple is too important to China! No matter what, I will do whatever it takes to get them!"

Huang Ke was muttering in his heart, but his thoughts had already drifted to far away India.

Watching the scene, the last armored unit to appear was the T40/80 series.This series may seem inconspicuous, but it is the armor equipment that Huang Ke paid the most attention to after helping the Soviet Union complete the T34 and IS series.

The Soviet Union is still developing the light chassis of the T80, the original intention is just in case: because this series is the armored chassis that is easiest to mass-produce, and it can be easily produced with a little mobilization to produce 57 vehicles per month.And this series can provide a cheap mobile chassis for the new 76mm anti-tank gun and 57mm howitzer. (ie SU15 and SU[-]) In addition, the Soviet Red Army also tried to install the rocket launcher on the chassis.

The reason why Huang Ke valued him was because of Liberation's combat needs in Southeast Asia: the poor water network and road conditions in Southeast Asia, the extremely poor bearing capacity of bridges, and only light armored vehicles are suitable here.

In the Indochina campaign, the 20-ton T50 "light" tank was too heavy there.The [-]-ton BMP series is also a headache when encountering bridges.Even if it is reduced to ten tons, many bridges still cannot be safely passed.

Historically, the British and American troops were able to drive the 4-ton M[-] around in the Southeast Asian battlefield during World War II. It was because of their strong pontoon capabilities. The CCP in this period obviously did not have such pontoon capabilities.

Looking at these passing vehicles, thinking about gold in India, Huang Ke's thoughts have drifted to Aksai Chin in China.

There, he had a few old acquaintances in Aksai Chin, and Huang Ke remembered his old subordinates in Southeast Asia.

"Walker is in Singapore right now. I have to send him a telegram telling him to send someone to India to set up a plan in advance. After all, there are hundreds of tons of gold and a lot of treasures there!"

"Ali, Ali, let's go, Alibaba is a happy young man..."

When Little Huang Ke missed Indian gold, 70 years later, in the corner of India, in the Padmanabaswamy Temple in Kerala, across the sea from Sri Lanka, Big Huang Ke hummed a song in his heart, Carrying oxygen cylinders with the Witch, they are teaming up to open the door of the first underground secret room in the temple. Soon, they found a mountain of golden treasures inside...

It’s time for a happy zero-yuan purchase again.... In 2011, zero-yuan purchase was once again, and in 1941, it was also a zero-yuan purchase. This is double the happiness!

At night, I will try my best to write [-] words to complete the agreed million changes.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 352

Before 1940, President Roosevelt of the United States ranked first among those who frantically assisted Germany in launching the World War.Stalin came second. After the outbreak of the World War in 1940, Stalin surpassed Roosevelt to become Hitler's biggest supporter.

- Winston Churchill, Memoirs of the Second World War

The hero Churchill attacked the Soviet Union in this way in his memoirs, but the Soviet Union retorted at the time: Before 1940, the ones who frantically aided Germany were not Chamberlain and Dalady who gave Austria and Czechoslovakia to Hitler for nothing?Roosevelt only sent 400 billion U.S. dollars, but these two directly sent two countries!

However, the Soviets could only refute this by muddying the waters. In terms of aiding Germany, Stalin has indeed done a lot in recent years.If Stalin was willing to admit this, he would have added the word "Navy" after the word aiding Germany, which is the most appropriate.

Before and after the outbreak of the October War in 1939, except for the development of radar technology, it was the Soviet-German cooperation, and all other aspects were aimed at the German Navy.

However, in the case of radar technology, it is all to blame for the British ignorance of good and bad, and arrogantly rejected the Soviet Union's initiative to cooperate, forcing the Soviet Union, which was extremely backward in the electronics industry at that time, to settle for the next best thing.

Later, the cooperation between the Soviet Union and the German naval equipment included sonar, submarine snorkels, hydrogen peroxide torpedoes, radar anti-submarine technology, and code deciphering-the last point was the most bloody and deadly for the British Empire.

Because Turing was poached by the Soviet Union early, the Great British Empire encountered some difficulties in deciphering the German Navy code at first.However, due to the advance manufacture of the transistor computer, which was a heaven-defying thing, the British soon deciphered the German Navy's communication code earlier than in history.

However, less than two days after the British were happy, the bearded man in the east "emergency" aided Germany. He reminded the Germans that passwords were not safe, and at the same time exported ten of the most advanced Mendeleev third-generation computers to Germany.He also patted his chest and said to Hitler: As long as the money is enough, we will sell as much as you want.

That's all, the experts secretly sent by the Soviet Union taught the Germans how to decipher the British army's codes with the help of computers, and informed the British of the encryption principles and weaknesses of the codes. Evened out.

That's all. The bearded man who continued to aid Germany frantically provided the German Navy with key information on the movements of British ships. The fact that the Spey attack ship escaped the siege smoothly is a classic of "Soviet-German cooperation".With the support of the Soviet Union's intelligence agencies, Denitz's Seawolf Force and Raeder's "camouflaged attack ship" were operating on the ocean, and almost every attack would never fail. The number of cargo ships lost in the Atlantic Ocean, 1940 year is 1.5 times that of the same period in history, and the year 1941 has not yet ended, and its loss amount is 1.6 times that of another time-space loss.The sea transportation lines of the British Empire were almost cut off by U-boats.And next year, as more advanced snorkel submarines enter service earlier than in history, the British will suffer even greater losses-it is definitely Huang Ke's fault that the Germans used submarine snorkel technology so early.

The Germans obtained this technology from the Netherlands, but the technology of the Dutch was not fully mature at that time, and Germany did not pay much attention to it at first.But before the end of the French campaign, the Soviet Union, which had flirted with the Germans during the war, hurried to the door to ask for "cooperation", and directly reminded the Germans not to say anything.Afterwards, in the process of continuing the cooperation and development, the Soviets came up with a number of excellent creative proposals in succession, helping German experts solve many problems.

In order to speed up the development progress of the snorkel, under the enthusiastic proposal of the Soviets, both Japan and Italy joined this feast of joint development.During the development process, the Soviets put forward "ingenious" ideas or improvements, the Germans turned their ideas into reality, the Italians made up for the gaps, and the Japanese basically ate ready-made...

The four contributed their own unique skills, and as a result, in the last months of 1941, all four countries mastered this technology at the same time, and then began to manufacture their own snorkel submarines.The Germans, who moved the fastest, produced the first snorkel submarine in July [-].

Not only that, the Soviet Union also provided Germany with a fortress map of the Malta base in the Mediterranean Sea—this is the information that Huang Ke obtained from later generations.

The losses suffered by Britain in the sea were so huge. In order to make up for the losses, Fatty Qiu betrayed his country and worked harder.

In June 1941, less than four months after Roosevelt passed the "Concession Act", the historically famous "Atlantic Charter" was signed between Britain and the United States.

Later generations of Chinese history textbooks, when referring to this charter, refer to it as the "Charter of Justice" that had a symbolic historical significance in the war against Nazi Germany.

But in fact, for the British Empire, it is the things that the British Empire has accumulated over hundreds of years since the age of great voyages, packed up at one time, and sold off the land, without knowing the heartache.The British not only sold a lot of colonial interests, their own technology pool, and technology accumulation, but also opened up to the United States to let the other party take it at will.

After the news came out, Fatty Qiu acted like a prodigal, even Stalin, who had known about it from Huang Ke, couldn't help shouting three times: The world-thiefing hero and traitor Churchill!

"Selling it once is selling it, selling it twice is also selling it! I think Fatty Qiu, who is so broken, will not be as resistant to the transfer of technology to the Soviet Union soon as he used to be."

The follow-up situation was as expected by Huang Ke. Some core military technologies, such as the Merlin aero engine manufacturing technology that the Soviet Union was most coveted, were also sold to the Soviet Union by the United Kingdom. It was just that during this period, the difficult British could only sell blueprints. technology, but the related processing equipment cannot be provided.But this has already satisfied the Soviet Union.

After the signing of the "Atlantic Charter", in order to prevent the United Kingdom from succumbing to the attack of the German sea wolf, the U.S. Navy stepped up the escort of the returning British convoy. After July 1941, the United States and Germany did not declare war on each other on the surface, but the navies of both sides had already fought frequently in the Atlantic Ocean through escort and anti-submarine.

(Note: In history, after the Pearl Harbor Incident, Germany declared war on the United States because before that, the American and German navies had actually fought many times in the Onishi anti-submarine warfare. At this time, because of Huang Ke's intervention, the time for the fight was brought forward.)

Even with the support of the U.S. Navy earlier, the reason why British transport ships still lost more in the Atlantic Ocean than in history is that during this period, the British shipping code was still single-item transparent to the Soviet Union.

The reason for this situation is naturally the "No. [-] machine" placed in the No. [-] room with the highest confidentiality level in the most mysterious Ninth and Ninth Research Institute in Moscow.

This equipment was produced in 2020, the latest laptop computer for scientific research and engineering design, and its computing power is tens of thousands of times that of computers in this era.In order to give full play to the working performance of this computer, Dahuang Ke specially studied programming in computer software in the 21st century.And "copied" a large number of professional textbooks and handed them over to Xiao Huang Ke.Then Xiao Huang Ke selected a large number of talented students in the Soviet Union and China in this era to learn the computer language of the 21st century and developed special decoding software.

In Moscow in early September, the climate is still hot.However, in the heavily guarded No. 99 Research Institute, all personnel who pass through the checkpoints and enter the most mysterious room No. [-] must temporarily change into thick winter clothes.

The temperature of the room is controlled at 5 degrees Celsius all year round, and the doors and windows are closed on weekdays. All air exchanges with the outside world need to be operated through special ventilation equipment.Fresh air from the outside flows into the room, and it needs to go through two special procedures of dehumidification and dust removal.And the people who entered the room had to take a shower and wear a hood before that—in fact, the people who entered the room, regardless of gender, except for a few special personnel, all had their heads shaved and worked inside.

From the No. [-] machine to the No. [-] machine, the rooms where they are located must be "bald" to be eligible to enter, which is an unwritten rule here.Even if Stalin wanted to enter here, he had to take a shower, put on shoe covers, and then put on a thick hood to keep his hair from falling out.

Hua Luogeng was one of three Chinese nationals who were eligible to enter Room [-].He is currently in charge of decrypting the encrypted telegrams from Japan.This famous mathematician in Chinese history, after being misled by Huang Ke, has now become a well-known "code farmer" in the research institute. He took the lead in developing and writing the decryption software for the Japanese encryption system.

At present, there are people working in the computer rooms of machines No. 24 to No. 500 [-] hours a day.Every day, the Soviet intelligence agency monitors and receives a large number of encrypted telegrams from all over the world. These telegrams are continuously sent outside the computer room through a special channel, and then the relevant personnel manipulate the computer to decrypt them.At most, computer room No. [-] can decrypt more than [-] encrypted telegrams a day.

Although Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan have all upgraded their encryption systems, in the face of the super computing power of the three computers from later generations in these three computer rooms, the encryption systems of the four countries are almost useless—all the computers in this world are based on the yellow key. gram offers concept-based design and fabrication.The relevant operating rules and encryption principles are also developed on the basis of Huang Ke's computer theory-according to Huang Ke's words: "I know everything about you!"

On the contrary, the original and simple codebook is not easy to decipher compared with the encrypted file, and it cannot be deciphered in a short period of time if there is insufficient information.

In the past two years, one of the most important incidents in which these three computer rooms interfered with the progress of the European war was that in July 1941, the British Navy planned to raid the Italian fleet in the port of Taranto on the eve of deciphering the relevant intelligence and notifying in advance The Italians took precautions, and the British raid resulted in only minor losses.

Another major event, relying on the information provided by the computer room, was that a submarine of the German Navy successfully ambushed the latest British armored aircraft carrier, the Ark Royal, in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to be attacked a year earlier than in history. Fate to sink.

These two attacks greatly affected the dominance of the Mediterranean Sea, and made the British Royal Navy more difficult here. This is why Churchill accused the Soviets of "aiding Germany" in his memoirs after the war.Of course, the Soviet side naturally tried hard to blame it, claiming that it was all malicious slander by the British.

In 1940, the No. [-] computer room was suspended due to equipment damage, but four months later, as the damaged part was found to be a capacitor, and then the elites of the entire Soviet Union were gathered to manufacture related niobium capacitors, Huang Ke replaced the original one himself, then pressed the start button, and after a beep, the No. [-] machine also resumed working.

The computer in Room [-] was also damaged. It was the old-fashioned dual-core computer that the Witch damaged while playing games. In order to repair this computer and find out the reason for its damage, Da Huang Ke got the same model from another time and space.The two Huang Ke used their own micro-search capabilities to conduct a comparative test, and later found the damaged part, which was still damaged by a capacitor the size of a grain of sand. The machine was repaired in April of that year and resumed operation.

The storage in computer room No. 2020 is the smallest, but it is terribly advanced - it is the new domestic Huawei mobile phone brought by Huang Ke in [-] - its performance is far higher than that of the Pentium III computer in computer room No. [-], and it is also Better than the restored laptop in Room [-].However, even Huang Ke has not learned its unique domestic operating system, so it is not yet possible to prepare corresponding programming software for it.Its performance cannot be brought into play.

As for the remaining 32 computer rooms, what is stored in the rooms are all collected by Elena, various "old" mobile phones or calculators with computing functions, computing watches and the like.

In order to give full play to the functions of these "backward" simulators, the Soviet Union also specially trained a batch of programmers for simulator software.

Starting from the fourth computer room, all the remaining computer rooms with computing power have been divided up and occupied by various scientific research departments of the Soviet Union for a long time, and the department that occupies the most is the newly established nuclear industry department.

As early as 1937, after Huang Ke spoiled history, Stalin initiated nuclear weapons research immediately.

It's just that the industrial foundation of the Soviet Union was still very weak at that time, and it was only theoretical research and preliminary preparations at the beginning.

Historically, in order to quickly develop the atomic bomb, the United States went through all possible development paths, at the cost of consuming a quarter of the country's electricity.

And the Soviet Union could not be as extravagant as the local tyrants and American emperors.Fortunately, there are travelers who know the general direction, and the relevant investment has been reduced countless.

Even on the Internet of later generations, you can download a lot of "peripheral knowledge" about the manufacture of atomic bombs, helping the Soviets avoid countless detours, but the real core secrets cannot be obtained by Rhubarb through the Internet.We can only rely on the elites of this era to grope a little bit.

In the eyes of the outside world, the mysterious 99th Research Institute is actually the largest large-scale "computing power center" and decryption center in the entire Soviet Union.Most of the other things Elena brought from the 21st century were placed in another secret base far away in Siberia for decryption and replication.

On November 1941, 99, important information came from the No. 12 computer room in the 24th Research Institute: The Japanese Navy will launch a surprise attack on the US fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor in the Pacific Ocean on December [-].

In the past, through other channels, China and the Soviet Union have also calculated that the Japanese navy will attack the US military in the near future.The intelligence deciphering of Unit 99 of the No. [-] Research Institute only finally confirmed this result.

"The Japanese can't bear it anymore!"

After getting the news, Huang Ke immediately packed his luggage and prepared to return home.

This time, his route back to China did not take the Siberian Railway, but took a plane into Xinjiang, and then took a transport plane to Aksai Chin in the south. The task was to use space equipment to transport more than 400 people there at a time. Tons of military supplies.

Since the signing of the border agreement between China and the UK last year, there has been no conflict between China and the UK for a whole year.

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