The Vietnamese Latin alphabet promoted by the French has been used as an official official script for more than half a century and has a certain social foundation.This type of pinyin is easy to learn. You only need to learn dozens of letters and spelling rules to gradually master reading and writing and quickly eliminate illiteracy.

At this time, the illiteracy rate among the Vietnamese folk was quite high—the illiterate people could speak, but they could not read and write. If Chinese or Han Nan script with complicated strokes was used to eliminate illiteracy, the phonetics implemented would not match the physical text, which would be too difficult.For countries with a high illiteracy rate and eager to get rid of illiteracy, it is much easier to learn alphabetic writing—as long as you can speak and master the simple rules, you can write it. (In history, China at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China also wanted to take a shortcut to this pinyinization for a while)

In Vietnam, Chinese characters, which are complex and difficult to master, do not correspond to their pronunciation. It is too much task to use Chinese characters to literacy.

For thousands of years, Chinese characters have been monopolized by the upper classes in Vietnam. Powerful Vietnamese can learn Chinese characters slowly from an early age, but most ordinary people can’t even afford to eat. How can they bother to learn Chinese characters that are so difficult to recognize and write?

Obviously, Chinese characters are too expensive to learn for Vietnamese.

But the Latin alphabet is different. More than [-] letters, arranged and combined according to certain rules, can express all the syllables. As long as you know more than [-] Latin letters, and then study and train, you will succeed in literacy.

In this way, the Latinized Vietnamese language created by the French did not leave Vietnam with them, but took root here.After the North Vietnamese regime unified the South, Chinese characters finally completely withdrew from the Vietnamese writing system.

In this plane, Huang Ke and the chairman and other high-level officials had several discussions in detail, and persuaded them. After the Long March, they began to promote simplified characters and pinyin teaching aids in the Soviet area—in fact, the Nanjing National Policy also promoted simplified characters back then. Its poor execution was only the beginning.

The people in the base area at that time were based on the teaching materials provided by the Nanjing government, combined with the things Huang Ke brought out for later generations to improve, and then popularized them in the base areas.As the People's Liberation Army swept across China at the end of 1938, wherever it went, Hanyu Pinyin and simplified characters were also promoted at an extremely fast speed.

When the liberation went south to liberate Laos and North Vietnam in 1940, a large number of cadres and related teachers went south with the troops.

It was in March of that year that Xia Xi stayed in Wuhan for a few days after being transferred due to Northeast affairs. Shortly after chatting with Huang Ke, she was sent to Guangnan by the central government.

Today's Xia Xi has a nickname in various places: King Xia Yan.

Wherever he goes, kill there.Huang Ke has dealt with him and found that he is an out-and-out paranoid personality. If he is used in the wrong place, it will be a disaster, but if he is used in the right place, there will be a big surprise.

Huang Ke pushed Xia Xi to go to Guangnan so hard, what he wanted to do, in fact, the chairman knew it all.

The chairman once said to Elena, "Huang Ke is not like him, but more like Stalin, and in some places, he is like Wu Hao."

Afterwards, Elena told Huang Ke about this, and Huang Ke was puzzled for a while. He admitted that he was like Stalin, but he was not like Wu Hao.

It wasn't until later that Da Huang Ke communicated with his mother Lin Mei about this, that her mother broke the key point: "You think you're good at killing with a knife, but in fact the chairman has already seen through it, and that's why he said you were imitating that person. "

The chairman considered sending Xia Xi to Guangnan for several days, and the party held many meetings before finally making a decision.On this matter, to Huang Ke's surprise, Wu Hao also agreed.

However, when Xia Xi went to Guangnan for the first time, his superiors did not give him any power, but only asked him to lead people to conduct a thorough investigation at various grassroots levels in Laos and Vietnam for half a year, and then report to the central government before making comments.

After Xia Xi completed the social survey in the newly established Guangnan Province and returned to China.According to Huang Ke's opinion, Elena obtained from the Soviet Union the specific situation of the Soviet Union facing ethnic separatism issues like Vietnam, as well as the way of dealing with it afterwards, as a "reference".

At that time, Xia Xi reported to the central government: the folks are fine, but middle-level intellectuals are wary of and hostile to China.

Then Xia Xi returned to Guangnan Province in September after communicating with her superiors for many days.

Soon, the Guangnan area began a vigorous campaign of "recovering the ancient Yue script and decolonizing the French", and began to forcibly promote simplified Chinese characters.

During the period of Xia Xi's investigation at the grassroots level, a large number of people have been dealt with in the Guangnan area because of the land reform.But this time around the "New Culture" movement, he was instructed to "catch everyone who should be arrested, but not kill anyone."Then these people who were arrested were finally sent to the inland for labor reform.

During this period, Ho Chi Minh, who was already in power in South Vietnam, started the "De-Chinese Characterization" movement early as in history.On the surface, the Vietnamese Communist Party headed by Ho Chi Minh respected the CCP, but what was going on in their hearts, the upper echelons of the CCP had already seen it clearly.

"All contemporary history is history. Even if they were of the same language and the same race, but after a little longer separation, they began to actively alienate."

At that time, Chairman Li sighed to Elena, and then he asked Elena: "In your world, how do you deal with this kind of problem?"

Elena replied: "In our world, there are no ethnic conflicts, but there are conflicts among believers. Those who believe in me will live, and those who don't believe in me will be burned to death! Before the gods are united, they will kill each other." It was very tragic. Just like you here, after killing enough, fearing and subduing, it will be unified in the end."

In the end, she said emotionally: "In this world, there is no perfect solution that can satisfy everyone. If you want to get something, you have to give something..."

Between China and Vietnam, a rift has already appeared at the very beginning.In this regard, the chairman can only sigh.

As for the small piece of "Korean Liberated Area" in the northeast corner of North Korea that was marked by China and the Soviet Union, according to the instructions, after helping the Korean People's Army base areas, when the base areas were eradicated, the support cadres sent by the CCP are also doing their best to promote the teaching of Chinese characters.

During this period, the situation of Jin Sun and his cadres was better than that of Ho Chi Minh, but not much better.In fact, a large part of the skeleton of the base area is supported by the Korean comrades on the CCP side.During this period, they did not realize the importance of cultural assimilation.

However, even if the golden sun is replaced, and someone who everyone thought would be close is replaced, no one knows whether he will become the second golden sun because of the change of status and status?

After all, in this world, it is often not his brain that determines a person's position, but his butt.

Now, the total number of PLA and "south-going cadres" entering Guangnan Province from Guangxi and Yunnan has exceeded 30, and this number is still rising.

During this period, the total population of South Vietnam and North Vietnam was between 800 million and 2000 million (Note: Statistics from the French, but the specific population of North Vietnam is unknown).In Guangnan Province, taking half of that value, there are only about ten million people.In fact, the blood relationship between the main population, the Jing and the Han, is even closer than that of many northern Hans.But as long as the original policy remains unchanged, and no more chaotic states are born, assimilation is not difficult.

Contrary to history, with regard to ethnic issues, especially in the former North Vietnam region, the People's Liberation Army and cadres who went south were given a special license: to encourage them to intermarry with local people and have children, so as to take root.

This is the biggest change made by Huang Ke's intervention in history - historically, in this matter, the policy was that it was allowed to marry a daughter into a Hu, but not to marry a Hu into a Han.

At that time, Huang Ke said unceremoniously in front of someone: the old policy was actually avoiding the problem because it was afraid of problems, instead of solving the problem, it was a stupid appeasement policy.

Some things, in fact, as long as they are exposed, everyone will know what's going on.

Ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 343 Different Test Results

In China in October, heavy snow has begun to fall in Northeast China.In October, Indochina, near the South China Sea, had a daytime maximum temperature of 31 degrees.

The Red River Delta and the southern (Lancang) Mekong Delta are the two most important grain-producing regions in Indochina.There is sufficient sunshine and hot climate here, and rice can be grown three times a year. (However, planting three-season rice is very harmful to the soil, and the lack of sufficient chemical fertilizer support is often not worth the loss)

However, after the autumn harvest in October 1940, the grain output of the Red River Delta was completely owned by China.As for the food produced in the Mekong Delta, except for some of the food that was reserved for the Ho Chi Minh government and the people, most of the surplus was exported to the Soviet Union. (The Soviet Union is mostly used to exchange wheat and soybeans with China)

The Soviet Union used its own tractors, tanks, and fertilizers to exchange food with Vietnam.With the help of China and the Soviet Union, within a few months, the Vietnamese Communist Party, which once had only a few hundred people, has pulled up a team of more than 5 people and has [-] tanks.

Because the Soviet Union was fully preparing for war, the rifles in Vietnam and Cambodia at this time were provided by the Chinese side: now they are all equipped with Chinese-made Hanyang-made and eliminated domestic machine guns, German caliber.As for the pure-blood German weapons and Czech-made weapons seized from Chang Kaishen, a considerable part of them was taken away by the Soviet Union during this period to aid Yugoslavia, which needed more weapons.

Since July, as Thailand softened, China's garrisons in Vietnam and Cambodia began to withdraw in batches. By October, only about 3 people were left in the two places, including 1 in Vietnam and 2 in Cambodia. million people.In addition, there are thousands of military advisers from the Soviet Union operating in the two places.

During this period, as the assault ship Spey was seized by the Japanese, the British Far East Fleet was freed up and returned to Singapore to ensure the safety of the Strait of Malacca.

Since there is no control over the sea, China's current goal is to consolidate the rear, and wait for the opportunity to act after the Japanese can't help but intervene in Southeast Asia.During this period, Vietnam and Cambodia in Xinjian were extremely poor. If China stayed here for a long time, 10,000+ people would eat horses, which would be a great burden on the civilians in the two places and the country. Withdrawal to Guangnan——On the issue of supplying foreign troops, China has the best character in this regard, and has committed no crimes there.If it were a beautiful country, it would be to requisition and expropriate directly from the local area, and do whatever they want.

Chen Geng, who was helping Ho Chi Minh in training troops in Vietnam, commented on them in a telegram to Wuhan Central Committee:

"Whether it is comrades in Vietnam or Cambodia, the quality of their teams is quite bad. Whether they are officials or officers, they are all unqualified. The combat effectiveness of the newly formed People's Army is probably stronger than Wang Jialie's two-handed soldiers It's about the same as Zhang Xiaoliu's Northeast Army."

Compared with the serious shortage of cadres and military officers, the more serious problem is the problem of corruption at an extremely fast speed after the Viet Cong entered the city and won the world.

In August, something happened in Saigon, Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh received a report from the people below, saying that the CCP’s instructors who helped the Vietnamese People’s Army train troops were so extravagant that they had to eat a cow a day.

Ho Chi Minh was very angry, and approached Chen Geng aggressively to file a complaint. After investigation, in fact, the CCP had hundreds of instructors helping to train the army locally, and they only ate two pigs for food in a month.

After further investigation, it turns out that the person in charge below has embezzled himself.Although Ho Chi Minh was so angry that he shot the relevant personnel afterwards, the corruption and degeneration of the entire new Vietnamese regime was quite serious.

In the Soviet Union, Stalin regarded the newly established third socialist regime in Vietnam as an "experimental field".The support personnel sent by China and the Soviet Union paid the most attention to the construction of grassroots party organizations in Vietnam.

As a result, the reports sent back to Wuhan and Moscow made the top leaders of the two countries scratch their heads.

"The Viet Cong, eager to seize power, is now recruiting a large number of opportunists into the party organization."

"These people who joined the party urgently included a large number of colonial officials left behind when the French army withdrew. They just changed their skin and hung a party constitution, and they called themselves the Communist Party of Vietnam."

"Although the land reform started with the help of the CCP, the enthusiasm of the local people was extremely high. However, a large number of hooligan proletarians actively asked to join the party organization with great enthusiasm. Now the Viet Cong has a large number of such people mixed in the grassroots organizations .” (Chinese report)

Although the October Revolution in the Soviet Union also had the problem of insufficient cadres, there was a tug-of-war between the Red Army and the White Army that lasted nearly four years, and many speculators were eliminated like steelmaking (but not completely eliminated).

Needless to say on the CCP’s side, what is happening in Vietnam has reminded many “experts” of the revolution that after the outbreak of the [-] Revolution in the late Qing Dynasty, all kinds of strange speculations were displayed when various places took the initiative to “change their flags and enthusiastically participate in the revolution.” Ugly - After seeing the telegram sent by Chen Geng, Chairman Li Runshi immediately remembered the scene in "The True Story of Ah Q" written by Lu Xun.

Even Huang Ke couldn't help commenting after watching it: "This kind of Viet Cong will never have the opportunity to transform into the "world's third" Viet Monkey in later generations, but will become a vietnamese monkey worse than those socialist countries in Eastern Europe. It will bring down many times the feudal, bureaucratic and revisionist countries that are disguised as socialism, and the more they will be repaired!"

During this period of contact, Chen Geng and the Soviet special envoy sent back a report saying: At this time, within the Viet Cong, there are no more than a hundred people who are qualified to be called Bolsheviks, and there are only a few dozen people, and the rest are all opportunists. member!

Anyway, it's all negative reviews!

"Sure enough, the establishment of a powerful social regime requires the hammering of steel and the calcination of fire. What are the things in Vietnam now?"

At that time, looking at the assessment report sent back by the Soviet Advisory Group on the appearance of the new regime of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Stalin was so angry that he slapped the table.He exported revolutions all over the world and supported his younger brother, not because he had too much money to burn, but because he wanted to have more allies like the CCP who could help him "decompress". ?Stalin was so angry that he didn't even approve the high-quality munitions that he planned to send to the Vietnamese.Just let the CCP take out the old guns and cannons in its hands to help them-according to him, wait for these people to order decently before giving them good equipment.

Stalin, who knew the history, wanted a younger brother who could fight and fight, not this kind of trash like Chang Kaishen who couldn't stand up.If it weren't for the fact that there is no one in Vietnam, and there is no replacement for the time being, and it is inconvenient to kill people at this time, he really wants to send a telegram to Li Runshi, asking the People's Liberation Army stationed in Vietnam to clean up all the garbage.

Compared with Vietnam, which was extremely collapsed, the situation in Cambodia is a bit different.

Because the number of the Cambodian Communist Party at that time was pitifully small, and there was no leader, not even a leader. The entire area was completely under the control of the Chinese army and implemented military control.

The Indochina branch of the People's Liberation Army established in Phnom Penh, coupled with a large number of cadres transferred from the country, directly filled the vacancy after the French retreated and replaced the role of the French to control the backbone of the entire Cambodian regional regime.Then use it as a basis to recruit local personnel and gradually establish a new regime.

Although in this process, various corruptions, corruptions, or some work mistakes have also occurred.But after all, there is no problem with the main body of the regime itself—although China’s behavior can be regarded as foreign power rule for Cambodians in a sense.

They have been colonized by the French for nearly a century, but they have long been used to having a "master" on their heads. As for who the master is, most people are actually numb.Compared with the local civilians, compared with the naked colonial oppression of the French, what the People's Liberation Army has done here is simply "a favor from the heavenly kingdom", okay?

Compared with Vietnam, where the whole government is basically operated under the control of the People's Liberation Army, the situation in Cambodia is stable and the situation continues to improve.On the CCP’s side, there is no “Cambodian Communist Party” system to hold it back. Instead, it is free to redraw on a piece of white paper according to its own ideas.

"The two socialist regimes established at the same time have completely different postures. This experiment is indeed very valuable!"

What happened to Indochina, Cambodia, and Vietnam was actually an "experiment for nation-building" by Stalin and Li Runshi after much thought.According to the results of his discussion with Li Runshi in Moscow.On the European side, the Soviet Union wants to compete with Britain and the United States for Western Europe, while the revolution on the Asian side is in charge of China, and Southeast Asia is the focus of the competition.The different handling methods of the Chinese side in Vietnam and Cambodia are also the result of careful discussions between the two.

In this period, the top leaders of the CCP, because their country has been reduced to a semi-colony for hundreds of years, have some "moral cleanliness" and instinctive refusal to "colonize foreign countries and annex other countries".The "ancestral land" of Cochin Province has reached the limit of psychological acceptance.The South Vietnamese part is indeed a "foreign land" that has nothing to do with China. In fact, it is not too willing to intervene in the internal affairs of Vietnam and Cambodia.

But throughout 1940, the CCP tried not to intervene in Vietnam, and Cambodia, which was fully supported by the Chinese side, continued to improve, and soon caused a lot of internal controversy.

In the last month of 1940, when Huang Ke, who had already solved the aero-engine problem, talked with Stalin about Vietnam and Cambodia, Stalin suddenly asked Huang Ke: "Actually, you can persuade Li Runshi to directly convert Cambodia and The way to join the republic is to merge into China!"

Huang Ke was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Comrade Stalin, you said this, not me! If I say this in China, I will easily be labeled as imperialism, Great Chinaism, etc. of."

"After the land reform, with your help, the Cambodian land has produced much more food this year than in previous years, and the surplus food can be traded with the Soviets. I know you are short of land."

Who is Huang Ke? During this period of time, Stalin also saw a lot when he was in contact with him.

"Subclass me!"

In fact, it is Stalin's evaluation of him: he is a standard science student thinking in doing things, and he pays attention to precise calculations. Except for Irene, which is his only weakness, his other problems are getting older and more experienced. Decrease bit by bit.

Of course, Stalin knew that in China's newly added "Ninan Province (Laos)" and "Guangnan Province", Huang Ke had put in a lot of effort to encourage the upper class to "recover" these two places.

Stalin was called a "Great Russianist" by Lenin, but Stalin also clearly saw that Huang Ke was also a "Great Chineseist".

If he is willing to join Greater China, he can accept any race.He will mercilessly suppress anyone who is unwilling to join.

This is the true portrayal of Huang Ke's political outlook.

In private, Stalin once commented on Huang Ke to Elena:

"On the ethnic issue, his attitude is exactly the same as mine. He is not emotional or dogmatic. He only looks at the results and only calculates. In some places, he is even ruthless!"

In the past few years, China and the Soviet Union have been getting closer and closer. A large number of Soviet cadres have been active in China. While helping the construction of New China, they also helped the Soviet Union better understand the ally regime around it.

Who is Xia Xi, how was he pushed to the fore, and became the "Xia Yan Wang" whom counter-revolutionaries and separatists everywhere talked about, and what role Huang Ke played in the process, all interested Soviets will find out up.

Even allies will secretly spy on them, and the Soviets have never been white lotuses in this matter.

Especially after Stalin took a fancy to Elena and decided to choose her as his heir, he paid more attention to Huang Ke.

"As long as he takes Li Runshi's position in the future, on the issue of ethnicity, many people in China will have bad luck!"

Li Runshi was a little soft-hearted, but this young man named Huang Ke had always been a decisive and merciless person.

Stalin looked at Huang Ke meaningfully, waiting for his answer.

Huang Ke thought for a while and replied, "I can't decide this matter, it has to be decided by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China."

Stalin smiled and asked meaningfully: "What about your own thoughts? Take it there and look at the Malay Peninsula from afar. It's so important!"

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