The primary school of the Red Army School implements a five-year education system, and this year is actually Ma Xiaohu's last final exam in his last year at Baoji School.

Five years ago, he was illiterate and could not even write his own name.

But now he can write and count, and even in his spare time at night, he would go to a nearby factory as a "little teacher" to teach those workers night school literacy,

Ma Xiaohu, who was taking the graduation exam, noticed one thing. This year's arithmetic questions, the content of the questions is different from previous years, and the "information content" is very large.

The word "information content" is a term that his "Papa Huang Ke" said in class.Ma Xiaohu adores Huang Ke's father very much, although his age is less than seven years younger than Huang Ke's, calling him his brother is almost the same.But the children around him all called him this pair, so Ma Xiaohu followed suit.Outsiders also habitually call the children of this Red Army school "the children of Huang Ke and Elena".

Most of today's graduation questions are like this.

"China has a population of 13938.5 million and 365 million hectares of arable land. Each person needs [-] kilograms of grain per year. What is the national average grain output per mu to meet the basic needs of the people?"

This kind of question, Huang Ke said to the children in the school, the original intention of the question is not only to test everyone's math level, but also to let them understand the rules of the world and how high it takes to feed a person productivity.

There are many similar mathematical problems about food production, not only pure calculations, but also combined with solid geometry.Ask students to calculate the weight of grain that can be contained in a granary, etc.

In addition, there are some questions Ma Xiaohu read, and the first impression in his heart is that these questions must be written by "Huang Ke's father".

For example, the topic is: Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong's 100th birthday, and the gentry wanted to offer auspiciousness, forcing the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to report a 25% increase in the province's grain production next year from last year's 33 million tons.In order to please Shangyi, the governor forced the lower-level Daotai to increase by [-]%, the Daotai forced the Futai to increase by [-]%, and the Futai forced the county magistrate to increase by [-]%. The number of acres of land in the area is XXXX acres. Under this kind of oppression, the county magistrate at the lowest level has to report the average grain yield per mu to meet the target of the superior?The Manchu taxation was all [-]% that year,

However, the grain output in that year was still 100 million tons, and the actual data has not changed. However, after paying taxes and taxes according to the false indicators reported, how much grain will farmers have left per acre of land in the end?

Because he had taken Huang Ke's "philosophy class", Ma Xiaohu instinctively felt that these problems contained a lot of important knowledge when doing such math problems.

In the math exams that year, the papers were all such "practical" math questions.The content of the questions is varied and has gone beyond mathematics itself.

After the exam, two days later, the results came out. Ma Xiaohu, who has been studying very hard, scored 97 points in the Chinese test and a perfect score in mathematics. Because of his excellent grades and clean family background, he can enter the next level of junior high school for further study.Of the 120 students in the same period, [-] of them entered junior high school like him, and some were sent to technical schools to study.

In "Huang Ke and Elena's Children", Ma Xiaohu is the first batch of primary school graduates, and the rest will complete primary school education in the next few years, and then according to their respective abilities and specialties, they will either continue their studies or be accepted by the school. They are assigned to work-study in technical schools, or go directly to military schools, scattered all over the place.

On July [-]th, the day of elementary school graduation, Huang Ke did not come back, but Elena's mother came back instead of him. She gave each child a graduation gift and life blessings, and accompanied them for a day, and then everyone Farewell with tears.Elena told them that the reason "Huang Ke's father" didn't come was that he was in the Soviet Union at this time and was trying his best to solve the quality problems of Soviet fighter jet engines, so he couldn't come back for the time being, and the children adored him.

In the hearts of the children, Huang Ke's father and Elena's mother are both great "scientists", and they really want to be like them.

Chapter 341

On July [-]th, after playing around the country with newly graduated children from Hongxing Primary School for a few days, Elena came to Wuhan and met with Chairman Li Runshi.

Now she holds several positions in the Soviet Union, and her nominal main medical research has basically given up, but her main task is to be in charge of local administrative work. In addition, her other identity is the dean of the Cheka Orphanage, as well as the Moscow Head of the Regional Communist Youth League.

When Huang Ke couldn't get out because of his work in the Soviet Union, she went back to China instead of him and attended the graduation ceremony of those children. The purpose was the same as the reason why she was the director of the orphanage.

To take over, you must have your own team, your own people.

People are different.Even if people with the same ability, born in different times, have different experiences, they must use different means if they want to get to a high position and secure a position.

Huang Ke and later generations of netizens, when revisiting the life of the chairman, thought his biggest regret, or mistake, was that he was too concerned with organizational principles, too selfless, and too ignorant of chauvinism and cultivating his confidantes. The "insiders" are not well protected either.

During the Ruijin base, the chairman’s own people died in all sorts of “accidents” just before the Long March, during the Long March, and after the Long March.After the Long March, the "insiders" who belonged to him, whom he liked and admired the most, and at the same time "identified" with his "insiders", either died unexpectedly or died inexplicably during a series of movements after liberation, Or they were subtly used various means to knock down one by one with their strength. Before 1966, there were not many people belonging to his lineage.

In the end, he still talks too much about organizational principles and is too "a gentleman".

The chairman told Elena very early on that when Huang Ke started to grow up, he began to learn from Wu Hao and Stalin, and only one-third of him really learned from him.

Inside the CCP, the practice of setting up orphanages for martyrs and cultivating their own people is actually very taboo, especially for big figures with real power, it is a red line that cannot be lightly touched.

In history, Chen Guang, Lin Husan's favorite general, made countless military exploits in his life, but in the end he fell down on this matter.

Huang Ke's advantage in this matter is that he established the orphanage before he joined the CCP, and the director of the orphanage is in the name of Elena, a member of the "Communist International".Because he was involved with the orphanage before joining the party, so there was no violation of the rules. After liberation, the Red Star Orphanage was handed over to other people to take care of it. Every time Huang Ke came back to visit, it was normal for the "old director" to visit children. .

Another reason: So far, Huang Ke himself has no major position in the CCP despite his great influence. Now he was borrowed by Stalin, and his identity in the Soviet Union was the academic affairs of the Chinese branch of Moscow University. director.Domestic identity, but also the deputy director of the Ministry of Education's International Student Management Office.

And the third point is that the people at the top did it on purpose.

People, after all, have to stand on the ground and breathe air, not live in a vacuum.

The chairman also reflected on his failure, and from Huang Ke's mouth, he knew how the successor he chose in another time and space failed. (In this time and space, because the revolution was successful earlier, the Chairman and Mrs. He did not undergo a marriage change. When Elena returned to China, Mrs. He had just given birth to a boy for him. In history, a child of the Chairman and Mrs. He died of illness in Moscow .)

That "honest man" was later kicked out for many reasons: Politically, he was foolish to turn his back on F4, betrayed the chairman, and gave up his only advantage, the righteousness of "the chairman's successor".

What does he have compared to others?Don't look at him holding multiple positions at that time, gathering all the power of the upper class in one person, as if the power was boundless, but no matter how big or glorious the title on your head is, people around you must obey you and be willing to obey your command. The power in the hands is real.

The honest man is a lightning-promoted "elevator soldier" with no foundation. In fact, he is just a building on the beach. With righteousness in hand, he can barely suppress the people below.As a result, everyone saw what he did later: self-poaching, self-destructing the foundation, and self-destructing righteousness.

As soon as the righteousness was lost, he was kicked out of the stage together with that "Dongxing".

What the chairman is doing now is actually the same as what Stalin was preparing to pave the way for Elena. In this matter, he deliberately and secretly indulged.Because he knew very well that Huang Ke was not him, and the chairman could do some things, but Huang Ke absolutely couldn't and couldn't do it.And there are some things that the chairman doesn't bother to do, but Huang Ke has to do them.

After knowing the history, the chairman no longer persists in some places as before, and he is slowly correcting the mistakes he made in the "future".

Wuhan in July is a big furnace.In order to escape the summer heat, the chairman's current office location is the Dongyue Lakeside area.After liberation, the Wuhan area was once plagued by waterlogging, but the cause of the waterlogging was actually more of human self-inflicted. The local crazy lake reclamation turned the low-lying areas that were originally lake wetlands into farmland, and later urban expansion. It has become a street, and it is no wonder that it is not flooded during the flood season or when it rains heavily.

And these lakes themselves are natural reservoirs. Another bad result of reclamation from lakes is that it reduces the Yangtze River Basin's ability to resist floods and droughts.

"It's extremely stupid to encircle a lake to build a field! Because the self-revenue of an acre of lake, plus the mud and fertilizer gain of the lake's muddy mud to the surrounding fields, the accumulation is far better than filling the land into dry land!", Huang Ke was very early on this point of view. Disseminated to the top of the Chinese Communist Party.In order to prevent the officials below from recklessly repeating historical mistakes, the central government issued special instructions to protect the "lakes" and strictly prohibit land reclamation from lakes in the second year after liberation. Made it into the textbooks of elementary school students.

At present, in the "Agricultural Knowledge Popularization" broadcasts in villages and towns across the country, this knowledge is also repeated on the broadcasts like brainwashing.When Elena and Chairman Li met at Dongyue Lake, the voice wafting from the nearby countryside was the popular science article Huang Ke copied from later generations, titled "What can an acre of lake bring".

Listening to the broadcast of agricultural science popularization in the distance, the chairman said to Elena: "Xiao Huang really put a lot of thought into this Chinese textbook."

Samples of new teaching materials are on the table now, and they will be promoted nationwide after September.The chairman first chatted with Elena about the orphanage, and asked about the whereabouts of the newly graduated primary school students after graduation.

Elena replied: "During the summer vacation, they will be sent to the countryside to support agriculture, helping farmers with farm work for half a month, and rushing to harvest and plant." ——The children of the Red Star Orphanage were all about 11 years old when they went to school , the first batch of graduates are all between 16 and 17 years old.

The chairman said: "They are the successors of the republic. Successors have to go to the sky and go to the land, and they have to go to the land more, have more contact with the peasants, and know the hardships of the lower classes. Only then can they become qualified successors of communism. Just because they are the descendants of martyrs, they should not be given special treatment, and finally they will be trained to be worthless waste! What should be strictly demanded, should be stricter than ordinary people!"

When the chairman said this, he did not forget to ask the secretary next to him to write it down.He first spent half an hour talking with Elena about the future development direction of these children, and then asked about the Soviet Union's combat readiness and Huang Ke's recent situation.

"The battle preparations are going well. Generals Zhukov and Rokosov performed well in the exercise just conducted. Comrade Stalin took the opportunity to promote them again. And next year, they will command a front army alone."

"How's Xiao Huang doing?"

"He has been eating, sleeping and sleeping in the factory for the past two months. His current task is to track down the details of the production process of the aero-engine. This is the most important thing for Comrade Stalin. The quality and life of the new Soviet aero-engine are very problematic. Quantity After the production, more than 100 problems were exposed, and now we are solving these problems one by one."

Huang Ke's extraordinary perception is an indispensable and important reliance in the development, operation, and troubleshooting of Soviet aero-engines.The reason why this plane, the Soviet Union, was able to enter the [-]-horsepower aviation development club a year earlier than in history was not because the time of introducing related technologies was much faster than in history, but because of the appearance of Huang Ke during the absorption and redevelopment. Relying on his ability, he discovered the internal defects of new products earlier, which greatly reduced detours in the development process and shortened the development cycle.

Although the quality of the carefully manufactured sample engine is satisfactory, mass production and the manufacture of sample engines are completely different things, and it takes time to find out the process to ensure the quality of mass-produced products.

Now Huang Ke is just nesting in the factory all day, together with a bunch of experts, step by step checks one production link after another, exploring and formulating strict and reasonable standards.

Elena said: "Now he eats, sleeps and sleeps in the factory, mixing with Soviet workers."

"The Soviet Union is different from China. In the future, when the war is over and he returns to China, I will send him to the countryside at about the same time to experience more about the suffering of farmers."

Elena nodded, expressing her understanding. After talking about Huang Ke, she and the chairman will discuss the food issue and Sino-Soviet trade next.

At present, there is no war in the Soviet Union, and the domestic grain production is going well. This year should be a bumper harvest.But during this period, Germany had defeated France, and when the Soviet-German war could break out at any time, the Soviet Union also paid unprecedented attention to food reserves.

Because of the war, "industrial machinery" became a hot commodity. During this period, China could no longer obtain machinery and equipment from foreign countries.Even the Soviet Union can only obtain a small amount of machinery and equipment through trade with Germany at present-in this matter, Germany is actually very cautious about exporting machinery and equipment to the Soviet Union.

As for the United States, Roosevelt imposed a comprehensive "quiet" embargo on China and the Soviet Union. It became very difficult and costly to obtain machinery and equipment from the United States.

Today's Soviet Union itself, if it wants to obtain industrial machines, it can only produce by itself in many cases.However, if the CCP wants to obtain machines, it can only exchange food and ore from the Soviet Union for equipment for the time being, so as to obtain some machines that the Soviet Union can produce itself.When the Soviet Union entered into military mobilization and began to prepare for war, the Soviet Union’s own spare capacity was also very small. Now China can import very little equipment from the Soviet Union, mainly tractors, trucks, and excavators, which the Soviet Union is producing in large quantities. engineering equipment.

Before the end of the war, similar historical "[-]" projects could not be carried out.What China can do now is to work hard to do a good job in basic education, relying on the advantage of a large number of people, to carry out the preliminary projects of three links and one leveling in advance in the scheduled industrial areas, so as to prepare for the future.

Elena stayed in China until the end of July, and then returned home by train in early August.However, before leaving China, Elena and Xia Xi conducted a handover and handed over some materials brought from the Soviet Union to each other.

Xia Xi will go south to the newly established Guangnan Province in September, and the task is to carry out anti-revolutionary work.

On the train back to China, a new batch of Chinese students studying in the Soviet Union were carried. This was her last mission in China: to get in touch with these students studying in the Soviet Union on the way back to China and build a good relationship.Not only for herself, but more importantly, for Huang Ke.

PS, this book asks for a monthly ticket

Chapter 342

The car is on the same track, the book is the same text, and the behavior is the same!

Since Yingzheng unified the six kingdoms, the ancient dynasties mostly used the Confucian classic "The Doctrine of the Mean" to bridge the economic, political, cultural, and social contradictions among different groups of people and to pursue the country's prosperity. Long-term peace and stability.In the history of our country, we have gone through periods of unification such as Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong, Song Zu, etc., and also experienced divisions such as Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Six Dynasties, and Five Dynasties, but we have always maintained the unity of the country and the continuation of civilization. There is an important relationship between the concept and measures of Tonglun.

At the beginning of liberation in history, under the guidance of a certain person, the new China invented all kinds of writing for the ethnic minorities in the country, as if they were afraid that they would integrate into China. The person in charge of this matter was called Luo Wei, whose name was Aihan. .

Fortunately, this stupid way of asking for trouble cannot be promoted at all because there are not enough teachers who understand the "new characters", and finally nothing happens.However, certain ethnic groups in the northwest have left various cancers because of this.

Comrade "Luo Aihan" in history was knocked down in those ten years. of.

At the beginning of 1940, this person went to the Northeast, and when he came back, he complained to Xia Xi, saying that they killed too much there, and Xia Xi was transferred from his post.Fortunately, when he complained, Xia Xi, who was quick in action, had almost finished the job.

In March 1940, when Huang Ke returned to China, Luo Wei, who was in charge of the united front work, jumped out as in history, and crazily reversed the car in various ways.Various compromises were made with the green and lamas, and even with the Manchus, they also demanded that the Banners of the Han Dynasty be registered as Manchus in order to enjoy the welfare of the minority and expand the number of Manchus.For those bullshit problems of later generations, this person is considered an ancestor. ——In history, the number of Manchurians changed from 20 at the beginning of liberation to 100 million in an instant, and it was this person who made it.Of course, there are people behind him.

However, in this time and space after little Huang Ke traveled through, the signs had just emerged, and Huang Ke, who had been prepared for a long time, firmly pressed down through the relationship with the upper management. All proposals, including his instigation, demanded Inventing characters for the Zhuang and other ethnic groups was not approved in the end.

On this matter, Huang Ke only said to the chairman in private:

"Shaomin originally had no writing, and we Han people enthusiastically helped them invent writing. Doesn't it mean that other people's wives have no children, and then we help them make their children? What is the difference between this approach and Ximenqing? Learning is inherently easy. It’s a waste of energy, you still have to ask Shaomin friends to learn a superfluous character that has never been used before and will never be used in the future, is it because they are afraid that they will spend too much time studying and improve too quickly?”

Huang Ke, who had begun to mature politically, didn't say much in public, but secretly kept it in his heart and wrote it down in a small notebook.In this matter, he just whispered a few words to Wu Hao about the things his descendants later cheated on him and his ugly nickname in the future.

"Jump, jump, I'll let you be like stinky dung, and attract more flies out..."

He knew that he was younger than them, and he could afford to wait.Moreover, there will be many sports in China in the future. Few of these people have clean buttocks. As long as you keep an eye on them, there will always be opportunities.

At that time, Huang Ke suggested to his superiors: Comrade Xia Xi has done a little too much in the Northeast, so he might as well be sent to Guangnan to work at the grassroots level.

Quang Nam Province is the newly liberated Viet North area.

Although this place belongs to the Confucian culture area, its relationship with China has always been separate and combined. After the Qing-French War, it completely broke away from China.

As early as 1940, three writing systems existed in Vietnam at the same time.

The first type is the Chinese characters used for "decent people".

Before the intervention of the French colonists, Chinese characters (classical Chinese) had always been the official written language of the Vietnamese, and it was also the daily language used by the ruling class and intellectuals in ancient Vietnam. "

The second type is the Han Nan script, also known as the Nan character, which was born around the Yuan Dynasty in China.

This kind of writing is mostly used by Vietnamese folks.As a Vietnamese, if Chinese characters are used, then their language and characters will not correspond, and it will be very difficult to learn.

Thus, the word Nom was derived.Most of it consists of two Chinese characters or radicals of Chinese characters, half of which is phonetic and half is ideographic.

Similar is the practice of the Japanese - also because the pronunciation and writing do not correspond, the Japanese adopts the use of part of the radicals of Chinese characters to transform them into pseudonyms to solve this problem, and gradually completes the correspondence between writing and speaking.

However, it is quite troublesome to learn this Nom character, and it also requires you to master a certain basic Chinese language.Therefore, in ancient Vietnam, the illiteracy rate was very high.

The third type is the Latin alphabet.It was born in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties in the 17th century, and was created by early French missionaries.They spelled spoken Vietnamese in Latin alphabet, translated the Bible, and tried to use this easy-to-learn phonetic alphabet to reduce the illiteracy rate in Vietnam in order to spread the "Gospel of the Lord."

At the end of the 19th century, after the French formally colonized Vietnam, they simply abolished the Chinese language education system and made the Vietnamese language, which is spelled out of the Latin alphabet, the official language.

Even so, until the first half of the 20th century, the entire "cultural class" in Vietnam still insisted on using Chinese characters, and it was considered elegant to write Chinese poems. (Ho Chi Minh and the top leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam, because of their higher class status, are all proficient in Chinese characters and can write and write.) But at this time, Chinese has lost space among the middle and lower classes in Vietnam, and a large number of ordinary people basically cannot Know Chinese characters.

After the Vietnamese government gained national independence, Ho Chi Minh started a vigorous "de-Chinese characterization" campaign, using the Latin alphabet left by the French colonists.

Whether it is ancient or modern times, Vietnam often has a "split personality" meaning to China - learning from China and being like China everywhere, but trying to get rid of China's shadow everywhere.

From a practical point of view, and in order to achieve the purpose of "de-Sinicization", Ho Chi Minh's choice back then was indeed justified.

The Vietnamese have long had no writing mode that directly corresponds to their own spoken language.To learn Nom well, you also need to master a certain foundation of Chinese, and Nom itself is quite complicated, and it is almost impossible to use it independently.

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