Regarding Cai Yuanpei's posthumous evaluation, let me provide some historical data: In 1940, Cai Yuanpei died of illness in Hong Kong. Chairman Mao called Cai Yuanpei in his funeral telegram as "a leader in academia and a role model for the world."Think my book is rated high?I'm sorry, the chairman has rated him higher in history!At least on my side, I changed it to [-], instead of the telegram that praised him as a perfect man in history!After Huang Ke's operation, the evaluation of him behind him has been greatly reduced.

Chapter 334 Capture of Indochina

Based on the experience of the Far East War, the Soviet military confirmed one thing: In the future war against Hitler, to ensure the logistical supply of the armored forces, at least 20 additional trucks need to be produced each year to ensure the motorization of the Red Army’s armored forces. Combat needs - in history, when the Soviet Red Army counterattacked, it relied on hundreds of thousands of Dodge trucks aided by the United States to complete ten assaults on San Dezi, and finally attacked all the way to Berlin.

In this plane, history has been seriously disturbed by Huang Ke.Stalin would not even consider the so-called American aid—according to his and Chairman Li Runshi's opinion, it would be a good idea for that insidious Roosevelt not to stab the Soviet Union at that time.

After carefully reading the materials handed over to him by the traverser, Stalin knew that the reason why the Soviet army suffered such a miserable defeat in the first year of the Soviet-German War was not only the gap in personnel quality and command art, but also the gap in materials. Seriously insufficient, followed by the extremely unreasonable allocation of armored forces: the number of tanks is too large, but there is a serious shortage of trucks responsible for logistics, and there are empty tanks but no supply vehicles.

After all, after knowing the family background of Mustache, Stalin is not worried about his lack of tanks at all, especially after the T1937 is in service, he is full of confidence.Therefore, starting from [-], the mobilized Soviet military industry, the first production priority equipment was not tanks but trucks, and the most scarce material was rubber.

Historically, due to the lack of rubber, the Soviet Union developed an all-steel T-34 road wheel.Various tank factories have also begun to use this kind of all-steel road wheels to replace the previous rubber-rim road wheels. However, the shortcomings of this type of road wheels are also very obvious. During the operation of the T-34 tank with steel road wheels, it will generate strong resonance and damage the car body. (Note: There are as many as 34 types of T23 road wheels in history, and the reason is the lack of rubber.) It was not until 1943, after the United States supported a large amount of synthetic rubber, that the T-34 was replaced with rubber rim road wheels. Come.

Rubber is an important industrial resource with good physical properties and has a wide range of industrial uses, such as manufacturing sealing materials, various tires and shock-absorbing facilities, etc.Most of the territory of the Soviet Union is located in high-latitude regions, and there is no natural rubber resource at all. After encountering the joint sanctions of Europe and the United States in 1940, the source of rubber was completely cut off. (Note: This is also the case in history)

As early as 1931, the Soviet Union had successfully synthesized the first batch of experimental products butadiene rubber. In 1932, Yaraslav and Voronezh Synthetic Rubber Plants in the Soviet Union had already started to mass-produce this Buna-Na rubber, four years earlier than Germany and 10 years earlier than the United States.Butadiene rubber has poor elasticity and can only be used to manufacture products such as shoe soles that do not require high elasticity.This rubber is produced by bulk polymerization of butadiene monomer using alkali metal sodium as a catalyst.Although its wear resistance and flex resistance are excellent, its biggest disadvantage is that it is less elastic, and it will lose its elasticity in cold weather. It is very fatal.So at that time, the rubber in the Soviet industrial field still relied heavily on imports.

In 1940, the Yerevan Synthetic Rubber Factory in the Soviet Union produced chloroprene rubber for the first time by bulk polymerization. Chlorine atoms are contained in the chloroprene rubber molecule. Because of this, it has excellent oxidation resistance, and is resistant to oil, solvent, acid and alkali. Strong, the most important thing is that it is not flammable, and it can self-extinguish when it catches fire. This is also the only oil-resistant rubber produced by the Soviet Union during the war. This rubber is widely used in various sealing materials and fireproof materials in the Soviet military industry. .

Historically, until 1949, the Voronezh Synthetic Rubber Plant used potassium persulfate as a catalyst, sodium dibutylnaphthalene sulfonate as an emulsifier, and isopropyl sulfonate hydrogen disulfide as an emulsifier based on previous research work. Molecular weight regulator, started to produce styrene-butadiene rubber at 50 degrees Celsius high temperature polymerization. In 1952, the Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant started producing butadiene-methylstyrene raw rubber.Historically, the Soviet Union developed this technology, and it took another three years to complete mass production preparations.

At this time and space, the Soviets had obtained a complete set of styrene-butadiene raw rubber synthesis technology in advance through Huang Ke, but mass production was required to transform the technology into factory equipment, which was obviously not something that the Soviet industrial sector could do at this time.Without a sufficient supply of rubber, the Soviet Union's planned goal of producing 1940 cars by 25 would simply not be achieved.

In 1940, the distribution and output of rubber production areas in the world are as follows.

China: About [-] tons (Guangdong area).

Indochina: Refers to Laos + Vietnam + Cambodia, 7.2 tons.

Thailand: 5.9 tons.

In addition, Malaysia (referring to Malaya + Sabah + Sarawak) 60 tons, Indonesia 55 tons.The piecemeal output of other countries adds up to less than 20 tons, such as 9.5 tons in Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, Nigeria, etc. (the output is about [-] to [-] tons).

Therefore, after the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japan seized most of Southeast Asia in a short period of time, and after losing Malaysia, even the United States experienced a crisis of insufficient rubber supply.

In this plane, for the safety of rubber supply in future wars, during Li Runshi’s second trip to Moscow, Stalin asked him to push the line of influence to the border of Thailand as soon as possible before 1941, and at the same time seize the entire Indochina, Here, the production capacity of [-] tons of rubber per year is under control.However, subject to the joint pressure of China and the Soviet Union, if Thailand does not want to die, it can only honestly release some rubber exports to the Soviet Union.In this way, in future wars, China and the Soviet Union can at least guarantee a supply of more than [-] tons of rubber in a year.

It was against this background that the Indochina campaign broke out.Unlike in history, since 1936, with the collapse of the Chang Kaishen regime and the rise of the CCP, Britain and France saw the crisis early.The road between China and Vietnam has not only stopped construction and maintenance, but has even been deliberately destroyed.When the CCP army invaded Laos and North Vietnam from Guangxi and Yunnan, the biggest limitation was the supply problem.

It took nearly three months to win the whole of Laos. The biggest enemy was not the French colonial troops or Li Zongren's defeated army, but the local deep mountains and old forest environment and tropical diseases.

After the CCP army invaded North Vietnam, a considerable part of the advancing troops obtained supplies by sea.From January 1940, one of the most important tasks of the Soviet Navy, which was transferred from the Black Sea to the South China Sea, was to ensure the safety of shipping between the coastline of North Vietnam and Guangdong.

The territory north of Da Nang in North Vietnam, because of the help of marine supplies, attacked all the way south along the coastline. The march was very smooth, but the biggest problem was still the annoying tropical disease.After taking Da Nang in early April, the main reason why they did not move forward was that they were dragged down by the disease—the number of soldiers who fell ill and died was three times that of those who died on the battlefield. will be bigger.

On April [-]th, four cargo ships flying the Soviet flag entered Da Nang under the escort of four Soviet warships and two Chinese warships off the coast of Da Nang, which had just been occupied.On that day, there were still more than a dozen fighter jets hovering over the port in case of accidents.

In the process of entering the port, [-] kilometers away, a British cruiser from the Singapore Far East Fleet was parked in the distance to face them, but never dared to approach.

At this time, the British fleet in Asia was very weak, because they were all transferred to the South Pacific to hunt down the German pocket battleship Grafspee-because of the malicious actions of the traversers, this ship should have been killed last year. The German pocket battleship that sank in December is still alive and has entered the South Pacific waters to make trouble, forcing a large number of British and French fleets to hunt it down, so that the South China Sea is unprecedentedly empty.

The French, who were driven to a desperate situation, once asked the British for help, but it has reached this point, and the British are still playing stupid in the Far East.

During this period, Britain and France were already very tense about the actions of China and the Soviet Union in Indochina.Now in Europe, whether it is the Soviet Union or Germany, they are openly clamoring to the outside world, "Don't fall into the trick of Britain and France to induce a war between the Soviet Union and Germany."After the partition of Poland, the Soviet Union and Germany had a tacit understanding that the main forces on each other's borders retreated [-] kilometers each, and at the same time sent military observers to each other to prevent fire.

The friendly atmosphere of the Soviet Union and Germany reminded Churchill and Dalati of the horror scene after the Prussia-Russia alliance during the Seven Years War in the last century.Faced with the actions of the Soviet fleet to cooperate with the Chinese army to seize Indochina, the British could only stare angrily.

When the fleet entered the port, the French evacuated Da Nang very hastily, and the entire port fell into the hands of the CCP almost intact.After the cargo ship arrived at the port, the dock workers transferred from China and the Soviet Union began to operate the equipment to unload the cargo.

All the equipment and materials needed for the next stage of military operations are carried on the ship: including 40 T16 amphibious tanks, 80 latest T[-] light tanks, in addition to a large number of artillery shells and other materials, as well as imported from China new force.

In order to ensure the supply of rubber, the Soviet Union sent the newly developed T40 and T80 to China early to participate in actual combat.

Here in Indochina, the French troops are extremely poor in terms of equipment and training.However, due to the geology of the rotten paddy fields and poor bridge passability, the combat environment is similar to that in Zhejiang, and it is not suitable for heavy equipment to pass.The T50 tanks invested by the People's Liberation Army at the start of the war were quickly replaced by more maneuverable amphibious tanks and ten-ton light tanks.

After a few days of unloading the ammunition, the returning cargo ship was filled with rubber and ore harvested from the local area, and then returned north along the coastline and entered China under the escort of the warship.By the time the war broke out in April, the CCP had acquired more than 5000 tons of rubber in Indochina—a resource Stalin currently valued most.As a large number of People's Liberation Army occupied Laos and forced Thailand, Thailand, seeing the situation is not good, has started secret negotiations with the special envoys of China and the Soviet Union. All were sold to the Soviet Union, and the second was to discuss the establishment of the "Asian League" and the liberation of Southeast Asia.

On April 25, after obtaining sufficient supplies, General Luo Binghui, who was in charge of the Annan Campaign, waved his hand, and the more than [-] People's Liberation Army assembled in Da Nang went south with all their strength.

On May [-]th, the People's Liberation Army easily captured Saigon, an important town in South Vietnam. On the [-]th, the People's Liberation Army invaded Cambodia.

On June [-], the same day that the European German troops "peacefully" entered Paris, the last remaining French Indochina army surrendered to Luo Binghui, and the Indochina campaign ended.Another week later, the war in Europe was temporarily over, and the French surrendered to the Germans.

Throughout the battle, the PLA suffered no more than [-] casualties—most of which were caused by diseases.The troops that caused the most casualties to the PLA were the remnants of the Guangxi clique who fled to Annan and were incorporated by the French.As for the French colonial troops in the local area, Luo Binghui, who commanded the battle, later commented that they were probably stronger than Wang Jialie's two-handed soldiers, and weaker than the Central Army, and they were killed without much effort.

During the battle, there was nothing thrilling. The more troublesome thing is that it took a lot of time to wipe out the remnants of the Guangxi army in Laos before April.After April, after the remnants of the Guangxi Clan were basically eliminated, the remaining French colonial troops were nothing more than a piece of dough, a completely destructive armed march all the way.

What will really make people feel a little troublesome in the future is the division of land between China and Vietnam after the war, how to deal with "angry Ho Chi Minh", and the end of the establishment of a new regime in Cambodia.

PS: This chapter is considered an excessive chapter.The Indochina campaign feels like there is nothing to write about. What is really worth writing about is the post-war "opening up the homeland" and explaining clearly the plot of the remnants of the Guangxi army that I mentioned earlier.These two plots will be explained and summarized in the next chapter or two.In addition, the plot of the German pocket battleship will be explained later.

Chapter 335 The Soviets Don't Raise Waste

The Viet Cong in 1940 was not the Viet Cong that had gone through two wars against Japan and France in 1950 and developed for a long time, let alone the Viet Cong that would go through 30 years of war 20 years later.

"The Viet Cong in 1940 was a group of small bourgeois opportunists at heart. From the superior leaders to the lower-level party members, whether Ho Chi Minh or Vo Nguyen Giap, everyone was very young and had no experience in governing. They were far from qualified leaders. Far!"

The above statement is Huang Ke’s evaluation of the Communist Party of Indochina during this period when the representatives of the Communist Party of China discussed the Indochina issue with Stalin on the anniversary of the October Revolution last year—this view was also fully agreed by Stalin.

"Having never experienced persecution and harsh living conditions, the so-called communist organizations abroad are full of these "little bourgeois elements with revolutionary romanticism", not to mention people from backward areas like Indochina."— —Stalin's private evaluation.

Think about it, Ho Chi Minh found a woman in Guangzhou, and after a few days of comfortable life, he didn’t want to make a revolution anymore. In the end, he was dragged out by the Long March and others...

At this time, the Communist Party of Vietnam had a small number of party members. Even if all kinds of water-filled and speculative garbage were counted to make up the number, the evaluation of Chen Geng and Luo Binghui who had dealt with them was applied: if South Vietnam after liberation were really handed over to They, they are having trouble getting enough party members to control Saigon.

China helped them "liberate" Vietnam, and the pie fell from the sky, but at this time, they didn't even have the "stomach and mouth" to eat it all.

The idea of ​​occupying the "homeland of Jiaozhi" in North Vietnam and assigning it to China does not need to be mentioned by Huang Keti.

And as early as 1938 before the chairman went to Moscow, Huang Ke was already preparing for this day.

At that time, the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the CCP’s sweeping the country to dominate the world were just around the corner.

"Because of the early liberation of China, the early invention of antibiotics, and the launch of the domestic national health campaign, plus the implementation of the "Barefoot Doctor" program earlier than in history, from now on, the average life expectancy of the Chinese people will have a blowout rise! And the mortality rate of infants and mothers will also be divided by several times, or even dozens of times, and dozens of times, at an extremely fast speed."

During internal discussions, Huang Ke took out the population growth data of later generations and made a "modeling chart" of population growth in the next 40 years.

"Currently China's total population is calculated at 15 million. In about 5000 years, it will reach 30 million, and in 40 years it will be close to 12 billion. Then, even if we implement the one-child family planning system, the population in [-] years will be It will also exceed [-] billion."

The chart that Huang Ke took out, the time marked on it, is calculated from 1949-in fact, it is another time-space China's population growth chart.Together with it, there are also the grain production data over the years at that time, as well as China's land ownership.

In addition to these, Huang Ke, big and small, summed up together, plus the help of later generations of netizens to review and comment, after the "baby boom", the demographic dividend, negative factors of population, the advantages of more births, the disadvantages of fewer births, and the "baby boom" The conclusion of the most powerful 'contraceptive and family planning tool' is industrialization and human pursuit of a happier life.

At that time, the high-ranking members of the CCP who were entitled to see this top-secret document all frowned together. At this time, they fully understood what Huang Ke meant when he said, "Dynasty changes, too few dead."

With today's productivity level in China, it is impossible to have a very good contraceptive method in the next 20 years. Condoms and contraceptive pills have historically been extremely expensive luxury goods until the early reform period.And the bad consequences of forcing only one child have been seen by future generations.In the next few decades, China's population will reach 14 billion, which is inevitable.

How much food China's existing land can produce, referring to the materials of later generations, the senior leaders know it in their hearts, and they also understand the evil consequences of over-exploiting cultivated land.Here in Vietnam, it has been a food exporter until the 21st century—even if the population of Vietnam has reached [-] million people.The Red River Delta has been an important grain-producing area since ancient times. If managed properly, it could theoretically feed [-] million people.Laos, which also belongs to the "ancient Champa", has a population of more than two million at this time...

This large area was not lost until the Song Dynasty. It was briefly regained in the Ming Dynasty, and then lost again. In fact, it has something to do with it since ancient times.In the face of the food security problem of more than one billion people, it has been the best reason since ancient times.During this period, the big brother of the Soviet Union took the lead in annexing the "Three Baltic States" that had been "since ancient times".

As for the Soviet Union, Stalin now takes a fancy to the Chinese ally.At the same time, he also knew very well that in the future, there will be a China with a population of more than one billion. If they are not given a safe food base elsewhere, they will probably be forced to recover Siberia and the Outer Xing'an Mountains in the north. Very unlikely, but not necessarily impossible.

Stalin was very willing to do the thing that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor one. In his opinion, this would also help the future Vietnamese boys to be more obedient.

The idea of ​​resisting foreign humiliation, regaining lost ground, and expanding territories has long been rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people—especially those "old and rough" military leaders who don't have much culture.Most of the 13 high-level CCP members who knew Huang Ke's background were from the military. They collectively supported Huang Ke's attitude on this matter.There are not many real "nerds", and they are not mainstream at all. In the end, they all passed the decision-Jiaozhi must be withdrawn, and Laos must not let it go.As for whether this is regarded as imperialism, isn't this called communists without borders?

Comrade Xiao Hu (Zhiming), don't be so low-minded...

The last rogue remark was actually said by Huang Ke, who secretly organized troubles.

Since May, Ho Chi Minh and his subordinates, who went south with the People's Liberation Army, were left in Saigon to take over the territory of "South Vietnam".It is absolutely false to say that this group of people can't see anything at this time, and there is no resentment in their hearts.

However, the strength of the Viet Cong itself during this period was too weak.To put it bluntly: if the CCP’s troops withdraw from Vietnam en masse now, the whole of Vietnam will immediately fall into anarchy.

To control a country, even South Vietnam, which is about the size of Zhejiang Province, requires tens of thousands of cadres and about [-] troops.But now Ho Chi Minh, what does he have?

Ho Chi Minh, who had already seen China's ambitions for North Vietnam and Laos, could only stay in Saigon honestly at this time, although he was full of resentment, slowly recruiting troops, expanding his strength, and establishing a grassroots organization belonging to the Viet Cong.

According to the report sent to the Central Committee by Chen Geng, the CCP representative who was actually in contact with them at the time: it would take at least two years for the Viet Cong to establish a relatively complete organizational structure in South Vietnam.

When Ho Chi Minh and his group hurriedly recruited troops in Saigon to establish and expand their organization, China had sent tens of thousands of cadres to cooperate with the army to carry out land reform in the entire Indochina region.

This suggestion was put forward by Huang Ke, but Huang Ke was able to come up with this point, but it came from the "vicious" tricks of later generations of netizens: the land reform under the control of the CCP cadres, benefiting the local farmers, naturally only think of China's good, let Ho Chi Minh A group of people lost the opportunity to win the hearts of the people at the bottom.

Not only that, after Ho Chi Minh and others entered Saigon, Saigon City, as the political center that France has painstakingly managed for many years, can also be regarded as a "shrunk version of Oriental Paris".For the Viet Cong, the changes in their lives in the past few months are like sparrows flying to the branches, with almost no struggle. With the support of China overnight, "lie win" became "phoenix". ", became the ruler of Vietnam.

Governance ability does not fall from the sky.The executive power of a regime and an organization also needs to be honed, eliminated, and practiced bit by bit in practice!

Without the tempering of the Anti-Japanese War, without the tempering of fighting France and the United States for more than 20 years, the organizational capabilities of the current Viet Cong, according to Huang Ke, are similar to the virtues of the Kuomintang before the first KMT-CPC cooperation! (Note: During the Anti-French War in history, the performance of the Viet Cong in the early stage was also rotten, from the party organization to the army. For details, please refer to Chen Geng’s memoirs.)

After entering Saigon, Chen Geng, who was in charge of handing them over to them, reported that most of these people were dazzled by the colorful world of Saigon.Even Ho Chi Minh himself didn’t perform very well. Le Duan and Long March were short and tall, and they wanted to do something, but most of the people below were embroidered pillows, and few of them could do practical things.

"The feeling we have here in Saigon is as if we have returned to the period of the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. Ho Chi Minh and the others actually know nothing, and many places are even worse than the Kuomintang at that time..."

The so-called fierce fire produces diamonds, and the greenhouse grows delicate flowers.How can a team full of excellent execution ability explode out of thin air?Huang Ke was worried about the later generations who were able to fight the U.S. Army for 20 years, and the Yue Monkey who fought against China for [-] years. At this time, they did not exist at all. Now they are just a bunch of bourgeois waste who have not been sharpened!

How much did the Viet Cong collapse during this period?After taking over South Vietnam, land reform was to begin, but after entering Saigon, after being dazzled by the world of flowers and flowers in the big city, most of the hundreds of party members and followers that Ho Chi Minh brought into Saigon were like the KMT’s reception after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Like a big official, he is busy "receiving" and enjoying it everywhere.

Those who have not been tempered by the flames of revolution have become corrupted at an astonishingly fast rate.If land reform is to be carried out, one must go to the countryside to endure hardships, but these "communist gentlemen" who have entered the city are not many who are willing to go to the countryside with the work team.In the end, most of the land reform work in South Vietnam was completed by the CCP. These people were very happy to "watch" the support cadres sent by the CCP to help them work.

After the news spread back to Moscow and Wuhan, both Stalin and Li Runshi were surprised, but they also took it for granted.If the former chairman and others still felt "psychologically uncomfortable" with the previous actions, now after seeing the collapse of the Viet Cong, the last bit of uneasiness no longer exists.

Among the Viet Cong, the only ones that made them think highly of them were Le Duan and Long March. They organized some work teams to go to the countryside to participate in the land reform. Hardships, coupled with a serious shortage of cadres, most of the work is done by the CCP.

Regarding the deterioration of Sino-Vietnamese relations, most people in later generations believe that it is Le Duan's responsibility.But those who really study Sino-Vietnamese relations understand that without Le Duan, there will be Wang Sun and Zhang Sun.Even Ho Chi Minh, who is a "big sister of China", hides in his heart the ambition to unify Indochina, establish a regional power, and guard against China.And Huang Ke is even more radical that even Vo Nguyen Giap, who claims to be the most pro-China, is only pro-China because he is sensible and understands that the Soviet Union is far away and China is very close.After winning Vietnam, the CCP began to fight for Vo Nguyen Giap at that time. Now he stays in Vietnam and helps the CCP carry out land reform. He has decided to take an important position in Jiaozhi and integrate the local Kinh people.....

The upper echelons of the CCP have already guessed that the [-]-year-old gang of the Viet Cong are white-eyed wolves. After they are firmly established in South Vietnam in the future, they will definitely play some small games again.In order to save trouble, during the land reform process, the People's Liberation Army began to actively relocate and adjust the population structure of North Vietnam and Vietnam. The Kinh population immigrated to South Vietnam.

This is the case in Vietnam, and Cambodia, another important part of Indochina, after driving out the French, Cambodia gained "independence" with the help of the People's Liberation Army.The only headache is that, while the Communist Party of Indochina was formed in 1931, its offshoot, the Communist Party of Cambodia, did not emerge until 1951.In fact, at this period in history, the so-called Communist Party of Vietnam and Cambodia were collectively called the Communist Party of Indochina, and the two were one.The famous leader of the Cambodian Communist Party, Pol Pot, was only 15 years old at this time, and it was not his turn to take office at all.

After the CCP took over the whole of Indochina, Ho Chi Minh and others saw China's ambitions. When they knew that North Vietnam and Laos were difficult to get back, the first thing they thought of was to swallow Cambodia in one go, and Vietnam and Cambodia merged "as compensation."

"I don't have the ability, but I have a big appetite"

It was just the delusion of this group of people, and of course it was rejected by the Chinese side in the end.During this period, both China and the Soviet Union were looking for new Cambodian-born party members in the Indochina Communist Party, and were preparing to slowly support a new spokesperson.Anyway, what China lacks most is population, and this country can deal with it slowly.

Afterwards, the big and small Huang Ke met in a dream. When talking about this matter, Da Huang Ke deliberately said: "On the issue of Indochina, you have finally embarked on the road of red imperialism."

Little Huang Ke said viciously:

"Could it be that if Vietnam is allowed to annex Cambodia, the Vietnamese are not engaged in red imperialism? Bah, the Viet Cong in this period is as useless as the group of people in Wang Ming Shanghai, how strong can they win the world? To put it bluntly, They are not the dogs we raised up!"

"Well said! If you want to win the country, you must be righteous, and if you win the country, you must be righteous! In this plane, Ho Chi Minh and his gang naturally have no confidence in winning the country. They won the world without doing anything, so the veterans in the country are actually all in their hearts. They all look down on them! This is why everyone feels at ease when you eat Viet North Laos."

Little Huang Ke snorted: "This has been China's territory since ancient times, but it was lost in the late Tang and Ming and Qing Dynasties!"

"Yes, yes!"

Tucao is to blame, but in fact, the Viet Cong branch of the Communist Party of Indochina, which is affiliated to the Communist Party of Indochina, has been in power for a year. Its poor performance has disappointed Stalin and Li Runshi, who have been paying attention to the changes here.

After Stalin heard the situation report from his special envoy to South Vietnam, he said dissatisfiedly to Huang Ke:

"I can almost imagine that if the whole party of the Communist Party of Vietnam is full of speculators like this, what the Communist regime here will look like after more than ten years of corruption!"

Huang Ke concluded: "Every gift of fate has a marked price. If you win the world by opportunism, you will be asked for more compensation in the future!"

Historically, when the Eastern European socialist camp collapsed in the Soviet Union, the Americans only carried out a little public opinion propaganda offensive, and then the entire Eastern European socialist bloc blew itself up collectively and changed colors one after another.

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