The big and small Huang Ke sighed to each other: "The sergeant kills people with his pen, and the ancients did not deceive me!"

And during this period, the author named Half Frog, according to the script provided by Da Huang Ke, commented on "Cai Yuanpei's Life" based on what Xiao Huang Ke did in this time and space, and what Li Runshi did about Cai Yuanpei. The format of the fanfic of "Red Dawn" was posted on the Internet, which aroused many fierce comments.

Regarding what Cai Yuanpei did before and after April [-], the chairman’s evaluation is: Before the April [-] incident, the Chinese revolution was advancing all the way. On the surface, it seemed to be booming, but in fact it was undercurrents.The increasingly radical revolutionary enthusiasm not only exceeded the "tolerance" of many revolutionary speculators in the ranks, but also was not accepted by the "conciliators" in the ranks.

Needless to say, revolutionary speculators like Li Zongren and Chang Kaishen did not really participate in the revolution for the "Three People's Principles", let alone for "communism". Revolution is just a tool for them to maximize their self-worth and interests.Before April [-], after the Northern Expedition achieved major initial victories, they found that continuing the revolution would harm their own interests, and then the imperialist masters and the plutocratic forces joined hands and immediately betrayed the revolution.

As for Cai Yuanpei, a former revolutionary and pioneer of the [-] Revolution, his situation is more complicated.Unlike Chang Kaishen and Li Zongren, in the early days of the Northern Expedition, Cai Yuanpei really participated in the revolution sincerely.

However, the revolutionary revolution is not only about killing the bourgeoisie, the landlord class, and reactionary forces, but also about killing oneself!In the wave of revolution, self-refining, calcination, and fighting with one's own selfish desires, not only fighting with oneself, but also fighting with one's old friends who had suffered losses in the wave of revolution——During the Northern Expedition, all the way The Northern Expedition mobilized peasants to participate in the revolution and land reform all the way. In the process, the Northern Expedition harmed the interests of countless "Northern Army officers" in the army-this is why so many former revolutionary soldiers after the April [-] outbreak, Take the initiative to join the team that betrayed the revolution.

In April [-]th, the Communists who were killed were actually a minority.More often, after seeing the suffering of the peasants and the proletariat, they tend to lean towards the Communist Party emotionally, but feel that the Communist Party is too left, and the Kuomintang rightists are too right, and they want to take the middle value between the two and play a harmonious role. "Conciliation".

But in the eyes of the right-wing reactionary forces, all the leftists than me are the Communist Party, and these "leftists in the Kuomintang" who are essentially "conciliators" of the Kuomintang were massacred by them.Of course, there are also a large number of reactionaries who are actually members of the reactionaries, but because they "do not belong to my forces", they are either the Communist Party or the Communist Party, so they must die.

As for Cai Yuanpei, his political views at the time were between the conciliators and the reactionary forces. As a revolutionary of the old era, he tended to be conservative in his thinking during this period, trying to keep the conciliators and eliminate the leftists and the Communist Party.

In fact, there were many people like Cai Yuanpei before April [-]th.Then in the tide of the times, or being forced to push to the left, after being educated by the lessons of blood, they wake up, understand that class struggle is irreconcilable, and walk on the road of proletarian revolution.Or break the pot and fall, and embark on the road of reaction.Or just like Cai Yuanpei and later Deng Yinda, he continued to vacillate between left and right—fundamentally, he was unable to take the last step after all, to revolutionize his own life while revolutionizing the lives of others, and to revolutionize his own. The fate of the entire class at work!

At that time, Lin Mei asked Da Huang Ke (in fact, he was asking Xiao Huang Ke): If your uncle, your grandfather, your uncle, even your parents, we were all born in this era, we are all landlords and capitalists , you, the son who participated in the revolution, ask you to distribute the real estate and fields accumulated by your grandfather and grandfather for several generations of hard work, cheating and abduction, to those mud legs, can you do it?

(PS: In fact, the above words were said to me by my mother)

Afterwards, Huang Ke's mother added to her son the above words: People who take this road, they give up and forget themselves for their ideals, so that all of them have hair on their faces and horns on their heads, like animals. He is a ruthless person who is not recognized by his relatives.With great love but selfless love, he is ruthless to the reactionaries, and he is even more ruthless to himself.This road, no saint can do it, do you really want to go?

At that time, Xiao Huangke thought about it, shook his head with a sigh, and answered, it must be difficult, even if he agreed, it was because I knew the answer, and I knew that only by dividing these fields can I pretend to be more revolutionary and get more in the future. It was only because of other plans that he did it so ruthlessly.

Later, Lin Mei asked Xiao Huang Ke through Da Huang Ke: The revolution has won, and you have become a high-ranking official. Your relatives, and even your children, come to ask you for an official, and you want some benefits. You are so determined to refuse. are they?

Little Huang Ke thought for a while, and the answer at that time was: So I plan to have no children or grandchildren in this era, anyway, Irene and I seem to be reproductively isolated!

After that exchange, Xiao Huang Ke gradually understood the weight of that sentence: If the sky has love, the sky will also grow old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes.

This is indeed the most difficult path in the world.But now he decided to continue on.


The article "Cai Yuanpei's This Life" written by Chairman Li Runshi had a personal anatomy of his views before it was published in the newspaper. It went around inside the CCP and was released after receiving the approval of many people.

As a red cat who is a fan of the chairman, Li Runshi "writes" fanfic for him when he writes, this kind of treatment is also amazing.

A few months later, when the big and small Huang Ke met again on the Internet, the big Huang Ke wrote down these comments from netizens, and asked the little Huang Ke to copy and copy them to the chairman.

Afterwards, Xiao Huang Ke handed over the comments made by netizens in another time and space to the chairman.

A netizen whose ID is Red Rice Pumpkin Soup replied: "There is no medicine for regret in the world, the price of being a big shot is ruining one's reputation if one makes mistakes."

Another netizen whose ID is called the next emperor needs to be elected by the people said: Since he did it, he would not have thought that too many people would die, and more because he was afraid that his reputation would be too bad, so he would leave a way out for himself

Captain Nemo said: "It's not necessarily because he regrets killing people, but because he regrets misjudging Bald Jiang and his gang. Feila is in a terrible state, and he is far from being a qualified regime."

A netizen named Shenmolian expressed the dissatisfaction of some old comrades in the early days of liberation when they saw the random united front: Early revolution is not as good as late revolution, and late revolution is not as good as counter-revolution. The most important thing for people is to live out the value of the united front .Doesn't he know that cleaning kills people?It's just that I didn't expect to be killed like this.What he regrets is the indiscriminate killing, and what he regrets is seeing the wrong person.

Xiao Huang Ke put the comments of later generations of netizens in front of the chairman. Li Runshi was silent for a minute after reading it, and then shook his head with a sigh.

"Revolution is a bloody riot, not the gentleness, humility, and humility of the old literati, but the life-and-death eradication of classes and class suppression. Before April [-], many of our comrades did not understand this truth and wanted to reconcile—there were conciliators in the Kuomintang, The Communist Party also has moderators. Most of the comrades actually didn’t realize it until after April [-]. I was a minority at that time, so I wrote that article later (referring to “Analysis of Classes in China at the Present Stage”). And Cai Yuanpei, In fact, he is also a radical conciliator among the rightists, and he is also a minority, but you know what happened afterwards.”

Then the chairman asked Huang Ke, "What do you think about this?"

"On this matter, I and the other me have slightly contradictory ideas, but in the end they are unified. The other me, his views are similar to yours, Chairman, but my initial views are similar to those of netizens."

"Oh, why were you persuaded by your other you later?"

"It has something to do with the October Revolution. Before the outbreak of the October Revolution, the situation in Moscow at that time was very similar to the situation in China before April [-]th. The Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were in power together. Comrade Stalin told me that at that time, the entire upper echelon of the Bolsheviks was almost The mistakes we made were all similar to the mistakes we made before April [-]. Most party members wanted to compromise with the Menshevik bourgeoisie. Even Comrade Stalin was only a slightly radical compromiser at the time. Comrade Lenin is the only one who advocates taking the initiative to attack, power emerges from the barrel of a gun, and never compromises."

Li Yunshi: "Lenin is indeed the mentor of the revolution. He grasped the key at the fork point that determines the destiny!"

"The reason why the Chinese revolution is so twists and turns is that at that turning point of fate, the key guiding figures made mistakes, not only the fault of Chen Duxiu, but also the fault of the Communist International."

Li Runshi continued: "The victory of the revolution was the result of countless trials and errors. The Soviet revolution went so smoothly because Comrade Lenin always made the most correct choices at critical moments."

When talking here, Huang Ke suddenly remembered something and reminded the chairman: "Chairman, there is an article, I hope you can write it."

"What article?"

Little Huang Ke said: "It's about Zeng Guofan. When you were a teenager, when you read the "Collected Works of Zeng Wenzheng Officials", you wrote notes, 'To the people around you, and serve Zeng Wenzheng alone'. As a result, in my time and space, 50 years later, this traitor The sons and grandsons of the executioner, take this sentence that you wrote unintentionally when you were young, and preach it for him. In the later years of history, when you commented on Zeng Guofan, you said that he was a very powerful figure in the landlord class, but this was not enough , please write another review just for him, to make up for this flaw... If you can, you can write another one, titled "The Life of Zeng Guofan, the First Reactionary Traitor in Modern China"... ..."

Li Yunshi: "..."


This is my attempt to describe Chairman Li Runshi’s opinion and evaluation after seeing your complaints. It may not be written very well. This chapter will be revised at any time after I read your evaluation in the next few days.

Another thing to remind everyone, every time this book is updated, I will revise each chapter more than a dozen times afterwards, including correcting typos and adding content chapters. The sooner you subscribe, the more cost-effective it is, because the number of words will increase greatly after the revision , If you book early, you won't spend more money.Sometimes after a chapter is revised, more than 1000 words are added at most.

There will be another chapter tonight.This chapter is actually a chapter for discussion with everyone, and you can put forward your opinions at any time.I will make subsequent revisions or directly comment and reply according to your opinions.

Side Story: Leading the Snake Out of its Hole - The Beginning of the Second New Culture Movement

In the year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Li Runshi proposed the idea of ​​starting the "Second New Culture Movement" culturally at the first CPPCC meeting held subsequently.

The first thing to do is to face up to history and describe the major events that occurred during the period from the outbreak of the First Opium War, the beginning of the Taiping Rebellion, to the founding of New China. "Sort out" the big events, re-describe, evaluate, and explain.

This is actually an extremely large process, but the sooner it is completed, the better—because many participants and witnesses of the early old democratic revolution are still alive (just dying).And there are so many "democrats" in the CPPCC, so we have to find something for them to do.

This matter was actually brought up by Huang Ke on his own initiative. With the help of Huang Ke, a future man, and countless 21st century anti-thief keyboard warriors in later generations, thousands of people jointly discussed it through the Internet.The "truth" of all major events from the Opium War to the early days of Liberation, what was altered, true, and false, in fact, most of them have been restored to the same extent.As long as Rhubarb is not so lazy and mobilizes netizens in the 21st century, it can be sorted out in a year or two.

But it was obviously impossible for Big Huang Ke to do this kind of thing himself. He, who only cared about making money and sleeping with girls, activated his money-making ability and hired someone to do it.

As for Xiao Huangke, the chairman deliberately asked these old literati to cooperate with members of the party organization to do these things.

His reason is simple: you can't always rely on the help of future people.This time, the second New Culture Movement is itself a "touchstone".The literati who participated in this work, in the process of rewriting and redefining history, their positions, their attitudes, their evaluations, and their statements will actually reveal their true inner thoughts.

With the answers provided by Da Huang Ke using Internet resources as a comparison reference, who are our friends, who are our enemies, and who are speculators who have mixed into the revolutionary ranks during this work of reconstructing and reevaluating history? You can see a lot.

Huang Ke asked Chairman Li Runshi to write an article "The Life of the Traitor Executioner Zeng Guofan". Chairman Li Runshi did not write it immediately, but deliberately handed it over to these people to do it. He even asked the participating Communist Party members, "Speak less, express less opinions , read more, listen more, remember more.”

Afterwards, when Huang Ke and Huang Ke met in a dream, the two complained:

"In the period when a hundred flowers bloomed in history, those literati asked about Dingzhong's affairs. After we talked to the chairman, it seemed that it was still very influential."

During this period, Da Huang Ke, a slacker, spent money to find a few salaried thieves working in the Museum of Literature and History, asked them to help sort out historical materials in this area, and built a website, and then found a bunch of keyboard warriors and rebels to pour water Talking and picking.In order to prevent the site from being blocked, the website is built overseas. During this period, the authorities have begun to shrink in this regard, but it is not as scary as in 2022. At least the book Red Dawn can continue to be updated on the website at this time, but after a while It hasn't been this easy in two years.

The movement to reorganize history was led by a group of leftist literati such as Lu Xun, and recruited a large number of old scholars with backgrounds in the Chinese department. Young people who were unable to transition to the science department due to personal reasons were rummaging through piles of old papers.In this matter, the participating CCP members, at this time, only asked questions and set the direction of the big system according to Xiao Huang Ke's request. They did not intervene in most of the work, and were only responsible for "recording".

Little Huang Ke knew that this "revision of history" was not only for the purpose of compiling history, but also for "bright ass".

This is another version, lead the snake out of the hole!

It's almost twelve o'clock. Let's update the [-]-word chapter first, and finish today's update. I'm writing a new chapter. It's estimated that there will be another chapter around two o'clock.

After I revised the last chapter just now, I added [-] words, which is almost [-] words. Those who subscribed before can read it again, and those who subscribed first will earn money.

Chapter 333 Chen Duxiu, who went to Buddhism

Cai Yuanpei's farewell party was held at Peking University.

As the "pioneer" of the Chinese revolution, Cai Yuanpei was 72 years old when he died-in the Republic of China era, it could be called a longevity age.As a well-known educator and revolutionary pioneer in China, he had countless disciples throughout his life. At his farewell party, Huang Ke, a young man less than one-third of his age, could only stand obediently in the corner, Make a soy sauce and watch a group of seniors speak one by one.

Lu Xun and Zhang Shizhao presided over the farewell memorial service, and Chen Duxiu also came.

During the Revolution of 9, the Yue Wanghui led by Chen Duxiu also actively participated in it. He was appointed by Cai Yuanpei as the student president of Peking University, and the two had a close relationship.At that time, the editorial department of "New Youth" co-founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao moved to Beijing, and changed from a single editor to a fan publication, and an editorial board was established.The meeting place for the editorial board members was often Chen Duxiu's apartment at No. [-] Jiangan Hutong, which became the headquarters of the New Culture Movement.Peking University also became the most active position in China's ideological circles at that time.

But after the April [-]th Incident, both of Chen Duxiu's sons were killed by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and Cai Yuanpei was also involved in this.

In this matter, he came to the scene and sent him off, which was already very good for the dead. Naturally, it was impossible for him to host the farewell party.

Cai Yuanpei's farewell party was attended by a bunch of people from the left wing, the Democratic League, the Democratic Revolutionary Party, and the "veterans of the Republic of China". It was very lively and lively.Everyone lined up and sent wreaths and couplets one by one.

When he heard the news of Cai Yuanpei's death, the elegiac couplet that Xiao Huang Ke first thought of was

"Duke Zhou was afraid of the days of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and humble. Xiangshi died at the beginning, and who will know if the evening festival is not guaranteed?"

But this matter is just a thought. If this thing is really done, it will only offend a large number of people, and even the chairman will criticize it.So throughout the farewell party, he honestly followed behind a large group of seniors who were twice or more than three times his age, walked around, sent Cai Yuanpei a wreath, and dealt with it.

However, he, who loves waves in his personality, finally did one thing.It took him a day to carve a statue of Cai Yuanpei out of an iron block by himself, and set it up on the campus of Peking University.

So far, there are only three celebrities who can be carved by Huang Ke himself: "The greatest American president on the Iron Throne" Roosevelt, "Crossing the Alps" Hitler, and "the old friend of the Chinese people" old Du Pont, Cai Yuanpei is The fourth place can be regarded as giving him a lot of face.

However, after the statue was finished, Huang Ke quietly engraved a line of words on the base: "It is easy to change the life of others, but it is difficult to change one's own life."Originally, Huang Ke wanted to add a "no guarantee for the evening festival" as a horizontal criticism, but after thinking about it, this sentence was a bit too much, so he didn't type it in the end.

Huang Ke felt that these two lines were the best summary of Cai Yuanpei's life.The whole thing was done so stealthily that unless someone knocked the statue down, those two lines wouldn't be seen.

“It’s really cool and fun to do this kind of thing.”

At the farewell party, Huang Ke saw a bunch of celebrities who left their names in later generations: Zhang Shizhao, Li Gongserve, Wen Yiduo, Zhang Dongsun, Soong Ching Ling, Xu Beihong, etc. Bei Yihui also came here specially, if not for a large number of Many former senior KMT officials are in exile overseas and dare not return, such as Zhang Jingjiang, Wang Jingwei, Zhang Qun, and Hu Shi. There will be more celebrities present.And Stern Leiden also sent wreaths and circles according to China's national conditions.In addition to these non-Party people, many people from the CCP also appeared on the stage. Li Runshi and Wu Hao did not come, but they also sent people to bring wreaths.

The so-called dead is the greatest.

Cai Yuanpei's life, both bright and dark, is clearly explained in the chairman's article "Cai Yuanpei's Life".The chairman's article affirmed most of his achievements, and also characterized the April [-] mistake.So the whole farewell party did not turn into a denunciation meeting. It was just like a normal farewell to old friends. The host said some commonplace things on the spot, reminisced, and finally said goodbye.

Chen Duxiu was the first person to leave the farewell party at the scene. Everyone understood his situation, and it was already a great honor for Cai Yuanpei to appear here.

Before the Battle of Nanjing, Chen Duxiu was released from prison shortly after Chen Jitang came to power, with the solidarity of the people from all walks of life.After he was released from prison, the CCP naturally sent someone to contact him. As in history, as long as he admits his mistakes and made a self-criticism (referring to joining the Trotskyites), he can lend him a loan to restore the party.But Chen Duxiu refused.

At the Eighth Communist International Congress, Stalin took the initiative to admit to the Communist Party representatives all over the world his mistakes before April [-]th, and indirectly washed away the stain on this matter for Chen Duxiu. Sent things to review and admit mistakes.

During this period, the Chinese revolution has won complete victory.

Regarding his opinions on how to dispose of him, many meetings were held within the CCP: the final conclusion was "Let him go." After all, he also contributed two sons to the revolution.It is very troublesome to put the Trotskyite problem on others, but everyone can only deal with his special situation indifferently.The superior sent someone to discuss with Chen Duxiu several times, and he agreed to stay at Peking University and work with Lu Xun to sort out various historical materials before and after the Revolution of [-].

His current studio at Peking University was used by Li Dazhao.

As for Chen Duxiu, he is extremely senior in the CCP, and he can be regarded as a senior figure of the patriarchal level.Facing him, Huang Ke met and discussed with Lu Xun's leading historical materials collation group. The two sides discussed with each other on historical and academic issues and had contact twice.

When the first contact, the process of contact between the two parties is like this.

"You are Huang Yuanxing? What is the year?"

"Well, there are three out of twenty this year."

"You are so young!"

When he said this, Huang Ke saw a trace of pain in his eyes, probably thinking of his two sons who sacrificed for the revolution.

During the contact, Huang Ke clearly felt that Chen Duxiu at this time was full of extremely complicated emotions from inside to outside: there was a sense of emptiness after losing everything, and the arrogance of a traditional Chinese literati. And a little stubbornness.

When Huang Ke came to Peking, he would give lectures to the school during the day, or give lectures to his students (referring to the international students who came back from Moscow, who were teachers in the school at this time) and discuss physics issues.In the evening, he accompanied Lu Xun, Chen Duxiu and others to sort out historical materials and make historical teaching materials.

Having the opportunity to see the victory of the revolution can be regarded as filling some of the regrets in Chen Duxiu's life.However, after experiencing so much wind and rain, he has become a bit autistic in temperament after washing away the lead.If it is not necessary to write teaching materials, he is in a semi-autistic state most of the time.

Regarding Chen Duxiu, Huang Ke didn't have much to do. After satisfying the curiosity of meeting for the first time, the subsequent contacts between the two parties were all ordinary nodding acquaintances, and there was not too much entanglement.

"There are still some traditional Chinese cultural people in his heart, the pride of an old revolutionary, but his energy and energy have actually been exhausted. Now he has probably become a Buddhist. As for the second New Culture Movement now, he I just follow the last inertia and participate instinctively, but the passion has been burned out."

After a few contacts, Huang Ke's evaluation is: I don't see much passion, it should be like this...

PS: The independent chapter of the rumor published last night, the chapter about Cai Yuanpei, after repeated revisions, it now has [-] words.The word count has increased by [-] words.This chapter is a discussion chapter.In addition, I asked everyone for a monthly pass.

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