The promotion of simplified characters actually started after the Red Army completed the Long March.The new textbooks were prepared before the Anti-Japanese War, but because of the continuous wars at that time, the purpose was simply to teach people to quickly literacy. The textbooks used were found by Rhubarb from another era. time things.The truly serious and standardized compilation of textbooks was carried out by organizing relevant personnel in Beiping during the Nanjing Campaign.

However, Chairman Li and Huang Ke were very dissatisfied with the teaching materials produced by the so-called Democratic Party and leftist literati at that time. After that, Chairman Li Runshi also completely lost expectations of these people.

Later, Da Huang Ke got another Chinese and mathematics textbook from the 60s of time and space, and this initially solved the problem.But after reading it, the chairman still felt that there were still some deficiencies, and something needed to be added.In addition, history education is the most important thing, especially world history. This is a big project. Huang Ke "taught lectures" on the way back to China, but he was actually preparing future history textbooks along the way.

The Chinese textbooks were reviewed and seized by the chairman himself, with the help of Lu Xun, an old angry youth, and little Huang Ke provided mature materials for later generations. On this matter, Huang Ke only raised some opinions—mainly to prevent Washington’s cherry blossoms. Jokes like the tree, the mill opposite the house of the German emperor appeared in the textbooks.However, this kind of thing is obviously a product of the reform, and these things have not appeared in textbooks in this period.

What really needs Huang Ke to come back to review is history - in this period, China's understanding of foreign history is just like foreigners' research on Chinese history. Layer filtering and added private goods.

The content of Huang Ke’s brief introduction to the modern history of the train for more than ten days was sorted out. Huang Ke's content is also widely quoted in his history textbook.

When in Wuhan, Xiao Huang Ke and Da Huang Ke met in a dream, and he said with a smile:

"The three immortals in life, meritorious service, and literary achievement, you already have two of them. However, what you are doing now, I don't know how many literati and inkmen have offended!"

After winning his second Nobel Prize, Huang Ke is now well-known in China's domestic education circle.

At this time, New China, called the "Second New Culture" Movement by the Chairman, was in full swing.Huang Ke returned to China and stayed in China for three full months. Half of what he did was related to education, literature and history.

The place where the knife was cut first was to recompile history, and it started with "History of Ming Dynasty".

"History of the Ming Dynasty" was compiled by the Qing people. The Qing emperors stole the Central Plains with foreign races. When compiling the history of the Ming Dynasty, they made various evil changes as needed, and created a lot of rumors to spread among the people.Among other things, there are dozens of malicious slander stories about Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di.For example, the most famous joke about burning the Qinggong Building - this thing has been fooled by many fools in the 21st century, but if someone asks these stupid people, which heroes were burned to death by the burning of the Qinggong Building, what are their names, and who was burned to death , anyway, no one can name a "hero" who was burned to death.As for Xu Da's death, there is no need to say more.As for Zhu Di, the most famous rumor is that Fang Xiaoru, who was punished by the ten clans, is also false.

There are a lot of fake and shoddy, contradictory fake histories in "History of Ming Dynasty".What Xiao Huang Ke has to do is to use Big Huang Ke to use the Internet environment of the 21st century information age in later generations to mobilize the masses and pick out all the jokes in "History of Ming Dynasty" that have been proved to be false by later generations.Then find something to do for the "old pedants" of this era.

During this process, what Huang Ke did was to ignite all kinds of fires: to throw out the materials collected by later generations of netizens, saying that this is false history.During this period of time, according to the chairman's instructions, the People's Daily, which is distributed nationwide during this period, has opened up a special page to discuss related topics.

With the Internet in later generations, one stone can stir up thousands of waves, and countless people can gather and discuss any argument on the Internet.

There is no Internet in this time and space, but we can only publish the arguments through newspapers, and then wait for "readers" from all over the country to contribute their opinions and opinions, and hold a national discussion.

Although the efficiency is slower, but the seeds are sprinkled and the fire is lit, it will always bear fruit in the future.

More importantly, now that the Anti-Japanese War has just been won and the new China has been established, the old and young of the Manchu Qing all over the country have long been rats crossing the street. He never tires of making troubles, and all kinds of speculators emerge in endlessly.

When the "People's Daily" publishes a very tendentious point of view, there will naturally be literati who "smell" the opinions of the upper class, and take the opportunity to cater to the upper class to "echo" and help find evidence. ——Tartar dramas are flying all over the sky in later generations, so there are internal thieves in the propaganda system, but more importantly, there are people at the upper level who are not upright. ... You know, even before the 90s after the reform, in all domestic movies and TV series, the Qing court played the opposite role.

As for "History of the Qing Dynasty", it must also be written.However, before the revision of "History of the Qing Dynasty", at Huang Ke's suggestion, the central government specially opened up the Manchu major, with the purpose of cleaning up the massive documents left by the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the future.According to Huang Ke's request, these relevant professionals must pass the political review, lest someone bring private goods to wash the ground for the Tartars when editing "History of the Qing Dynasty" in the future-you know, in the 21st century, the government began to organize a large number of Manchu archives in the Forbidden City At that time, many important historical materials were discovered, and even many traditional historiographical views were completely overturned. Later generations imagined that they knew nothing, but they were quite sober and made special inquiries, and they were even more terrified afterwards.

The outside world was changing, and the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were very aware of it, but they were afraid of change, and would rather drag China to its death than keep up with the times.This is where this reactionary imperial court is more hateful than "ignorance".When Xiao Huang Ke returned to China during this period, he personally organized a group of people to search for relevant documents in the pile of old papers in the Forbidden City—but it took time, because many of those things were written in Manchu.At this time, there are not many people who understand Manchu.

During this period, one thing happened in China: Empress Wanrong of Fu Yi, the emperor of the Puppet Manchukuo who was captured at the end of the Northeast Liberation War the year before last, remarried!

During the final general offensive of the Soviet Army in 1938, Fu Yi and his wife were captured alive in the suburbs of Shenyang.

Afterwards, Fu Yi was sentenced to life imprisonment by the people's government for the crime of treason, and he has been detained in a prison in Shenyang to serve his sentence. However, most of the traitors from the Qing Dynasty who followed him as traitors, most of the middle and lower classes, had not had time to be tried. Just let Xia Xi kill all kinds of counter-revolutionaries.On the contrary, those few high-level people, because they are too famous, need the approval of their superiors, but a few people escaped death.

In this matter, Huang Ke's idea is to kill all these people, but it is obviously impossible for the superior to kill them all like him - but before that, go to the Northeast to "eliminate counter-revolutionaries" Xia Xi , he started killing people in the first month, and the heads were rolling. Because he killed too many people, he was transferred by the central government and received some punishment afterwards.

Huang Ke said in his heart: Xia Xi is a good comrade, but he was just used in the wrong place in the past.This is a good knife, if there is a chance in the future, I will take it out and use it in Yunnan and Xinjiang.

Fu Yi's wife, Empress Wanrong, was the only exception that Huang Ke took the initiative to plead with the chairman, hoping to pardon her and give her a "good ending".

The reason for Huang Kela's Wan Rong is actually just to make Fu Yi disgusting again: Wan Rong had an affair with Fu Yi's bodyguard and gave birth to a daughter, but was killed by Fu Yi after giving birth.After listening to Huang Ke's description of Wanrong's fate in another time and space, the chairman issued an amnesty order, released Wanrong very early, and arranged for someone to help Wanrong quit smoking. Fu Yi's divorce - one of the reasons is Fu Yi's impotence.

During this process, people from the China Women's Federation also played some roles.After Wan Rong successfully divorced, under the arrangement of her superiors, she found her former lover who had an affair with her (historically, this person was not killed after the incident, but returned to her hometown in Peiping to become a farmer. They even got to know each other, and the two even reconciled with each other), and the two officially got married at the beginning of this year.

Unlike Fu Yi, who is ignorant and can't even wear clothes, Wanrong was born in a scholarly family and is even proficient in foreign languages. She is still a teacher at the school under the arrangement of the people's government, because she understands Manchu. , specially met with her and arranged for her to participate in the translation of Manchu historical materials.As for Fu Yi's other concubine, Wenxiu, she divorced Fu Yi and remarried more than ten years ago, and she is living a pretty good life now.

In fact, during this period, after so many major events such as Xinhai, September [-], and the Anti-Japanese War, the influence of the old and young in the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China has been extremely low.The remaining Manchu remnants in China are desperately trying to pass themselves off as Han Chinese.Especially when the traitors and puppet Manchukuo elements were cleaned up after the war, they shrunk even more.

Historically, when New China carried out national census registration, the Manchu population once dropped to only 40 to 100 people—until someone, for some reason, forced a bunch of Han people who had forgotten that they were Manchus to change their ethnic identity to After returning home, I congratulated Fu Yi in front of him: the Manchu population has exceeded [-] million!

Of course, the era when a large number of Xinfu coatings were produced was a certain period after the reform was opened. The famous Xinfujun Ma Ni on the post-world online is a product of this era.

Huang Ke returned to China at this time in 1940, and he stayed for three months, not only for the history textbooks, but also because of the fact that during this period, the country began to discuss the division of ethnic topics.

In this matter, the theory of the original sin of the Han nationality that a certain person used in history has become another big black spot that he was attacked by people in later generations. What is worse than this black spot is that his niece insisted that he was a sex-eyed person , making him black on top of black.

Huang Ke had discussed this topic with the chairman in advance in private. Of course, the chairman knew exactly what Huang Ke thought, thought, and position.

On this topic, Huang Ke played a little trick. Through the relationship of the Soviet Union, he obtained a "reflection" report on the handling of ethnic issues by the Soviets - this report was ordered by Huang Ke from Stalin, to the effect that It is a special explanation: Comrade Lenin’s way of handling ethnic issues is due to the special policies of the special period at that time, because the Soviet Union is a multi-ethnic country. In the conquered lands, "the hearts of the people are not attached", everyone wants to be independent and separate. At that time, only by putting forward such a point of view can the majority of people be united.

Later, as the Soviet Union stabilized after the founding of the country, relevant policies had to be changed, which led to Stalin's "killing spree" on this matter.In this matter, Stalin especially took out a lot of evidence that he had to kill those "ethnic separatists" as reasons for his actions.

To put it simply, what Stalin actually sent was a report on his “revision (negation) of the ethnic policy of the Lenin era according to the changes of the times.”

In fact, there are many nationalists within the CCP. As soon as Stalin’s report came out, his supporters found a “legal basis”. The stupid thing of "creating ethnic minorities out of thin air" will never happen again, and a group of Han people in Guangxi will never become minorities again.People who are obviously more Han than Fang Han, and even speak "ancient Chinese" from certain ethnic groups, will no longer be turned into minorities.As for General Su, he would not be forcibly turned into a Shaomin by some people with ulterior motives - if it wasn't for some people forcibly doing bad things, even he himself would not know what race he was.On this matter, Huang Ke kept his mind on it. During the discussion within the party, he secretly wrote down the names of those who caused trouble, and prepared to "list them out" one by one in the future.

In this matter, Huang Ke operated secretly in various ways. The chairman said a lot of things, and Wu Hao's side, Huang Ke knew one thing: Wu Hao paid great attention to his posthumous reputation.He approached him and told him all about his history on this matter, what he said, and the fact that he was tricked by his descendants so that he lost his reputation in later generations.

That's enough. Later, the so-called 56 in China became more than 20, and a certain person finally did not put forward the theory of original sin in public.

(Ethnic issues are too troublesome, and this is almost the end of writing.)

"Actually, you jump too much in this matter. F4 in history, in fact, they have solved it well. You rush too far, and you will be targeted by others! You have to learn to shoot black guns, you have to learn Zheng Bokeduan, brother, you Political means are too simple, too blunt, too blunt, too crude, and too easy to be seen through."

In this matter, Big Huang Ke warned him, but Little Huang Ke still went his own way.

At that time, Da Huang Ke deliberately said strange things to him: "The status of the fourth class is low, what does it matter to you? As long as you don't kill yourself, make it clear that you are the Zhao family!"

"Get lost! A real man acts, he does what he does and does not do what he does!"

In March 1940 in China, the most important event that happened was the "final judgment" against Chang Kaishen held in Shanghai.

After Chang Kaishen was arrested in June 1938, he has been imprisoned for nearly two years. During this period, he was brought to court and interrogated many times in front of the world media. The various crimes he committed in his life, from The murder of Tao Chengzhang was calculated from the beginning, and it was announced to the world by the people's government, and it went through a round of public trials.

On March 25, the Shanghai Supreme People's Court sentenced Chang Kaishen, a 'counter-revolutionary', to death for the crimes of "massacre of the people, traitors, traitors, murder, kidnapping and extortion." During the trial process, officials did not label him as a "counter-revolutionary" until the final verdict came out.

On April 1940, 13, the [-]th anniversary of the April [-] Incident launched by Chang Kaishen, a gallows specially transported from Peking was erected at the former site of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions.

Thirteen years ago, on April 13, the Feng Faction warlords used it to kill Li Dazhao, the founder of the Communist Party, in Beiping.

Thirteen years later, this gallows was specially transported from Peiping to Shanghai, where it will publicly execute Chang Kaishen, the biggest counter-revolutionary.

Originally, Chang Kaishen was simply sentenced to death, but Huang Ke said on the sidelines: Leave him a whole body, which is not only in line with Chinese tradition, but also more in line with Western tradition - Huang Ke is of course not so kind Yes, because he knows that the pain of death by shooting is only a moment, but the process of death by hanging is extremely long and painful.

On April [-]th, a wooden platform was erected at the former site of the Federation of Trade Unions.Countless Chinese and foreign reporters gathered here, waiting for Chang Kaishen to be taken to the execution platform.

Chang Kaishen, who was already paralyzed, was sitting in a wheelchair with a cloth covering his head. After checking his back, under the illumination of countless flashing lights, he was pushed onto the execution platform, and a noose was put around his neck.

The foreign priest who made the confession for Chang Kaishen, 13 years ago, he also presided over the wedding of Chang Kaishen and Mrs. Cutthroat, but this time, he is here to see him off for the last time

As the wooden board under his feet was emptied, Chang Kaishen's body was suspended in the air, and the wheelchair landed, his body was suspended in the air.

Due to his lack of weight, his body hung in the air for a long time without dying—the same is true of the martyr Li Dazhao's sacrifice in history.In fact, some people had already guessed that this would be the case, but Chang Kaishen was too hated by others, and those who guessed this collectively pretended to be stupid, and Chang Kaishen, who did many evil things, died after being hung up for more than 10 minutes , ended his sinful life.

(Note: During hanging, if the long rope is used to tie it well, the moment the wooden board is emptied, the neck of the human body will be broken and died instantly due to the weight. However, if the weight is too light and the short rope is not tied properly, it will die quite pain)

Before he died, he yelled at Huang Ke who was watching the torture:

"Huang Yuanxing, little red man, I will turn into a ghost after I die and I won't let you go!"

Afterwards, the gallows was taken back by the government, sealed up, and released as a cultural relic many years later. .Chang Kaishen was also the first and last criminal to be hanged in New China.

After Chang Kaishen died, his bones were cremated and his ex-wife and son brought them back to Fenghua for burial. His death represented the end of an old era.

It's July [-]st, let's vote monthly

written request for leave

Calvin today, nothing more.Try to update [-] words tomorrow

Chapter 331 Fighting against all living beings in various countries

Historically, the Soviet-Finnish War broke out two months after the end of the Polish campaign (November 1939, 11). The Soviet Union finally defeated Finland and ordered it to cede and lease part of the territory. Then, on March 31, 1940, the two sides signed the "Moscow Agreement". The Peace Agreement is over.

This war not only exposed the confusion and weakness of the Soviet Red Army with extremely poor tactical quality, but also caused the Soviet Union to lose its morality internationally.Before the ensuing Soviet-German war began, it was even more subject to international sanctions - many equipment and technologies imported from the United States were banned from export because of this war, including the famous GMC diesel engine ([-] horsepower).Although it overwhelmed Finland with its huge national strength advantage, it lost far more than it gained. One and a half years later, the Finns joined the Axis Powers, easily reversed and regained the lost ground, and gave the Soviet Red Army a hand in the subsequent Soviet-German War. cause huge losses.

From the Soviet-Finnish War to the later Soviet-German War, in the Nordic region, which was colder than Russia, the Soviet Red Army suffered enough in the Finnish war.According to the post-war evaluation, after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, in the frigid Scandinavian Peninsula battlefield, facing the low-temperature environment of the battlefield tens of degrees below zero, the Finnish army performed best, followed by the Soviet army, and finally took the turn. to the German army.

In this plane of the Soviet Union, after knowing the history and mobilizing in advance, Stalin did not attack Finland after the end of the Polish War, but proposed to Finland a "neutrality" treaty acceptable to the other party. In terms of permanent neutrality, it will never accept troops stationed or transited by other countries, while the Soviet Union, as Finland's neutral "protectorate", guarantees the implementation of this treaty.

The Finns were very happy to sign this five-year neutrality treaty. The signing of this "neutrality treaty" delayed the time for the Soviets to suffer from the "joint sanctions" of Britain, the United States and France by four months.

Beginning in March 1940, the Soviet Union successively reached out to the three Baltic countries on the grounds of "preventing Germany". By the end of April, the Soviet Union had completely occupied the three countries.

U.S. President Roosevelt, who took the opportunity to stir up shit, stood up as a "friend of justice" during this period, announcing the implementation of economic sanctions and various embargoes against the Soviet Union's aggression—while at the same time, the Americans still relied on third countries ( Mainly Italy) exported various urgently needed military supplies to Germany.However, due to the delay of four months before the start of economic sanctions, the transfer of GMC series diesel engine production equipment signed between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1939 has been completed. Explosives have also been delivered during this period.

(Note: During World War II, before 1942, the quality of Soviet aviation fuel was quite bad. There was a serious shortage of high-grade fuel, and the quality of the fuel was similar to that of Japan. This situation did not improve until 43 with the arrival of a large number of US aid.)

Throughout the winter of 1940, both the Soviet Union and Germany tried their best to avoid "military misjudgment". But only God knows what happened.

On the western front, Germany and the British and French allied forces continued to maintain a "quiet war" confrontation on land, but the air forces of the two sides were fighting non-stop with live ammunition in the air on the western front.

Three years ago, when Huang Ke and Elena visited Germany, they secretly visited the Henk brothers and sent them the design sketches of the "future" P[-] Mustang Combat and a lot of aviation design materials and theoretical knowledge.With the full support of the two, the Henk brothers developed the German version of the Mustang HE[-] fighter with better performance earlier and more smoothly than in history.Due to the butterfly effect caused by Huang Ke's intervention in history, the elder brother of the Henkel brothers who died in a car accident during this period was lucky to escape.

However, the fate of HE100, as Huang Ke predicted in advance, this German version of Mustang, although HE[-] has a lot of advantages over BF[-] in all aspects of performance, the corruption of the military industry department of the German Nazi regime and the opposition of relevant interest groups Malicious obstruction, HE[-] was not accepted by the Luftwaffe after all.

——Weapons with better performance were not accepted by the army due to reasons such as corruption and bribery.This kind of bullshit has been done by the Germans countless times throughout World War II.For example, after Germany annexed the Czech Republic, the newly developed Czech 150 heavy gun was found in its military factory. After its performance test, it was far better than the worst six-inch gun in Germany. In the end, because of Krupp's lobbying and bribery, it failed in the bidding competition. fiasco.And a similar situation throughout the rise and fall of the Third Reich.

Just like in history, by April 200, Heinkel had only built more than [-] HE[-] fighter jets, and then angrily closed the production line: about a quarter of the manufactured planes were exported to Spain, Romania, and Japan.As in history, this period still has to pretend to be "Soud" friendly Hitler With the permission of the German Aviation Development Director Udet issued a license for the export of the Henk fighter to the Soviet Union, and the Soviets also smoothly imported from Germany Twelve HE[-]s - The Soviet Union got the HE[-]s only for testing and to provide experience for the next generation of Yak fighters.

When the extremely disappointed Henk brothers closed the production line, they sold a complete set of production molds and fixtures to the Japanese—then the Japanese named this fighter plane imported from Germany "Feiyan".

After learning that the Japanese got the enhanced HE[-] design, Huang Ke smiled very happily: In the future when the Pacific War breaks out, the Japanese Army Aviation will finally be able to support the Americans at low altitude for a few more days.

Throughout the first four months of 40, due to the continuous loss of aircraft in air battles and the insufficient supply of rear production capacity, Britain and France, which were anxious to get angry during this period, were forced to place random orders in the United States with foreign exchange and buy a large Stacks of obsolete junk planes (referring to P[-] and P[-]).In terms of tanks, after the Polish campaign ended, the Soviets took the initiative to contact Britain and France, saying that they had a large number of "spot tanks" in their hands and could sell them to the two countries at a friendly price.

However, during this period, the British and French governments composed of "Soviet-hating parties" all rejected the "good intentions" of the Soviet Union.As for the sale of the "destroyer" that Stalin really wanted to make a big deal, since the Nordic campaign had just started in April of that year, before capturing Norway and gaining a front-line attack position into the Atlantic Ocean, Denitz's threat of sea wolves seemed "" Insignificant", the British felt that they could still "hold on", and ignored the kindness of the Soviets-on the contrary, the British focused on a total of [-] Soviet warships that were transferred to the Far East.Because six of them are now moored in the Haikou area of ​​Hainan Island, China, and are conducting joint military exercises with the Navy of New China.

When the People's Republic of China was founded, the Nanjing National Government of the Communist Party of China received 21 large and small warships successively.These warships are basically offshore defense ships, but if you add the Soviet Navy and compare it with the more than [-] People's Liberation Army that had a violent conflict with the French Annan after February, when you think that this force will join the People's Liberation Army in the future and go to Nanyang by sea , the British are also suffering from headaches now.

By April 1940, the People's Liberation Army, which went south through the junction of Guangxi and Yunnan, had completely occupied the later Laos and the "Ancient Jiaozhi" part of Vietnam. It was only the poor local traffic that prevented the People's Liberation Army from further expanding its achievements. and damage from tropical diseases such as mosquitoes.

At the same time, in the history textbooks that are being issued in China for middle school and high school students, when talking about Vietnam, a country neighboring China, it pays special attention to explaining the relationship and entanglements between Vietnam and China.

The little French colonial troops stationed in Annan were completely vulnerable to the People's Liberation Army, and their will to resist was not even as strong as that of Li Zongren, the remnant army of the Guangxi clique who had escaped.When the war ended in April 1940, the People’s Liberation Army had already occupied the city of Da Nang in south-central Vietnam. It was only political reasons that prevented the People’s Liberation Army from continuing to go south: the CCP’s wariness against the white-eyed wolf in Vietnam, and Vietnam’s backward rainforest during this period The environment heavily affects army advancement and resupply.

On the issue of Vietnam and Southeast Asia, the Soviet Union tried its best to encourage the CCP to go south to seize the rich rubber resources here.Like Germany, the Soviet Union suffered from rubber shortages throughout World War II.Although rubber can be artificially synthesized through petroleum, at the same time, the rubber synthesis process invented by the Soviet Union in the 50s was obtained through the traversers.But time is running out, there is technology, and if it is to be transformed into an actual factory, how can it be transformed directly with just a few words?The Soviet Union, which had only completed its Second Five-Year Plan during this period, had more than enough energy in this regard. (Note: The early synthetic rubber technology was already available at this time, but the quality of the synthetic rubber at this time was very poor. In addition, the infiltration of synthetic rubber into natural rubber can greatly improve performance.)

The "rubber embargo" imposed on the Soviet Union by the British and American shit-stirring sticks during this period also made it more difficult for the Soviet Union to obtain rubber.

When the People's Liberation Army captured Da Nang on April 1940, [-], the Soviets sent a telegram, urging the CCP to "intensify its determination, continue to go south, and liberate the whole of Annan."

On the same day as the fall of Da Nang, the Nordic campaign broke out, and the German navy risked sending a large number of troops into Norway to launch a surprise attack.One north and one south, one Europe and one Asia, two strategic centers of gravity were detonated, which immediately caused great disturbances all over the world.

On April [-]th, the headlines on the front page of Japanese newspapers were full of news such as "Don't miss the train to the European War".

Between the lines, the person who wrote the manuscript did not dare to openly clamor for war against Britain, France and the United States to snatch the colonies, but he pointed to the CCP’s marching to Annan under the banner of “since ancient times” and “not recognizing unequal treaties” to speak out, both openly and secretly The ground is stirring up public sentiment, asking the government to "take action when it is time to do so."

In the Tokyo Hospital, Xiyuanji Gongwang, who was already lying in the intensive care unit, had oxygen in his nostrils, and asked his grandson weakly:

"Kongichi, what's the situation in Japan now? Is the navy still thinking about going south?"

"Those lunatics have been gathering secretly everywhere recently. The content of the discussion is all about what the imperial country should do to ensure the maximum benefit. They are all eyeing the rice, oil, and rubber in Nanyang... The CCP is now targeting Annan. The war has stimulated them all!"

"The imperial kingdom is coming to an end..."

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