On October 10, the Soviet Red Army formally entered Poland, and aggressively regained the lost territory ceded after the Battle of Warsaw.At this point in time, the German army had captured Warsaw and surrounded Brest, the last Polish reinforcement retreating from the Eastern Front, about [-] people. The Soviet Red Army was advancing westward at this point in time, which surprised the Germans.At this time, the Polish Army had almost no troops on the Eastern Front, and only a few small-scale battles occurred in the westward advance of the Soviet Red Army, most of which were armed marches.

Since the two sides had secretly colluded, Hitler's worst fear of the conflict did not happen.

On November [-], the Polish army in the Brest encirclement laid down their arms and surrendered to the Soviets and Germans respectively, and Poland perished.

Two days later, Stalin held a grand celebration in Moscow, commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution on the one hand and celebrating the "recovery of lost ground" on the other.

Chapter 328

In the Red Square military parade commemorating the October Revolution in 1939, the Soviets made the scene particularly grand.

The Soviet Union, which started its military mobilization two and a half years earlier than in history, was almost ready when the world war broke out, at least in terms of army weapons and equipment.

The well-known enhanced version of the T34 tank, by 1939 o'clock in 500, had begun mass production.The early type is the B type with a 1942-horsepower gasoline engine, and in November, with the completion of production preparations for the V34 diesel engine, a large number of diesel-powered, long-barreled 21mm anti-tank guns will be in service with the C-type next year.Compared with the product of the same name that did not solve various design defects until 54 in history, today's T[-] tank, because Huang Ke can copy the answer from the [-]st century, is essentially closer to the shrunken version of the T[-], Type C It is already quite mature in design, and all the problems have basically been solved. It is already a mature product that can be mass-produced with confidence.

The more advanced and more powerful T34-85 has actually been developed, and [-] vehicles have been produced in small batches for testing. According to the plan, mass production will start in the second half of next year.

Compared with this period, the main force of the Germans is the Czech 38t, the more advanced No. 3 tank still uses the 37 knocker, and the No. 4 tank is a short-barreled 75 gun. Dr. Koshkin said that the tank of the Santoku family Designers eat chicken feed.

However, on the day of the Red Square military parade, in order to keep secret, the T34 tanks that appeared were temporarily replaced with old-fashioned short-barreled L10 light howitzers, "dressed up" like the German No. 4 tank.The star of the scene was the famous T[-] tank in the Far East.

When the T[-] appeared on the stage, the host at the scene even deliberately called it an "infantry support tank"-in the ears of the Germans, it was similar to the early model of the No. [-] tank in active service.

As for another [-]-ton Stalin tank with a [-]mm tank gun that Stalin attached great importance to, it has also been developed and is being tested during this period, but it did not appear in Red Square for the sake of secrecy.Considering that Santoku's house was full of rags during this period, Stalin felt that the tank named after him had a serious excess of firepower.

Europe has already fought, but during the military parade on Red Square, the top Soviet leaders were not nervous at all.The mobilization and training of troops began four years in advance, and the development of new equipment in a targeted manner gave the entire Soviet Union full confidence in the war.For this military parade, the CCP also sent a troop of more than a thousand people into Moscow, led by Liu Bocheng.And at the last moment, they lined up to show up to the German representatives on the viewing platform in this way: Now China and the Soviet Union are integrated, you must figure it out.

What is more interesting is that it was Falkenhausen, the famous German military adviser in China, who came to view the Red Square parade on behalf of Hitler.

When the famous No. 217 T34 tank took the lead, followed by twenty T[-] tanks with five-star red flags rumbling across the Red Square, Falkenhausen said to his assistants:

"The Chinese appear here. Stalin is telling us that they have formed a blood alliance with the Chinese! No matter what, I must persuade the head of state that we must not go to war with the Soviet Union."

General Falkenhausen is the German of this era who knows the combat effectiveness of Chinese soldiers best. .

On that day, in the sky of Red Square, the Yak-1 fighter jets, which were born more than a year earlier, flew over Red Square, and there were sixteen of them in total!Due to the slow development of Soviet engines, the Yak 1 fighter will not start mass production and equip troops until after June 1940.The Yak fighter jets flying in the sky now use engines imported from France and the United States. (Note: In history, the Jacques 1 fighter was only equipped with the Soviet Air Force when the Soviet-German War broke out)

The performance of Air Force aircraft is limited by the development of engines, and it is temporarily inferior to the Germans. This is where the Soviet Union has the biggest gap with Germany except for the quality of personnel.

While the Soviets were showing off their muscles to the Germans in Red Square, in the Chichibu Palace, everyone from Yongren to the guards were cheering for the war in Europe.

The Japanese have waited too long for this day.Since Japan's complete defeat in China last year, the following year is simply a nightmare for the Japanese people: economic collapse, huge foreign debts, a sharp drop in exports, a large number of factory closures, and continuous rice riots among the people-in order to deal with the economic crisis, expand exports To raise military expenses, the Japanese government even issued a decree during the year prohibiting civilians from eating high-quality rice.

In the past two years, Japan has also suffered heavy losses in traditional export commodities: the export of silk is an important source of foreign exchange in Japan's traditional labor-intensive industries.But a few years ago, DuPont invented nylon, and then used it to make nylon stockings that are elastic and have body shaping effects, which are very popular with women.

In terms of appearance and appearance, the silk stockings produced by DuPont in this period produced aesthetic effects when worn on women, completely crushing traditional silk stockings, and the supply exceeded demand once they were launched.In the past two years, under the secret help and guidance of a certain Chinese traveler, DuPont has developed a series of new styles of stockings on the basis of old products, including various "sex stockings", which received rave reviews once they were launched. Even men buy in bulk (for women).However, the result of this is that the entire Japanese silk-related industry chain has suffered a "devastating" market loss.

Rolling, crazily rolling, rolling to the extreme, is what happened in Japan in the past year.Fortunately, this nightmare, with the war in Europe, Britain and France, in order to please Japan, took the initiative to place large orders, and the nightmare year seems to be coming to an end.

But the Japanese soon discovered that they seemed to be happy too early!

Japan is an island country. The resources on the island are not rich, and a large number of raw materials are extremely dependent on overseas imports.During the First World War, they were able to make a lot of money from the war. A large reason was that they could obtain a large amount of cheap raw materials from China.But now this important blood vessel has been cut off with the rise of China.

At this point in 1939, although Japan on this plane was not affected by the Sino-Japanese War, domestic factories could start production at full capacity, but where did the raw materials come from?

As soon as the European war broke out, the United States, Japan's largest supplier of raw materials, immediately cut off the supply of raw materials to Japan-this order was personally issued by President Roosevelt.The reason is high-sounding: to ensure the United States' own production first.In fact, the truth is that Roosevelt did not want to see Japan take advantage of the outbreak of the European War to reap the dividends of the war, and to take a breather. Instead, he wanted to take this opportunity to continue to push Japan to death.

Although Japan still has ways to obtain other raw material supply channels from Britain and France at this time, Roosevelt's move has greatly increased Japan's production costs.

More importantly, the Japanese have judged from the weakness of Britain and France in the past few months that the military strength of Britain and France is not as strong as they expected. It is really what Huang Ke said in the book. It's just two paper tigers... Wouldn't it be nice to just drive warships over to grab the colonies of Britain and France instead of working hard to make a difference?

During the military parade on Red Square in Moscow in November, the Japanese also sent special envoys to observe the parade "friendly".In the past year, Japan has been in a mess economically, but the relationship between China and the Soviet Union has "greatly improved" with the two major enemies around it.

Gongwang Xiyuanji participated in the founding ceremony of the Chinese Communist Party, and brought back some production orders to Japan after returning: mainly mule machines and hot-ball machines, while the Soviets took the initiative to propose military cooperation to Japan: they offered them at a price as cheap as a gift At a friendly price, the latest "electric detection" (radar) technology was sold to the Japanese Navy.At the same time, Japan obtained advanced transistor manufacturing technology from the CCP (China directly supplies the core germanium material, and the specific refining process is still kept secret), and the transistors made of semiconductor materials obtained by the Japanese from the CCP are enough to manufacture several With tens of thousands of radio stations, the army's communication capabilities have undergone earth-shaking changes after one year.

Most importantly, in June 1939, the Soviet Union also sold a large amount of "scrap iron" to Japan. arms.These Japanese-style equipment were returned to the Japanese army at a price not much more expensive than scrap iron, and the quantity was large enough to fill the heavy equipment gap of the five Type A divisions of the Japanese army.Among them, there are as many as 120 tanks alone-although these tanks were shown to be severely worn due to excessive use when they were sold back, but for the poor Japanese army, this was a gift that moved them to tears.

When the Japanese checked the provenance of these equipment afterwards, they found that it included a large number of weapons left behind in the Jiangnan and Shandong battlefields.Obviously, this is another goodwill (poison candy) released by the Soviet Union and the CCP to Japan, using the Soviet Union as a glove to "aid Japan in disguise".

The Japanese army has long received the news that the CCP’s weapons have been fully mechanized in the past two years. The Japanese weapons seized in their hands were eliminated in the first wave because of their different calibers. These seized Japanese weapons are now useless in the hands of the CCP. .

"Gongyi, are those fools still dreaming of going south?"

Shortly after returning from a visit to China, Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple fell ill, and then lingered on the illness for a long time.The doctor he brought in checked his body, and there was no serious illness, nothing more than old age, organ failure, and the end of his lifespan—because he had exhausted his little effort to find a way out for these maggots of the empire. , but now may die half a year earlier than in history.

"Yes, the entire Tokyo is now discussing from top to bottom. It's time to take advantage of this opportunity and go to Nanyang to seize living space."

The old fox, who was already lying on the bed, said weakly: "If the imperial kingdom wants to go south, if it can't bypass the Philippines, it will definitely conflict with the United States."

China and the Soviet Union are so "enthusiastic" in aiding Japan, what they want to do, in fact, everyone in Japan can see it.It seems to be an extremely clumsy conspiracy, but there are still a lot of people in Japan rushing to be fooled, and Nishiharaji Gongwang is also very desperate.

"In the navy, there are already many lunatics clamoring for war with the United Kingdom and the United States, asking the navy to attack the US Pacific Fleet at an appropriate time."

The old fox resentfully said: "Almost all the red deer in the army died, but almost none of the red deer in the navy died..."

"Almost so."

Xiyuanji Gongyi wanted to say something, but found that his grandfather was talking, lying on the bed and falling asleep with his eyes closed.

Japan did not encounter the malicious raw material embargo jointly imposed by Britain and France during this period.But in Japan now, the government is as impoverished as it was during the reign of Emperor Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty. Whether it is embargoed or not does not matter much.

Koichi Nishiharaji sighed, Japan's biggest and most dangerous opponent overseas is the United States in the east.

When he woke up the next day, Nishihara Boss Wang continued to talk with his grandson, he sighed again: "Those insects are still dreaming of joining China to carve up Asia. Don't they know the essence of Asiaism advocated by Huang Yuanxing?" In fact, it is the Great China doctrine, and they want to deceive the imperial country into becoming the king, but they still keep jumping into this trap.

Qi and blood are getting weaker and weaker, and he hangs around the sick and collapsed Xiyuanji Gongwang, who has been unable to make too much influence on Japan's political trend.Today's Japan is still on the road to death.The whole people are frantically discussing the topic of when to go to war with Britain and France to seize the colonies.

However, the Japanese people are now hostile to the U.S. Navy, but it is because the Yamato incident at the beginning of the year was caught by the Americans.Then Roosevelt took the opportunity to increase funding for the navy, and in the Pacific Ocean, he tested a shipyard on the west coast of the United States to build two [-]-ton Montana-class battleships. Only two were built.However, on Japan's side, the second Yamato-class giant ship that was being built was stagnant due to budgetary problems, only laying the keel.

Compared with the despair of Xiyuan Temple, President Roosevelt on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has been in great joy recently.Large orders from countries such as Britain, France and Belgium allowed him to successfully escape the economic crisis.What he has to do now is to imitate his predecessor, President Wilson: pretend to be neutral, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then turn around at the right time and completely defeat the mustache and the Japanese.

As for the last country that has great influence on the world structure, China, at this time New China is in the midst of an internal struggle to fully integrate its domestic forces and at the same time flatten various "mountain forces" within the party.

On the external side, after the war in Europe, [-] People's Liberation Army crossed the border in northern Myanmar overnight, poured into northern Myanmar, and then expanded their territory everywhere: they still occupied the mountainous areas and rural areas, and temporarily let go of the British colonies Myitkyina, an important town in northern Myanmar occupied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is actually squeezed strategically.

In the current period, the entire northern Burma area, the area that the British can control, has been oppressed to the point where only the city of Myitkyina remains.At this time, the surrounding rural and mountainous villages have all been controlled by the CCP—this alternative version of "encircling the cities from the countryside" can only be done by a country with a large population like China.And the British Empire's military strength in Burma was too weak during this period, and all the surrounding areas were lost.Myitkyina soon became an island in the mountains of Burma, and the British could be driven out of northern Burma at any moment.

As for the French, the CCP has already fought the French without declaring war. In November 1939, shortly after the end of the Polish campaign, [-] People's Liberation Army crossed the border from Annan on the [-]th of that month and formally entered Laos and North Vietnam—the reason was to eliminate Li Zongren's banditry.

Facing the turbulent southward march of the People's Liberation Army, the French colonial troops in Vietnam were simply not enough.During this process, the People's Liberation Army and the French army had several small-scale confrontations, and the French army was defeated every time.

Faced with the CCP's "law-abusing" behavior, the French have no choice but to protest...

Chapter 329 Huang Ke's Decameron

In January 1940, the Soviet Union was covered with ice and snow, and Siberia was the coldest.The land of more than 300 million square kilometers corresponds to an extremely bad low-temperature climate in winter.

During World War II, the Moscow winter froze the Germans to death.But the winter in Siberia is unbearable even for the Russians-here, low temperatures of minus [-] to [-] degrees are common.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, without the "planned" economy to forcibly restrict and control population movement, the population of the entire Siberia region has been decreasing at an alarming rate, and countless ghost towns have been born.

A train departing from Moscow to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in the Far East, is shuttling through the frozen world.At this period in history, the Siberian Railway and Ulan Bator were not directly connected by railway - the main reason was that Mongolia still belonged to China in name during this period.Although he had achieved independence in a practical sense under the planning of the Soviet Union, Stalin still pretended to admit that Mongolia belonged to China, out of concern for international public opinion.

Mongolia was completely independent, but it started with the Yalta Conference and Chang Kaishen's various subsequent manipulations and traitorous releases.After the CCP defeated the Chang Kaishen gang to take over China, Mongolia's independence was irreversible.

However, in this time and space, after Huang Ke spoiled history in 1936, Stalin agreed not to hinder the CCP from taking back Mongolia.Then, in order to meet the needs of the Anti-Japanese War, the Soviet Union immediately began to build a railway across Mongolia to Baotou, which was officially completed after February 1938.

Mongolia has now officially returned to China, and the Chinese Communist Party has entered Mongolia.Because the relationship between China and the Soviet Union is in the most intimate period of honey.On the border with Mongolia, there are only symbolic border patrol forces on both sides.

When the train stopped at Ulan-Ude Station to refill water, Huang Ke, who had been on the train for more than a week, jumped off the train, and got off with him, as well as more than 100 students studying in the Soviet Union who returned to China with the train. It is the second batch of returning students who have completed their studies.The originally deserted station soon became lively as a large number of students got off with their luggage.

Last month, Huang Ke won his second Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering contributions to the invention of the transistor computer.When he walked down the train station, several Soviet comrades who heard the news all ran over and asked him to take a group photo.But this time the Nobel Prize was not awarded to him alone, but was shared with scientists from Britain and the United States—although the computers developed by Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union were basically based on the drawings and design ideas that Huang Ke brought out. of manufacturing.However, due to the virtues of foreigners, they don’t want to see a Chinese person win the Nobel Prize in Physics twice in three years. They just say that this is the product of a team of scientists from the three major countries, and Huang Ke is just the “chief designer” One of the teachers", one person from each country in the United Kingdom and the United States shared this honor with him.But Huang Ke, who knew he was a "plagiarist", had nothing to complain about.If he wants to continue to be shameless, in fact, there are many inventions that can win the Nobel Prize.

The longitudinal railway from Ulan-Ude to Baotou all uses the international standard gauge, and everyone has to transfer trains here to return home.The people who got off the bus with Huang Ke, besides 120 Chinese students, there were another [-] young Soviet students—all of them were students of Huang Ke at Moscow University, and they were sent to China as "exchange students" this time. practice.

During the two meetings between Chairman Li Runshi and Stalin, Huang Ke talked with them about the differences in the way of thinking between the Chinese and the Soviets, and the things that happened before and after the breakdown of Sino-Soviet relations during the Cold War.

"Sino-Soviet relations will eventually break down. There are many reasons. On the Soviet side, politically and ideologically, various revisions, and even the stupid thing of completely negating Stalin and self-destructing the Great Wall of ideology, caused the two countries to have political differences. Gradually split in international relations."

"In the Soviet Union, diplomacy is in a mess. There is a serious shortage of experts on "China issues" who understand Chinese culture in the Soviet Union. It is "a good thing to send to your door", but it is actually the most taboo thing for Chinese people."

"On the other hand, China has also made many mistakes. For example, in the process of socialist construction, the superiors ordered a large number of equipment from the Soviet Union the year before, and then the superiors raised the indicators in exchange for data. If you go back on the ordered equipment, you don’t want it. It caused the Soviet Union to suffer a lot of losses. (Note: This is from the declassified Soviet intelligence. Before the Sino-Soviet split, both of us did a lot of shitty things.)”

At that time, Huang Ke showed the top leaders of both sides as much as possible the materials recorded by China and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Afterwards, in order to increase mutual knowledge and interaction, there is the current exchange student program.Stalin ordered the establishment of Chinese classes in China, and regularly trains a group of young people to send them to China for study and practice every year.Today, the Soviet students who came to China by train with Huang Ke are the first group—they are basically majored in electronics or electromechanical, and all of them are students of Huang Ke.

After changing trains in Ulan-Ude, Huang Ke and his party started to head south. Two hours later, the train crossed the Sino-Soviet border and entered the territory of Mongolia.The trains sent by the Chinese government to pick up the returning international students are specially dispatched.For the sake of safety (the problem of banditry between Mongolia and Mongolia has not been completely eliminated at this time), an additional company of soldiers was specially sent to accompany the car to escort.Three of the carriages are specially used for international students and exchange students, and one of them is used as a dining car, which has a very special origin: it was originally Chang Kaishen's "chairman's special carriage".After liberation, it fell into the hands of the people's government and was later transformed into a conference carriage.

At the speed of this era, it will take several days to travel from Mongolia to Wuhan.Huang Ke specially took the train back to China this time, in fact, to increase the exchange time with these Chinese and Soviet students.

The journey was boring, and Huang Ke was giving lectures to these students along the way.However, unlike the "Natural Science Major" class in school, what Huang Ke talked about on the train was all about the history, culture, and personal stories of various countries.

When the train was in the Soviet Union, for several days, what Huang Ke talked about on the train was the history of Europe, especially the four countries of the Derby, Britain and France, who were playing a sit-down war in Western Europe. Enmity and resentment".

Huang Ke, who comes from the era of high-speed information in the 21st century, knows as much about the allusions of modern European history as any historian in this era.When he left Moscow, on the first day he talked about the rise of the British Empire and the "Glorious Revolution", on the second day he talked about the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, and on the third day he talked about the origin of the last world war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire .The fourth day talked about the country that had just "destroyed" recently, and the death journey of "Pingde Zhenlu" Dabobo told everyone what a wonderful country this is.

When he was in the Soviet Union, Huang Ke used the radio system in the car when he gave a history class, in Russian.Coming from the 21st century, when telling historical allusions, he would occasionally use the tone of modern people to make various complaints. Not only his students, but also the Soviets in the car liked it very much.He talked all the way from Moscow to Ulan-Ude.There are several hours of lectures every day.In the process, I have my own person to record and take notes on paper—these will be used as precious "historical textbooks" in the future for the Chinese people to use.

In the last two days after arriving in Ulan-Ude, Huang Kefang specifically mentioned Germany: For example, Germany is not actually a country, but a collective name for a region.The so-called Germans are actually a false proposition. Unlike other nationalities, the existence of the German nation slowly came into existence after the ideological and spiritual identification of the Germans first.When the students were explaining the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic War, and the Seven Years War, the three famous wars that influenced the course of European history, Huang Ke humorously said on the radio: "Prussia under the leadership of Bismarck and William I established the " Before Little Germany, in fact, the entire German region, like Poland, was also the "foot cloth" and "playground" of the major European powers, always jumping between "chess pieces" and "chessboards".

"However, it is different from Poland. It has also been used as a chessboard and a foot cloth. However, German culture and tradition have huge advantages over Poland."

"First of all, they put an unprecedented emphasis on education, especially the Kingdom of Prussia. In modern times, even several kings were British lords..."

During those two days, Huang Ke told them how Germany rose step by step from the wiper cloth of Europe, and finally became the initiator of the two European wars.

Although the Soviet Union and Germany are now hostile to each other, in fact, the biggest "German fans" in Europe are Russians, none of them-Germans are rigorous, morbid obsessive-compulsive disorder, morbid obedience, and discipline , and the various characteristics of the "army with a country", in the eyes of those "sighted people" who know their country's "bird virtue" in Russia, these characteristics are simply "greedy enough to make people drool."In their view, every time Russia was the most powerful, such leaders were born, such as Peter the Great, such as Empress Catherine—well, this one is actually a real Prussian... ....

Every time Huang Ke gave live lectures to students on the radio and answered students' questions on the spot, the carriage he was in was crowded with a large number of Soviet passengers.

Now that the Soviet Union has begun military mobilization, the people are very worried that a war will break out between the Soviet Union and Germany in the future.Huang Ke explained Germany to the Soviets in the car, which was actually part of his war preparation propaganda after discussing with Stalin.The content of his lectures along the way will be recorded, sorted, revised and deleted afterwards, and then made into popular science materials for publicity and use by the citizens of the Soviet Union.

Regarding Germany, Huang Ke concluded: "In the coming year, under the command of Hitler, Germany will achieve amazing victories in Western Europe, but this victory is just the last flash before the demise of the Third Reich."

"Germany's biggest problem is that it is in the very center of Europe's monster houses. The so-called golden horn and silver-edged grass belly have the worst geographical location. They are surrounded by strong neighbors. Hitler has the same ambitions as Napoleon, but his biggest problem is that His ambition far exceeds his strength. After a brief victory in the early stage, this "army with a country" will soon become an enemy of the whole world because of his crazy greed, and then go to destruction-time will not A long time, probably within a few years."

Huang Ke also experienced the pleasure of being a traveler, acting as a magic stick, and pointing out the world from the perspective of future generations.

Before arriving in Ulan-Ude, Huang Ke had already finished the German chapter, but after changing trains in Ulan-Ude and entering China, with the change of the nationalities of the audience on the car, Huang Ke had already changed the direction of telling the history of each country. , from Germany to the United States.

During this period, among Chinese intellectuals, in addition to the Soviet Union, the "communist utopia", the United States was also the perfect country in the "imagination" of many people.

Many of the students studying in the Soviet Union who returned to China with Huang Ke came from various colleges in Beiping, and many of them were even students of Yenching University President Leighton Stuart.

When Huang Ke returns to China this time, the main task is to hand over to Xu Teli and Zhou Shuren, and participate in the work of approving the first batch of textbooks for elementary and middle school students in New China.

"How to define the contemporaries" in Western countries, how to educate the young generation who have just opened their eyes to see the world, and the future generations who have not experienced the oppression of the "three mountains", so that they can really understand those "glamorous" The filth and filth behind a powerful capitalist country is a major issue related to the century-old plan of New China.

When Huang Ke came out of Moscow and gave lectures all the way, he actually went through this process to clarify his own thinking and organically combine the historical materials obtained from later generations according to the needs of future political and educational work.

Xiao Huang recalled that when he was taking history classes in junior high and high school, he was involved in the part about the United States and found that there were many problems.When he was studying, China had entered the 21st century.After China joined the WTO, China's education system had been infiltrated and poisoned by all kinds of spiritual Americans who brought their own dry food, as well as American spy agencies. He remembered that in his middle and high school history textbooks, he talked about American The more than 200-year history of the "ugly country" is almost all "positive". "Washington", "The Massacre of Indians in the Westward Movement", "Lincoln, the Abolitionist Hero", etc., all kinds of scandals and evils in the two hundred years before and after the founding of the Ugly Nation are rarely or even mostly mentioned in history textbooks. Not mentioned.

In the first 30 years of new China, during the Cold War period, the CCP’s historical evaluation of the United States defined it as an evil American imperialist country, but it still said too little and too general about the dark history and dark side of the United States.Not to mention the poisonous teaching materials after the revision.During the few days on the way back to Hankou, Huang Ke used the opportunity of "lecturing" to introduce the major events, black history, various scandals, and one thing that happened in the United States in the past two hundred years from the age of great exploration to the present. One by one, I made it clear to all the students in the car, and then handed it over to the on-site students to help organize and bind it.

When the train arrived in Hankou and got off the train, the student responsible for recording had used up nearly a hundred notebooks during the fifteen days.Thanks to the digital electronic equipment recordings brought by later generations, not a single word of what he said along the way will not be lost.

Afterwards, with the help of dozens of students transferred from the central government, it took another half a month to sort out all these materials. Huang Ke named it "Ten Days Talk" in a wicked way. (In fact, the train he was on was on the road for sixteen days.)

Chapter 330 Chang Kaishen at the End

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