In the "Eagle's Nest" on the high mountain of "Berchtesgaden" in Bavaria, Germany, Hitler angrily threw the received information in front of a group of trembling German masters and generals.In his eyes, this serious intelligence leak directly disrupted his upcoming plan to invade Poland.

Because the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" could not be signed, it was difficult for Hitler to make up his mind to attack Poland. It is regarded by the British and American countries as evidence that the Soviet Union and Germany colluded to launch World War II.For this treaty that Hitler would never abide by, the Soviet Union lost a lot of "morality".

Although morality seems worthless, but with "morality", many times there will be various surprises.Before Khrushchev's foolish denial of Stalin, the Soviet Union's intelligence work in Western Europe was very easy and smooth, and various Western leading parties who were disappointed with the Western capitalist world offered to provide all kinds of intelligence to the Soviet Union without any money.

The famous Cambridge Five, or the Tungsu elements in the Manhattan Project, took the initiative to help the Soviet Union under such a background.But after the stupid Khrushchev reported, he directly destroyed the "righteousness" of the Soviet Union, and such a good thing never happened again.

In this plane, after contacting the traverser, he was very aware of Hitler's cards, and in the eyes of Stalin, who was more confident himself, in his opinion, the "Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact" was just a placebo for self-deception. Not to mention the loss of righteousness, it will paralyze some people in the Soviet army, so even if Ribbentrop made various promises in front of Stalin, Stalin refused to nod.

"With your little mustache's current possessions, do I still need to look at your faces if I want to take the opportunity to annex the three Baltic countries at this time?"

Having figured it out, he now just wants to take the opportunity to put eye drops on Hitler in various ways, disrupt his rhythm, and increase the butterfly effect, so that the Germans will not win the French battle as easily as in history.

Stalin's move achieved initial success in September. Until September [-], Hitler, who was confused, was forced to nervously stop the aggression against Poland.During this period, Britain and France had already received news through their respective intelligence agencies: the German army was abnormally mobilized on the German-Polish border, and it was detected that Hitler was about to go to war.

For Stalin's proposal, both Churchill and Dalati showed a positive attitude.And half a year ago, the Poles had just carved up Czechoslovakia with Germany. After learning that Germany was about to attack them, the upper echelon was also extremely panicked at this time—because during this period, the Soviet Union also gathered soldiers on the Soviet-Polish border, making signs of mobilization. picture.

At this moment, Da Bobo in Pingdu Zhenlu recalled the past that he had been divided up by Russia and Germany many times in his history, and then tremblingly agreed to the proposal to participate in the meeting with great enthusiasm

On September [-]th, Britain, France, Poland and the Soviet Union, together with Italy eager to show the superiority of a big country, the five major European powers spoke together and "invited Germany" to participate in the "European Security Conference" held in Holm, a neutral country in northern Europe.In order to embolden himself, the French also pulled the Belgians together and shouted.

This time, it was Hitler with the mustache who was shivering.

The angry mustache is still struggling with the leak of the "White Plan" that just happened, and the five major European powers plus Belgium, and the six countries speak out at the same time, "peaceful pressure" on him, which makes him clearly feel The fear of Germany being besieged by the whole world.

In this plane of Germany, its strategic situation is even worse than in history: potential Japanese allies no longer exist, and Spaghetti is even half-hearted. After the good news of the discovery of a large oil well in Libya, now Italy's energies are focused on developing the oil fields there.After the Sino-Soviet Army defeated Japan, the friendly relationship between Italy and the Soviet Union went a step further.The "German-Italian Alliance Treaty" that was originally supposed to be signed in May of this year has been procrastinated by Mussolini—without him. During this period, the Soviet Union, which has already killed Japan, has a Chinese younger brother. The Soviet Union put too much pressure on the whole of Europe.And throughout 1939, the Soviet Red Army placed a large number of its main forces on the German-Polish border, publicly posing as if it would intervene in the German-Polish battlefield at any time.

In Mussolini's view, the mustache really started fighting again at this time, and then the British, French and Subobi Five Congresses would join forces to kill him, and he would really die without a place to bury him. Crazies stand together.

"Italy, traitors, whores of Europe! You traitors have all betrayed me."

Mustache yelled and cursed frantically in the room, smashing things.Facing the enormous pressure from the simultaneous voices of the six countries, the generals at the German Staff Headquarters were also apprehensive at this time.

While sending Hitler an "invitation for peace talks", the heads of the six countries have privately decided to take the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, on September 1939, [-], to hold the "Six Summit on European Security Issues"—if the small Beard to that is the Seven Kingdoms.

Six hit one, do you think you are afraid?

"If Su Bobi, Britain and France really declare war on Germany at the same time, we will launch a mutiny and arrest Mustache!"

During the Sudetenland crisis in history, the "anti-war defeat" and the Juncker generals who secretly connected with each other and wanted to arrest Hitler gathered together again to save Germany in their own way.

Throughout September, the ambassadors of the above seven countries are the busiest people.Churchill even flew directly to France impatiently, called the Belgian Prime Minister over nearby, and started secret talks in a small town on the French-Belgian border.

At the same time, Zhang Wentian, the representative sent by the CCP to Moscow, also met with Stalin at this sensitive time to discuss the topic of the upcoming "six-nation summit on European security issues".

In this matter, in fact, the top leaders of China and the Soviet Union knew that even if they were facing the harsh situation of six joint sieges, Hitler had already reached the point where he must launch a war, and if he did not fight, he would blow himself up.

"Your Excellency, the foreign debt owed by Germany to our banks will be repaid at the end of this year, including interest, is US$[-] billion, and Germany's current foreign exchange reserves will not exceed [-] million!"

At the same time, here in Washington, Roosevelt listened to his subordinate's report, nodded with a smile.

"Hitler, he's going bankrupt!"

Hurley said: "In the past few months, Hitler desperately offered an olive branch to the Soviet Union, hoping to sign a non-aggression pact, but Stalin refused to agree, but at the same time he refused to sign with Britain and France against Germany. Treaty. Stalin's recent operations are really incomprehensible."

Roosevelt said: "In the past two years, Stalin has been expanding its armaments by helping the CCP, and it has not stopped until now-he is as ambitious as Hitler..."

While speaking, Roosevelt fiddled with the globe in front of him, looked at the map of Europe, and said coldly: "He wants the three Baltic countries, he wants Eastern Europe, he also wants Romania, Bulgaria, and even the entire Balkans. He wants the Soviet Union's Power rushes out of the Black Sea..."

Roosevelt turned the globe, pulled it to the direction of Asia, and continued: "After the victory of the CCP, his ambitions became even bigger. In the past two months, there were [-] Soviet warships in the Black Sea Fleet, and he transferred them to Asia. , Although they are all small destroyers, frigates, or old-fashioned old ships, their combat effectiveness is very weak, but in this extraordinary period, he transferred a large number of Black Sea Fleet to Asia, what do you think he wants to do?"

Chief of Naval Operations H.R. Stark said: "At this time, there are still six Soviet warships entering China through the South China Sea. During this period, the Soviets transferred a large number of navies from Europe to Asia in advance. The situation Very subtle."

Stark pointed to the locations of Annan and Myanmar on the map and tapped: "Just this month, the CCP's troops stationed in Guangxi have repeatedly crossed the border into Annan under the pretext of suppressing bandits, and confronted and even briefly exchanged fire with the French defenders. .combined with the current crisis in Europe..."

"This war is not a war between two forces, but three forces. And Stalin has already regarded Hitler as a pawn..."

Roosevelt's words hit the key point.

"Stalin not only wanted Europe, but also wanted to expand his sphere of influence in Asia. But the problem is that their navy is too weak. There are not many decent warships. He hopes that Hitler will come forward to smash the European structure, but the Soviet Union has not completely Get ready, he doesn't want Germany to do it too early, he needs time to prepare...."

Roosevelt knew that in the past year, whether it was the Soviet Union or China, they frantically ordered machinery and equipment from American factories with the attitude of "spending the last gold coin in the national treasury". General war.

"We can't make them too happy..."

Roosevelt whispered authentically.

"Mr. President, do you mean..."

"I have to give Mr. Hitler more confidence, and let Grenell (referring to the US ambassador to Germany) tell Hitler that the United States will strictly maintain neutrality regarding the upcoming war conflict in Europe. In addition, the equipment that Germany ordered from us will speed up the progress of delivery .”

Hurley said worriedly: "With these alone, Hitler's courage is not enough? After all, it is six against one now?"

"Who said it was six against one?"

Roosevelt laughed.

"Churchill and Dalady are dreaming of bringing misfortune to the east. And Stalin's current operation, isn't it thinking of pushing the misfortune to the west? On the issue of Germany, all of them have their own ghosts... ..."

While talking, Roosevelt tapped on the location of Poland on the globe in front of him with a smile, and then concluded:

"Look, the so-called European Security Conference in Stockholm will turn into a farce in the end! Poland still cannot escape the fate of becoming a victim."

At the same time, in a port city near the Belgian border in northern France, secret talks between the leaders of Britain, France and Belgium were going on.

Churchill said in a "disappointed" tone:

"The information we have shows that if the Soviets hadn't published the "White Plan" in newspapers in advance this time, Hitler planned to attack Poland on September [-]th!"

Dalati also said with a little regret: "Stalin was wary of Hitler's Germany. He couldn't tolerate Germany occupying the entire territory of Poland and directly bordering the Soviet Union. That's why he didn't hesitate to expose his spy network into Germany and announced the white content of the plan."

"We absolutely can't let the war burn to the Western Front like last time! Everything is Poland's fault. They stupidly joined hands to carve up Czechoslovakia this year..."

It was the Prime Minister of Belgium, a traditional ally of Britain and France, who said this. When he said this, he glanced at the two with strange eyes. Depressed, why do you Gauls and Teutons fight, and we in Belgium are shot every time we lie down!

After a day of private discussion, the three companies set the tone: the first goal of the seven-country summit in Sweden is to suppress Germany from moving, and to buy time for Britain and France to strengthen their armaments and war. Attitude, while suggesting to Hitler that we will abandon Poland, trying to steer this disaster to the east or something...

At about the same time, Stalin, who was about to travel far away, met in Leningrad, the former Czechoslovak President Benes who was secretly invited to the Soviet Union. He warmly invited him to represent Czechoslovakia in the upcoming "Seven Nations Conference" ".

At that time, Stalin said righteously: At the G[-] meeting, the Soviet Union would spare no effort to promote the restoration of Czechoslovakia and demanded that Germany, Poland and Hungary withdraw their troops from Czechoslovakia.

As Roosevelt predicted in advance, from the very beginning, it was a "security talk" with ulterior motives among various countries.Several anti-German forces, each of them wants to carry their own private goods......

Chapter 32 Hitler Across the Alps

"In February 1939, Germany united with Poland and Hungary to carve up Czechoslovakia. Adolf Hitler successfully completed the Great German-Italian plan, and the shadow of war hung over Europe. Before that, countless people saw through Hitler's plan We also had countless opportunities to stop him, but because of our own selfishness and desires, we allowed Hitler to complete his terrible conspiracy step by step." - "Chamberlain's Diary 6/30/1940"

"The summit of the seven countries in Stockholm was a trick of Stalin from the very beginning. The real purpose of the talks he initiated was not to suppress Hitler at all, but to stir up shit - the evidence is that in September The war over Europe was clouded. While the Soviet Union was clamoring to prevent German aggression, it continued to export a full [-] tons of oil and countless ores to Germany! The evidence is that he deliberately brought Benes to Stockholm at that time, Brought to the meeting place of the leaders of the seven countries! What does he want to do? He didn’t come to unite all countries to suppress Hitler, he came to smash the field! The purpose is just to show the world how much his evil red empire is. justice and peace-loving!"

- Winston Churchill, speaking to the Downing Street Parliament 10/1 1939

Just as Roosevelt had foreseen in advance, the seven-country summit meeting in Stockholm, which attracted worldwide attention, was full of vigor and vitality before the meeting. But in fact, this meeting was destined to be a farce from the very beginning.

Because at the beginning of the meeting, when Stalin, the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, entered the arena, the eyes of the audience were neither on Stalin, nor Elena (as a translation assistant), who was as beautiful as a fairy in the forest, who was following him. It was the king of subjugation, former Czechoslovak prime minister Benes who was betrayed by Britain and France.

At this time, exactly one year has passed since the "Munich Conspiracy" and Britain and France jointly betrayed Czechoslovakia.

"At this time last year, it was a huge and irreparable mistake for us to betray Czechoslovakia! But in Stockholm, if we follow Stalin's advice and force Germany, Poland, and Hungary to withdraw their troops from the divided Czechoslovak territory, It was also a stupid mistake. Stalin brought Benes into the scene, and he was here to cause trouble from the beginning!"

"Hitler's desire to launch a war is inevitable. The British Empire needs time, and France also needs time. If our six countries can speak with one voice, Hitler would never dare to take military risks at this point in time. In such a large Under the premise, it is understandable to properly abandon Czechoslovakia and temporarily ignore this mistake, but Stalin deliberately turned this topic into the focus at the venue!"

An angry Churchill said afterwards.When Benes suddenly entered the arena, Hitler was surprised at first when he saw this scene, but then he let go of his heart and smiled.

The process of Germany annexing Czechoslovakia, from the Munich conspiracy to the alliance with Poland and Hungary to carve up, this operation is definitely a brilliant stroke of Hitler's diplomacy, and it is also a big scandal and a big failure that the leaders of Britain and France regret.

As part of the Versailles system, Poland played an important role in suppressing Germany. However, in the matter of partitioning Czechoslovakia, Poland's greedy and short-sighted behavior, with Stalin's intentional cooperation, became Hitler's unexpected breakthrough in breaking the pressure of the six countries.

Just as Churchill complained angrily afterwards, on the first day of the Stockholm meeting, Stalin acted like a friend of justice, dragging the representatives of Czechoslovakia headed by Benes to accuse Germany at the meeting. The act of abiding by the treaty and annexing other countries led to the collective faces of the representatives of Britain, France, Poland, and Hungary (attended as observers) at the scene. Demands for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Czechoslovakia.

"You did it on purpose?"

This was what Churchill and Dalady felt at the time, and Hitler, who had been sullen at the beginning, was so happy in his heart that he almost didn't rush to shake Stalin's hand fiercely.

Stalin's words and the Soviet Union's propositions are lofty, absolutely politically correct, and absolutely occupy the commanding heights of morality and justice.But this is tantamount to forcing Poland, who has prostituted with Germany, to the side of the mustache. If the Polish Prime Minister Felician is a hero at this time, he can see the current situation clearly, take the initiative to subdue and agree to Poland's withdrawal, and spit out the meat he ate , Stalin's conspiracy was broken, but as a "middle class, five permanent members", a politician with big waves in a European country, how can he have such vision and ambition?

When footage of the first day of European security talks reached Washington, Roosevelt commented grimly.

"The seven-nation talks in Stockholm, where is six against one! It's basically three against three, or even four against three! Stalin and Hitler are in the same group, Italy will jump back at any time, and that fool in Poland wants to The immediate interests are too stupid to spit out the poisonous meat that Hitler fed in the past!"

Hurley said, "So what do we do?"

Roosevelt said: "Stalin is eager to push the disaster to the west! He not only wants to push the west, but also wants to take the moral side, and in this matter, we have to take the moral side!"

Soon, Roosevelt, who was far away on the other side of the Atlantic, also ordered the special envoy he sent to observe the scene to issue a statement, declaring support for the Soviet Union's "just proposition". .

After the news came out, Stalin coldly laughed at reporters all over the world: "This 100 million dollars is nothing more than fake mercy. Roosevelt ordered Pratt & Whitney to stop transferring air-cooled engine technology to Hitler. An effective blow! In the past few years, Hitler’s largest overseas funder and aid country was the United States, and it was Roosevelt!"

However, Stalin’s unfailing rhetoric unexpectedly encountered a counterattack from the American observer representative at the scene: “This month, the Soviet Union is still exporting a large amount of ore and oil to Germany.”

Under the rhythm of Stalin, Churchill and Dalati's delusional "six against one" soon became the Soviet Union pretending to uphold justice. After the peculiar smell, they suddenly and cleverly "kept silent", and the Hungarians quietly moved closer to Germany, while the rest of the European countries were all kinds of soy sauce and melons.

The farce lasted for three days, and nothing was discussed in the end. Afterwards, the leaders of the seven countries left and returned home, leaving only the negotiators to continue to perform on the stage.In the process, Britain and France also gained something. Churchill and Dalady finally found a reason to abandon the Polish boy in a high-sounding manner. in the meat.

Stalin was also very happy. He said politically correct and lofty words, but he "supported and encouraged" Hitler's invasion of Poland in a disguised form.The performances of the Soviets at the Stockholm conference also earned the Soviet Union the favor of the Czechoslovaks.

Before Stalin left Sweden to return home, he had a private meeting with Hitler.There were only four people present: Stalin, Elena, Hitler and his interpreter.

In history, the bearded man and the mustache man never really faced each other, but in this plane, they met, and the meeting took place in a garden.

After greeting each other simply and politely, Hitler turned his attention to Elena who was following Stalin.In the past three days of talks, Elena, who was acting as an interpreter beside Stalin, was definitely the most scene-stealing person on the scene. On the one hand, she was beautiful, and on the other hand, she was proficient in more than ten languages.Stockholm is currently gathering the heads of state or special envoys of more than a dozen countries, using more than ten languages, but Elena is proficient in all of them and is extremely fluent. Her talent in languages ​​is just like her genius in art and medicine , shocked the whole world again.

"Beautiful Miss Elena, you said three years ago that you would meet me again when I completed the Greater Germany project."

When he said this, Hitler's eyes were fixed on Elena's face, wishing to find evidence that she was the "golden human".German experts have already analyzed Elena. After analyzing her skin color, eyes, and facial features, they all think that she is not Ukrainian, but closer to Nordic.

"I can't believe it even if I beat her to death. Such a beautiful and intelligent woman is actually an inferior Slav!"

Mustache yelled unwillingly in his heart,

Because of the vilification of Hitler in later generations, his height is said to be 1 meters, but in fact, the mustache is not short, about 65 meters. When he stood face to face with Stalin, he was even taller than Stalin out a lot.

(Based on the group photos of some German celebrities and Hitler in later generations: Goering's height is 1 meters. Goering is taller, and he is only slightly shorter than him in the photo with the 78-meter Hindenburg)

At this time, Elena looked at the interpreter beside Hitler, and said, "I don't want the fourth person to hear the next meeting between Comrade Stalin and Hitler..."

The translator was taken aback for a moment, but Hitler waved his hand and drove him away.

Soon, in a garden of Nuoda, only the bearded, the mustache, and the beautiful "Golden Princess" were left.

The rest of the people, including the guards brought by the two, have been isolated more than 20 meters away recently. They can only watch from a distance that the top leaders of the Sude family are sitting on both sides of a coffee table in the garden, while the golden princess is sitting Act as a translator between the two at the position of the middle product font.

Seeing irrelevance and waiting to leave, Hitler said: "When you left Germany in a hurry three years ago, I heard that you showed amazing miracles."

Elena shook her head first and said, "God, he's already dead!"

Hitler froze for a moment, then nodded unexpectedly.

Hitler painted Jesus more than once.He painted Jesus on the cross in "Holy Mountain", painted Jesus as a baby in "Madonna", and when he was in the military camp, he also painted a picture of Jesus stretching out his hand to comfort a resting soldier.And that soldier was obviously Hitler himself.

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