"I guess I won't have time to attend your wedding in the future. This pair of rings is a wedding gift from the director in advance."

"Director, this gift is too expensive."

"Take it! There are more than 100 people here, don't waste my time."

Huang Ke's memory is very good. He remembers every name of more than 100 international students who will return to China, and he knows the situation of each family by checking their files.Every student who returns to China, he will send a gift before they leave.Everyone's gift is different-the gift list is what he asked the Soviets to help, researched it in advance, and gave it as "just right" as possible.

After drinking and eating, everyone held the final party. There were singing and dancing that night, which was very lively.Elena also appeared at the scene and sang several songs for these students, including Russian songs such as "Birch Forest" and "Moscow Night", as well as Chinese songs such as "My Motherland".

Elena is a world-renowned female singer, and she sang for them in person, pushing the atmosphere to the extreme at once.Before leaving, these students asked her for autographs and took various photos together.When these Chinese students left three days later, they all received photos with Elena's signature.

On July [-]th, the train full of Chinese students slowly left the station. Huang Ke and Elena rushed to the station in person and waved goodbye to them.

"Liu Su faction!"

"Stay in the Soviet Union to send to the University Department!"

"The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Jiaotong University Department!"

That night, when Little Huang Ke and Big Huang Ke met in a dream, Big Huang Ke deliberately said strange things.

"I'm not Chang Kaishen. I only identify with my ability, not my fellow countrymen."

"Of course, but I know what you are doing. They are your mountain, your power."

Little Huang Ke didn't refute, but said: "I finally understand why the ruling class of all dynasties in China likes to use Confucianism. Respecting teachers and respecting Dao, respecting teachers, emphasizing Dao, really fragrant! But, I still have to smash it with all my strength. Rotten hole shop!"

"However, you will still work hard to maintain this tradition of teacher-student relationship!"

"Before the old Confucius, the teacher-student relationship existed long ago. You old pervert, don't be so arrogant! Another year with you, I will be older than you!"

Rhubarb: "What did you call me?......."

"Is it the wrong name?"

"Brat, I will endure you for a year!"

"A year from now, I'll call you a little pervert!"

Rhubarb: "...."

Let's stop here first, the child is sick and I have to take care of him.

Chapter 324 Hitler in Dilemma

"One million calculations per second!"

"The storage capacity of the main memory is 12 bytes!"

Standing in front of the world's first transistor computer, researchers involved in this research clapped their hands excitedly.

Numerous flashing lights flashed, and reporters from various countries invited to the scene took photos of the epoch-making invention that claimed to "liberate human beings from the torture of heavy mental calculation".

However, among the more than 200 people present, there were actually more than a dozen people, but they whispered in their hearts: "It's only 100 million times..."

This transistor computer named "Mendeleev" is [-]% faster than the American brother "TRADIC" and British cousin "Melin" born at the same time on the other side of the earth.

But the few people at the press conference knew that compared with the mysterious objects numbered from 99 to 37 preserved in the most mysterious No. [-] Design Bureau in Moscow, the gap between the two sides is simply that of primitive people in the Stone Age and modern people. difference.

At the scene, Stalin shook hands with the designers who presided over Mendeleev's computer one by one with a smile on his face, including the internationally renowned computer expert Ke Huang.

Show off is a must.After all, the Soviets, the Americans, and the British have all discussed it, and the three will join forces in the future to hype the concept of the "transistor era" and make a lot of money in the stock market by the way.

Even if Huang Ke came up with a full set of mature design ideas and manufacturing materials, it took more than two years of hard work to complete the transistor computer: in addition to the transistor, the important core components in the transistor computer also include magnetic cores, disks, and magnets. Drums and other equipment did not exist ready-made two years ago. It was completed by concentrating all the scientific and technological elites and resources of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union, and the global cooperation of thousands of scientific researchers. .Because of this, by 1939, the three countries of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union had mastered the technology of mass production of the first generation of transistors.

The investment of Anglo-American capital in this matter can be described as huge, but a great invention also requires a grand hype to maximize the income for the inventor. Huang Ke's money-circulating hype plan has contributed a lot to this process.In this process, the biggest victim is Germany.

By July 1939, not only in the United States, but also in Western Europe, a large number of transistor radios were also on the market during this period. Relying on the lighter body and better performance, the traditional tube radios were thrown into hell at once.At the same time, Germany, where the electronics industry was originally extremely developed, suffered a blow from transistors to reduce the dimensionality of tubes, and the entire German tube industry was hit. Fortunately, Germany was preparing for war at this time. Domestic tube radio stations The supply is in short supply, but the inherent advantages of the German army in communication equipment are beginning to be lost just because the UK also has transistor manufacturing capabilities-the British Royal Air Force has begun to replace backward vacuum tube radio stations with transistor radio stations at this time.

During the development of the transistor computer, apart from the well-informed Soviets, the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States also enthusiastically participated—they all realized the great advantages of high-speed computers in encrypting and deciphering ciphers.

After the press conference, Stalin announced on the spot that the team that invented the computer would be rewarded. As one of the chief designers, Huang Ke also received the "Lenin Medal" specially awarded by Stalin - but similar medal titles, such as " Socialist Labor Hero" and the like, he has won it several times in the past two years.There are more than a dozen Soviet experts in this field who accepted the award with him.In addition, Turin, another "foreign friend" at the scene, also received a reward from Stalin.

Turing is a computer genius who was successfully dug from Britain by the traversers using the Prophet. In order to bring him to the Soviet Union, the Soviets used a disgraceful method: exposing Turing as a homosexual.

During this period, homosexuality would be persecuted in the UK-in history, Turing was exposed as homosexual, and then he was forcibly injected with hormones for "chemical correction", and finally he committed suicide due to humiliation.

In this plane, in order to allow this British computer genius to serve the Soviet Union, Soviet agents deliberately leaked his private secrets, and as expected, he was persecuted by the British government and secular forces.

When Turing was most desperate, the Soviet agents who had been prepared for a long time made a secret move, and then Turing fled to the Soviet Union with his friends, and picked up this master-level talent.

However, because of his background, Turing could only come into contact with "backward" computers like "Mendeleev". The real high-end products can only be touched by personnel from China and the Soviet Union who have undergone layers of political review.

Of the four and a half computers that Huang Ke and Elena brought to this world, so far, only three of them can be used normally. The oldest and worst-performing Pentium 3 computer has been completely damaged and scrapped.

The civilian computers of later generations are designed to have a service life of about ten years. Even if they are not used for a long time, they will be automatically damaged due to the so-called "crystal vibration and drift effect".Except for Huang Ke's new one, the three in Eileen's hands were used for five to ten years before crossing, and they reached the end of their lifespan early.

After the cooperation between China and the Soviet Union two years ago, the two knew that the computer would become scrap iron after a few years of storage.The Soviet Union is a planned economic system, and the planned economy requires huge computing power support.For a while, the Soviet Union's planning committee, scientific research department, and mathematics group were all stunned by the "magic weapon" that fell from the sky.

The presence of these few computers has been of great help in the planning of national production data.

During use, the Soviets specially prepared dust-free rooms and low-temperature studios for these computers, and worked hard to create the best working environment.However, it still cannot withstand the aging of its own components, and its lifespan will be exhausted.Among the four and a half computers, two computers that could be used normally have expired after working for two years, and only two computers can be used normally.Then Huang Ke put together the two damaged computers and the Witch's unusable one, took apart the capacitors and crystal oscillator, racked his brains to transfer the parts, and managed to make one computer work again—only the one that restarted. The computer that was turned on never dared to turn it off anymore, and kept working 24 hours a day.Because Huang Ke didn't know whether he could turn it on again after it was turned off.

The two computers that can be used normally are named machine No. 3 and machine No. [-], and the one that came back from the dead is called machine No. [-].

That night, Stalin asked Huang Ke: "Estimate, how many years will it take for us to produce a product of the same level as the No. [-] machine with your continuous supply of relevant knowledge and direction?"

Huang Ke replied: "The No. 2005 machine is almost the first generation of dual-core computer, which was probably produced in 90. In this time and space, I guess it will be around the mid-70s to produce this kind of civilian products of the same level." It is possible to build it. If it is not so compact, the kind of large-scale computer with multiple CPUs can be built in the late 80s or early [-]s."

"Is it so slow to copy all the answers?"

"Computer chips are the pearl of future technology. It is more difficult than building a rocket that can fly to the moon. It becomes more difficult in the later stages..."

Huang Ke briefly explained the difficulty to Stalin.

"Even in the Anglo-American world, this huge industrial chain can only be completed by the joint efforts of the scientific and technological elites of the entire capitalist world. If our socialist camp wants to compete with them in the future, we also need the joint efforts of the entire socialist camp."

The birth of mainframe computers, personal computers, and the Internet more than ten years earlier than in history is a product of careful consideration by the leaders of China and the Soviet Union (as mentioned above).

Although the industrial foundation of Britain and the United States is better than that of the Soviet Union, in the field of computers, the advantage is actually not great.In this cooperation, after the technical exchange and exchange through "sharing", the Soviet Union instantly made up most of its various shortcomings in electronic technology and semiconductors. ——Of course, science and technology are the most important thing to accumulate. The Soviet Union's supplement is just a strong medicine. If there are no traversers to continue to exploit, and compete with Britain and the United States in the development of follow-up scientific research under normal circumstances, they will definitely fall behind.

But the biggest advantage of China and the Soviet Union in computer development is that they are cheating!According to Huang Ke: We all have a place to copy the answers, and we know the correct direction of development. There is no need for trial and error. If we still can’t compete with Britain and the United States, we can all jump into the river collectively.

And another point that will be overlooked: the development of the transistor computer was technically led by the Soviet Union who copied the answers, and the whole rhythm was led by the Soviet Union and Huang Ke, the "father of computers". Although there were also a large number of scientific and technological elites participating, during the entire research and development process, these people were all led by Huang Ke on a "correct plagiarism path" of "no trial and error".

The copied answers actually cost a price and tuition fees, and need to be supplemented slowly in the future, because there is no accumulation of various "trial and error" experiences.During this process, Huang Ke, who took the lead, deliberately played some tricks and provided some "correct and wrong ideas ahead of time", so that developers in the UK and the United States can be half-dead in the future.

——The so-called "correct thinking ahead of mistakes" is that the development of computer hardware is a huge system engineering, and any problem in the development of a small part will affect the overall progress.Sometimes a seemingly correct and beautiful idea, but because it exceeds the limitations of the technology of the times, the related difficulties cannot be broken through-the solution is to downgrade and bypass compromise.But in the process, if the leaders play tricks and deliberately lead people to evil paths, it will be a waste of years if they are not careful.

For the development of the first-generation transistor computer this time, Huang Ke provided relatively backward designs to Britain and the United States, but the Soviets themselves used more advanced designs.As for the next generation of computer development, designers from both Britain and the United States are "copying the answers". If you want to learn to develop independently, you must first pay enough tuition fees for various failed experiences. Huang Ke will only need to do something with the published papers, and it will be too easy to fool them for a few years with the "correct" idea.

"However, my misleading will probably only make them take a few more detours. After the war is over and the socialist camp and the capitalist camp enter the Cold War confrontation, they will use the power of the whole country to fight against us in science and technology. In the age of transistors and integrated circuits, in the era of the Cold War, Britain and the United States relied on a large amount of capital investment to try and miss all the roads, and then overwhelmed the Soviet Union."

Huang Ke finally concluded with a sigh that this is also the realization of both Li Runshi and Stalin that only by establishing a huge Socialist Revolutionary Union can they fight against the entire developed capitalist world alliance in the Cold War.In another space-time, the European and American world, whether it is capital or the total number of elite talents, is better than the Eastern European Union headed by the Soviet Union.


While Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union were all immersed in the joy of the successful invention of the transistor computer, Hitler in Germany was a bit annoyed recently.

The time is now August 1939, [-]. On this day in history, the Soviets and Germany signed the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact", which confirmed the Soviet Union's joint conspiracy to carve up Poland, and sometimes let Hitler It can free up hands to give priority to solving threats on the western front and avoid fighting on the two fronts to the greatest extent.

But in this plane, Hitler's long-awaited "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" has never been negotiated.The Soviets on the other side, on the surface, kept talking to Germany about "don't fall into the trap of Britain and the United States picking the Soviet Union and Germany to fight each other", but even if Hitler sold all the three Baltic countries, Stalin would not Ken signed that treaty.

Not only that, Stalin also repeatedly called on the heads of state of European countries to sit together at the negotiating table and hold a "European Security Conference". Dialogue on an equal footing, eliminate misunderstandings to the greatest extent, and avoid wars and so on.

Anyway, throughout 1939, the political attitude of the Soviets to the outside world was quite "peace-loving" to the point of being "weak".

But everyone knows that the Soviets are pretending: everyone has seen the ongoing mobilization of the Soviet Red Army, and the frantic "selling of livers to aid the Communist Party led to the birth of Red China", which even made the Western European countries All terrified.

During this period, Stalin ranked first among the top leaders in Britain and France, and then it was Hitler's turn.Stalin proposed very early on that the high-level leaders of various countries would gather together for peace talks, and the idea of ​​concentrating the power of the whole of Europe to suppress Hitler had never been realized.

Hitler saw Stalin’s way of speaking kindly while sharpening his knife behind his back—at this time he was very afraid that if the Soviet-German non-aggression pact was not signed, Germany would be destroyed. Japan dared not invade Poland.

When the time came to September, the "Non-Aggression Pact" between Germany and the Soviet Union had never been signed.Not only that, what made Hitler want to go crazy was that on September [-]st, Stalin suddenly called an international press conference and made a public statement, hoping to hold a summit meeting with the leaders of Britain, France, Poland, and at the same time pleading to invite Germany and Italy. The head of state attended the talks, and the content of the talks was still the "European peace negotiations" he had repeatedly advocated before.

In this statement by the Soviets, Stalin claimed that this was the last peaceful effort to avoid a war in Europe.

As for the location of the meeting, Stalin pointed out that it could be held in neutral Norway or Sweden.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused enthusiastic responses from Britain and France. During this period, Britain and France, through spies, had long known the secret report that Germany was conducting its final pre-war mobilization.

What made Hitler vomit blood the most was that Stalin actually published the "White Plan" combat plan for Germany's attack on Poland to the media and published it in newspapers.

For a while, Mustache fell into a dilemma.

I'm very annoyed by those people who read a little bit of the plot and just make up their minds

Some people always like to make up their own brains and use their imagination to extend

I personally think that the large-scale popularization of modern personal home computers is the era of big data.It is of great benefit to the country's data control in the direction of people's livelihood and production. It is more convenient to calculate data that is close to actual needs, and it can be more effective in overall planning.Avoid ineffective overproduction and waste.

At the same time, big data and big network are also of great benefit to improving logistics efficiency and reducing costs.

But there are always people who like to make up their own brains, saying that I am advocating that this is a "panacea" that can cure those problems under the socialist system. This is just shooting an arrow and drawing a target.

All fools know that the current weak artificial intelligence has great limitations. Even today, it is impossible to achieve a truly perfect control of the planned economy.Economically, the private market economy also needs to complement each other.

This is common sense, but some people like to shoot the arrow and then draw the target.

In modern society, in the era of big data in China, the biggest problem is that this big data is maliciously controlled and used by capital and becomes their harvesting tool.Capital steals personal data and pushes targeted data through artificial intelligence, thereby controlling the market and establishing an information cocoon for the public and even the government to maximize their own benefits.

In modern China, even if we don’t give advice through computer network big data, the whole country knows that there are more than 1.2 million idle houses, and the real estate economy is a dead end, but various vested interest groups are still going here for their own reasons. drill.The capitalists even tried to pass the real estate crisis on to the banks, and then let the banks take the blame, start the nuclear power printing machine to balance the accounts, and finally pass the crisis on to all civilians.

Is China's real estate problem and housing price problem the responsibility of the socialist system?

This thing, to put it bluntly, if China follows the road of Stalinism and socialism, where will there be a real estate crisis of 1.2 million idle houses?

China's housing price issue, real estate issue, the specifics are still not clear at first glance, do you really or falsely don't understand?

The computer I wrote in these two chapters is just to make up for a shortcoming that the production relationship is too much ahead of the productivity, but in fact there are many shortcomings in the socialist system itself, and this is just to make up for one of them.

But some people just like to imagine their brains and play extremes.

Chapter 325 Seven Powers Meeting

Throughout 1939, Germany was in the final war mobilization to start the world war.

During this year, Germany imported a full [-] tons of tetraethyl lead fuel anti-knock agent from the United States-this amount was clearly prepared for a world war.

Also in this year, the entire German Air Force updated its equipment at an extremely fast speed. By September 1939, all the fighter jets of the German Air Force had been replaced with BF[-]E. (The British army only had a small amount of equipment during the fire-breathing period, and the number was very small).According to information provided by later generations, during the entire French campaign, the number of Bf[-] fighter jets dispatched by the Luftwaffe on the Western Front exceeded a thousand.

According to Zhuge Liang's evaluation after the fact: the timing of Mustache's launch of the Polish and French campaigns was neither too early nor too late, but just at the right time - just at the point when the British and French air forces eliminated old equipment and refitted on a large scale.The Luftwaffe during this period really had the highest combat effectiveness in the world.

History has been changed a lot by Huang Ke, but judging from Germany's reckless war mobilization and re-equipment, Stalin also believes that Germany now is like Japan two years ago, and it is already ready to go.

He refused to sign the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" which seemed to be beneficial to the Soviet Union. It was at this point that he disrupted Hitler's war rhythm and put him in a dilemma.Then the details of Germany's invasion of Poland's "White Plan" were deliberately published in newspapers for the same purpose.

"Why, why did the Soviets know about our plan to attack Poland! He even knew about our plan to have people pretending to be Poles attacking German radio stations to broadcast anti-German propaganda!"

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