Although there was rejection on his lips, Nita still held Mordred's little hand subconsciously. Mordred also smiled knowingly and took the girl's arm in a very gentlemanly way. middle.

After a few steps, the two came to a square, where many children built snowmen and had snowball fights. The laughter and laughter added a bit of vitality to the cold winter.Next to it is the tall and straight obelisk of the knight, which echoes the holy city of Camelot in the distance.

Nita wondered, "In my impression, the Knights' Monument is a solemn and solemn place. Why do you encourage everyone to have fun here? Although this is not bad."

"I asked this question too..."

The blond girl smiled and said, "Father said: Heroic souls need to be comforted, but what they want to see more is the prosperity of the world. The laughter of the younger generations let the heroic souls know that their blood was not in vain, and the things they fought for and protected It has always been there, and it is getting better and better. The Knight's Monument is a bridge between heaven and this world, telling them that this grand world is as you wish."

"This answer is very romantic."

Mordred nodded, "I think this is also the original intention of my father to build the knight monument."

The girl rubbed her hands anxiously, "So, will Dad become a member of Heroic Soul?"

Chapter 179

Facing Nita's question, Mordred was stunned, she didn't know how to answer.

As a British princess living in the royal palace, Mordred can get access to war secrets casually, not to mention Ai Hayasaka is still deliberately letting the heir to listen, so Mordred has learned a lot of news from the front:

Lancelot and Bedivere, the Knights of the Round Table, calmly returned to Northern Europe to rest as planned, readying their troops and sharpening their swords for the next spring's attack.

Gao Wen firmly defended the fortress of Gibraltar, and the British fleet continued to deliver supplies to the fortress, and directly bypassed the strait and entered the Mediterranean Sea to compete with the Roman fleet.

Caesar and Pompey joined forces at Gibraltar in the autumn, just in time for the retreat of the Northern Army, and Gawain was in danger.However, the father's magical touch followed closely, and the Egyptian battlefield opened up, and Rome had to provide emergency support.

The righteous brother Kay, whom the father relied heavily on, led a thousand knights to Egypt to carry out a military operation code-named Desert Storm.

In winter, the northern battlefield is automatically frozen.

The warm Egyptian region in the south has become a new battlefield. There are no strategic locations or important resources here. The Roman army and the knights fought desperately around the Nile River, and there were only narrative poems of iron and blood.Earlier, the Egyptians launched a rebellion against King Robert, and the rebels hid in the fortress to fight tunnel warfare, even beating the Roman army.The Knights stood still for a month, allowing the Egyptian and Roman armies to fight.

The Roman army was in full swing, and the front line was approaching Memphis. However, at this time, the pressure of logistical supplies also began to become prominent.Under the order of his father, Kai made a decisive attack.

The knights smashed the exhausted Roman army, and used the entire desert as a hunting ground to wash the enemy with blood in mobile warfare.The two superpowers collided on the banks of the Nile, and this place has turned into a bloody meat grinder.The battlefield environment is too difficult, and even the Knights, who have been invincible since the beginning of the war, feel the pressure, and the casualties increase sharply every day.

The protracted war has no end in sight, and it is not known when it will end.

Mordred didn't know if Nita's father was alive or not. Swords have no eyes, and life is the most fragile thing on the battlefield.

In fact, although Mordred is a British princess, she is not a spoiled flower. She has actually experienced battlefield experience and knows the cruelty of large-scale wars.

A big country against a small country is called massacre.A big country against a big country is called war.A superpower is a catastrophe to a superpower.The size of the Roman Empire and Britain is too large, and a slight collision between the two war machines will bring the continent of Europe back to the Stone Age.

The Supreme Command headed by King Arthur has come to the conclusion that the war has turned into a prelude to a war of attrition.

Mordred had read King Arthur's book of war and knew the cruelty of a war of attrition. In this environment, she couldn't guarantee the safety of Nita's father.

Even the Knights of the Round Table are in danger.

"I don't know." Mordred said cautiously, "Your lord must be a brave knight, fighting for the British people."

"That's good."

Nita took a deep look at the white obelisk covered with epic reliefs, and folded his hands together.

"Heroic souls of Britain, bless my father for his safe return."

"Heroic souls, bless the knights with undefeated victories." Mordred also made the same gesture.

In the snowstorm, the two girls bowed reverently.

"Thank you, classmate Mordred, I feel much better after talking to you. In fact, I also know that some things cannot be changed. After all, Dad has the responsibility of being a knight. I just need to release my worries."

"Sorry, Nita, I can only talk to you like this."

"No need to apologize, Mordred is Her Royal Highness, the only heir to Britain. You will become the king in the future, and there are more and more important things you can do."

Mordred scratched his head, "Father often says the same thing, but I don't have the slightest awareness of it..."

Nita smiled slightly, took the blond girl's hand and raised it above her head, tapped her toes around her delicate body and then slowly put it down.

"Student Mordred, the first time we talked about the social dance in the etiquette class, I could only dance the women's step, but I needed you to cooperate with the man's step to complete the dance... After that, we became friends , as a friend, I don’t want to see you burden too much, but I know that you, as the heir, will have to shoulder the burden of Britain sooner or later. Therefore, you must have your own independent thinking when facing problems.”


Mordred didn't expect to have a friend who understood him so well, and he had always ignored her existence.His father once taught him that he has too few friends. The original words were "If you rebel, you won't be able to get a hardcore confidant".

Now, he can declare to his father that he also has friends.

"Mom is still waiting for me at home, I want to go back, goodbye, classmate Mordred." The girl waved her hand.

"See you at the beginning of school."

After parting, Mordred hurriedly ran towards the palace, and she finally thought about what she should do in the winter of fighting the sea of ​​problems.

Better to be a centurion than a scholar.


"Walking horse" Ai Hayasaka picked up the white pawn and pushed forward two squares.

"Chariot." Morgan advanced three spaces.

In the corner of the palace courtyard, the two most powerful figures in Britain flashed left and right around a black and white chess board, and there was a hint of swords and swords.

It is indeed a high-level game. The deduction skills of Hayasaka Ai and Yukinoshita Yono are absolutely top-notch, and their respective tactical thinking is also reflected on the simple chessboard.However, this wonderful game is not enough to attract non-human levels, or the audience is too bluffing.

"Lia, you should go with the bishop on the fifth step, so that Morgan's horse can't jump out on the seventh step." Merlin regretted.

Ai Hayasaka frowned, "Meilin, don't you know that watching chess without talking is a real gentleman?"

It was obviously a rare entertainment, but Merlin actually came to make trouble, it really deserves to be an unscrupulous scam.

"Speaking of which, Liya and Morgan haven't taken much care of the Egyptian frontline recently. To be honest, this unprecedented war of attrition worries me a lot. I don't know whether Britain can stand the test."

Morgan stopped moving and looked at Ai Hayasaka silently.

She knows that No.1 is the real raider in the epic mode, and she is a marginal OB who picks up leaks, and a series of strategic decisions made by pure love fighters are very important.

Ai Laoshen Hayasaka said, "What's the rush, it can only be called a stalemate now, far from the real cruelty of a war of attrition..."


Mordred, who broke in suddenly, interrupted Ai Hayasaka, who was about to start a long speech.

"What's the matter, do you want to come and give me advice because you feel good about yourself because you have found a confidant?"

"Causality is not established!" the girl complained.

However, she still sighed in her heart that knowing a daughter is like a father.

"Father, can we discuss something? I want to fight on the front line in Rome."

Chapter 180


Morgan spoke first before King Arthur, and flatly rejected Mordred's request, "Based on your current strength, the Fortress of Gibraltar or Memphis in Egypt is not a meat grinder. You are just risking yourself."

The birth of her Mordred was just for Yang Nai to rise to the star for the character card, but it is impossible for her to watch a life created by herself die.

In a sense, this child is the bond between King Arthur and Morgan.

Mordred fell silent for a moment, and obediently stood where he was, but his eyes flickered at Hayasaka Ai dishonestly.

Merlin leaned on crutches and stood in front of the girl, "Little Mo, you have to listen to Grandpa Merlin's advice: Caesar and Pompey are both genuine heroic existences, and they are at their peak, and they are not inferior to you in terms of personality." Father, it is very dangerous to meet them. Your red dragon blood has not yet awakened, and even counting the Knights of the Round Table in such a fierce battle cannot protect you."

"I know……"

"Let's get stronger first," Morgan murmured.

"Father, can you promise me?" Mordred suddenly ran to Ai Hayasaka.

For a moment, the eyes of the three people all focused on the blond king.

Ai Hayasaka stood up abruptly, using her tall body advantage to press her arms firmly on the girl's shoulders, her stern face slowly approached "Have you thought it through? Although you have seen the battlefield before, it is another matter to participate in it yourself .”

Mordred smiled freely, under the oppression of the force field of leadership temperament.

"Didn't the father say: Practice brings true knowledge. I think that if I want to think about whether I can be the successor of Britain, I must find an answer on the battlefield."

"This convinced me."

Morgan and Merlin didn't speak anymore. Of course they obeyed King Arthur's decision, and dissuasion was useless.In the eyes of Mordred, his father is the absolute authority, and King Arthur's major decision cannot be shaken, because it is the highest decision of a king.

Now that the decision has been made, denying it would be an offense to the majesty of the king, at least not in front of Mordred.

"That's great, my father still understands me."

"Don't be too happy. As a British princess, at least you have to start as an officer. You have to lead your own troops to fight. This is called true knowledge through practice."

"I have read many military books written by my father and king."

"It's just talk on paper. You need to know: In most scenarios, those intrigues and tricks have no chance to be used. Just a wave of recklessness will do. Caesar, Pompey and I all did this. The most valuable quality of a commander is actually The ability to execute orders, let the army be your right arm is naturally invincible."

Mordred listened carefully to his father's instruction, with scorching sparks in his eyes, eager to try.

Ai Hayasaka is also very satisfied with this humbly attitude, at least this heir did not show the shortcomings of arrogance, otherwise he had to delete the account and re-practise.

"You have listened to a lot of military theories. It's useless for me to make up for you now. It's better for you to go to the battlefield to experience it yourself." If you have a chance of trial and error, the whole kingdom can give you a lot of trouble. What the poor family lacks is precisely an opportunity to get back up immediately after failure. That's it, there are still pigs who can't keep the family business, and deserve to be liquidated."

"Hey, why did you suddenly say so true." Yang Nai complained.

She felt like she was scolded too.

"Mordred, I want to test your personal survivability more than theory..."

The blond king pushed Mordred to Morgan, and ordered, "Get her weapons ready, and see you in the martial arts arena."

After speaking, King Arthur left without looking back, and Merlin followed closely.This cunning nightmare always maintains a close relationship with the heir, but at the critical moment, he sided with King Arthur. I don't know if he is ready to assist the next King of Britain.

Morgan also had fiery eyes. She really wanted to witness this battle, so she hurriedly dragged the little princess to her bedroom.


The heavy door was pushed open, resplendent and resplendent, Langya was everywhere, and all kinds of ornaments were displayed here one by one.Being in it, Mordred felt a deep sense of shock.

Why, there is such a treasury in the bedroom of Mrs. Mushang!

"This is the wealth of the Duke of Ireland. It is the result of my many years of management. Of course, there is also a part inherited from King Uther." Morgan turned his head and smiled softly. "Little Mo, you can understand it as my own dowry~"

"What about the father's dowry?"

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