"Your king has already issued an order, so why haven't you drafted an official document?" Ai Hayasaka raised her brows and said without anger, "Egyptian officials, you'd better not delay the frontline battle."

"As ordered."

Hayasaka Aishami was so powerful that he almost scared the Egyptian entourage to kneel on the ground.The shadow of the famous tree of people, how dare they neglect in front of King Arthur.

With one order, these people quickly drafted documents and prepared to send them back to the country.

Robert was still a little puzzled, "These fortresses are not suitable for your country's usual knightly mobile operations..."

"Mr. Robert has come from afar, and he hasn't had time to experience our British customs. Now that the paperwork has been issued, let's have a good time."

The blond king beckoned, and graceful dancers walked into the garden. Their delicate and charming postures were full of charm, and their revealing clothes aroused people's desire.Those amorous eyes.Robert's eyes were straightened, and he could no longer look away from each other.

On the other side, Guinevere, who was wearing a maid outfit, brought two glasses of wine respectfully, and the mellow aroma could be smelled from a distance.

Ai Hayasaka was the first to pick up a glass and raised it high, "To our friendship between Egypt and Britain."

Robert smiled and said, "Cheers."

"Then, to our unbreakable alliance."

Chapter 177 The Imperial Graveyard

"Then play music, then dance."

Ai Hayasaka shouted, watching a kind of dancing beauty in front of her take a sip of good wine, and then she didn't forget to overeat all kinds of desserts.On the other side, I saw that Robert had slumped on the chair like a dead pig and fell asleep. In terms of drinking capacity, he was no match for King Arthur, who had the power of the red dragon.

"This one is too low." Ai Hayasaka pointed to the musician team. "Change to the impassioned one that will explode."

Just like a sensual and fatuous tyrant, King Arthur at this moment is like a king of subjugation who is full of lust, wine and flesh.

Of course, this little bit of entertainment was nothing to the heyday of King Arthur.After all, in the folk reviews, King Arthur is a frugal king, which seems to be too aggressive and diligent.But Wang likes beautiful young girls, this is a consensus.

As a king, who has not had a little entertainment, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks about it.

Sometimes, Mei Lin would even join in and accompany his disciples to have a fling together. They were like a pair of unscrupulous masters and apprentices who were not upright at the top and crooked at the bottom.In short, the royal palace still encourages King Arthur's indulgence. After all, many maids are looking forward to some things...

"King, you are summoned."

A figure in military uniform came to the lively hall.

"Brother Kai, let's sit down together."

Hayasaka waved her hand, "Come here, move this fat pig down and let him sleep for a few more days before returning to Egypt."

Kay, the Knight of the Round Table, slowly sat down beside Ai Hayasaka. Seeing his eagerness to try, it was obvious that he couldn't bear the loneliness anymore. How could he be free when all his companions were making contributions.

It seems that Wang finally has a task for himself.

"Listen well, Kai, I plan to send you to Egypt to open up the third battlefield as a substitute for the northern battlefield, and also to share the pressure of Gawain. Always remember your tactical goals, don't want to fight, just drag the Romans to the Egyptian battlefield. , for which conservative actions on the battlefield can be taken.”

"Understood." Kai's expression froze, and he said puzzled, "I want to ask a question...why do you want to build a tunnel fortress? It doesn't suit the Knights at all."

"Those fortresses are not for the Knights."

"Could it be..."

Ai Hayasaka picked up a glass of wine and took a sip. "Don't the Egyptians like to build pyramids? Give their empire a gorgeous tomb."

Kai was shocked all over, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart.Although he didn't know what the resourceful King Arthur was going to do next, he clearly felt a breath of iron and blood, and Egypt, a second-rate country, was only worthy of being used as a pawn.The thousand-year-old civilization is nothing more than a victim under the hegemony of King Arthur, and in Robert's view, the rescuers are just the mourners of the empire.

The destruction of Egypt, what a grand scene, the blood will stain the entire Nile River red.

After five years, the iron-blooded emperor who built more than ten Beijing temples on the grassland returned.

The King of Britain has no feelings for Egypt, he is just a pawn on the chessboard that can be ordered at will.For the first time, Kay realized that King Arthur was only the ruler of Britain, and Artoria was the most terrifying existence to those enemies.

"When the fortress is built, spread rumors that Robert will collect taxes for the next five years in advance, and will also conscript troops to attack the Roman Empire. Incite the resistance forces in Egypt and let them light the first fire."

"The Roman Empire was more careful when they received rumors that Britain and Egypt were in an alliance, and they had to send troops to intervene. The Egyptians would garrison their fortresses to resist, and the Knights would take advantage of their mobility on the banks of the vast Nile River. It is not necessary to unite Egypt to attack Rome, even if a three-way melee The Nile River doesn’t matter, all we want is a quagmire. If Egypt is in chaos, border refugees will flow directly into Rome, and Britain can get out at any time.”

King Arthur said coldly, "It is impossible to defeat a giant overnight. You must force the giant to bleed."

Kai was deeply moved. He never thought that Liya, whom he grew up with, would be so rational. This is a real bet on millions of people.Perhaps this is war.

This is a great feat, the supreme glory of a knight!

"My lord, I still don't understand one thing. If Britain sacrifices Egypt, what will other provinces think of us in the future? I'm afraid there will be a gap in their hearts?"

"When Britain wins, do they have other options besides submitting? When the flag of the Red Dragon is planted on the roof of the Roman Senate, those subjects of the Roman Empire will naturally be loyal to the new master. Kai, what we are doing now is called peace. The world, when the world is in order, all you need is domineering, and domineering conquers all disobedient enemies."

"Then does benevolence exist?"

Ai Hayasaka stared intently, "The so-called benevolence is something that is only considered when the world is in peace and when you start to rule the world. I have never seen benevolence, and I don't think I can do it. Britain's line is to dominate, and it is enough to scare them. "

"Can such a path of hegemony last long?"

"It won't be long, because I've witnessed a once-beacon-like empire continue to go against the law, people betrayed their relatives, and the sun is fading away. However, I don't know where the road ahead for the next era is. You and I are just immature seekers."

Even the wise king doesn't know, but she can definitely lead Britain to the next era.Kai thought.

"My lord, Kai, the knight of the round table, will not disgrace his life." Kai saluted.

"Hurry up and set off. You need to familiarize yourself with the Egyptian environment in advance, and also supervise them to build the fortress. Kai, I wish you a prosperous military."


The beautiful dancers continued to dance, the musicians continued to play passionate music, and the maids presented delicious desserts and fruits.No one could have imagined that a major decision that would affect the direction of the battle was born in this feasting place.

King Arthur was strategizing, sitting in the back of the town was like a pinnacle of stability, and the king frequently came up with good strategies.

The entire continent of Europa has blossomed everywhere, the war is stalemate, blood is flowing like a river, and the struggle for hegemony is fully staged, and in the end there is no safe place.Ai Hayasaka didn't feel guilty at all, but felt that she had a sense of accomplishment. This is what players should do, and it is also the great cause of King Arthur.

The realm of the traverser is constantly improving, gradually growing into a true king, and the quality of Xingyue online game No.1 is growing at an astonishing speed.

Egypt, under the hegemony of King Arthur, will be turned into an imperial graveyard.

The vast desert, along the Nile River, will become the burial place of thousands of Roman soldiers.Not only Rome, but Egypt's millennium glory also sank into the rolling Nile River, and this time the sun will never rise again.

In later generations, when the history books turned this page, they all smacked their tongues at the sea of ​​corpses and blood, but thinking of King Arthur's great achievements only added controversy.

Right and wrong are only considered later, and everyone who lives in the present is just moving forward...

Chapter 178

In winter, thick snow is covering everywhere, and the whole British land is covered with a layer of silver.

If it is in modern times, you will definitely think of the scene of snow-wrapped, thousands of trees and pear blossoms, but in ancient times, there are only human sufferings left.In the past in Britain, many people would freeze to death every winter, and each corpse would become part of the permafrost and be buried together with the sorrows of their loved ones.

However, since King Arthur's expedition to the grasslands, the people without the pressure of the barbarians can store food with peace of mind.Of course, productivity has also been greatly improved. I heard that His Majesty King Arthur seems to call this a "five-year plan".

You are right, it is indeed getting better every year.Every winter, the family laughs and laughs by the warm fire, that is family happiness.

Except this year.

"Mom, when will Dad be back?"

The girl was lying on the cold window sill, looking at the entrance of the village.This is the Gyeonggi area close to Camelot. Even in winter, there is still a lively atmosphere. Craftsmen who make weapons come and go from time to time, but the figure that the girl is looking forward to is never seen.

"Even school is on winter vacation, and Dad has been away for more than half a year..."

"Nita, don't just lie down by the window, you'll get cold, and it won't be good if you catch a cold."

The mother came out of the kitchen and hurriedly put a thick blanket on the girl.Then, the woman added a lot of firewood to the blazing fire, and the room became warm immediately.

In a small room, the mother and daughter have a warm atmosphere, but in the eyes of the sensitive girl, there is a trace of regret.

"Mom, what did Dad do?"

"He went out like all the knights who fought for the country. I don't know when he will come back. But I received his letter, and he is still safe." The woman sighed and said worriedly, "After all, it is War... why do we need to go on an expedition to the Europa continent, aren't the British Isles not developed enough?"

The girl pursed her lips, "Mom, the answer to this question I heard from Teacher Pandoragon said in school: The British Isles are not enough to supply the production of the whole of Britain. If we want to survive, we have to go out of the islands and take root on the land. We now have blankets, stoves Fire and firewood, but once we stop, we will lose these big houses instead of keeping them. If we lose to the Roman Empire, we can’t even be farmers, and the Roman slave owners only need slaves.”

The woman smiled, "My daughter will be successful after studying. Mom, you can't think through this issue."

Nita showed a sweet smile, very proud.

"But, is there any fundamental conflict between this and me because I want my husband back? Nita, don't you want your father back?" The woman suddenly changed the subject. Family, country and world, why fight?"

"I... I really miss my father."

"Nita, I know that Britain has become strong under the leadership of King Arthur. Even if only our mother and daughter are here, we can eat enough and wear warm clothes in winter, but... did I pay the price for this with my own husband? ?”

"I don't know... I just want Dad to come back, where is Dad now?" The girl choked up.

She threw herself towards her mother, and immediately began to sob. After all, she was only a child in her teens who didn't understand those profound truths, and she just relied on her parents.

The gentle mother gave her daughter a hug, stroked the child's soft long hair, and finally calmed down the tearful girl.

"Nita, you'll feel better if you go out for a walk. The snow has stopped, you can go to play with making snowmen. Don't worry, the weather is getting colder and colder, but the snow is getting smaller and smaller every time, which means that spring is coming soon will come."

"Yes, mother."

The girl put on a cotton coat and went out with red eyes. The cold air refreshed Nita and boosted her morale.

Where should I go? Why not go to the school to have a look.

After making up her mind, Nita began to trot all the way towards the school, but bumped into someone. "Oops!"

"It's okay!"

"Classmate Mordred!"

Nita stared wide-eyed at the young and beautiful girl who had grown into a young and beautiful girl. Although he was the heir appointed by the British princess King Arthur, Mordred was still sent to school, and he happened to be in the same elite class as Nita. classmate.

When this classmate met for the first time, she still gave people a sense of dignity like a princess, but after getting along with each other, she became more and more gangster-like. The single ponytail tied behind her head casually and her direct and simple speech did not look like a princess at all.However, Mr. Pandoragon, who often gave lectures, didn't say anything as the father, obviously acquiescing to the image of the princess, or giving up the change.

With his hearty personality, Mordred quickly got along with his classmates, and of course Nita also had a good relationship with such classmates.

"Student Mordred, why are you here?"

"It's boring to stay at home and do your homework. If you're bored, come out and see the world like what my father said."

The blond girl smiled casually, her emerald green pupils were full of awe-inspiring spirit, and a heroic smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.It was clearly the deep winter, but Mordred was only wearing a simple red dress, and the winter breath was the silver plush shawl.

"It's Nita, did something sad happen to you?"

Mordred leaned close to the girl's pretty face, and stretched out his hand to gently wipe the red corners of the eyes, "Tell me, the troubles you hold in your heart will make you sick."

Will King Arthur's family come down in the same line?The girl thought to herself.

Nita blushed.

"It's nothing important..."

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