Being assigned such a serious task by Hayasaka Ai, they know the weight of the burden on their shoulders.It was great luck for Britain to get King Arthur, and he must not hold back and fully cooperate with the king's five-year plan.

Bow down and die.

The traveler nodded in satisfaction, and ordered, "Remember, there is another guiding ideology for the five-year plan: keep a low profile and make a difference."

"Take economic development as the center and remain unwavering."

Five years later, the wolf was sealed to live in Xu.Covering the whole world, including Juyunei.

"According to the king's intention, do we want to maintain peace with the barbarians during these five years?" Agguiwen raised his brows and asked, "With the victory of King Uther's fortress... seek peace?"

Merlin didn't speak, and silently observed the changes in Ai Hayasaka's expression.He knows Wang's determination for the five-year plan, but this matter is definitely not easy, after all, the barbarians will not give you a chance to hide your strength and bide your time.

Even if you only think about peaceful development, there will be robbers who will take the initiative to come to your door. This is the way of the world.

Hayasaka Ai chuckled, got up from the chair and took out the Sword of Oath of Victory from the Avalon scabbard, even if only half of the blade was exposed, it was so cold.

This is called, bright sword.

At this moment, Ai Hayasaka was filled with madness, sweeping all directions unstoppable.

She looked at the treasure in her hand and said loudly, "If you seek peace through peace, you will die in peace, and if you seek peace through struggle, you will live in peace!"

Click!The sharp sword is out of its sheath, showing its sharpness.

"If I told the barbarian chief bluntly that the king of Britain wanted peace, he would have said, 'Surrender to me, and I will give you peace'. There is no other answer. Breaking the spine, kneeling like a dog is The only choice."

"What's more, with the size of Britain, is there still an option to surrender? It has long since ceased to exist."

"Give up illusions and prepare for war."

Ai Hayasaka's orders are absolute, and her will will directly represent all of Britain.Such a simple and rude statement no longer needs to be explained. This is the prelude to war.

Merlin and Aggregwin were not weak people either, and they immediately expressed their support.

"Obey, my subordinates and all the knights are always ready."

"Lia, where is the target of the battle?"

Ai Hayasaka slapped the table, "There is only one goal: to create a period of peaceful respite for the five-year plan."

It is necessary to create a peaceful external environment so that the barbarians will not come to harass and interrupt the development of Britain. This is the unshakable goal.After that, it was the stage of Britain's strategic completely wipe out the barbarians.And then... the Roman Empire, Constantinople, which is haunted by dreams.

In Rome, there are dead bones in the tomb, and I will capture them.

Seeing that Ai Hayasaka was so serious, Merlin immediately suggested, "Should we call everyone here? Kai, Gawain, and Lancelot are all here."

"Go quickly."

After a while, King Arthur's confidantes gathered in a small meeting room.

Of course, the three people who had just arrived noticed Artoria's casual appearance in a nightgown, but her posture of holding a sword was very self-explanatory, so Kai, Gawain and Lancelot all listened to the instruction seriously. .

With a clatter, Ai Hayasaka spread out the military map used before the Hongmen Banquet on the large table.

This time, she didn't focus on the part of Britain, but opened a corner of the map. There was a desolate grassland beyond King Uther's fortress, and the map records were not detailed.

Forget it, a rough outline of the river and grassland is enough, and it is better than nothing.

"For the sake of Britain's peaceful development in the next five years, we will beat up the barbarians at once." Ai Hayasaka said quietly, "The best result is to kill a generation."

In the first battle of Changping, Zhao Guo had no males.The ancestors have already pointed out what is an epic victory.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked by Ai Hayasaka's bold speech.

Can it be done?

Ai Hayasaka continued, "The so-called winter strategy is to pick an opportunity, that is, before the barbarian's routine plunder every year. Just within the temperature that the Britons can still adapt to, the barbarians are still hoarding grain and fodder for the winter. Temporarily dispatching troops and generals..."

"Hoarding food and grass, too many burdens, the barbarians lost the mobility they are proud of. Dispatch troops, the situation is unstable, and the barbarians cannot form a strong main force in a short time. The fortress is lost, and the intelligence is lacking, and the barbarians can hardly be vigilant against the knights. Surprise attack."

"From the above, I judge that before winter two months later is the best time to attack."

After some deduction, Ai Hayasaka saw through the weakest time point of the barbarians, and launching an attack at this time would definitely be more effective.

Merlin and the others who listened quietly took a breath of air.

Why didn't I think before that the barbarians were at their most vulnerable when they were furious, so why didn't they realize it?

No, I didn't dare to think about it.The strength of the barbarians has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone only considers defense and planned active attacks. It is King Arthur's bold style of action that is destined to find new breakthroughs.

Hayasaka Ai doesn't have a fixed way of thinking, and her unrestrained thinking is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and even Merlin often sighs to herself.

There is no doubt that the barbarians who are strong outside but capable in the middle have been found by Hayasaka Ai.

Chapter 27 Fighting a Sports War

Ai Hayasaka's speech made everyone excited. They had long wanted to express their anger at the barbarians who had been oppressing Britain, and they would not let it go if they had the opportunity.

I believe that in the face of the wisdom of King Arthur, the barbarians are not enough.

"What about the specific tactical arrangements?" Gao Wen asked excitedly.

"Good question, you got to the point." Ai Hayasaka snapped her fingers chicly, "My answer is: mobile warfare. The vast grassland is the home of the barbarians, and our knights can never stop maneuvering. In other words, while running Fighting is like the plundering of barbarians."

Don't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place, and destroy the enemy in the movement. This is what great men used to do.

Avoid the main force of the enemy, lure the enemy to go deep, and concentrate superior forces to defeat them one by one.

People in this era may not understand it with their vision and pattern, but they can also know what it means to fight like a barbarian.Ai Hayasaka's explanation was very clear, and she also sent a signal: wherever she went, no blade of grass was left.

"I see. Liya means to fight on the territory of the barbarians and consume their war potential to the greatest extent." Merlin thought thoughtfully, "In this season, food and grass are piled up, and fire attack is the best."

Sure enough, the top wise men of this era will draw inferences from one instance. Isn't this a classic example of burning food and grass in the Battle of Guandu.

Merlin's idea was exactly Hayasaka Ai's idea. She thought it was the best time to burn the food and grass of the barbarians in this season. Not to mention anything else, just a famine could make them exchange their children for food.Not to mention, Hayasaka Ai's active attack would have prevented the barbarians from making predatory supplies in Britain.

Obviously, as long as the winter strategy is only half effective, it will be enough for the barbarians to drink a pot.

Everyone thinks so.

As everyone knows, there is no such thing as half in Hayasaka Ai's dictionary, and what can be done must be perfect.Merlin and Agevin could only see the most superficial famine. In fact, the winter strategy was even more brutal.

There is only one combat goal, which is to deplete the enemy's vitality to the greatest extent.To be more specific, it is murder.

When the Knights of the Round Table were very interested in and actively discussing the winter strategy, Ai Hayasaka remained silent, as if treating herself as a marginal figure.

I...would I have thought of such an overbearing plan?

Ai Hayasaka felt that she seemed to be deeply affected by this incredibly real virtual world. She didn't underestimate her inability to come up with such a plan, nor was she hypocritically indecisive, but suddenly realized that she never seemed to treat this place as a game. .

That's right, every detail reminded her of the word "truth", and Ai Hayasaka spared no effort to give back. She showed the cruelty of realism in the era of King Arthur.

Compared with other players, Ai Hayasaka quickly enters the state and enters the role, which is one of the important reasons why she is so outstanding.

But this is a dangerous state, and Ai Hayasaka feels that she can't distinguish the boundary between reality and virtuality.

No, if this continues, maybe there will be some problems with my mental state. I will quit the game temporarily when the compatibility reaches 100%. Anyway, it does not affect the plot. When the player logs out, the time of the whole world stops.

The girl glanced at the system panel [Fitness: 97%] and made up her mind.

With a light cough to attract everyone's attention, Ai Hayasaka blinked and said, "The above is my winter strategy. It has only one purpose and that is to consume the resources of the barbarians to the greatest extent. We want to fight a mobile war on the vast grassland."

"For this, I need to know how many cavalry we can muster at most?"

"Nine hundred cavalry." Gao Wen said seriously, "This is all the cavalry that Britain can muster at present."

Don't think that knights are soldiers on horseback. In ancient times, there was never a time when war horses were abundant. Nine hundred cavalrymen were already good enough for Britain, which was waiting to be rebuilt.

Although Ai Hayasaka was mentally prepared, she still showed disappointment, "It's a little bit..."

"My lord, if we recruit from the people, we should be able to gather a thousand cavalry." Merlin suggested.

"No, we can't take every needle and thread from ordinary people."

The task of the Knights is to keep the darkness out of sight, so why drag people into the water?Don't demolish the house if you freeze to death, don't take captives to death from starvation!It is to ensure that there is no crime in the autumn. This is the strict military discipline in Hayasaka's heart.

"Lia, you may not know that the people even have a kind of worry about King Arthur's generosity. They also want to do their part to help the Knights. If they can win the battle, they will be the biggest beneficiaries!" Merlin said seriously " You once said, unite all forces that can be united, and now."

"Report to the king, I propose to recruit soldiers from the people." Agguiwen cupped his hands.

Kay suggested that "the cavalry needs professional training and command, and it is better to have more people to screen."

"My lord, my subordinate Lancelot will do his best."

Ai Hayasaka has fallen into a situation where the authorities are obsessed. After all, she is a local who is not as good as these natives of Britain. She doesn't know that her prestige is no less than a god. As long as King Arthur raises his arms and shouts, the power of the whole of Britain will be mobilized.

In the minds of the people, King Arthur is a well-deserved emperor through the ages. They will spontaneously support and wish to contribute to the Knights, because they don't want King Arthur to fall and lose everything now.

Hayasaka, who insists on implementing the mass line, seeks benevolence and benevolence. Today, the cohesion of Britain is unprecedentedly strong.

Up and down, comrades.

Hayasaka Ai saw everyone's suggestions and immediately understood, and smiled slightly, "Indeed, now is not the time to insist on these things. The most important thing is to complete the winter strategy."

"It's up to you to implement the specific plan."

A good leader guides the general direction and leaves room for subordinates to develop.Moreover, Hayasaka Ai believed in the abilities of this group of people, so she easily became the shopkeeper.

The next key battle will not be achieved solely by Hayasaka Aiichi's efforts. She knows the wisdom of leadership and she naturally knows how to delegate power.

The emperor's mental art, which has been passed down for thousands of years in the Celestial Dynasty, emphasizes the combination of law, technique, and power to control the power, while modern Western management theory emphasizes the unity of efficiency and effectiveness. Both of these are the magic weapons of Ai Hayasaka.In the context of ancient Britain, it is simply overkill.

What's more, Ai Hayasaka hasn't used anything more powerful than these two.

Driving the carriage of Britain is a challenge that has never been faced by the traversers in the previous life, but it is still handy.

Ai Hayasaka said, "Two months later, I want to see a cavalry unit that is brave and capable of fighting."

"In addition, send some scouts out to learn more about the grassland information."

"That's it, let's go."

The big figures in the power center of Britain ended a secret meeting, announcing the intensive start of the winter strategy, which will also become the prelude to an expedition that will go down in history.

Chapter 28 Start the night attack

The setting sun is like blood, the clouds roll and the clouds relax.

In front of the ruins of King Uther's fortress, Ai Hayasaka took a deep look at the ruins. Of course, she clearly remembered that she ordered the destruction of this place.Two months is no different from a few minutes for players who start the plot acceleration.

At this time, beside Ai Hayasaka were the three Knights of the Round Table, Agvin, Gawain, and Lancelot, who were accompanying the army, and behind her were a thousand knights who were capable of fighting.

Further ahead, beyond King Uther's fortress is the vast grassland, the territory of the barbarians.For Britain, there is only one sentence to describe this dividing line:

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