[Title: Warning, warning, warning! ! !Never reveal who you are in reality. 】

[Perhaps everyone is wondering, is there any privacy in this information age?What's the big deal?Big mistake, this game happens to be able to hide identity.Because the pop-up window of the real-name authentication at the beginning can be opened and ignored. This seems to be a system bug, which allows a considerable number of players to escape the real-name authentication unintentionally.Also, I've found that external damage to key parts of the helmet can achieve the same effect. 】

[A tutorial for fools is attached...]

[At the same time, once the game account is created, it cannot be modified, and it is the only one that is absolutely bound, even if you change the game helmet.There are too many non-scientific factors in this that I haven't figured out yet. 】

[On the other hand, we have mixed in many officially dispatched "Spectres". Let me call them that, because many search mechanisms can't search for them, but they do exist.These "Spectres" are powerful, appear to have a huge intelligence advantage, and definitely have an official background.Hehe, the official of the New World Game Company...it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole world. 】

[I'm too lazy to research any conspiracy theories. In short, I appeal to everyone to hide their true identities to guard against the Spectre Party, but it's not just for this reason...Let me temporarily retain the information that lacks effective research. 】

[A special reminder to those players who are not "Spectre" but are still strong, be sure to hide their identities. The rankings released in the future are likely to become assassination rankings against you.Always remember, don't expose, don't expose, don't expose! ! ! 】

[Indeed, this is a game of seeing light and dying, but I still don’t change my name or surname, and this itself is also an experiment——]

[I am using a game bug to post a strategy post, and I predict that this post will be deleted after 510 five seconds. 】

This was posted by an account named "Kira", and the tone was full of rigor and indifference.

Hayasaka Ai's brain has received a lot of information in a short period of time, and she has no time to think too much.

Like many people, she must have stared motionlessly at the countdown to the post...

Ten, nine, eight... two, one, zero!

Sure enough, Kira did not miscalculate at all, and five seconds after 510, the first monthly online game strategy post on the entire network disappeared.

However, the forum is dead silent, without any related discussions.

This is true for the entire 510 five seconds.

At 510 seconds, another message came out [Very good, this shows that the official control over this online game is actually very limited, and everyone who explores carefully may not be behind Spectre.So, I'm going to continue the game, let's encourage each other. 】

With the release of Kira's last message, the forum suddenly came to life, but there was still no relevant discussion.

The official went off in person.

Chapter 25 Five-Year Plan

After Kira's strategy post, Ai Hayasaka stared at the forum for another 10 minutes, but couldn't find any relevant information.

Obviously, there is nothing to watch after the official review.

Ai Hayasaka experienced a shock, rubbed her temples and let out a long breath.

"This player named Kira seems to have given a lot of information, but in fact there is no evidence to support his appeal to hide his identity. The authenticity of the Spectre Party is still doubtful." Ai Hayasaka murmured.

"However, after this incident, there will definitely be a large number of non-real-name players, because it is an instinct to pursue anonymity in an era without privacy."

"Hiding each other and being suspicious of each other, the atmosphere of the entire Xingyue online game will become a dark forest."

In terms of viciousness, this is worse than Zaun culture, because the players will no longer be united.

If the traveler is not a smart person, he can't be a big boss. Unlike others, what she sees is not only the information given by the guide post itself, but the perspective of thinking from the very beginning. .

Although the Xingyue online game does not yet have a mechanism such as teaming up and online, the disadvantages of disunity among players can be reflected in various aspects.

"Interesting, now it's completely turned into a stand-alone game."

With a thought, the forum screen disappeared, and Ai Hayasaka predicted that this thing would be useless to her for quite a while.

Maybe, the forum will become a huge fishing ground in the future, lighting up the prey in the dark and deep ocean world, and then eating it.

"Hey, it's none of my business for now."

Hayasaka Ai's confidence is based on her absolute intelligence advantage. She is confident that no matter whether the Specter exists or not, she will not be able to shake her understanding of the Xingyue world.Otherwise, the Spectre can flat-push this game, why do ordinary players need it? This just shows their shortcomings.

Although the powerful players are hiding from each other, she believes that she must be the best of them.

What's more, this player named Kira is also testing himself, and he definitely did not share this information out of kindness.For some reason, Hayasaka Ai has an intuition: Kira actually doesn't know what she is doing, she is as eager as a teenager to show her excellence to everyone, so pure.

A piece of uncut jade, a piece of uncut jade that has had time to be carefully crafted.

"Kira..." Hayasaka Emeritus said, "Are you that person... I hope we will have a chance to meet in the future."

Having said that, Kira's actions are not worth exploring, just remember his intelligence for now.What matters is the official response.

Can the dignified Group of Twenty not even find out the real identity of the players?Can players still hide in the Xingyue world forever?


Ai Hayasaka thought that she had seen the scenery at the top of the power pyramid in her previous life, but she was still in awe of the strength of the great power.Many things are not that they can't do it, but because they can't do it completely.

There is nothing on this planet that the G[-] cannot do, and their limits challenge the cognitive level of ordinary people.

The New Century Game Company will definitely have a reaction, and it is still overwhelming.

Kira's painstaking efforts may collapse in one day.

"However, the New Century shouldn't react too much..." Ai Hayasaka thought to herself, "Otherwise, it is responding to conspiracy theories. It is not in their interest to loose the player's basic disk, so this countermeasure will not be in their interest." Not too tough."

"The big deal is to focus on those players who need to be known about their true identities, and save resources."

Ai Hayasaka scratched her head nervously.

Forget it, it's useless for me to think so much now, let's aim for the leaderboard first.

Miss Huiye's bet is more important.

"Come back to business, how should we spend this period of time before the implementation of the winter strategy? Maybe after a few more major events led by King Arthur, the degree of fit can be pushed to 100%, and the next thing has to be done well."

The girl lay on the bed with her head up, her casual posture full of laziness.

"The barbarians should be plundering soldiers and horses for the winter, and have no time to cross King Uther's fortress. Besides, I can rest easy with Gawain patrolling... so what should I do?"

Hayasaka Ai declared very firmly, "Game of supremacy... If you are in doubt, just farm."

Got it!

Calling up the player panel again, Ai Hayasaka entered the external network with a thought, and downloaded the information she thought would be useful.

Then, let's get started.

The traverser turned over and bounced off the hard bed, changed into a loose and comfortable pajamas, went to the desk that came with him in the room, took out the document paper and began to write quickly.

To fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home, and there must be a tough battle in winter. Before that, we must create a stable internal environment.


After a unit's plot sped up, Ai Hayasaka summoned Merlin and Agwin.

Entering the conference room, the two bowed slightly to salute.

"No courtesy, let's all take your seats, order casually." The girl's melodious voice came, and it sounded like the king was in a good mood.

Looking up, both Merlin and Agguiwen couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw Hayasaka Ai with her hair loose and curly for a long time, her loose blue lace pajamas were crumpled, and her legs were even folded on the desk, making her look ruffian.

"Wang... you should pay attention to your appearance."

"Lia is still so cute."

"Don't worry about the details, anyway, you should read these three materials before talking about it."

I can't blame me for this. There are natural changes in the characters when the plot accelerates, and the king of fools will become sloppy after seven days.

After watching for a while, Merlin murmured, "These are not ways to make money. How are you going to deal with the barbarian's winter offensive?"

"This is not the time to care about money." Ai Hayasaka said quietly.

"Saving money and losing people, everyone loses money. Saving people loses money, everyone gains money-the people are always our basic base."

"...If Liya thinks about it from this angle, then I don't think there is anything better than it."

Merlin solemnly put down three stacks of thick documents:

In fact, they are three books respectively. Ai Hayasaka collected a large number of documents and sorted out the big killers suitable for this era. He specially summarized them as "Basics of Agricultural Administration", "Introduction to Medicine", and "Code Outline".

Merlin could hardly hide his emotion. He understood that these things could really make Britain a civilization.

Agguiwen praised, "The king's wisdom is unfathomable, and these three books are the best strategies for governing the country."

"So, do you think it is suitable for the British situation?"


Ai Hayasaka is relieved, at least she knows that the knowledge she specially selected is not incompatible with the environment, after all, it is best not to copy the knowledge that suits her mechanically.

"Then should we continue with this?"

"No, the time is not right now." Ai Hayasaka shook her head and said, "The thing I really want to discuss with you is the next long-term plan, and of course it is also based on these three materials."

"Let's call it the five-year plan."

Chapter 26

five years!It is a five-year long-term plan when you open your mouth!

Ageguiwen and Merlin looked at each other in dismay. They didn't expect Ai Hayasaka to boldly predict such a long time with just a few words. How bold they are in the face of the ever-changing situation!

Although she was apprehensive, Hayasaka Ai's resourceful image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and two wise men listened carefully to her plan:

"Based on the things recorded in these three books, it will take at least five years to fully implement or even implement them. Therefore, the practical level of the next five years is to recuperate, strengthen internal affairs, and make Britain, which is waiting to be rebuilt, truly become stronger... "Ai Hayasaka said eloquently.

"Even though the country is big, it will die if it is warlike. What's more, Britain is so weak now, we need to change her appearance."

"Merlin, Agguiwen, you should formulate a suitable five-year plan based on these materials."

"Can you do it?"

Ai Hayasaka has already shown the housekeeping skills of a celestial traverser. Farming is the kingly way. The ancestors have long said the method of building high walls, accumulating food widely, and slowly becoming king.You can also reverse this step if you start the game yourself.

As long as the strength is strong enough, it is not an idea when to eliminate the barbarians. The so-called strategic initiative is always based on its own strong strength.

Britain is strong, and Hayasaka Ai can use Sun Tzu's 36 tactics one by one according to her mood.Britain is small and weak, and Ai Hayasaka can only imitate Zhuge Kongming when he came out of Qishan six times, but he sighed at the ocean.

Hayasaka Ai wants to use Britain as the basis to achieve the real pinnacle of power, even the highest power: life and death.

What the beautiful country did to Japan, Britain could do the same to the barbarians.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

Merlin and Agguiwen gave firm answers.

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