This scene made Zhang Lan's eyes look straight, and he blurted out his debut.

"Nazi, don't you know there is a difference between men and women?"

"There is a difference between men and women, what is that?" Na Zi blinked her eyes cutely, her eyes full of puzzlement.

Afterwards, she showed an unprecedented smile and said sternly to Zhang Lan, "I only know that you are my companion, the same kind!"

"I feel a powerful and familiar force in you, and now we can be friends."

"Now is not the time to discuss the issue of companionship being different." Zhang Lan saw Nazi's innocent face, thought of a possibility, and immediately asked some questions.

"Damn it!"

After asking the question, Zhang Lan slapped his forehead abruptly, and he confirmed that Nazi is a three-none.

Her cognition of everything was still at the age of six.

She can only eat, wash, dress and other things that children have just mastered, and then she trains super powers and fights elves.

As for the difference between men and women, and the relationship between men and women, Na Zi doesn't understand at all, because no one has taught her, and she has never thought of learning when she is alone.

All in all, Nazi is a three-no-brained girl who has mastered the most basic life skills and powerful power, but doesn't know anything about the world and so on!

"I really don't know how you lived to be twenty years old." Zhang Lan couldn't help but complain.

"Eat!" Na Zi said solemnly, "Just eat!"

"Aren't you Zhang Lan?"

As she said that, Nazi also showed a cute expression of doubt.

Zhang Lan: "...I can't refute it!"

"Say it!" Zhang Lan looked at Nazi's body and asked, "Does it matter if you are like this?"

"Girls need to protect their bodies, you know that?"

"Of course I know." Nazi nodded seriously, "But you are different from others, you are a special existence!"

As she said that, Na Zi's eyes flashed brightly and she looked straight at Zhang Lan.

"Cough." Zhang Lan coughed dryly, straightened his chest, and pretended to be calm and said, "Reserved, I..."

"You are my kind!"

"You are different!"

Before Zhang Lan could finish speaking, Nazi's sudden addition almost suffocated him to death...

Well, my brother thought I was going to be confessed.

"Then what if others see it?" Zhang Lan bluntly changed the topic.

"Let him disappear!" Nazi's expression returned to indifference, and her voice was also cold, "Dirty things need to be obliterated!"

"...Well, Nazi is still Nazi!"

Zhang Lan blinked and said nothing. He took out a set of clothes from the small world and put it on for himself, and then looked at Na Zi with some nostalgia.

"You should also change your clothes."


Nazi frowned and said, "I feel it, you really want to see it!"


Zhang Lan found that she was speechless by Na Zi all this time.

"These can only be reserved for the most important people." Zhang Lan patiently explained some common sense, including husband and wife affairs.

"Oh!" Nazi nodded understandingly.

Just when Zhang Lan thought she had understood what she meant, she hugged Zhang Lan and said firmly.

"You are my kind. Nazi likes your feeling and is very close. It seems that I can only find you as a husband and wife."

"Then, isn't it just right?"

"I..." Zhang Lan felt tired for a while, so she had to explain again, and it took Nazi a long time to get her clothes and put them on.

While waiting, Zhang Lan also wanted to understand something.

First of all, Nazi is a three-none. When she was a child, she was considered a monster and refused to communicate with people. Therefore, she lacked common sense.

But some of the most important things are clear.

Then, it seems that because of the fusion of that spirit, Nazi has an unconditional trust in him.

In addition, Nazi cares about her kind, and now she regards Zhang Lan as her kind.

Therefore, he Zhang Lan directly became Na Zi's most important person.

"Well, this seems to be a good feeling." Zhang Lan looked at Na Zi's face, touched her chin, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"By the way, Zhang Lan!" Nazi changed her clothes, and a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes.

"Where was that man just now, I'm going to kill him!"

"Disgusting thing, obliterate, obliterate!"

Chapter 74 Appease Nazi!The difference between Na Zi and Zhang Lan!

"Eliminate, obliterate!"

Nazi wanted to kill Lance with murderous intent, which made Zhang Lan's mouth twitch, wondering if her previous thoughts were wrong.

"Eliminate, it must be obliterated!"

Zhang Lan reached out and patted Nazi's shoulder, comforting him.

"but not now!"

"Why?" Na Zi didn't refuse Zhang Lan's touch, but just stared at Zhang Lan with big eyes.

For the current Nazi, Zhang Lan is the most special person in the world.

"Because of strength."

Zhang Lan spread out his hands helplessly and said, "The person you want to kill is called Lance. He is a senior cadre of Team Rocket and is known as the Four Generals."

"He's a Heavenly King-level trainer, but if we use some of the unconscionable drugs or elves developed by Team Rocket, we may not be an opponent!"

"Of course, we can definitely do it if we go to him."

"But there is the Rockets behind him. If we really kill him, we will definitely be targeted by the Rockets!"

"This is a behemoth, and we can't become a mortal enemy on the bright side until we have the strength to face it and protect ourselves!"

Zhang Lan explained helplessly.

If Nazi just wanted to kill Lance, then Zhang Lan wanted to deal with the entire Rockets.

Can the Rockets have such a good solution?

If the Rockets were so easy to deal with, they would have been solved by the Alliance long ago, but in fact, the Rockets' forces firmly occupy Chengdu, Kanto, and Qidao, and there are also small branches in other areas.

The Rockets are a real world criminal organization.

Such an organization, in the absence of necessity, must not become an immortal existence positively.

Zhang Lan has a hole card, he is not afraid of the Rockets, but he can't solve the Rockets either.

If he took Nazi to kill Lance, he would be causing endless trouble to himself.

And he's a troublemaker.

In the face of strength that absolutely no one dares to provoke, Zhang Lan will never set up an enemy mindlessly.

Of course, if you are bullied and come to your door, even if you are Sakagi, I will give it to you!

Now, Zhang Lan is still thinking about how to use his ability to pick up experience to quickly become stronger, while secretly pitting the Rockets.

Zhang Lan told Nazi all his concerns.

But the decision on this matter is still left to Nazi. After all, the two of them don't have any special relationship right now, and Zhang Lan doesn't want to make a decision for each other!

"Okay!" Na Zi thought about it for a long time, and finally glanced at Zhang Lan and said, "Then let this guy live for a while longer!"

"Wait until I become stronger to kill him!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Lan nodded, although his relationship with Nazi was not special, but the other party had something like that happened to him in the mental space after all.

For Zhang Lan, now Nazi is her woman, and she can only be her woman.

He didn't want to dictate Nazi's decisions, but if Nazi was in danger, he would still take action, even if it meant trouble.

But is it important to have your own woman?

Zhang Lan's character is just like that, her own woman can only bully herself, and bully as much as she wants.


"Nazi, are you alright!"

At this time, the voice of a middle-aged man came from the door, and the voice was full of anxiety.

"Nazi, are you okay?" The middle-aged man quickly ran to a distance of one meter from Nazi, his face full of tension.

Seeing the man, Na Zi's expression that was okay with Zhang Lan turned cold.

But I don't know if it's because Zhang Lan is also a friend of the same kind. Nazi didn't ignore the middle-aged man as always, and said in a cold voice.

"Alright, not dead!"

Nazi's voice was cold, and she even spoke rudely.

But the middle-aged man who got the answer breathed a sigh of relief, even a little surprised.

When Nazi was six years old, the middle-aged man put a lot of pressure on Nazi by thinking of making Nazi a powerful superhuman.

Especially after discovering that Nazi's super powers can grow faster after being isolated, the man turns a blind eye.

As a result, Nazi has now become such a temperament.

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