Just when Zhang Lan wondered how he could help Nazi, he found that the mental power in his mind began to fill up.

This kind of filling is very strange, it is a kind of increase in volatility.

"I understand!"

Finding the strangeness in his mind, Zhang Lan figured out the key.

Team Rocket spent a lot of elves to place props in the Golden City Gym that could suppress Nazi's spiritual power.

From the current situation, in addition to suppressing, this device can also increase!

"No wonder Nazi drops so much experience!"

Zhang Lan figured out the crux of the problem, but he was in trouble again. How could he help Nazi?

His own words can disperse the increased mental power control into his own small world, but now Nazi has passed out of a coma and lost consciousness because of her too strong power, so she cannot vent her excess mental power.

"By the way, spread it!"

Zhang Lan patted his forehead, his own mental power can spread, Nazi can't do it now because she is unconscious, can't he help?

Think of it and do it, Zhang Lan immediately reached out and held Nazi's hand, controlling the mental power in his mind and Nazi's mental power to communicate and guide.

"It works!"

A dazzling blue light appeared in Zhang Lan's eyes, and the powerful spiritual power belonging to Na Zi began to flow towards him, and then spread out.

That item is only to increase Nazi's mental power or super power, not to increase Nazi's mental power.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Lan continues the current movements, when Nazi's mental power is reduced to the first-level level, even if it is still in the state of amplification, he will definitely be able to wake up and recover.

Then find the machine and destroy it.

But sometimes, things always turn out unexpectedly.

As time passed, the mental power in Nazi's mind began to not only slow down, but about half an hour later, her consciousness was finally able to control that power.

But at this time, Na Zi was still a little ignorant. She instinctively noticed that there was another spiritual force in her body.

This is a must-have perception for a top superpower.

But the ignorant Nazi couldn't make a precise judgment. She only felt that the mental force in her body was full of goodwill, as if she was hugging herself.

Instinctively, Nazi's consciousness greeted her. She wanted to cater to that spiritual power, and she instinctively judged that it was good for herself.

This is actually nothing.

One is always faster than two.

But this time, an accident occurred.

Nazi's consciousness is very ignorant, so she can't make too precise actions, everything she does is according to her instinct.

Nazi's consciousness is close to Zhang Lan's consciousness.

The two consciousnesses communicated immediately.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

"Hey, how did I get here!?"

Zhang Lan looked at the surrounding things with some doubts. This is a world full of blue light.

At this moment, two blue torrents in this world collided and flowed out towards a black hole.

These two blue torrents are one big and one small.

The small one is Zhang Lan's spiritual power, and the big one belongs to Na Zi.

Connecting the black hole is a small blue spiritual torrent.

The big torrent is going out towards the black hole under the guidance of the small torrent, and it keeps getting smaller.

"Could this be my spiritual space?" Zhang Lan quickly realized something. After all, in his spare time, he also read novels to enrich his imagination.


Zhang Lan thought of a possibility and immediately checked his profile!

Name: Zhang Lan

Identity: Blue Star Human, True New Town Resident

Trainer Level: Uranus


Special Ability: Force of Nature (Intermediate)

Super power (advanced) [-]/[-] million

enchantment small world

Special props: Gold Qualification Potion, Platinum Qualification Potion X1, Heavenly King Qualification Potion X1, Champion Qualification Potion X5, Full Recovery Potion X1, Spiritual Potion X1, Space Ring...Omitted

Deputy: none

Number of pixies you can carry with you: six

"It's already advanced!" Zhang Lan was a little surprised. He didn't know how he became an advanced superpower. Could it be that he attracted some Nazi's spiritual power while guiding?

It is possible!

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan intends to try the power of this advanced superpower.

But at this moment, a figure appeared not far from him and plunged into his arms!

"Oh, what's going on now?"

"Well, Nazi?"

"Mental power materialization?"

"No, where are you touching?"

"Damn, you didn't mean to..."

"Hey, this feels so floating!"

"Wait, my mental power was pushed back?"

"What is this? The legendary soul clap?!"

"You stop, old man, I'm on!!!"

Ps: No matter how long the spiritual world has passed, there will be one second outside!

Chapter 73 Look at Guang Nazi's Three Nothings!

"I go!"

"Brother was pushed back!"

"It's still weird in the spiritual world!"

"I'm still clean, should I be happy!?"

In the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, Zhang Lan looked at Na Zi, who only condensed her body, and she felt cheap and obedient for a while.

Just now, Zhang Lan experienced what it feels like to fly in the clouds.

Compared with the fusion of spirits, the pleasure brought by the body is only the younger brother!

And not tired.

The fusion of spirits can even touch the true heart of the other party, and even read memories.

Zhang Lan read Nazi's memory, not intentionally, just because of her unskilled strength.

As for Zhang Lan's memory, his spiritual consciousness seemed to be surrounded by a huge ball of light, and no one could enter to watch it.

And Zhang Lan looked at Nazi's spiritual body who was still standing in front of him at this time, and knew that the other party must not be watching.

"Has your consciousness recovered yet?" Zhang Lan curiously looked at Nazi in front of her and... her figure.

"I don't know if this is based on real physical fitness." Zhang Lan commented on Na Zi very boringly.

"It's okay, quite!"

"This, Qiao, is white enough!"

"This... is hairless?"

"If the reality is the same, that would be great."

Zhang Lan thought about it, and found that the situation in front of him suddenly changed.

"Hey, I quit?" Zhang Lan looked around and found that he had withdrawn from that mental space, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"It's only been a second?" Zhang Lan noticed the change in the hands on the watch and was a little shocked.

Could it be that the experience of spiritual space is similar to the experience of dreaming, so the perception of time is different?

"Forget it, what do you want to do..."

Shaking his head, Zhang Lan was too lazy to think any more, he earned it anyway.

"It's you?!"

At this time, a girl's cold voice reached Zhang Lan's ears.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Lan lowered her head and found that Na Zi, who was lying on the ground, had opened her eyes, obviously regaining consciousness.

But the next moment, Zhang Lan was shocked, and he found that Nazi's current state was exactly the same as what she saw in the spiritual world.

The clothes seemed to have been shattered by mental power.

Not only Na Zi, but also Zhang Lan himself.

So his disguise was exposed.

But these are just what Na Zi saw, it doesn't matter.

"You saved me?" Nazi stood up just like that, and stretched her waist.

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