Well, it's just a "result".

Although it is an unprecedented 7V7 battle, the basic rules of the war have not changed.

Concealment, and it is forbidden to involve ordinary people who have nothing to do with it—or silence it.

At present, it seems that both the red and black sides have complied with this iron rule.

The red rider Achilles is a great hero who can rival Lancer Karna, and the immortal treasure will also have a great advantage in battle, even the black Saber Siegfried cannot beat him.

But the black archer who injured the rider cannot be ignored. Since he can break through the barrier of the undead, he will naturally become the vanguard used by the black side to deal with the rider.

That unnamed Archer, his super long-range firepower and shocking Noble Phantasm will cause a lot of trouble to the rider.

The red side will probably start the battle with Karna and Achilles, two heroic spirits who are breaking the rules, as the main force. These two should be the trump card of "red" and exist as the winner.

In terms of the heroic spirit's "frame", Lancer and rider on the red side are undoubtedly higher, but the three knights on the black side are also the highest rank servants that cannot be ignored.

Vlad III at home, Siegfried the dragon slayer of the Man of Steel, and the mysterious Archer... Especially Archer, the ruler's intuition told her that that man was quite dangerous!

It doesn't refer to things like bloody smell and murderous aura-every follower will not lack, what makes her feel dangerous is something more essential, that feeling is like... like he is some kind of An unknown creature that transcends boundaries.

Its very existence invites bad things to happen.

In terms of top combat power, the red and black sides seem to be evenly matched, and even the black side is even better.

Well, there is no "distortion" so far, but let's continue to observe carefully, the Holy Grail will not do useless things, it must be meaningful to be summoned.

After completing the necessary investigation, the ruler leaned wearily against the tree trunk beside him.

Her spirit was extremely tough, but her body made a request for rest. Of course, these exercises were nothing to the followers, and she didn't feel symptoms such as muscle soreness.

The reason for this is because of the maiden body that Ruler possesses - Leticia is just an ordinary person.

Therefore, this body needs to eat and sleep like a normal person.

Although there will be no substantial damage without eating or sleeping, it will produce the illusion of "discomfort".

You must know that Leticia is a pious and kind girl. She has maintained an extremely healthy and regular schedule since she was a child, and it has almost become her instinct, including prayer.

In order to monitor the Holy Grail War, the ruler often needs to stay out at night, which undoubtedly conflicts with the living habits of the original owner of the body. In this way, even if the body complains, there is no excuse to shirk.

Patting his cheek lightly, Ruler pulled himself together and decided to leave the forest and return to the church where he was staying.

After that trial, there should be a period of rest before the start of the war. Besides, it is daytime, and both sides seem to have the common sense to fight at night, so she has enough time to sleep.

...The problem is that the feeling of hunger is too strong, and she is not sure if she can hold it.

"Oh, I should eat something before coming out."

Ruler was deeply ashamed of her own recklessness, but when she thought about it seriously, she had always had this hot-tempered temper from before, and she had never been able to correct it.

She looks holy and beautiful on the outside—in fact, she is, but she is not as perfect as the soldiers and the people think, and she also has so-called shortcomings.

First of all, as a girl born in a farm family, she didn't have much opportunity to get an education, so she basically couldn't read (although she has inherited Leticia's knowledge now).

Secondly...Although I'm sorry, I still have to admit that as a girl, her character is a little... impatient.

Well, in the words of the adjutants, she is the "Holy Maiden". She was the first to rush out on the battlefield, and she was also the one who advocated attacking instead of defending in the battle meeting.

The appearance is so dignified, but inside is a fiery temper that can't wait for a minute!

The body and mind are as hard as steel, and the strong will that even the veterans who have been on the battlefield are amazed by, seems to be a god-given battlefield intuition.

She is very good to soldiers and comrades in arms, but when someone makes a mistake, no matter how close they are, she will immediately stand up and criticize.

Even if she made a mistake, she would never forgive herself!

Perhaps, she really looks at the problem from the perspective of God, and saves the world with God's fraternity, just like the title given to her by later generations——[Saint Joan of Arc]

That's right, ruler's real name is "Jeanne Darc"!

The English translation of the name "Jenny Dalk" may be more popular, but when you mention "Saint", you will definitely think of this girl who stood up in times of crisis and saved the motherland.

Her name is not just a code name, but has become the national spirit and flag of France.

But no matter how important her position in world history is, she herself does not consider herself a [Saint]—this is just the result of the Vatican's compromise with nationalism.

Although she received the revelation from the archangel and embarked on the road of saving the country based on this, she never thought of gaining any glory and praise from it.

The title of Saintess was also called by people without her knowledge. She has always been just a peasant girl with patriotism and firm belief.

Sacrificing herself to protect her country and her comrades - she has never regretted it.

After all, she who possessed [Revelation] might have foreseen her tragic end the day she stepped out of the village.

It's just that she didn't choose to escape like ordinary people, but continued to walk bravely, even though the end of the road was not glory and garlands, nor the favor of angels and holy light...

The only thing that greeted her was the red lotus fire and the accusation of being a witch.

Betrayed by what you save, betrayed by what you believe in, insulted by what you hold dear...

However, at the end of the day, the girl still chose to dedicate herself to the Lord.

This is not a ignorant belief, but an awareness that can bear everything!

Picture: "Lord, please entrust this body!", location: "Images/1530093651-100059781-102083354.jpg"

[Some things, sometimes, someone has to come forward. 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But having said that, even a saint can't help but eat!

The strong sandman and hunger invaded the ruler's brain, facing this kind of EX-level mental attack, even the ruler couldn't bear it.

The cool wind blows away some drowsiness, but at the same time, I feel more and more hungry.

"Let me think about it... Is there anything that can be used to feed the hunger?" Ruler disarmed the servant, returned to the school uniform, dressed in a lady's suit, skirt, and stockings, and began to rummage through the pockets .

Thanks to the blessing of a certain golden follower, most of her luggage was destroyed, and now she basically relies on the church's assistance to maintain her daily necessities.

"I remember when I was leaving, the old nun (the nun) gave me something... Ah, I found it!"

Ruler took out the stick wrapped in candy paper, and after seeing it clearly, he let out a sad sigh: "Ah...peppermints?"

Although it is indeed a food with sugar, it is not suitable for people who are fasting and have no other food sources. After all, this kind of candy is more like an appetizer than food.

It's good to use it to drive away the sandman...

Ruler's eyes wandered, staying on the exposed tree roots.


No, no, no matter how hungry she can't do it, she doesn't care, but she has to be responsible to Selesia, this kind of unladylike thing... In other words, there seems to be a tree that can be used here root species.

Because of the environment he lived in since he was a child, ruler has a certain ability to identify this kind of emergency food.

"Calm down!"

Although he was so hungry that he could germinate his wild instincts and fight hand-to-hand with fantasy species, Ruler still retained the last of his sanity.

"Even if it's mints...that's sugar."

It was the first time for her to try something, but since it is a popular snack in this era, it should be fine - thinking so, Ruler threw the candy into his mouth without hesitation.


In an instant, a burning sensation like a thin flame, no, a cooling sensation, in short, some kind of shocking stimulation, hit Ruler's mouth and nasal cavity in an instant!

Cover your mouth and never spit it out!

It's hard work, but be patient...

The Lord said it is shameful to waste food!

This kind of sharp stimulation like a sword is too strong. Just one breath, the air flow brought up makes the throat feel a coolness of autumn and winter, and the hazy consciousness instantly wakes up. was thrown into a corner.

"Anyway, it's a popular snack. It might be a bit irritating at first, but once you start chewing, you'll get used to it."

The ruler who thought so began to chew the mints in his mouth, and then——felt heartbroken for his stupidity just a second ago!

"Ah, uh, oh~~~ head, my head..."

In an uninhabited forest, a beautiful girl was holding her head regardless of her image, stomping her feet non-stop.

This refreshing feeling that runs through the brain from the mouth and nose is like a long gun directly piercing the head. For Joan of Arc who was experiencing it for the first time, such a difficult challenge at the beginning is indeed beyond the limit.

Ruler was originally from an ordinary peasant family in the countryside, and has always lived a very simple life. Although he was entertained by the royal family for a very short time during his lifetime, he also abided by the dogma, cherished every grain of rice, and never enjoyed what can be called a luxurious meal. food.

Therefore, she is not a gourmet, and her attitude towards food is the same as that of soldiers in the army - what can be eaten is delicious.

Still, she can't treat things like peppermints as food...

"The tastes of modern people are really strange..." Ruler sighed, and began to wonder what humans have experienced in these years.

Although the Holy Grail will instill the necessary knowledge, but now she feels that this knowledge is completely insufficient to explain the changes of the times and preferences.

But she still didn't spit out the mints in the end. After all, the feeling of hunger is more persistent and annoying, at least chewing it can relieve it.

It's really not easy to get used to this taste, but once you get used to it, you won't care.

Hoping to get back to church and have hot, "regular" food right away - an expectation built up in my mind.

At this time, she felt a throbbing for no reason, and turned her head to observe the surrounding situation.

As a result, the two met eyes.

"Ah, let me tell you first, I didn't see anything just now." Ye Qing turned his head understandingly and closed his eyes.

"Everyone has times when they can't be seen by others, I understand, don't worry.

By the way, do you need my help? "

"Huh?" Ruler was stunned for a moment, "Help... what?"

Ye Qing looked at Joan of Arc and blinked: "I saw you stomping your head and feet all by yourself, and thought there was something wrong with you, but are you actually alright?"

Ruler: "..."

Ah, the worst was seen.

Ruler blushed, gritted his teeth and swallowed the mints in his mouth, and glared at Ye Qing viciously with the coolness.

"Ah, yes, that matter has been resolved by me!"

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