Knowing that Fiore was fine, but had a countercurrent of memory information with him, Ye Qing felt relieved and left the room.

Before closing the door, he said casually: "But if you use the current unsound memory to analyze... I think I started the risk in order to avoid regret."

PS: Wish our friend a speedy recovery.And, I hope everyone is safe and well.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ye Qing and the others let Bruu go, which made the black caster quite angry, and Saber's aggressive behavior also made Gold doubt his loyalty. Although Saber silently endured all the scolding from the master, he still didn't Got Gold's understanding.

"If you are dissatisfied, then transfer the Saber's contract to someone else."

Danik's impatient words stopped Gold from chattering.

In Darnic's view, this incident is far from being a "rebellion", it's just a conflict between the position of the followers as heroes and the position of the master.

Although Caster seemed to value that artificial human very much, in the end it was only a mass-produced product, and the cost could even be said to be extremely low. The Thousand Boundary Tree family did not lack this asset.

If you really had to make a trade-off, Gold's anger was naturally insignificant compared to the feelings of the three servants.

Rather than how to punish the servants, isn't it more important to confirm their loyalty?

"My lords, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again." Lancer sat on the throne and said, "It's just an artificial human, it doesn't matter, but internal strife over this kind of thing——I can't tolerate it.

If you can't even achieve internal unity, how can you talk about meeting the enemy? "

Ye Qing, Saber, and Rider bowed their heads and responded, "I obey."

Although Ye Qing looked indifferent, Saber and Rider did look like they did something wrong...

"Compared to this," Danic scanned the people in the hall with sharp eyes, "the assassin who lost contact... During the day, the original assassin, Master Sagara Leopard, was found."


This unexpected news attracted everyone's attention.

There has been no news about the assassin and his master, and he thought that the guy (Sagara Leopard) was afraid of running away, so he didn't summon the servant at all, or he was killed by the red party.

I didn't expect to hear this news in the middle of the Holy Grail War, what a surprise.

Danic gave a "tsk", and this gloomy magician showed his disdain in a very straightforward way.

"When he was found, that guy was already a cripple, covered in curse poison, and even his blood had turned into a cyanide-like liquid.

It seems that he survived by transferring the lives of ordinary people to himself, and correspondingly, sharing the toxins in the body... Originally, he was a family with this attribute.

But even so, the damage to his body seemed irreversible. That guy was already in an absolutely poisonous physique, to the point where he had to wear a ventilator even to catch his breath. "

"That sounds like a curse."

Although the black caster was dissatisfied with the letting go of his favorite heart, but he did not directly hostile to Ye Qing and the others, giving the impression of indifference.

At this moment, he calmly analyzed: "He was poisoned by someone—this is obvious.

Generally speaking, toxins depend on the body to exert their effects, and he must have known this, so he detoxified by exchanging vitality (flesh and blood) with ordinary people.

But obviously it didn't work. Not only was the toxin not expelled, but it got deeper and deeper, and finally merged with his 'existence', making him unable to get rid of the shadow of toxin. It can be said that it has become his 'constituent element' part of it. "

Caster pondered: "This is no longer a simple poison, but an existence like the 'poison of concept', it should not be attacked by a magician, but by a servant.

And from the fact that he hasn't died yet, it is very likely that the assassin he summoned was the one who attacked him.

There are only two mysteries now, one: why assassin rebelled from the beginning, two: since he attacked the master, why did he let the master survive? "

As expected of a servant of the caster job, he deduced most of the truth based on only the minimum information.

Danic's face was expressionless: "That guy can't even speak, now he's just a lump of meat that can still move.

But the truth is moving towards us - the assassins are on their way, probably already in Romania by this time. "

Vlad III, who was resting on the ground with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and there seemed to be two glints of light in his sharp eyes.

"This is Yu's hometown, Yu's country, and the younger generation is not allowed to be presumptuous!"

"That's exactly what you said, king." Danik served Lancer with the courtesy of a courtier, "but this matter doesn't need the king himself to do it, the subordinates and others will solve it."

Danic waved his hands vigorously, and ordered: "Archer, come and hunt down the assassin! If it is the insight of the archer's job, even the elusive assassin can catch it.

Rider and Saber will be punished by their masters, and this time the mission, it is good as punishment for you. "

"Uncle!" Fiore was a little excited, "I am Archer—"

Ye Qing stopped Fiore with his hand, stroked his chest and saluted, and said, "I obey, Lord Patriarch."

Darnic had no expression on his face, but quietly gripped the scepter tightly.

Archers with the ability to act alone are definitely the best candidates for reconnaissance missions, especially when the black side lacks assassins.

To hunt down the betrayed assassin, the best candidate is actually a caster, but Darnic chose Ye Qing, for this reason he gave up the opportunity to spy on the local situation, naturally he meant to test Ye Qing - it was also because of this, so Fio Ray would be so excited.

There is no other reason, Danik is too afraid of Ye Qing, a heroic spirit of unknown origin!

Actually...Danike is really worrying too much, with Ye Qing's style, as long as you don't mess with him, or do something disgusting, he is too lazy to meddle in his own business, and it is even more impossible for him to be nosy with Danik. right.

Although there will be a civil war sooner or later, it should be considered after the red and black war is over. Danik is too anxious.

"Master Danik, can I make a small request?" The black caster said at the moment when the meeting was about to end.

"What? If I can do it."

Perhaps because the other party is a much better magician than himself, Danik has always respected the caster, and the caster is also the only one among the followers who can understand Danik's thoughts and strategies. Friends and allies.

"It's nothing," Caster waved his hand, and said lightly, "The Master of the Assassin has no value at all, why don't you give it to me, maybe it can play some role."

It seemed immoral to hand over a former companion, but Darnic just nodded in agreement—this is how magicians do.

Leaving the hall, Ye Qing sent Fiore back to her room, and when she was about to leave, Fiore asked abruptly, "Are you confident?"

"Huh?" Ye Qing was quite surprised. Could it be that Fiore thinks that with Ye Qing's strength, he can't take down the assassin?

" target Lancer or Saber, are you confident?" Fiore said solemnly.

Oh, I see.

Ye Qing raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "My Master has finally started to think about this issue, why, do you feel a sense of crisis?"

"No, it's just preparing for what comes sooner or later."

Fiore took a deep breath: "Uncle Danik is absolutely determined not to give up the Holy Grail...I will not give up the chance to stand up again!"

Ye Qing thought about it seriously: "I haven't seen Lancer's strength before, he is the strongest in terms of momentum, but some of my abilities can be said to be natural enemies of his 'territory', so it is not difficult to deal with.

As for's tricky, he seems to be restraining me...but I'm confident. "

He smiled at Fiore: "As long as your trust in me remains unwavering, I have the confidence to defeat any opponent—this is the oath of the servant to the Master!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The damage caused by the fierce battle between the red and black sides was much greater than the ruler imagined.

Not only burned a large forest, but even destroyed a street in the city. Although the houses on both sides were not affected and thus did not cause casualties to ordinary people, it caused a large-scale panic.

After all, the densely packed pits that seem to have been baptized by missiles do not look like underground natural gas explosions!

The forest fire can still be covered up with the excuse of "mountain fire", but the movement in the city is too great. Even in the sphere of influence of the Thousand Boundary Tree, it is very difficult for the people to settle down.

As the supervisor and ruler of the Holy Grail War, she has the responsibility to prevent the war from affecting ordinary people, so she asked the local church to come forward to appease people. Fortunately, there are many believers in this area, and the situation has barely stabilized.

Of course, in order to win the trust of priests and nuns, she did not lack her inspiring eloquence and unwavering faith.

(Ruler has the power to make others—especially believers believe in himself. He once relied on this talent to gain the trust of lords and kings.)

Thanks to this, even the ruler feels exhausted now.

Because although she is talented, she is very hard on politics.

After all, it was too much for an illiterate peasant girl to handle paperwork!

I finally found a chance to escape from the mountain of texts. Although I felt a little sorry for the kind old nun, after the ruler said to himself that "monitoring both the red and the black is his job", he still came to Qianjie with peace of mind. In the forest outside the tree castle.

The battle ended as early as last night, and Ruler also observed in the forest all night. Today he just came to investigate the scene and collect further information.

"It's great that this Noble Phantasm... didn't spread out."

Ruler sighed in the flattened circular hollow.

If you look down from mid-air, you will find that there is a regular circular open space about [-] meters in this forest. There is no vegetation in it, and thick ash has covered the ground. The sense of absurdity of rambling—it's black, after all.

This unusual scene was caused by the Archer's Noble Phantasm, and it seems that an anti-army or anti-city type Noble Phantasm was used to strike the hidden enemy.

Judging by the destructive power of this treasure, if the archer is not restrained, it will be extremely simple to turn this area into a black plain.

"Archer...what kind of servant is it?" Ruler pondered, "Can't you tell without seeing it with your own eyes?"

Generally speaking, even for Servants who have never met before, Ruler's inherent skill [True Name Judgment] can play a certain role, such as guessing one's origin based on Noble Phantasms or martial arts.

But the identity of the Black Archer is vague in the eyes of the ruler, and the treasure seems to be the product of a mixture of various forces, which can hardly provide any useful information.

"The red side's berserker, whose real name is Spartacus... It seems that he was captured by the black side, and he must be used as a powerful 'abandon'."

In the battle last night, the red and the black did not decide the winner, but the black got a very precious trophy, which was one of the servants with only fourteen knights, a job title known for being irrational and belligerent 【berserker】.

In this way, in terms of combat power alone, the black team has surpassed the red team, and they themselves have the Holy Grail. The battlefield is located in Romania and they have home court advantage. I am afraid they will be eager to find a decisive battle.

For the red side, it is necessary to regain the disadvantage before the black side can completely and completely control the berserker - both sides have reasons for a decisive battle.

Judging from the appearance alone, this Holy Grail War seems to have entered the eve of the final battle without any accidents, and the next thing to do is to wait for the surviving winner to hold the Holy Grail.

And Ruler, the "judge", seems to be able to let go of the burden, there is no need for her intervention in this Holy Grail War-and this is exactly what Ruler is worried about!

Because if there is really no problem, then the Holy Grail system will never summon the special servant [ruler]!

Only when the Holy Grail judges that the war will slide in an uncontrollable direction, resulting in unbearable catastrophic consequences, will the ruler be summoned autonomously as a restraining force to control the direction of the war.

On the other hand, since the ruler was summoned, there must be some kind of abnormality in this holy grail!

Moreover, the ruler's summoning method is not a servant summoning in the ordinary sense, but a girl named "Laetitia" who can appear in this world.

This feeling is like an emergency plan activated by the Holy Grail because of its extreme helplessness... So what makes the Holy Grail so urgent?

"There's nothing wrong with the outcome."

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