He raised the children with his own hands, and because of his "immortality", he had to watch them die from injury, or slowly die from aging...

He finally understood that this curse was a conceptual existence, and the mere fact of "immortality" would make him fall into eternal loneliness, watching the people around him leave him one by one, powerless.

Not to mention that he himself is equivalent to "bad luck" and will bring disaster to the surrounding...

He wanted to die - after the last of his adopted sons had been killed in battle.

There is nothing left to miss.

For hundreds of years after that, he searched for a way to end himself in the endless torment of loneliness and pain.

...however nothing is found.

His way of existence is no longer a human being or a puppet, and his immortality is only lower than that of the Thirteenth Elder of Creation. Since he doesn't have a "real name", he can't die even if he wants to.

Suicide is also impossible, not to mention that he has no ability to break the immortality, since the beginning of design, the command of "self-preservation" has been written into the core formula.

Even if you encounter an enemy attack, you have to go all out...

How many people in this world can fight him and kill him continuously regardless of his immortality?

He is like a ghost, wandering around the world, looking for the existence that can kill him.

Jumping over Mount Fuji, sinking into the Great Trench, entering the Vatican, going to Jerusalem...but nothing, the difference between the so-called "holy water" and tap water is only more difficult to drink.

He made himself look like a ghost and a ghost, but he was still alive, making people desperate to live!

In the end, he pinned his hope on the bottom of the border city HL - Eternal Void.

Perhaps, there is a way to kill him in the other world, if not...then find the lair of the family members of the blood world and fight until the end of the world!

Then, while passing a certain subway line, he accidentally saw the legendary Prosthetic Eye of God and its current owner, and followed him to find a young man with a strange magic eye...

He died as he wished, leaving nothing but the original silver cross and the notch on its back, disappearing like foam in the fog of the Eternal Void.

He is a prop, a puppet, and an executioner, and he has no real name from beginning to end.

Although everyone in Van Helsing regarded him as a reliable existence, they did not give him a name, but only called him "The Executioner".

But... Although it doesn't have a name, it has a "property name".

Just like the names of chairs, tables, and teacups, special nouns are given to props to distinguish them.

If he is called by this name, he is called——

【Van Helsing's Relic Box】

After all, those young people who think "there is nothing worth leaving behind" still left their own relic boxes—the world still remembers them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I had a dream, a very long dream...

That is a text that is not recorded in history, a ridiculous story about a group of deviant young people who protect human beings and maintain the balance of the world in the dark night.

The reason why it is said to be absurd is that there are no relevant books or relics left behind for this story, only nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes, which have been passed down in a small place in Europe through word of mouth.

Including the corpse, there were no traces that could be explored. On the barren mountain full of scars, there were no living creatures, and no one who witnessed the battle.

The only one who still remembers their existence is a monster who deviated from the path of a puppet and can neither be called a human nor a member of the blood world.

He tried very hard to become a human being, but in the countless reincarnations of despair, he finally had to choose to give up.

At the end of the story, the monster and what he remembered, about those young people, all turned into foam and dissipated in a cloudy, foul-smelling mist...


Ye Qing opened his eyes.

What appeared in the field of vision was the white ceiling, and a spider crawling around the edge of the electric light. After a few dodges, the spider entered the blind spot of the field of vision.

Only then did Ye Qing suddenly realize that his field of vision was only on the left side, what his right eye saw was only darkness, overlapping with the field of vision on the left side, there were also faint aches and numbness coming from it.

He wanted to move his arm but encountered unexpected obstacles. His right hand was surrounded by a warm and soft touch, with a numb feeling, as if he had been motionless for quite a long time.

Turning the head slowly, the intact left eye transmits the images of the things around it to the brain.

What catches my eyes is the posture of the girl sitting in a wheelchair and sleeping peacefully, with a slight smile on her calm and serene face.

The soft evening light shone on her through the window, coating her with a layer of mystery and beauty.

The girl's relaxed body, the warm and loose clothing, the slightly undulating chest, the swaying hair tips blown by the breeze, the long eyelashes trembling under the evening light...

Like a dynamic oil painting, the quiet and beautiful artistic conception made Ye Qing sink into it, speechless.

After a long time, Ye Qing lowered his head and found that his right hand was being tightly held by Michela's hands.

Her hands are so slender, like crystal sculptures of art, Ye Qing even had the illusion that a little force would damage them.

Not daring to move his right hand anymore, Ye Qing pulled out his left hand from the quilt, and began to feel around his face.

When touching the position of the right eye, there was a rough but tough touch on the hand.

"Oh." As Ye Qing expected, this place was completely covered by bandages.

Before he fell into a coma, the curse pupil was already in a state of extreme overload, and even shed blood and tears because of it, and it was normal for the doctors to bandage him up.

But Ye Qing is not too worried, since there is pain from the curse pupil, it means that the eyeballs still have normal functions, although it may take a long time to recuperate, but there should not be any substantial damage that is difficult to recover .

"Um~ um... um..."

Michela's delicate and slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, her calm expression was dyed with waves, and she made a lazy sound like a cat just waking up.

Ye Qing was taken aback, and he didn't know why, he was as panicked as a mouse being stared at by a cat, looking left and right, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he simply closed his eyes again - pretending to sleep!

In the darkness, only a rustling sound could be heard, and the friction of Michela's clothes was so obvious to him.

"Huh...heh." First he let out a breath, and then smiled slightly.

This girl doesn't seem to be worried, but thinks Ye Qing's current appearance is more interesting?

In other words, she firmly believed that Ye Qing would wake up, so there was no unnecessary worry in her heart, and she was as optimistic and peaceful as ever.

Just when she was about to let go of Ye Qing's hand and stretch herself, a different feeling came from her fingertips, which made her startled slightly.


She cautiously let go of her hand, drove the wheelchair to the head of the bed, leaned forward, looked down at Ye Qing's sleeping face with one eye covered from directly above.

A few strands of long hair fell down onto Ye Qing's face, flicking back and forth on the skin... itchy.

Even though Ye Qing held back desperately, his face still twitched uncontrollably.

Although she couldn't see it, Michela's eyes became interesting, she twisted a strand of her hair, fumbled to find the position, and brushed the tip of her hair between Ye Qing's nose...

"Ah-ah, ah-hiss!"

Desperately resisting the desire to sneeze, Ye Qing suddenly opened his eyes.

"I surrender! My lord, I surrender!"

He said sadly: "It's my fault. I shouldn't have continued to pretend to be asleep when I was clearly awake. Please forgive me..."

"Well, it's not a big deal. You don't need to apologize."

Michela smiled softly, graciously gave up on Ye Qing's tickling attack, seeing Ye Qing who had woken up, even the slightly twitching little nose was filled with a touch of joy.

"Since you're awake, why didn't you wake me up?"

Ye Qing scratched his cheek with his fingers, and said embarrassedly: "Seeing that you sleep so beautifully, I don't have the heart to disturb you."

Not "slept so soundly" or "slept so dead/deeply", but "slept so well".

The difference of just one or two words made Michela's cheeks blush.

There are plenty of flattering words that sound better than this, but the reason why Michela cares so much is probably because of Ye Qing's "sincerity".

There was no haze in his eyes, and what he said was the truth that came out subconsciously.

Because it does not contain any falsehood, the word "good-looking" is more touching than those exaggerated adjectives.

——Ye Qing didn't realize that he said something terrible.

He didn't have the slightest evil thought, he thought that way in his heart, so he said that.It's not a polished statement, but a sincere one.

Besides... Michela is really beautiful!

If you questioned him because of Ye Qing's words, he would answer confusedly: "But she is pretty, I'm not wrong!"

Well, he's just not sluggish, but he's just a little natural occasionally.

"By the way, it's lucky that you found out that I woke up...how did you do it?" Ye Qing asked curiously.

He asked himself that he could control his breathing very well, and his muscles were relaxed as if in a dream. Not to mention that Michela's eyes were inconvenient, even a person with discerning eyes might not be able to see it.

Michela chuckled, tilted her head and said, "Sah~ why?"

"Let's think about it... Maybe it's because of the heartbeat?"

In the dusk, her smile made Ye Qing's heart stop.

"When you're asleep, your heartbeat (pulse) is different when you're awake. I can't see, but that's why I'm more careful than ordinary people. When you're asleep, I'm always holding your hand." ...I already know exactly how often I can jump."

Ye Qing savored these words carefully, feeling like a bear in spring - just woke up from hibernation, extremely lazy, yet ready to move...

"Well, anyway, it's best if you wake up."

Michela opened her star-like eyes, showing a gentle and peaceful smile like a spring breeze.

"Welcome back, Qing."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at the cross in the heart of his left hand, Ye Qing fell into deep thought.

At that time, he was holding the cross in his hand, but he disappeared after waking up, and there was a cross-shaped coat of arms in the palm of his hand out of thin air.

This is naturally the core of the mysterious man, transformed by the silver cross. If you look carefully, you will find a line of small characters hidden in the pattern inside the coat of arms.

That is "Van Helsing" written in ancient Hebrew, and it is the only proof that those young witchers are left in this world...

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