......oh, I see.

Ye Qing had a realization in his heart: So the truth is here.

After that, I completely entered the deepest dream...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That was a long time ago, really long ago...

Kibakari, who was born in the last century or two, probably couldn't imagine what it would be like to fight blood family members in an era without telephones, telegraphs, and cameras.

Without a partner, he wandered alone in the remote villages and towns, looking for clues, wherever there were rumors of demons (blood family members), he would go there.

There is almost no logistical preparation at all. Even if they encounter an enemy attack suddenly, they cannot call their companions. If they want to ambush the blood family members, they must use falcons and carrier pigeons to notify each other seven days in advance...

It's better to have regular sources of funds, but most demon hunters are no different from mercenaries, living a life of ups and downs, with ups and downs.

To support them to persevere from generation to generation in such a harsh environment, apart from the glory of the demon hunter, it is the self-esteem that belongs to "human beings" deep in their hearts.

At that time, there was no such organization as "Fang Hunters". Everyone gathered together based on family and sect. Each Ya hunter would receive two to four disciples, and the disciples would make up for the sacrifices of the older generation. .

But despite this, many inheritances will be cut off due to accidents.

They roamed the world like gypsies and Jews, chasing blood like flies, and to them death was like the fruit on the tree—one day it will fall.

Because there may be accidents at any time, almost everyone has a "treasure box", which contains the most valuable and most reluctant treasures for them.

It may be a relic of the parents, it may be the handkerchief of the first love, it may be the remains of the teacher, it may be the spoils of the first exorcism, or it may be just a stinky sock that I am too lazy to wash.

All in all, the contents of these "relic boxes" are the epitome of their lives.

There used to be such an organization of exorcists. They were "heretics" that were not tolerated by their respective sects. They were exiled by waste, and let them fend for themselves in the battle with the blood family members.In short, a group of perverse and withdrawn problem children.

Then this group of people gathered together under various coincidences and formed a small-scale demon hunter organization-Van Helsing.

The emblem of the organization is the Archangel Gabriel.

They consider themselves outcasts and rebels, unlike other demon hunters, they don't prepare relic boxes, because they feel that "even if they die, they have nothing to regret, and there is nothing to leave behind."

At that time, the major genres had not yet begun to cooperate generally, and the combat method was extremely single. However, when this group of problem children was together, different skills and concepts collided and fused with each other, resulting in a subtle chemical reaction.

They cooperated with each other to hunt, and began to learn to use the superposition of blood methods of different attributes to produce more powerful attacks, and also used opposing attributes to counteract the protection of blood family members.

Even, they broke the taboo and began to learn the mysteries of different schools...

Maybe these people are lucky, maybe they are geniuses, or maybe... In short, the seemingly desperate experiment has succeeded!

They skillfully use multiple attributes to fight, let different blood flow in the body at the same time, and even modify the body structure for more smoothness.

Through this taboo method that is not tolerated by the world, the members of Van Helsing gained great power, and became more and more dazzling on the battlefield against the blood family members, and their theories were gradually perfected in actual combat.

At that time, they had already reached the point where "joint forces can violently kill the elders". Even without their real names, all members attacking together could forcefully destroy them from the cellular level!

There was even a period of time when, in a small part of Europe where Van Helsing was active, blood family members began to learn to "restrain".

But the good times didn't last long. About three years later, a member of Van Helsing experienced a "mutation", which plunged the entire organization into panic.

After they exhausted all their efforts to eliminate that companion, no one smiled for a long time.

Three months later, the researchers in the organization finally found a solution, and since then, Van Helsing has an iron law!

——All members who practice the compound-attribute blood method will start counting when they condense the first ray of multi-attribute blood. Before the arrival of the twenty-seventh full moon (that is, two years and three months), they must cut themselves off!

If you can't make up your mind, the organization will designate your companions to do it.

This is an extremely strict law, but none of the members who witnessed the "mutation" raised any objections. Compared with degenerating to that point, it would be easier to die.

However, it was the darkest period of the Middle Ages, and the confrontation between humans and the blood family members was at its most intense. Without this method of cultivation, Van Helsing and the others would not be able to fight against the blood family members.

Therefore, even though it is tantamount to rushing towards death as long as it starts, everyone still embarks on this road of no return without hesitation...

And this also created the birth of "he".

At the centerpiece is a silver cross with "VAN HELSING" engraved on the back.

The cross represents "salvation" in Catholicism, and at this time it is also responsible for the work of "salvation"-he is the executioner.

Specialized in the task of "self-judgment" ...

This is also a helpless thing, suicide is not that simple - especially for the members of Van Helsing who already have signs of "mutation", it is more difficult to want to die.

And it's hard for them to attack their companions...

Therefore, the role of "executor" is necessary.

"He" is a wooden puppet in terms of structure alone. It adopts the fairy tale concept of "doll boy (Pinocchio prototype)", and the core technique is "blood magic puppet manipulation".

In addition, the concept of "life" and "growth" was endowed, and the commands of "don't lie" and "don't tell the truth" were written into the core formula, and finally became an effect similar to "keep tight mouth".

Although the origin is a fairy tale, the creator was quite serious and deliberately removed the "heart" so that he would not hesitate to perform the task.

Naturally, in order to accurately obliterate the members who are about to mutate, a "composite attribute blood method" spell was specially written for the executioner - only this can kill Van Helsing in the doomed state.

Because there is no "heart", it is not worried that the executioner will change.

In this way, "he" sent away many Van Helsing, recorded their deaths, and collected a drop of "blood" as a voucher.

For Van Helsing, who is going to the end, blood is the soul, engraved with everything about himself, including memory and blood law.

The executioners who collected their blood, because they have the corresponding spells in their bodies, are equivalent to learning all their skills.

But he failed to be a good "executor" after all...

Most of the time, he didn't meet Van Helsing on the day of the execution, but went to them some time before—because no one knew whether the mutation would happen earlier.

And in this period of time at the end of life, Fan Helsing will naturally confide their hearts to him who is "close-mouthed".

Fear of death, nostalgia for life, nostalgia for teachers and disciples, hatred for relatives in the blood world, troubles in love, things like confessing directly if I knew it earlier...

Van Helsing did not treat him as a simple prop, but as a partner.

The good and bad thoughts were poured out to him without reservation, and gradually, even without a "heart", he began to feel a kind of "stuffy" blockage in his chest.

He didn't know what it meant, but he started feeling down and out of spirits about killing Van Helsing...he later learned it was called "guilty".

He didn't want these people to leave, he wanted to talk to them more, he didn't want to burn them to death with blood, he wanted to see their happy reunion with their family and friends...

But this is not allowed!

He is the "executor", and killing Van Helsing is a matter of course, and he cannot resist.

Later, a major event happened in Europe, known as the major event that changed the history of the witcher, and also changed the fate of "Van Helsing" and "him".

That is - Dracula crusade!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the orthodox Yahun history, this battle was driven by the joint efforts of the major demon hunter organizations to expel Dracula, thus laying the foundation for the formation of Yahun.

But few people know that after Dracula's uninterested evacuation, a group of problem children who were not accepted by mainstream demon hunters and were called "heretics" met one of the thirteen elders in a desolate valley. Dracula made a deadly snipe!

Almost everyone used the "composite attribute blood method" beyond the limit, and gained huge power in a short period of time in the form of burning life, and even caused irreversible damage to the aloof thirteen elders!

But the price is also huge...

All members of "Van Helsing" died in battle!

Several people even decided to attack Dracula similar to self-detonation when they realized that they would "mutate" and could not turn back.

The thirteenth elder of Genesis is a "perfect" creature after all. Even if he was besieged by this level, he was only "injured" and survived. He cursed the name "Van Helsing" in order to vent his anger.

Apart from Dracula, the only one who came out of that barren mountain was the torn "Executioner".

Probably the arrogant Dracula ignored him...

Afterwards, he wandered around the world for a hundred years, and the prototype of "heart" gradually emerged.

Because she is afraid of being alone, she pretends to be a human being and tries to learn how to behave like a human being, even eating in a decent manner.

For a while, he settled down in a small town, and the simple villagers accepted him. Although they were vaguely aware of his abnormality, they only regarded him as a good person with some eccentricities, and did not look at him strangely. .

For three years, he lived "almost like a human being", and even had a hazy relationship...

But before this love affair blossomed, hordes of blood family members attacked the town. In order to protect the villagers, he stood up and resisted regardless of his own safety.

He is strong!

Inheriting the name of Van Helsing, all kinds of exquisite blood art secrets are like instinct to him, and he can easily display them. Even the elder-level blood family members are not his opponents.

But when he drove away the enemies and turned to look at the girl he was attached to, there was a look of fear in her eyes.

He stared at his bloody body in a daze. Under the fuzzy flesh and blood, there was an inhuman alien mechanism. He used a lot of blood techniques to make his body lose its human form...

"Ah, that's right...so I'm not human."

These three years were so happy that he had the illusion that he was a human being. It was really...so naive.

After guilt, nostalgia, and happiness, his "heart" knows what sadness is.

He left the small town and continued to wander, but no matter what country or region he went to, as long as he stayed in one place for three years, a large number of blood family members would definitely come to him, and he had to leave.

Later he understood that this was Dracula's curse.

Eternal loneliness is not terrible, what is terrible is losing it after getting it, every time you have to re-understand the meaning of loneliness, when you get rid of it, it will come back again when you are the happiest.

Forever and ever, without end...

He gave up his life as a "human" and decided to live as Ichikari.

On the road of chasing and killing vampires, he picked up several orphans, all of whom were robbed of their relatives by the family members of the blood world, and all of them were carrying hatred.

Just like ordinary tooth hunting, he took them as disciples, raised them and taught them the blood law.

They live in isolation, walk alone, and are distinct from other tooth hunting organizations, and most people don't even know their existence.

He thought that doing so would end the bad luck.

However, those who stay by his side will always die in tragic ways, or be killed in battle, or be infected with plague, or be turned into blood slaves by blood family members...

Dracula's curse endowed him with the immortality of a super-elder-level blood family member, while the blood of "Van Helsing" turned into something like a shadow, which was inseparable from him, making him an immortal who would never die no matter what. Fallen monster!

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