In the Quartz Hotel, Oki Xuecheng put down the mobile phone in his hand. Turning to the other Four Heavenly Kings in the room, he said, “They came, and they were stopped by Junsha when they flew in with Pokémon. Compared to the fact that they will arrive soon, we will wait. ”

As soon as the words fell, he heard a knock on the door. Then the door was opened, and a well-dressed attendant pushed it open, and Hazakura and Dr. Ohki entered.

“I really say that Cao Cao has arrived, you are finally here. Just now Xuecheng was still talking about you, you will be there in the next second. Konah looked at several people and smiled charmingly.

Dr. Ohki put down the briefcase in his hand and found a couch and sat down. Turning to his son, he asked, “Are they all ready, have the relevant personnel been arranged?” ”

Seeing that his father spoke, Ohki Xuecheng nodded: “Don’t worry, the staff in the arena are all screened by a few of us.” Junsha and Joy, who are in charge of the safety and medical treatment of the arena, are all the old guys of their family, and they are very relieved and absolutely foolproof. ”

“Yes, Dr. Ohki, me and Orange and Kazuki will be on guard. There is also Hazakura’s Darkrai stealth patrol in the arena, and a few others will also help. “Lihua and other Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu region also spoke, after all, this has reached the last moment.

Seeing that the Four Heavenly Kings were well prepared, Dr. Ohki nodded. Turning his head to look at Hazakura as the protagonist of the challenge, he asked in a pampered and kind tone, “Sakura, what do you think is missing?” ”

Looking at the difference between his father and his treatment of himself day by day, Ohki Xuecheng felt a little sad in his heart. This difference is too big, I don’t know if I thought he was his son.

Shiba looked at Oki Xuecheng’s bitter melon face, reached out and patted his shoulder comfortingly. She looked at him with sympathetic eyes, which seemed to say, “Brother, you have to get used to it.” ”

Xiao Mao, who was drinking water, looked at his father and showed this pitiful feeling like a child being ignored, and he almost choked on the water. Yan Huo looked at Xiao Mao a little strangely, drinking water can still be choked. Although Ash saw it, he didn’t think so much about it at all.

“Well, if anything. I hope that the Four Kings can give their full strength, and of course I will also send my championship team. Ha Sakura took a sip of milk tea and said her request unhurriedly.

Connor didn’t expect Yu Sakura to make such a request, and pushed his glasses and said, “Don’t worry about this, as the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance.” No matter who the challenger is, we will not accept mercy. The other Four Heavenly Kings also nodded, promising that they would never release water.

“That’s good, after all, I’ve only been debuting for one year. Compared to not coming up with a real game, most people will not believe me. “Ha Sakura was assured by the Four Heavenly Kings, so he was relieved.

“We booked a room at the Quartz Hotel, so let’s go back and rest first.” As for Ling Tian, someone on the outskirts of Jinhuang City reported to the alliance. It was said that a group of poachers had been discovered, so Ling Tian took people to search for them. ”

Ohki Yukinari took out a few room cards from his pocket and handed them to Hazakura and the others. After the matter was discussed, everyone went back to their rooms.

The top floor of the hotel, Hazakura’s room.

“Archie, how long will it take for the Magic Frog to complete the breakthrough?” After checking around for nothing abnormal, Hazakura entered the space. I saw Archie lying on a grassy field, and not far away were several balls of light of different colors.

Archie was originally closing his eyes and recuperating when he felt Hazakura approaching. The azure eyes suddenly opened and looked at a few balls of light on the side. Turning to Ha Sakura, he said, “Master, it’s estimated that in three days.” The magic frog flower can come out, and the strength will increase significantly. It has a stronger power than ordinary champion juniors, which is the power of the Spirit God Heart. ”

Archie looked at the drop-shaped pendant around his neck, every natural spirit treasure is a natural treasure. The energy possessed is naturally not comparable to ordinary Pokémon, with the help of these two treasures. The strength of the magic frog flower is naturally growing rapidly.

Yu Sakura looked at the ball of light on the side, and the energy was stable. Only then did he feel relieved and said to Archie: “You continue to guard here, if you are tired, you will change shifts with the Snow Emperor.” I’ll go to the house and prepare the food and medicine you’re going to eat during the game. ”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the villa on the side, and all the Pokémon of Han Sakura ate were top-level energy cubes. With sufficient nutrition, the strength can increase so quickly.

Battles between Pokémon are physically draining, and energy cubes can help them quickly replenish their energy. Ha Sakura naturally had to prepare more, and unconsciously three days passed in the space.

“Master, Archie told me. The magic frog flower is about to break through, and it is estimated that it will be at this meeting. The Snow Emperor appeared in the kitchen of the villa, and Yu Ying immediately dropped the matter in his hand when he saw this. Sitting on the back of the Snow Emperor, he headed towards the breakthrough ground.

When Yu Sakura arrived, he saw several balls of light emitting light with corresponding attributes. It keeps shaking, like a chicken about to break its shell. Hazakura felt that the energy was about to explode, and that was when they broke through.

A few minutes later, a green ball of energy “clicked” and cracked. A green and purple beam rushed out, and a few seconds later. Another “click”, the beam on the photosphere is getting bigger and bigger. All the balls of light shook violently, as if something was about to burst out of the shell.

“Boom !!!”

With a loud bang, the ball of light shattered. The magic frog flower appeared in front of Yu Ying, and I saw that the golden yellow and green armor on her body shone a little light, and the flowers on her back actually turned a brilliant golden yellow. The body size has become larger than before, and it is four times the size of the ordinary magic frog flower.

“Wonderful frog!”

Miao Frog Hua opened her eyes and saw the feather cherry blossoms on the back of the Snow Emperor. Hazakura jumped off the Snow Emperor’s back and ran towards Myoji Frog Flower. Seeing this, Miao Frog Flower immediately stretched out her vine whip and rolled up the feather cherry blossom and put it on her own stamen.

“My original partner, you finally broke through.” Ha Sakura felt that she had countless words to say, but all of them turned into one sentence. Feel the enchanting fragrance of the air and watch other Pokémon emerge from their shells.

Pokémon are either those who have just broken through or those who have not advanced to train and rest in space. All of them ran over, all surrounded by the Magic Frog Flower, to be precise, the stamen of the Magic Frog Flower, and subdued the trainers who led them to grow step by step.

“Are you ready, tomorrow is a new challenge.” Hazakura looked around at the Pokémon, accompanying her companions along the way. The last question before the challenge was sent.

“Miao Frog (Kame) (Woomi)…”

The Pokémon responded to Ha Sakura, and roars echoed throughout the space.

The next day, Quartz Plateau. It was still the familiar quartz sports field, and after a few months, a salute was once again sounded in the air, countless audiences were full, and countless people were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV!

“In front of the TV with friends on site! Hello everyone! After decades of time, the Kanto League finally welcomed the Championship Challenge again. Compared to everyone knows, just a month ago. A young trainer won the Quartz Conference championship, and we welcomed the youngest champion challenger in Pokémon League history. From the beginning of her debut to the present, it has taken less than a year for her hometown to become the champion of the conference! I’m sure everyone already knows who she is, now! We have invited the champion challenger, Asai Hanakura from Shinshin Town! ”

As the narrator shouted out Ha Sakura’s name, cheers resounded in the sky. Countless people were frantically shouting Ha Sakura’s name, and the venue was divided into two passage entrances, north and south, and Ha Sakura wore an aqua blue crystal dress. With elegant and light steps, he slowly walked out of the north passage into the venue!

After Hazakura appeared, the shouts in the audience became louder. Glancing at the entire venue, the characters in the front row basically knew themselves, Ash, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, Shigeru, Yanhuo, Dr. Ohki, Hanako, Yuri, Johto Shitenno, and the Kanto Eighth Avenue Hall trainer except Sakaki, and the Guandong Eighth Avenue Hall trainer in addition to Sakaki, and there were some high-ranking officials of the Kanto Alliance of the Hanzakura faction and Hanzakura’s family.

Hazakura looked at the audience around her, her friends, her family, her former rivals, and Ha Sakura looked at the crystal glass cabinet on the cauldron. The shining crown of kings, swore secretly in his heart. I will definitely win this championship position!

Walked to the side of the field and stood in the challenger’s position. Hazakura awaits her first challenger.

“All right! The challengers are in place, and the Championship Challenge will last for four days, challenging one Heavenly King every day, and the Hazakura contestants will challenge the four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto region in order: Miss Konah, Ice King, Master Hipba, Ghost Heavenly King Ms. Kikuko, and Dragon Heavenly King Yukinari! If Hazakura can successfully defeat them, she can become the new champion of the Kanto region! Become the face of the Kanto region and settle in the Temple of Kings! ”

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