Seven days is a long time, and a short time. It seems that in the blink of an eye, the opening of the challenge has arrived. Far from the quartz plateau, in the town of Shinshin, the backyard of the Oki Research Institute.

“Snow Emperor, it’s about to go. There are many people to bring this time, is your energy supporting? On a lush lawn, Ha Sakura looked at the Snow Emperor wrapped in blue energy. Probably out of curiosity, Dr. Ohki left the coalition’s helicopter alone.

It was necessary to walk from the different dimensional space with Ha Sakura, which made Xiao Shigeru and Ohki Yukinari scared half to death. Although they were relieved to say that the strength of the Snow Emperor was, after the previous events, they were more or less afraid of the different dimensional space.

So the father and son tried everything they could, and they couldn’t persuade Dr. Ohki to give up. Instead, he his old man, and directly let his old buddy Bag Dragon throw the two out of his research institute.

In desperation, Xiao Mao had to find Yu Ying. I hope to let myself follow my grandfather, and the two guys Yanhuo and Ash have to follow to the different dimensional space when they hear it. In this way, the original one-man trip suddenly became a day trip to a different dimensional space.

“Don’t worry, master, now I have the lock of time. Although I don’t have full control over it yet, I can get energy from the Time Lock. So rest assured that Archie will follow us too. Snow Emperor said confidently to his trainer.

“That’s fine, it’s just me. As a result, Dr. Ohki and Yanhuo also have to make a fool of themselves, I just don’t like to take helicopters. Ha Sakura rolled her eyes and said depressedly.

“Ha Sakura, Ha Sakura!” Behind him came Dr. Ohki’s voice, and he looked back. I saw Dr. Ohki carrying a briefcase and rushing towards the Snow Emperor at a speed that did not belong to the old man. Followed by Xiao Mao, who was a little panting, and Xiao Zhi and Yanhuo, who looked excited.

Yu Sakura looked at Dr. Ohki and the others, and stepped forward to help Xiao Mao, who was a little unstable: “What are you doing in such a hurry, even if you are late, I and the Snow Emperor will wait for you.” ”

“Whew, it’s not grandpa yet. Studying fairy elves is overdone, and inadvertently looking up to see that it is only a few minutes before your agreed time. In fact, it was enough to walk slowly, but grandpa came directly and I was afraid that he would fall. So I ran after it, and I almost didn’t tire me out! ”

Xiao Mao bent over his knees, blushing like a tomato. Yu Ying patted the Snow Emperor’s leg, and the Snow Emperor immediately turned blue in his eyes and brought several people to his back with his mental power.

Then, a burst of aqua-blue light lit up. The aquamarine on the elemental bracelet turned into a blue and white light, and the light dissipated Archie with the heart of the ocean. I saw Archie and the Snow Emperor glance at each other, and the lock of time emitted silver light.

The space in front of the Snow Emperor immediately distorted, and a wormhole appeared in front of everyone. About to enter a strange space that he had never stepped into, even Xiao Mao, who was originally a little afraid of the space of another dimension, couldn’t help but get excited.

“Let’s go, Snow Emperor, Archie!” Hazakura patted the Snow Emperor’s neck, and the metal-covered hooves stepped into the wormhole. The figures of the two Pokémon disappeared into the backyard of the institute in an instant.

About half an hour later, in the woods behind the Union headquarters building. The space suddenly tore apart, and Snow Emperor and Archie walked out. I saw that the person on the back of the Snow Emperor, except for Ha Sakura who still maintained his usual expression, Dr. Ohki lowered his head and kept recording in a small book. Xiao Mao and the three were still immersed in the novel or terrifying scene they had just watched.

“The Quartz Plateau has arrived, let’s go to the Quartz Hotel first. The Four Heavenly Kings had already booked the room, and in the evening it was the opening ceremony of the challenge. A few of us will definitely be present, and your physical strength will be consumed relatively quickly in the different dimensional space. “Ha Sakura jumped off the back of the Snow Emperor, in fact, because the Snow Emperor is his own Pokémon, he also has a certain energy connection with the Time Lock.

Therefore, he will not have any problems in the other dimensional space, but Dr. Ohki and the others are not the same as Ha Sakura, although they have the protection of the Snow Emperor. But their physical strength will be lost very quickly, if it weren’t for Archie’s constant use of the Heart of the Ocean to replenish their physical strength, then it is estimated that they would have collapsed by now.

“Okay, then we’ll go back. The gravitational force in the other dimension is different from the outside world, and I feel a little collapsed now. Xiao Mao obviously felt the difference between the different dimensional space and the outside world, so he pulled Xiao Zhi, who was still a little stunned, towards the direction of Quartz City.

“Snow Emperor, you and Archie go back to the space first to rest. Compared to taking so many people away from another dimension, your energy has also consumed a lot. After all, you can’t fully control the power of the Heart of the Ocean and the Lock of Time. ”

Ha Sakura looked at the two super divine beasts whose energy was somewhat unstable, and removed the elemental bracelet on his hand. Archie and Snow Emperor knew that their mission was now complete and did not say much. Transformed into two rays of light into the bracelet, leaving only two crystal clear gemstones.

“Ha Sakura, let’s go. What are you still doing there, the Four Heavenly Kings are still waiting for us.” Xiao Mao sensed that Ha Sakura was not following, so he turned around and shouted loudly.

Hearing Xiao Shige’s shout, Ha Sakura responded. Lifting his skirt and trotting in the direction of Quartz City, he quickly caught up with Xiao Mao and the others. Looking at the quartz city that was still far away from him, Hazakura released the string moon.

“Everyone come up, it’s still far from Quartz City.” We can’t just walk around like this. Looking at the few people with beads of sweat on their heads, Yu Sakura patted Qianyue’s back and said.

Xiao Mao patted his head and said in an annoyed tone: “I’m really brainy, this is a suburb.” How did I forget this, come out wind speed dog. ”

The wind speed dog appeared in front of several people and looked at his trainer Xiao Mao. Ten of his own body bent down, and Xiao Mao pulled Dr. Ohki to sit up. Dr. Ohki said to Hazukura, “String Moon’s back can’t sit too many people, just me and Shigeru can sit on the wind speed dog.” Dragon Pokémon are very arrogant and don’t like people other than trainers sitting on them. ”

“That’s right, Ha Sakura, Ash and I can ride our own fire-breathing dragon.” Yanhuo naturally knew what Dr. Ohki said, and released their respective fire-breathing dragons with Ash. Different from the quartz conference, I saw that the flame on the tail of the fiery fire-breathing dragon had changed from light green to normal green, and its body exuded the momentum of belonging to the Heavenly King, obviously breaking through the Heavenly King Elementary.

Ash’s fire-breathing dragon surprised Yu Sakura even more. It is actually a Heavenly King Junior, and the flame is the same as the fiery fire-breathing dragon. If it weren’t for the fact that the temperaments of the two fire-breathing dragons were too different, it would definitely not be possible for trainers to distinguish between the two. Here Yu Ying has to say that Lao Spray’s qualifications are too good, you must know that his strength was the same as that of the fiery fire-breathing dragon before, and now he has actually surpassed it.

“I didn’t expect that your Charizard dragons have all broken through, and the four of us are now trainers above the Heavenly King level.” Xiao Mao looked at the two fire-breathing dragons and looked surprised, and the wind speed dog under him felt Xiao Mao’s joy, and spewed out a light green flame from the sky, obviously breaking through the heavenly king.

“Great, it seems that the Phoenix Fruit has been absorbed by your Pokémon. It seems that you have not been idle these days, compared to you can catch up with me soon. Hazakura smiled and looked at her three companions, happy for them from the bottom of her heart.

“Okay kids, let’s go back to Quartz City first.” Dr. Ohki said that this was not a good place to talk. Although it is in the quartz plateau, it is the most core territory of the Kanto Alliance, but the partition wall has ears, who knows what will go wrong.

“Okay, then let’s go back. Presumably Uncle Xuecheng has already waited for it, so let’s set off. Hazakura patted Qianyue’s head and motioned for it to go. Qianyue, who received the order, immediately flew into the sky, and Xiao Mao Yanhuo and the others immediately chased after him.

The three Pokémon are all very powerful Pokémon, and the speed is naturally not slow. In less than an hour, it was already over Quartz City. Since Pokémon are not allowed to fly over the city, plus the Quartz convention is over. Quartz City is now closed to flying.

Then a warning sound was heard from the direction of the city: “Fast dragons in the sky and two fire-breathing dragons, since the quartz conference is over, the sky over Quartz City is now a no-fly area, please descend immediately!” ”

“The sky above Quartz City is a no-fly area, please descend immediately!” As the warning sounded approached, a young lady Junsha riding a bijing appeared in front of Yu Ying and the others. Sensing someone approaching, String Moon and Charizard immediately became alert.

“Qianyue, it’s okay. It’s Miss Junsha of Quartz City, I forgot that Quartz City is only allowed to fly during the annual conference, let’s land first. ”


Kuailong groaned softly, flapping its small wings and slowly falling. Behind him, Fire and Ash also comforted their Pokémon and let them land. In the distance, Miss Junsha watched the Qianyue and they landed, so they also landed on the streets of Quartz City.

“Dr. Ohki, Hazakura-sama.” Only then did Junsha see clearly that the people who came turned out to be Dr. Ohki and Yu Sakura, who was about to become the champion. There is also Yanhuo and Xiaomao, who are the lineage of the Kanto family.

“Miss Junsha, we just came from Zhenxin Town. Forgot that now Quartz City is closed to flying, I’m really sorry. Ha Sakura looked at Junsha, who looked shocked, and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

“It’s okay, Hazakura-sama. Quartz City has only recently banned flights and has not yet been notified. Please forgive Junsha’s faux pas just now! “Miss Junsha’s heart has been trembling now, and she doesn’t dare to offend Yu Ying. You must know that your own family order must not offend Yu Ying, after all, Yu Ying has Archie and Snow Emperor, two super divine beasts that can easily destroy a family.

“It’s okay, it’s your duty. We still have things, so let’s go first. I really hope that everyone in the alliance is as dedicated as the people of your Junsha and Joy clan. Dr. Ohki knew that Junsha was worried that he would offend himself by stopping him just now, so after saying a few words, he walked towards the Quartz Hotel with Hazakura and the others.

Ha Sakura looked at the quartz city, which was a little silent compared to half a month ago, and looked at the quartz sports field and the temple of the king in the distance. Quartz City, himself is back!

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