“Dead Leaf City is ahead, finally here!” Looking at the city in front of him, Yu Sakura said with a sigh of relief. Thinking that I lost my map in the woods a few days ago, I had to make several rounds inside before I got out.

Half an hour later, Hazakura was lying comfortably in the bedroom of the Pokémon Center. There is a pair of Pokémon in the heart of War Horse Wonder. “The Kami turtle is aquatic and will be restrained by Raichu. As are the eagle and the large-billed finch, the flying mantis also has the attributes of the flight system. There are only Miao Frog Grass and Vine Vine Snake, and the Vine Vine Snake is almost able to evolve into the Green Vine Snake. A few days ago, Miao Frog Grass also taught the vine snake a lot of skills, hoping that this battle can accumulate a little more experience for the vine snake. Hazakura looked at the Pokéball with the vine snake in her hand and said to herself.

Hazakura soon found the Dead Leaf Dojo under Miss Joey’s instructions. Looking at the lightning-patterned building in front of him, he muttered a few words. So he pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered, I heard a playful voice sound. “Yo, boss. Here comes another imp who does not know the height of the sky. “Who is it this time?”

The lights came on, and I saw a few dressed in costumes similar to street dance. Young men and women with violently dyed blonde hair surrounded a strong man in camouflage uniforms.

Seeing Yu Sakura, the man spoke, “This time there is a cute little sister.” I am Ma Ski, the owner of the Dead Leaf Dojo, and this is Raichu. Are you here to challenge? ”

Even if he didn’t have a good impression of the Masky in front of him, the good education also made Hazakura introduce himself calmly. “I’m Hazakura from Shinshin Town.

“Haha, another real new town. I don’t know how your strength is, don’t be like that little ghost last time.

“Vine Vine Snake, come out!” Hazakura ignored Ma Shiqi and just released the vine vine snake.

“A Pokémon I’ve never seen before, but it’s still a little one, Raichu.” Masky still sent Raichu the same.

“Pavilion master, don’t underestimate the vine snake. Vine vine snake, moving at high speed. Hazakura looked at the fat Raichu on the field. Resolutely let the vine snake use the skill that increases speed.

“Don’t think about running, Raichu uses 100,000 volts.” Ma Shiqi saw the vine snake scurrying left and right on the field, and immediately let Raichu attack the vine snake. “Raichu!” Raichu immediately emitted a powerful electric current. The resulting electric sparks hit the ground, kicking up clouds of dust that obscured Hazakura and Ma Shiki’s vision.

Seeing Raichu and Fuji Snake disappear from his field of vision, Ma Shiqi was worried that Hazakura would take advantage of this gap to attack. Therefore, he immediately instructed Raichu to pay attention to the movements of the vine vine snake to prevent passivity.

“Vine Snake, uses photosynthetic energy (strengthens skills, increases Pokémon attacks, speed). Be careful, don’t get raided by Raichu. Because he couldn’t see the vine snake, Ha Sakura had to call the vine vine snake to pay attention like Ma Shiqi.

After a while, the smoke and dust that permeated the hall finally dispersed. I saw that the vine snake was on each side, and the only difference was that the vine snake face did not change color. His eyes were fixed on Raichu, who was panting from running on the other side.

It seems that Raichu is tired. “Vine vine snake, use photosynthetic energy again.” Even though Rai Qiu is now in the inferior position, he is the trump card of Ma Shiqi, the owner of the Dead Leaf Dojo Hall. The level must not be low, or it is better to wait for the vine vine snake to strengthen and attack in the attack.

“Hmph, photosynthetic energy. Never heard of a skill, though. Strength is the key to victory. Raichu, another hundred thousand volts. Ma Shi looked at the vine snake wrapped in vines and absorbing sunlight. Immediately let Raichu launch 100,000 volts, and saw that 100,000 volts was about to hit the vine vine snake. Suddenly, the vine burst open. Revealing the wrapped vine snake, its speed has increased several times after it has been strengthened. As soon as his body moved, he dodged the 100,000 volts full of strength.

“Pavilion master, I’m going to attack with all my might next. You have to be careful, I’m not the kind of goods you’ve encountered before. Vine vine snake, using grass knotted rope. I saw two tender green grasses emerge from the field, and in an instant they entangled Lei Chu’s two feet. Reichu, who was firing 100,000 volts, was caught off guard and tripped to the ground, and a puff of smoke and dust rose around him.

“Stand up and use thunder.” Ma Shi saw Raichu fall to the ground and couldn’t help shouting.

Lei Qiu, who had just stood up, immediately slashed out a bolt of lightning when he heard it, and the speed was extremely fast. This time, the vine snake couldn’t dodge. “Vine vine snake, use the vine whip to insert into the ground.” Sure enough, the thunder followed the vine whip into the ground, and did not cause much damage to the vine vine snake.

“All right, Pavilion Master. I’m going to win this game, using a flying blade. When the vine vine snake heard this, it directly shot out countless fast knives, and the flying leaf fast knife rushed out with a ray of light. The speed of the flying leaf fast knife is very fast, and it has a sharp aura.

Hazakura’s vine vine snake will use many tricks under the training and guidance of Miao Frog Grass and Hazakura Sakura, but the truly powerful tricks are these moves. The rattan whip among them has exceeded the boundary of the rattan whip, and even the powerful whipping of ordinary monarch snakes does not have this power. In addition, the flying leaf fast knife is the same, sharp, even if it is a rock, it can be cut.

“Rip and pull………. tear and pull…”

The speed is fast, and it is even spinning towards Leichu. Raichu’s defense is not enough, especially this physical defense.

After all, Ma Shiqi is the owner of the Dead Leaf Taoist Hall, and he has some combat experience.

“Raichu, use an electric shock to shatter the flying blade fast knife in front of you.”

Electric shock is also a good power trick among the electric tricks. With great power, it also has a strong impact.

Suddenly, a yellow light streaked through, and a sharp flying blade knife shattered in half. But the flying leaf fast knife is also good, and it has a quantity.

Ma Shiqi was shocked, and with just one collision, Raichu’s already painful divine body also appeared scars.

Shocked, he said in disbelief: “This flying leaf fast knife is also too unreasonable!” “It’s beyond common sense, and it’s beyond people’s cognition.”


In an instant, the flying leaf fast knife directly hit Lei Qiu, and Lei Qiu was already scarred. “No, it can’t go on. Raichu, using 100,000 volts. ”

The yellow light gathered, and a yellow pillar of light had appeared, rushing directly towards the remaining flying blade fast knife.


The strong explosion finally damaged the flying blade fast knife.

The smoke was thick, and it was at this time that Yu Sakura had already given the order: “Vine vine snake, use the flying leaf fast knife again, this time speed up.” ”

The vine vine snake nodded, but the vine whip appeared, and the half-moon-shaped flying leaf fast knife also appeared.

“Sting……….. Sting….”

The flying leaf fast knife rushed out, and the vine whip also rushed out.

The moment the two rushed out, the vine whip directly pointed at the flying leaf fast knife, and then the flying leaf fast knife quickly rotated, turning into a full moon shape, with a sharper aura.

Yu Ying stared at everything in front of him, not shocked at all by the situation in front of him: “It’s not bad, it seems that some of the tricks of teaching have already been learned…. But some still don’t. However, the cooperation between this move vine whip and flying leaf fast knife is indeed good. In particular, the rattan whip speeds up the rotation speed of the flying leaf fast knife and enhances the sharpness and sharpness of the flying leaf fast knife. Such a sharp flying leaf fast knife can be regarded as a must. ”

The flying leaf fast knife directly broke through the smoke and hit Lei Qiu, directly causing a heavy blow.


Raichu, directly lost the ability to fight.

At this moment, Ma Shi also took out an orange badge.

“Ha Sakura, your strength is very strong. This is the badge of the Dead Leaf Dojo, proof that you defeated me. ”

“Thank you, see the owner of the museum. I also want to train one and fight the owner again. Hazakura said modestly.

Return to the Pokémon Center and watch the Pichu Pokémon eggs that Masky gave him and the Ivy Snake that completed his evolution on the way. I wondered what Ma Shi was doing.

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