After leaving the Pokémon Research Academy, Hazakura heads to Dead Leaf City. The 3rd emblem there regarding the eastern region, the orange badge.

“It seems that this is the Pokémon town where Ash recovered the seeds of the magic frog, so let’s take a look there.” Hazakura looked at the map and muttered to herself.

Suddenly, a walking grass burst out of the grass, and when he saw Hazakura, he immediately jumped in fright. Pull out her legs and run, like Hazakura did something to her.

“Alas, I didn’t want to subdue you. I can’t train the Magic Frog Grass and the Vine Vine Snake. Besides, I don’t like stinky flowers either. Waving his hand helplessly, Hazakura planned to continue walking.

Swish, a sound of breaking air came. One dodged and saw the pale cyan shadow. I can’t help but sigh at my “good luck”.

“Vine vine snake, stop the magic frog seed for me. Make the vine whip! “Throw the Pokéball of the vine snake.” Fujito! ”

“Seed seed, seed.” After dodging the vine whip, the Miao Frog Seed turned around and rushed towards the vine snake. “It’s an impact trick, and the vine vine snake dodges.”

“Next, use the flying blade fast knife.” As soon as the vine snake flicked its tail with a leaf, a dozen sharp leaves pierced the seeds of the frog.

“Seed~” The Miao Frog Seed didn’t have time to dodge, and was all hit by the flying leaf fast knife.

“Wonderful frog seed!” Three people rushed over quickly, and one of them picked up the magic frog seed. Ha Sakura looked at it, isn’t this Ash.

“Ash, how are you. Is this Magic Frog Seed your Pokémon? He said so, but in his heart he muttered that Ash’s movements were really fast.

“Ha Sakura, it’s you. What’s going on. “Ash is holding the injured Miao Frog seed.” Oh, I passed by here. This frog seed suddenly used a vine whip on me. ”

“I’m so sorry, I just took this magic frog seed. It was originally a guard here, and it must have misunderstood that you came here to subdue the Pokémon before attacking you. After understanding what happened, Ash apologized to Hazakura.

“It’s okay, the vine snake has already protected me. Right, vine vine snake. Hazakura picked up the vine vine snake from the ground and said with a smile. Fujito ~ Fujito! ”

“Is this your Pokémon Hazakura, I’ve never seen it.” Ash said as he took out the Pokémon Book and aimed it at the vine snake.

There is no information. The cold voice of the picture book sounded. “Why is there no information?” Ash scratched his head.

Seeing Ash’s puzzled look, Hazakura stepped forward and said to him, “Ash, when you received the Illustrated Book, Dr. Ohki did not help you upgrade the Illustrated Book to nationwide. So it is only about Pokémon in the East region. “Take out your own blue book.” Look, my Pokédex was upgraded by Dr. Ohki at my request. After saying that, aiming at the vine vine snake, the picture book is a voice sounded:

Vine Snake, Grass Snake Pokémon. The two Pokémon of the Water Otter and the Warm Pig are the three initial Pokémon in the United Regions. The grass and poison systems are always calm, not shaken by anything, and photosynthesize the leaves on the tail to generate energy.

“Otter, Hanakura. That’s a water Pokémon, and I’m curious what it’s like. “Xiaoxia is worthy of being a person from the Hualan Taoist Hall, and she is so obsessed with water system Pokémon.

“Yes, otters are aquatic. And the fire system that warms the pig, you see. “Illustrated Book: Otter, Otter Pokémon. The two Pokémon, Tongtian Vine Snake and Warm Pig, are the three initial Pokémon in the United Regions. Scallops, which resemble shells, are removed from the stomach and can be used for attack and defense.

“So cute.” After Xiao Xia looked at the picture of the otter in the book, her eyes were red. Also, most female trainers in the United States region will choose cute-looking otters when choosing initial Pokémon. After all, otters do outperform vine vine snakes and warm pigs in terms of appearance.

“I must take an otter.” Xiaoxia said excitedly, still holding a Pokéball in her hand.

Facing Xiaoxia, who is crazy, Yu Ying is not good at hitting her. I had to say to her carefully: “Xiaoxia, the otter is a Pokémon in the United Regions, but there is no one in Kanto.” Even my vine vine snake happened to get it. ”

“Ah, yes. All right! Listening to Yu Ying’s words, Xiao Xia, who was still excited just now, suddenly quieted down. Deaf pulled his head and said in disappointment.

“Okay Xiaoxia, there will be a chance in the future. Hazakura, last time Pikachu lost to your Myo Frog Grass. Today I want to compare with you again with the magic frog seed. Ash said with fighting spirit.

“Okay, this time I’ll use the vine snake. Ash, let me see how much you’ve improved. Hazakura placed the vine snake on the ground, and the vine snake’s gaze also sharpened. The Miao Frog Seed saw that it was the vine vine snake that had injured him just now, and rushed to his brain with a breath. He howled at it, but the vine snake still ignored it. Blind eye.

The frog seed saw it and became even more angry. Two vine whips were sent out from the seeds on the back, and the vine snake saw it. One of the lower backs dodged, and the tail flicked. This time it is not the Flying Leaf Quick Knife, but Hazakura’s new skill designed for the vine vine snake and the Myo Frog Grass – the Petal Flying Blade. Hitting will cause 100% poisoning of the enemy and will fall into a bloody state. Constant loss of physical strength until the loss of combat capability.

Ash saw it again as a trick he had never seen before, thinking of the natural light and the dance of angels before. Naturally, he did not dare to be careless, and immediately ordered the Miao Frog Seed to dodge.

“Vine vine snake, vine whip.” After Ha Sakura finished speaking, four vine whips stretched out on both sides of the neck of the vine snake. It suddenly entangled the limbs of the frog seed, making it immobile. At this time, the petal flying blade that was sent out earlier also hit the Miao Frog Seed, although the Miao Frog Seed is a poisonous Pokémon. It will not fall into a state of poisoning, but it is also constantly losing physical strength. After a while, it lost its ability to fight.

“Come back to the frog seeds.” But the Magic Frog Seed had fainted and could not hear Ash’s call. Xiao Gang stepped forward to look at the wound on the body of the magic frog seed, and said, “It seems that the skill called the Petal Flying Blade will cause the Pokémon to bleed. This is how the Magic Frog Seed loses its ability to fight. ”

Ash was still holding the bloody Magic Frog Seed, completely forgetting to help it recover its strength. “Ash, the injury of the frog seed is not good yet. Vine vine snake, using photosynthesis. “Fujito.” The physical strength drawn from the sunlight is transported to the body of the mysterious frog seed through the vine catheter on the vine snake, and after a while, the wound no longer bleeds.

“Thank you Ha Sakura, what kind of skill is this. Did you create it yourself again? Ash stared blankly at the quickly recovering Magic Frog Seed. No, this is the exclusive recovery skill of grass Pokémon, photosynthesis. Using the photosynthetic transformation of the plant itself, it draws physical strength from sunlight to restore its own physical strength. ”

“Yes, Ash, any grass Pokémon can learn this skill. You don’t even know that. Xiao Xia said with disdain. It’s true! That wonderful frog seed can also be learned. Ash held the Magic Frog Seed and his eyes glowed with essence.

“Alright Ash, it’s time for you to send the Magic Frog Seed to the Pokémon Center. The photosynthesis of the vine snake was originally to help him recover his physical strength, although the physical strength was transmitted to the body of the Miao Frog seed. But most of it is still absorbed by the vine snake, and it is better for you to send it to Miss Joy to see.

“Oh, that’s what I said. Come back first, Magic Frog Seed. Ash took back the Magic Frog Seed.

“Vine Vine Snake, you come back too.” After recovering the vine snake, Hazakura also goes to the Pokémon Center with Ash.

A few hours later, Pokémon Center.

“Your Pokémon are all back to health.” Miss Joy, wearing a nurse’s uniform, still smiles and returns Ash and Hazakura Pokémon to them.

“Thank you Miss Joy.” Hazakura also took the baby ball as usual and thanked Miss Joey.

After leaving the Pokémon Center, Hazakura and Ash separated. Hazakura doesn’t want Ash to miss out on the Jeni turtle and the little fire dragon that will evolve into a fire-breathing dragon in the future. So he separated from Ash and his group, and went to the woods near Pokémon Township to train for Pokémon.

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