Plane Master Copy

Chapter 956: : Foreigner

The space-time vortex appeared, and Wu Yan and Xiaomeng accompanied the space-time vortex, left the plane of the Super Theological Seminary, and returned to the real world.

He shook his head slightly to make himself more awake. Wu Yan looked around from the left and right. It was exactly where he was when he crossed the plane to the Super Theological Seminary. There was no change.

Looking at the distance, about twenty miles away, you can see the base of Changshi.

Although Changshi can be said to be its own place, each time I cross other planes, I leave the place when I return, and the time is exactly one day and one night before and after. If it is intentionally targeted, it may be Danger yourself.

Therefore, each time crossing, if possible, Wu Yan will leave Changshi, find a remote and unmanned place to cross.

The space-capable self finds a lonely place before crossing the road, and does nothing.

"Xiao Meng, let's go, let's go back ...", looking at the base of Changshi not far away, Wu Yan said to Xiao Meng beside him.

Raising his hand while speaking, holding Xiaomeng, he was ready to activate the nightwalker's teleport ability.

For this kind of short and medium distance teleportation, where the eyes can see, it is most convenient to use the nightwalker's teleport ability. The magic of the space portal, the apocalyptic space ability is the most suitable for medium and long distance teleport. Space gem? Interstellar crossings are not a problem.

However, Wuyan was not waiting for the launching ability of Wuyan. Suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the space, which made Wuyan feel a little frustrated.

My ability has not yet been activated. What is the fluctuation in this space?

Almost at the same time, with the fluctuation of space, a space crack appeared in front of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng momentarily. Then, two men and one woman walked out of the space crack.

Looking at the two, the blond appearance is obviously of European and American descent. The man is wearing a scale armor with a two-handed big sword obliquely behind his back, while the woman is wearing a tight leather wallet and holding in his hand A delicate and small magic wand.

Both in appearance and clothing, these two people do not seem to be domestic.

Didi ...

As Wu Yan's gaze fell on the two uninvited guests of the man and the woman, the numbers on the crystal measuring instrument jumped, and then the corresponding crystal point number emerged.

The crystal point of the male reaches 10600, which is barely stepped into the level of the fifth-level awakener, while the woman holding the magic wand next to it has a higher crystal point, reaching the point of about 12000.

"Well? Are you the awakened in Huaxia? Hello, we are here for the first time. Could you please be our tour guide?" After seeing Wu Yan, these two uninvited guests were obviously startled. Looks like, I did not expect to meet the local awakening, but the woman followed, with an arrogant look.


As the woman's words fell, the man with the two-handed sword next to him also raised his hand, and a small crystal nucleus popped up towards Wu Yan, and it was also a high look, saying: "This is for you Remuneration. "

Frowning slightly, but without rushing, Wu Yan reached out to take over the crystal nucleus and asked, "I said, where did you come from?".

"Things that shouldn't be asked, don't ask too much." For Wu Yan's inquiry, the man scolded with anger and looked at Wu Yan with an unhappy look.

Obviously, he is not very satisfied with Wu Yan's attitude.

"It seems that they should not be the awakeners in Huaxia, but directly descended from other countries into Huaxia." Listening to the words of this awakener, he murmured secretly in his heart.

If they were in Huaxia early, they should have a crystal measuring device, and they would not have this attitude when they saw the number of their crystal points.

Therefore, Wu Yan can infer that they have borrowed space capabilities directly from abroad, and there is no such thing as a crystallizer abroad.

"There is a city base over there. It looks a bit like the style of our country. Go, let's go and see ..." The woman next to me saw the presence of Changshi, and her face was surprised. Said.

Seeing this scene, the man next to him also showed some interest and greeted him, letting Wu Yan and Xiaomeng quickly lead the way.

The new city created by the city construction order in the game, this city looks like the main city of fantasy games in the past, so it really has the style of medieval European and American architecture, and it is no wonder that these two foreigners are interested. Already.

"It feels like our territory in China is better. The crystal measuring device is also very practical. Although the number of crystal points is not an absolute standard for measuring a person's strength, with this item, at least, there will not be a strong opponent. And look away ... "Seeing the attitude of the two awakened men and one woman, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

The number of crystal points in their early 10,000 is indeed very strong, but who thinks that their strength is invincible, who gave them courage?

"Hey, boy, what's going on with you two? Why don't you leave?" The two foreigners spoke Chinese very well, and looked back at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng's immovable feet. Road.

"Well, if you want to know anything, just ask me directly." Looking at the appearance of these two foreigners, Wu Yan shook his head and said.

At first glance, they did not know what their awakening ability was, and Wu Yan did not take the risk to take them into Changshi.

Although it is the last days, all human beings are living under the pressure of zombies. It is reasonable to abandon the gap between nations and work together to fight against zombies, but the human roots are even clearer.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that the visitors are not good, and Wu Yan naturally will not let them enter Changshi.

"Are you guys toasting, not eating and drinking?" After listening to Wu Yan's words, he seemed to refuse to lead the way. The man's face changed, and he yelled angrily.

"Your Chinese, you speak it very well. Since you know Chinese so well, you should also know our Chinese rules of conduct? You still have to be low-key as a person ..." A glance at the man said Wu Yan.

As a foreigner, Huaxia's idiom just came out, indicating that he did have a high level of accomplishment.

"Huh, this is your country. What do you like to play as a pig and a tiger? In our country, the strong should naturally have the privilege of the strong." For Wu Yan, the man scoffed.

While talking, he looked at Wu Yan with some vigilance and said, "Your Chinese people seem to like to play the trick of playing pigs and tigers under the guise of modesty, aren't you, too?"


As the man's words fell, the woman holding the ingenious wand next to him, knocked on his head with a bad temper, and said, "Okay, Arthurs, don't talk these nonsense, in our strength , In their own base are reputable strong, none of them, come here to meet two people can threaten us? I think the two of them are too underestimated us, you let them know us Its strength. "

"It seems that you are quite confident in your own strength. However, in your Huaxia words, there are people outside and there is sky outside. It seems that you have to understand the difference in strength between us before you can obediently obey. ".

He didn't even want to take down the sword behind him. The man stepped forward and said, clenching his fist, and smashing his fist towards a small hill not far away.

The powerful power erupted with his boxing, and then, a hill that was hundreds of meters high, completely disappeared under the punch of this punch, and was razed to the ground.

"How? Do you think you can tolerate my punch?" He punched a hill completely to the ground with a single punch. The man asked Wuyan with a funny look.

Looking at this scene, Wu Yan was a bit dumbfounded, and his mouth twitched slightly.

One punch razed a hill? Such destructive power is indeed very good, but, in front of myself, is not enough to see a bit?

Where did he get the courage to be proud of himself?

Looking at Wu Yan's dumb wooden chicken, the proud look on this man's face is even more obvious. Obviously, he thinks that his strength has completely deterred Wu Yan.

"Well, seeing the difference in strength between you and me, can you be obedient now? Rest assured, as long as you are obedient, even if there is something leaking in my fingers, it will be enough for you to endure it." He looked back and took his fist back. The man looked upright at ~ ~ to Wu Yan.

"Well, your power looks pretty good. Then, do you want to see my power?" Wu Yan laughed in his heart, looking at this man, and asked at the same time.

"You? Do you want to show your strength and enhance your value? Well, if you have any ability, show it to us. As long as you have one tenth of my strength, your Strength is even a little master. "

After listening to Wu Yan's words, the man nodded, still commenting condescendingly, saying that Wu Yan wanted to show his strength and gain his own attention.

Words of contention, Wu Yan is naturally lazy, just slowly stretched out his own hand, saying: "My strength, you can feel it yourself? How about your hand strength?" .

"Oh? Really? Then let me see how strong your strength is," Wu Yan said, let this man named Arthurs look interested.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and held it with Wu Yan's hand.

"Okay, let's get started."

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