Plane Master Copy

Chapter 955: :return


For the Super Plane, Poros, who can fully burst out of his power, can be said to be invincible, and the power that can burst the planet is not what Mogana and Carr can resist.

Maybe if they were given time to prepare, Poros could be blocked by advanced black technology.

However, it is impossible for Wu Yan to give them the opportunity to prepare again. In addition, the power of science and technology and its own power are completely different.

This is like on the earth, some people can blow up a city with one punch. Although human beings also control nuclear weapons, they can do this, but can controlling such technology be as powerful as others themselves? ?

Because of the collision of forces between Poros and Carl's machine that was enough to blast the planet, the entire fallen city completely disappeared into ashes, and even the alien space that originally existed in the fallen city disappeared.

As far as the earth is concerned, the space cracks originally suspended in mid-air naturally disappeared, which caused the news media on the earth to report wildly and speculate on all these reasons.

Of course, for people on the earth, the suspended space cracks in mid-air disappeared, and most of the happy events ...

However, compared to other people on the planet, General Dukao on the Great Gorge was very happy. After the angel family constructed the space wormhole and returned, Dukao knew that although the attack on the fallen city happened There were some surprises, but the end was good.

Because the fallen city has been destroyed, even if Moganna and Carl do not die, it will be difficult to threaten the earth in a short time.

Moreover, of course, Dukao also knew for the first time that the space cracks suspended in mid-air had disappeared, which also meant that the attack on the fallen city was indeed successfully completed. Dukao's heart became a man Rejoicing.

However, despite the joy in my heart, I didn't see Wu Yan returning after the students of the Angel Family and the Super Theological College fled back. Moreover, from the mouths of these students, I also knew that Wu Yan stayed inside. Continue to fight with Morgana, which made Dukao's heart a little hesitant.

Although Wu Yan's origins are very mysterious, and Dukao has always been wary of him to a certain extent, but I have to admit that in the past few months, Wu Yan can be said to be dedicated at the Super Theological College Due diligence, the students of Super Theological College have greatly improved their strength.

Moreover, along the way, Wu Yan has been very helpful to the Super Theological Seminary, so Dukao's mind has actually admitted that Wu Yan is a member of the Super Theological Seminary.

This sneak attack on the fallen city, whether it is to provide information before the operation, or to fight against Moganna and Karl with one person after the operation, Wu Yan can be said to be the greatest.

Even the sacred Keisha has fallen, Dukao can fully imagine what kind of power Wu Yan is facing now.

There was some embarrassment waiting, Dukao was waiting for Wu Yan to return. Similarly, the students of the Super Theological Seminary on the Great Gorge had a look of embarrassment and uneasiness.

The information Dukao knew was only verbal, but these students saw the power with their own eyes.

The Poros apocalypse roaring gun, and the machine in Karl's hand, the forces collided with each other. Fortunately, it was an alien space. Otherwise, if such a force broke out on the earth, these students would have no doubt that maybe the entire earth would Collapsed under that power.

"Teacher Wu Yan, should he be all right?" Even Lena's face was anxious and worried, murmuring secretly.

Just after a war, after being injured, Teacher Wu Yan was the first to save herself and heal her injuries. Rena was naturally grateful.

"Ms. Wu Meng hasn't returned. I really don't know how her situation is." In contrast, Zhao Xin's heart was more worried about Xiao Meng, and the hand holding the spear was tight.

"..." Ge Xiaolun didn't say a word, but his heart was very calm.

With the power of the galaxy, because of the separate development of Wu Yan and the increase in the power of gene locks, Ge Xiaolun's strength is among the top of the students in the Super Theological College, and he is not even weaker than Lena. Therefore, Ge Xiaolun Has always been full of confidence in his strength.

But this time, after fighting in the fallen city, seeing Wu Yan and Poros and their power at this level, Ge Xiaolun felt that his power was still a little weak.

Otherwise, why do you need to escape? Why can't I stay and help?

Compared to the students of the Super Theological Seminary, the warriors of the angel tribe were low in expression and did not say a word. This battle, the sacred Kesha actually fell, which was unexpected by everyone.

This is also a huge blow for the angel tribe.

No matter whether it was the Super Theological Seminary or the angels, no one spoke, waiting quietly, and the atmosphere became a little dignified for a while.

However, this dignity did not last too long. It took only a few minutes. Suddenly, a space channel appeared in the mid-air of this giant gorge. Immediately, Wuyan and Xiaomeng joined together. .

With a crystal point of about 100,000, Poros naturally possessed the crushing power. As he went down and punched one, neither Morgana nor Carr were completely opponents, and were knocked out by Wuporos.

As the two fell into a coma, there was nothing more worth copying on Moganna's body, but on Carr's body, about some of his knowledge and theoretical abilities, Wu Yan picked some useful ones and copied them all.

After all, Carr's knowledge was also extremely precious compared to Moganna.

You may not have the energy to study this knowledge yourself, but it is also useful to store this knowledge and copy it to specialists who can use it in the future.

For example, the secondary knowledge, the void theory, the dark matter computer, etc. These related knowledge and abilities also have their own roles.

After copying these useful things in the mirrored space, Wu Yan didn't mean to be polite and directly killed Moganna and Karl.

Since both of them have joined forces to deal with themselves, and even developed a terrible machine, Wu Yan naturally will not let the tiger return to the mountain and cause himself trouble.

"Great, Teacher Wu Yan is okay ...", watching Wu Yan and Xiao Meng appear from the space channel, the people on the Great Gorge were relaxed and said happily.

"How? What's the end result?" After Wu Yan and Wu Meng landed, Dukao greeted him and asked.

"Well, both are resolved. Both Moganna and Karl were killed. Although the Demon Legion fled, they were not led by Moganna, but the dragons had no heads." Wu Yan replied to Dukao's inquiry. Tell the truth.

Poros, who showed his full power, completely crushed Moganna and Karl, and there was no problem.

"Did you kill them all?" Upon hearing Wu Yan's words, the soldiers of the angel tribe next to him were shocked and happy.

Amazing is the strength of Wu Yan, who can actually kill the two of Moganna and Karl. The strength of both of them is almost not weaker than that of Lord Kesha.

Of course, knowing the news that Moganna and Carr were killed, these fighters of the angel family also feel happy in their hearts. Is this a revenge for Lord Kesha?

"Did you kill it successfully? In other words, can we have a good rest for a while?" As Wu Yan's words fell, Zhao Xin next to him said with joy.

Previously, the practice of desperation was to be able to protect yourself on the battlefield. The existence of the Devil's Legion has always been a large stone pressed on everyone's heads.

Now that the big rock has finally moved away, Zhao Xin feels it is time to take a good rest.

Regarding Zhao Xin's words, the other students of the Super Theological Seminary did not intervene, but they all looked at Dukao with expectant eyes.

Tightening my nerves for so long, I really need to take a good rest.

"Let ’s go on vacation for half a month each, you remember, the enemies in the universe are endless, you can relax, but you ca n’t relax your requirements, you are all soldiers!" Dukao thought and nodded They asked for a rest break, but they also ordered it well.

However, these orders, if they listened to them, only God knows, after Dukao agreed, all the students of the Super Theological College cheered.

Wu Yan smiled slightly and didn't say much, but at this point, Wu Yan didn't feel that he would continue to stay at the Super Theological Seminary. He also said openly that he should go out and relax.

The students are on vacation ~ ~ Wu Yan is a teacher, so it is nothing to take a vacation.

Just before leaving, Wu Yan found Angel Yan, looked at her with a wounded look, and used an excuse to help her heal, but collected some angel blood from her.

In the following days, Wu Yan stayed at the Evolution House. One was to teach the blood of angels to Dr. Kenous as the material for the plan of the beast, and the other was that Wu Yan taught the bodies of Moganna and Carr. All taken out.

The number of crystal points of these two points exceeds the 30,000 mark, and the corpse can not be wasted naturally. It is a good help to use it to make six magpies.

In this way, it was a few months, and passed by.

During the period, Wu Yan and the students of the Super Theological College also met more or less several times.

Seeing the computer pattern on his palm, it is becoming more and more complete. Wu Yan has found an opportunity to say goodbye, saying that he has done the things he should do when he comes to the earth, and will continue to travel in the universe. Already.

After the farewell, Wu Yan's palms were slightly warm, and the vortex of time and space appeared, leaving Xiaomeng with the plane.

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