Plane Master Copy

Chapter 950: : Collusion

I have to say that although the personal force value of the Marvel Plane is not high, I have to admit that many props of the Marvel Plane are very powerful.

Among them, as the most characteristic infinite gem, it is naturally the leader.

Although Kansas also has the technology to open the space wormhole, under the power of the space gem, his space wormhole was forcibly closed by Wu Yan.

"Is this from the future technical means? Or is it a special type of magical props?" Looking at the infinite gloves on Wu Yan's hand, Kansas murmured secretly.

It is determined that Wu Yan has the means of shuttle time, and also that he is really from the future, as Moganna said. Therefore, despite all the amazing aspects of his ability and technology, Karthus Is acceptable.

Just like in the real world, humans dream about the future of high technology. If someone really comes from the future, no matter what kind of black technology the other party has, they will not find it difficult to accept.

"Come where you want to go, do you want to go? Do you underestimate me?" After blocking the space with the power of the space gem, Wu Yan's eyes fell on Kansas.

It is true that the number of crystal points in the early 30,000 can not be underestimated, but Wu Yan is still full of confidence for his strength.

"I admit that your strength is really strong, but if I want to leave, you will not be able to stop me so easily, right?" Although the space is banned, it can be used as the top power of the Super Theological College, Carl Saas is confident in his strength.

During the conversation, the dark power of the body surged, and the huge power was stronger than Wu Yan.


However, feeling the dark power surging from Karthus, Wu Yan's body moved and came to the other side with the ability of the night walker's instantaneous movement. Immediately, with a little finger, he whispered in a low voice.

With Wu Yan's finger, Karthus instantly felt the thick power of darkness in his body, like a pool of standing water, and it was no longer difficult to mobilize.

This situation surprised Karzas, and he felt even more incredible.

What kind of capability is this? This Wuyan is not only terribly powerful, but also so strange? Is this a rule skill? Can't even mobilize their own power?


But no matter what Kansas thought, using the copying ability of Ge Xiaolun, after instantly silenced the other side, Wu Yan was not polite, and he flicked his palm and slammed it on Kasas's cheek. He turned around three times, and his cheeks swelled up instantly.

"I think your burden is really big. How dare you come to trouble me, even dare to start with Xiao Meng?"

Opening the bow from side to side, Wu Yan slaps Karsas several times in a row, making his original handsome face swollen quickly like a pig's head.

"Bad guy!" Although it is common for Kansas to be a man with a well-thought-out attitude, he treats everything calmly, but after being slapped by Wu Yan's left and right bowers for more than a dozen slaps, the so-called cultivation He threw away from Jiuxiaoyun, his face was furious, and the power of darkness gathered in his hands.


However, when I felt the dark power gathered again on the palm of Kansas, Wu Yan's mouth drank again. Then, the dark power in Kansas's hand dissipated for a moment, and the power in his body was like a stagnant water. Transfer.

Then, Wu Yan's palm fell down like raindrops.

"Jack, I killed you."




Crushing. In front of Wu Yan, Karthus was completely crushed, and every time he mobilized the power of darkness to fight back, but the silent means of silence made him ecstatic. There were no more than 30,000 crystal points. Room to make a difference.

Under Wu Yan's hands, only a few moments later, Kansas turned into a pig's head, and even his speech leaked.

Cool, this feeling makes Wu Yan feel refreshing, very refreshing.

Although Wu Yan also has a lot of regular skills, this skill copied from Ge Xiaolun is the best one to use. It has more than 30,000 crystal points and is just a display. , Ability can be called BUG.

With it, as long as you don't meet the ability to be restrained, or a big man who controls the power of the law like the emperor of the jade emperor, any enemy in front of himself, even if the crystal point is high, seems to be meaningless.


However, when watching Wu Yan completely crushed this Kansas, leaving him with no resistance at all, suddenly, a layer of shield suddenly appeared, covering Kansas's whole body.

At the same time, the dark forces in the palm of Kansas gathered together, and one palm was photographed towards Wu Yan.

Wu Yan raised his hand, and powerful strength emerged, which caused Wu Yan's body to be shaken back a lot. With more than 30,000 crystal points, if Kansas could mobilize energy, the power would naturally be above Wu Yan.

"This is? The Shield of Darkness?" Wu Yan's brow raised slightly as he looked at the shield emerging from Kansas.

As a person who also has a dark shield, Wu Yan certainly recognizes that it is a dark shield, so it is self-evident that this skill is attached to the body.

"Queen Moganna, why are you hiding since you are here?" Since there is Moganna, then Ge Xiaolun's quiet ability is useless, Wu Yan said loudly.

"Huh, Wu Yan, can we meet again?" After showing the Dark Shield skills, Moganna did not intend to hide her existence. With Wu Yan's words falling, Moganna walked out of the darkness. When he came out, he bit his teeth and stared at Wu Yan.

Before the fallen city, Moganna naturally would not give up.

"Moganna, let's do it together!" Looking at Moganna as he appeared, his power was finally ready to be mobilized, and Karthus said in anger and anger.

The dark power mobilized between words, and I wish I could kill Wu Yan now.

The battle that was just overwhelmed was a little too humiliating. With so many slaps, Kansas is now almost losing his mind because of his anger.

"Who are you? Do I know you? I don't recognize you like this."

Looking at the appearance of a pig's head in Kansas, Moganna could not help but betrayed, but knew that it was really inappropriate to just laugh so loudly, holding back a smile, and asked Karsas.

"Don't pretend you don't know me here ..." Although the face is as swollen as a pig's head, it does not mean that the wisdom of Kansas is gone: "You just helped, if you don't recognize me, you will Do you help me? ".

"Since you haven't lost your sanity, you should know that we are not a good time to start."

Seeing that Karthus could also analyze that he knew him, Moganna knew that he still had some sense, so he said angrily: "Don't forget where this is, this is the Super Theological Seminary, you think, just Can we defeat him by the two of us? ".

"Come on, everyone is coming out, something is wrong here!".

It seems to confirm the words of Moganna. With the situation between Wu Yan and Kansas just now, many students and soldiers were shocked, and one after another ran towards this side.

Seeing the sight here, there was a look of unwillingness in Kansas's eyes.

Although he was angry and angry at this time, he lived for tens of thousands of years, took a deep breath, and quickly controlled his emotions. Carlsas stared at Wu Yan deeply and turned away.

Morgana naturally didn't mean to do anything, and she moved away from the Super Theological College with Karthus.

If they fight alone, they know that they are not Wu Yan ’s opponents. Although they are now joining forces, in this super seminary, it is not easy for the two of them to defeat Wu Yan. Therefore, The two left decisively.

Looking at the shape of the two of them, Wu Yan's face was a little dignified.

Moganna and Karthus are together. This power cannot be underestimated. Sure enough, his reasoning is correct. Karthus really got information about himself from Moganna, so he came to the super. Theological Seminary.

Wu Yan also did not block the bodies of the two leaving. Both of them have reached the point of more than 30,000 polycrystalline points. They really want to start, and they do n’t know if they have lived for tens of thousands of years. .

And if they want to leave, it will not be easy to stay, so Wu Yan did not stop them.

Soon ~ ~ Many soldiers and students of the Super Theological Seminary came to Wu Yan, and naturally asked about the situation just now.

Wu Yan also did not hide it, and told the soldiers about the identity of Kansas and the appearance of the fallen angel Moganna.

Such news, I believe they will report to Dukao truthfully.

Soon, Dukao got the news, knowing that Karthus was an evil generation, and he was colluding with Moganna, the queen of the Demon Legion. Austria hurriedly found Wu Yan and had to inquire about the situation carefully.

It was just that he hadn't waited for him to speak. Soon, the door of the room was pushed open, and a soldier hurriedly said, "General, Mr. Wu Yan, yes, there are angels ... come ..."

However, before this soldier's words were finished, a beautiful angel wearing bright silver armor entered the room, and it was Angel Yan.

After Yan glanced at Wu Yan and Dukao, he asked, "Two of you, you feel the breath of Moganna. Excuse me, did she show up?"

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