Plane Master Copy

Chapter 949: : Self-improving Kansas

Zhao Xin stared blankly at the "Wu Meng" in front of her. These words came out of her mouth, giving Zhao Xin a feeling that the worldview had collapsed.

In Zhao Xin's heart, Miss Wu Meng's feeling has always been quiet and quiet. Such a sturdy word, if it is said from Carter and Lena's mouth, Zhao Xin still feels acceptable, but He just said it from Miss Wu Meng's mouth, it was very weird.

"Miss Wu Meng, you ...", looking at the "Wu Meng" in front of me, Zhao Xin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but for a while, he didn't know what to say, but only felt that his mind was for a while. A bit confusing.

"Why? I was in my heart, speechless, right?" Seeing Zhao Xin's speechless expression, Wu Yan waved his hand and said.

The words fell, ignoring Zhao Xin's meaning, turned and walked away.

"Wait, Miss Wu Meng, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that just now ...".

Feeling that the person next to him turned away and finally had a chance to say a few more words, Zhao Xin naturally did not mean to give up on this, turned around, and even braved himself to grab "Wu Meng's hand" .

However, although Zhao Xin's movement was fast, Wu Yan's movement was faster.

Seeing that he was not just harassment in language, he even dared to move his feet manually, frowning, and even more unhappy in his heart. He shot faster than Zhao Xin, and printed his palm directly on Zhao Xin's chest.

With a bang, Zhao Xin seemed to be hit by a high-speed train, yelling, his body turned into a beautiful parabola, and it flew out far, far away. Immediately, he fell into the sea with a bang. .

Naturally, a dozen beers that he had held in his hand also scattered to the ground.

For Wu Yan, he encountered Zhao Xin entanglement on the road. He didn't mind picking up a wave of him. If he could let him out and he would not dare to entangle Xiao Meng in the future, it would be better.

In addition, judging from the original work, the kid Zhao Xin and the sacred Kaiser's guardian angel are a pair of hearts. Being able to be together with an angel is also considered a life winner.

He didn't hide his body shape. Wu Yan walked around the giant gorge and walked around for a while, squinting at the time, and jumped up, came to a remote rooftop, and sat down cross-legged.

Take out some food to eat, sit alone at the top, and watch the sunset on the sea, eat something, but also very happy.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Wu Yan didn't mean to leave. After the dinner was over, Wu Yan sat cross-legged, sitting quietly on the rooftop and meditating quietly.

At night, it got deeper and deeper. The students who were active on the Great Gorge also took a rest one after another.

Until the end, Wan Yan was quiet, and Wu Yan turned into a cute man with transformation, sitting cross-legged, as if a stone sculpture, motionless.

In this way, as soon as the time passed, it was midnight. Suddenly, Wu Yan's spirit was keenly aware of peeping, and apparently someone was staring at himself secretly.

This moved Wu Yan's heart, and sure enough, was it true to borrow the gene lock to simulate Chu Xuan's thinking mode?

Is the guy in Kansas really ready to start with Xiaomeng?

"Somewhat strange ...", Karthus, known as the **** of death, was hidden in the darkness, like a fish, because Wu Yan intentionally exposed his whereabouts, so it was not difficult for Karthus to find him.

However, after hiding for a while and observing in the dark, Kansas felt something was wrong.

All night, she sat almost motionless and seemed to be practicing, but her cultivation scene was different from what she had explored.

According to the descriptions of students in the Super Theological College, when Wu Meng practiced, Moonlight would condense and fall into a beam of light and fell on her. However, now that she cultivates, she has no such vision at all. What is going on? ?

"No matter, anyway, she is alone now. If she wants to make a shot, she is the best now."

Although the careful Kansas felt something wrong, for him, it was a rare opportunity. Therefore, after just a moment of secret groaning, Kansas decided to take a shot.

Hidden in the dark, the palm of his hand was lifted, and then a black rune chain appeared, and some dark purple flames were still burning on the chain.

Very flexible, as if there is life, this chain immediately bound Wu Yan, the strange power controlled Wu Yan's actions, making him unable to move.

"Hey, it succeeded. I heard that she can transform into a snowstorm, and ordinary attacks are invalid. This magic flame chain just happened to restrain her." Suddenly, she shot unexpectedly, and naturally there was no reason for failure. Watching success tied the other side, Kansas rejoiced.

Appeared from the darkness, reached out and grabbed the past, the power of darkness mobilized with his movements.

"Did you finally figure it out?" Just, looking at the rushing Kansas, "Wu Meng" suddenly raised his mouth and said with a smile.

During talking, a layer of invisible shield appeared. With the emergence of this layer of shield, the chain of Wu Yan was tightly bound, and it instantly dispersed and had no effect.

"This is? Moganna's Dark Shield? How can you have such ability !?" Looking at the emerging Dark Shield, Karthus froze and said in surprise.

Although I know that Wu Yan stole the Shield of Darkness from Moganna, but I did not expect that this ability could be given to Wu Meng?

"Sorry, all your actions are within my expectations!" After breaking the shackles with the power of the Dark Shield, Wu Yan lifted his transformation skills.

A white smoke flashed, Wu Meng's appearance also changed to Wu Yan's own appearance.

"It's you !? You laid a trap and waited for me !?" Looking at the target of his attack, Wu Meng instantly changed into Wu Yan's appearance, and Kansas's face changed and said in surprise.

One was surprised by Wu Yan's ability, but she could be arbitrarily transformed into another person. The other was surprised by Wu Yan's ingenuity. She had already guessed what she was going to do, so she was ready in advance?

"Yes, didn't you come to the Super Theological College just for me? Do you want to start with my sister? You want to force me to use the means of traveling through time?" It became his original appearance, Wu Yan ’s Gaze fell on Karthus, and said calmly.

Although all of these are just things inferred by simulating Chu Xuan's thinking mode by himself, from the perspective of Kansas's actions, they are all within his own expectations, and what he has inferred is not wrong.

"You, how did you know?" Wu Yan's words made Karthus look at him incredibly.

It seems that his own purpose, as well as his own thinking and thinking, are within the expectation of the other party. Such a situation is alarming.

Could it be that his wisdom has reached such a terrible level?

"Wait, it can't be intelligent, one's wisdom cannot be so perverted, it must be the ability to shuttle time ...".

At the beginning, Karthus also thought that it was the wisdom of Wu Yan. He had anticipated his thoughts and thoughts in advance, but then thought about it, since his purpose is to let Wu Yan use the power of shuttle time to save people, So what? The future self should be successful, but now, is it possible that Wu Yan is coming from the future?

"Are you from the future?" After thinking about it, Kansas felt that his thoughts were more reasonable, and looked at Wu Yan in amazement.

Only the fact that Wu Yan rushed back from the future could explain everything. No wonder he had expected that he would take action with Wu Meng, so he was waiting for an ambush early?

"I'm coming from the future?", According to Karthus, Wu Yan felt a little frustrated, and immediately reacted, understanding what he thought.

Wu Yan is also funny about his ability to make up the brain. At this time, even if he denies this, he will never believe it?

call out!

Realizing that Wu Yan came from the future, Karthus was convinced of his own guess. Since then, he can be sure that Wu Yan indeed has the power of shuttle time, and Karthus is no longer with Wu Yan. The meaning of hands, the body quickly retreats, and wants to leave.

Both Divine Kesha and Moganna, both of them have worked with Wu Yan, but both have suffered under Wu Yan's hands. Although Kansas has confidence in his strength, he also Not confident enough to defeat Wu Yan.

The purpose of coming to Chaosin Seminary is not to defeat Wu Yan, but to determine whether he really has the ability to shuttle time.

Now that it can be confirmed, therefore, Kansas has no intention of staying, leaving first and then talking.

"Want to go ~ ~ Just, looking at the figure of Karthus turning away, Wu Yan's gaze flashed slightly.

At this point, he set up a game and waited for him, now he is not the opponent and decisively escaped? Would Wu Yan make him wish?

Watching the body of Kansas escaping quickly, Wu Yan's fingers lightly, in front of Kansas, the space shattered like a mirror.

"Hmm, is this method like stopping me?" Looking at the mirrored space in front of him, Karthus naturally knew this. In front of him, a space wormhole also appeared.


However, this space wormhole has just appeared, and it hasn't waited for Kansas to jump over. Suddenly, the blue energy flashed away. The space wormhole opened by Kansas was closed instantly.

Looking back, Karthus looked at Wu Yan in a condensed voice, especially when his eyes fell on Wu Yan's gloves.

Gloves inlaid with six gems, one of which is shining blue.

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