Plane Master Copy

Chapter 932: : The advent of angels and demons

Angel Yan stared at Wu Yan in surprise. Dark matter computer is a kind of ability that the owner of the **** body can almost control. It is difficult to describe in words, but it is undeniable that as long as the dark matter computer is used for analysis, whether it is a living body It's still an article, and it can almost be analyzed.

However, Angel Yan found something wrong today, because he wanted to analyze Wu Yan's situation, but he couldn't get anything and was blank.

“A lot of things are not absolute. You ca n’t analyze my information. It ’s nothing strange. I can grasp more information than you know.” The surprised expression of Angel Yan, Wu Yan ’s The look was calm.

After crossing the heavens and worlds so many times, Wu Yan has long known that no matter what plane he comes from, he is an outsider. Therefore, even a fortune teller can not count his fate at all.

Naturally, at the level of this super seminary, the so-called dark matter computer, there is no way to analyze its origin and identity.

"You have more information than me? From what channels do you have information?" Angel Yan looked at Wu Yan in surprise and asked.

The ability of the dark matter computer should not be mastered on earth, not even heard of it, right? But Wu Yan said that he had information he didn't know?

"You don't care about the information I get from you. Regarding Moganna, whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me."

Shaking his head, Wu Yan didn't mean anything to Angel Yanduo: "In addition, Dukao asked your angels to help, but I did n’t ask you for help. If you do n’t believe, you are not needed. , I can solve Moganna myself ".

"Can you? I don't know exactly where you came from, but I was afraid that you might speak well, but you really want to start, but you are not your opponent," Angel Yan said to Wu Yan with anger.

Obviously, he said that if she wanted to solve Moganna's words, she was not very convinced. After all, the angel clan had hunted Moganna for so long and found nothing.

"How? You don't think I have enough strength, do you want to test it out?" After listening to Angel Yan's polite sarcasm, Wu Yan's eyes still calmly fell on the other side, asking instead.

"I have this intention!", After listening to Wu Yan's words, he had long seen his unpleasant angel Yan's breath startled, and the white feathers behind his back spread out.

At the same time, the jade hand was lifted, and a delicate sword appeared in her hand: "Well, the space here is too small, and the show cannot be opened. You and I will go out and fight happily."

"No, it's easy to deal with you, and you don't need to go out on purpose." However, Wu Yan didn't care about Angel's words.

While talking, he hooked his fingers at Angel Yan, and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense, I still have some things to do. If you want to do it, hurry up."

"Crazy!" Seeing Wu Yan's appearance completely settled himself, it seemed that he could defeat himself at will, which made Angel Yan's face change, and she scolded her.

There was anger in my heart, and no matter whether the space was a small problem or not, the angel sword in his hand was shining brightly, and hacked directly towards Wu Yan.

Looking at the oncoming Angel's sword, Wu Yan's expression was calm, and he stretched out his fingers and pointed at Angel Yan, at the same time, he drank softly: Quiet!

The silence skill just copied from Ge Xiaolun was launched. With the low drink in Wu Yan's mouth, Angel Yan immediately felt that his power seemed to be a stagnant water, and it was difficult to mobilize anyway.

Naturally, the original bright light on the angel's sword also disappeared.

The outstretched hand erected two fingers, without the blessing of strength, Angel Yan was completely physical strength, not to be worried, the **** easily clamped the angel's sword.

Then Wu Yan's fingers exerted a slight force, and Angel Yan was completely flung out by Wu Yan.

The body slammed into the wall again severely, and then inlaid on the wall, just like it was just now.

"Abominable, what exactly is this guy sacred ...", Angel Yan cried in disbelief.

Just defeated by Wu Yan, it can be said to be caught off guard, so I was hit, but this time, I have clearly played the spirit of twelve points, prepared for everything, but I did not expect that the ending has not changed, and I Was killed by a trick.

And this time it is more difficult to accept than just now, and suddenly, it is difficult to mobilize his own power without control. For Angel Hiko, it has never been encountered before.

"Want to do something with me? You are still a bit short, go back to practice and talk about it ...", after easily killing Angel Yan with a single trick, Wu Yan had no intention to continue his shot, carrying his hands and going outside, At the same time he said quietly.

The words fell, and people had gone out.

Stepping out of the door, Wu Yan's mouth slightly raised, showing a satisfied smile, and greatly praised his performance just now.

In fact, as the left-wing guard of Holy Kaisa, Angel Yan's strength is still very strong. From the perspective of the number of crystal points, her number of crystal points has reached 18,000.

If Wu Yan wants to defeat her under normal circumstances, it is not so easy.

However, the silence copied from Ge Xiaolun is a BUG skill. Once activated, the energy of others will turn into a pool of stagnant water that is difficult to mobilize. In the face of Angel Yan, who has only physical power, Wu Yan naturally grabbed it. She was defeated in one move.

Wu Yan left, and made two moves before and after that, he was defeated in one move. For Angel Yan, a proud arrogant, such a situation is difficult to accept.

Moreover, the most important thing is the identity to deal with. The dark matter computer cannot find information related to him. Angel Yan feels that he should report it well.

Shameless, Angel Yan didn't even mean to say goodbye, his wings vibrated and he left Super Theological College directly.

After flying in the air, the space was slightly twisted, and immediately left the earth, returned to the territory of the angel tribe, and then came unimpeded all the way to the king of the gods, Kaisha.

"How? How did you go to explore the earth?".

Keisha sits quietly on her throne. I don't know how many years she has lived. She is bland, and there seems to be nothing that can arouse her interest, even if she is facing the news of her sister Moganna. She also looked careless.

"Sorry, I didn't find out the problem clearly. The news about Moganna is still just one face of the man named Wu Yan. However, I saw Wu Yan on earth. This person is very powerful, and, And it's very strange ... ".

Kneeling in front of Kesha, Angel Yan reported seriously in her mouth.

"Oh? Strong and strange? Tell me ...".

Listening to Angel Yan's words can make her call a powerful and strange target, which makes Kesha a little interested. She originally leaned on the throne and even sat up straight and asked Angel Yan.

Angel Yan didn't hide anything, he met Wu Yan on the earth, and what happened after that was reported to Kaisha in one hundred and fifty.

In particular, the dark matter computer could not detect his information at all, and the other two shots were defeated by one move.

"Oh? If that's the case, it's kind of interesting ..." After hearing about the situation of Wu Yan, Kaisha nodded slightly.

While talking, Keisha stood up and said, "You go and inform Heartburn, we should go."

"Go? Are we going?" Seeing Kesha's appearance, he was about to leave, which made Yan Leng a bit, unknown why.

"It looks like the earth is going to be very lively next, so let ’s go to the earth and see how the Super Theological Academy they founded is now Where is the rock sacred? Of course, if you can, it would be better to see my fallen sister. "The beginning looked calm and said lightly.

"Okay, I see." After listening to Kesha's words, she would take the initiative to go to the earth. Angel Yan nodded, then quickly prepared.

Because it is not certain whether the news that Moganna will appear is true, it is natural that the angels will not be outraged.

Sacred Kaisa led the guards of the left and right wings respectively, Angel Yan and Angel Hot, heading directly to the earth.

The space was slightly twisted, and immediately, the holy Kaiser sitting on the throne suspended above the earth's sky.

Highly overlooking the entire land, Angel Yan and Angel Sunburn stand on the left and right sides of Holy Kaisa.

"Let's go, let's go to the Super Theological Seminary and say ~ ~" After gently pressing the fingers on the armrest of the throne, Kesha said.

While speaking, the three angels flew directly in the direction of the Super Theological Seminary.

However, almost at the same time, in another Dashan base almost suspended in mid-air, a woman stood preaching.

In front of her stood the incalculable Demon Legion.

"Well, time is running out. Now it is time for us to start our plan to accelerate the evolution of human beings on earth and let them become the people of the fallen kingdom ..." Cried out with enthusiasm.

"Queen, for Her Majesty the Queen!", In front of Moganna, these demon legionmen shouted one by one, and it looked like the brain fan met an idol.

"Come on, here again, mom, when can you be a little queen-like, don't be so secondary ..."

Although the atmosphere on the scene was very lively, but a giant crocodile walking upright next to Moganna, she could not bear to look straight, said in a low voice.

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